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Religion and Justice, Goodness and Truth; or, Duties to God and Man; or, the qualifications of a Christian

Appears in 121 hymnals Topics: Duty to God and Man First Line: Who shall ascend thy heavn'ly Place Lyrics: 1 Who shall ascend thy heav'nly Place, Great GOD, and dwell before thy Face? The Man that minds Religion now, And humbly walks with GOD below. 2 Whose Hands are pure, whose Heart is clean; Whose Lips still speak the Thing they mean; No Slanders dwell upon his Tongue; He hates to do his Neighbour Wrong. 3 [Scarce will he trust an ill Report, Nor vents it to his Neighbour's Hurt: Sinners of State he can despise, But Saints are honour'd in his Eyes.] 4 [Firm to his Word he ever stood, And always makes his Promise good; Nor dares to change the Thing he swears, Whatever Pain or Loss he bears.] 5 [He never deals in bribing Gold, And mourns that Justice should be sold; While others gripe and grind the Poor, Sweet Charity attends his door.] 6 He loves his Enemies, and prays For those that curse him to his Face: And doth to all Men still the same That he would hope or wish from them. 7 Yet, when his holiest Works are done, His Soul depends on Grace alone; This is the Man thy Face shall see, And dwell for ever, Lord, with Thee. Scripture: Psalm 15
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Dwelling with GOD

Appears in 36 hymnals Topics: Duty to God and Man First Line: The Earth for ever is the Lord's Lyrics: 1 The Earth for ever is the Lord's, With Adam's num'rous Race; He rais'd its Arches o'er the Floods, And built it on the Seas. 2 But who among the Sons of Men May visit thine Abode? He that has Hands from Mischief clean, Whose Heart is right with GOD. 3 This is the Man may rise and take The Blessings of his Grace; This is the Lot of those that seek The GOD of Jacob's Face. 4 Now let our Souls immortal Pow'rs To meet the Lord prepare, Lift up their everlasting Doors, The King of Glory's near. 5 The King of Glory! Who can tell The Wonders of his Might? He rules the Nations; but to dwell With Saints is his Delight. Scripture: Psalm 24

Psalm 15

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 55 hymnals Topics: Duty to God and man First Line: Who shall inhabit in thy hill Lyrics: Who shall inhabit in thy hill, O God of holiness? Whom will the Lord admit to dwell So near his throne of grace? The man that walks in pious ways, And works with righteous hands; That trusts his Maker's promises, And follows his commands. He speaks the meaning of his heart, Nor slanders with his tongue; Will scarce believe an ill report, Nor do his neighbor wrong. The wealthy sinner he contemns, Loves all that fear the Lord; And though to his own hurt he swears, Still he performs his word. His hands disdain a golden bribe, And never gripe the poor: This man shall dwell with God on earth, And find his heav'n secure. Scripture: Psalm 15
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Backward with humble shame we look

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 15 hymnals Topics: Duty to God and man Lyrics: Backward with humble shame we look On our original; How is our nature dashed and broke In our first father's fall! To all that's good averse and blind, But prone to all that's ill What dreadful darkness veils our mind! How obstinate our will! [Conceived in sin, O wretched state! Before we draw our breath The first young pulse begins to beat Iniquity and death. How strong in our degen'rate blood The old corruption reigns, And, mingling with the crooked flood, Wanders through all our veins.] [Wild and unwholesome as the root Will all the branches be; How can we hope for living fruit From such a deadly tree? What mortal power from things unclean Can pure productions bring? Who can command a vital stream From an infected spring?] Yet, mighty God! thy wondrous love Can make our nature clean, While Christ and grace prevail above The tempter, death, and sin. The second Adam shall restore The ruins of the first; Hosannah to that sovereign power That new-creates our dust! Scripture: Romans 5:12

Psalm 24

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 61 hymnals Topics: Duty to God and man First Line: This spacious earth is all the Lord's Lyrics: This spacious earth is all the Lord's, And men, and worms, and beasts, and birds: He raised the building on the seas, And gave it for their dwelling-place. But there's a brighter world on high, Thy palace, Lord, above the sky: Who shall ascend that blest abode, And dwell so near his Maker God? He that abhors and fears to sin, Whose heart is pure, whose hands are clean, Him shall the Lord the Savior bless, And clothe his soul with righteousness. These are the men, the pious race, That seek the God of Jacob's face: These shall enjoy the blissful sight, And dwell in everlasting light. Rejoice, ye shining worlds on high, Behold the King of glory nigh! Who can this King of glory be? The mighty Lord, the Savior's he. Ye heav'nly gates, your leaves display, To make the Lord the Savior way: Laden with spoils from earth and hell, The Conqueror comes with God to dwell. Raised from the dead, he goes before; He opens heav'n's eternal door, To give his saints a blest abode, Near their Redeemer and their God. Scripture: Psalm 24
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In thine own ways, O God of love

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 26 hymnals Topics: Duty to God and man Lyrics: In thine own ways, O God of love, We wait the visits of thy grace, Our soul's desire is to thy name, And the remembrance of thy face. My thoughts are searching, Lord, for thee 'Mongst the black shades of lonesome night; My earnest cries salute the skies Before the dawn restore the light. Look, how rebellious men deride The tender patience of my God! But they shall see thy lifted hand, And feel the scourges of thy rod. Hark! the Eternal rends the sky, A mighty voice before him goes; A voice of music to his friends, But threat'ning thunder to his foes. Come, children, to your Father's arms, Hide in the chambers of my grace, Till the fierce storms be overblown, And my revenging fury cease. My sword shall boast its thousands slain, And drink the blood of haughty kings, While heav'nly peace around my flock Stretches its soft and shady wings. Scripture: Isaiah 26:21
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'I lift my banners,' saith the Lord

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 16 hymnals Topics: Duty to God and man Lyrics: "I lift my banner," saith the Lord, "Where Antichrist has stood; The city of my gospel foes Shall be a field of blood. "My heart has studied just revenge, And now the day appears; The day of my redeemed is come To wipe away their tears. "Quite weary is my patience grown, And bids my fury go; Swift as the lightning it shall move, And be as fatal too. "I call for helpers, but in vain; Then has my gospel none? Well, mine own arm has might enough To crush my foes alone. "Slaughter and my devouring sword Shall walk the streets around, Babel shall reel beneath my stroke, And stagger to the ground." Thy honors, O victorious King! Thine own right hand shall raise, While we thy awful vengeance sing, And our deliv'rer praise. Scripture: Isaiah 63:4-7
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We sing the glories of thy love

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 27 hymnals Topics: Duty to God and man Lyrics: We sing the glories of thy love, We sound thy dreadful name; The Christian church unites the songs Of Moses and the Lamb. Great God! how wondrous are thy works Of vengeance and of grace! Thou King of saints, Almighty Lord, How just and true thy ways! Who dares refuse to fear thy name, Or worship at thy throne? Thy judgments speak thine holiness Through all the nations known. Great Babylon that rules the earth, Drunk with the martyrs' blood, Her crimes shall speedily awake The fury of our God. The cup of wrath is ready mixed, And she must drink the dregs: Strong is the Lord, her sovereign Judge, And shall fulfil the plagues. Scripture: Revelation 15:3
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Penitential Prayers

Meter: Appears in 44 hymnals Topics: Aspirations For Grace; Aspirations For Holiness; Aspirations For the Holy Spirit; Assurance Desired; Baptism; Cares; Character Depraved from Birth; Character New Birth Essential to Good; Christians Duties of; Christians Graces of; Christians Saved by Grace; Deliverance From Sin; Faith Act of; Faith Walking by; God Love and Mercy; Gospel Freeness of ; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Abounding; Grace Justifying; Grace Redeeming; Grace Restoring; Heart Broken and Contrite; Heart Claimed of God; Heart Good, Perfect, Pure and Upright; Holiness Of Christians; Humility; Joy Prayer for; Man Sinful and Lost Condition; Mercy of God Prayer for; Pardon Sought; Parents and Children; Penitence; Prayer Confession in; Prayer For Grace and Salvation; Prayer For Pardon; Prayer Promise to; Regeneration; Repentance; Revival; Sin Confession of; Sin Conviction of; Sin Hatred of; Sin Original; Sin Salvation from; Sin Washed away; Truth; Worship Sincerity in First Line: God be merciful to me Lyrics: 1 God be merciful to me, On Thy grace I rest my plea; Plenteous in compassion Thou, Blot out my transgressions now; Wash me, make me pure within, Cleanse, O cleanse me from my sin. 2 My transgressions I confess, Grief and guilt my soul oppress; I have sinned against Thy grace And provoked Thee to Thy face; I confess Thy judgment just, Speechless, I Thy mercy trust. 3 I am evil, born in sin; Thou desirest truth within. Thou alone my Saviour art, Teach Thy wisdom to my heart; Make me pure, Thy grace bestow, Wash me whiter than the snow. 4 Broken, humbled to the dust By Thy wrath and judgment just, Let my contrite heart rejoice And in gladness hear Thy voice; From my sins O hide Thy face, Blot them out in boundless grace. Scripture: Psalm 51 Used With Tune: AJALON
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Prayer for Pardon and Cleansing

Meter: Appears in 22 hymnals Topics: Aspirations For Grace; Aspirations For Holiness; Assurance Desired; Baptism; Character Depraved from Birth; Character New Birth Essential to Good; Christ Confessing; Christians Duties of; Christians Evangelists; Christians Graces of; Christians Saved by Grace; Deliverance From Sin; Faith Walking by; God Love and Mercy; Gospel Freeness of ; Gospel Preaching of; Gospel Prevalence and Power of; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Quickening; Grace Restoring; Grace Sovereign ; Heart Broken and Contrite; Heart Claimed of God; Holiness Of Christians; The Holy Spirit; Humility; Joy Prayer for; Man Sinful and Lost Condition; Pardon Sought; Parents and Children; Penitence; Prayer Confession in; Prayer For Grace and Salvation; Prayer For Pardon; Regeneration; Repentance; Revival; Sin Confession of; Sin Conviction of; Sin Hatred of; Sin Original; Sin Salvation from; Sin Washed away; Truth; Worship Sincerity in First Line: O God, according to Thy grace Lyrics: 1 O God, according to Thy grace Be merciful to me, In Thy abounding love blot out All my iniquity; O wash me wholly from my guilt And make me clean within, For my transgressions I confess, I ever see my sin. 2 Against Thee only have I sinned, Done evil in Thy sight; Lord, in Thy judgment Thou art just, And in thy sentence right. Behold, in evil I was formed, And I was born in sin, But Thou wilt make me wise in heart, Thou seekest truth within. 3 From all pollution make me clean, Yea, whiter than the snow; O let my broken heart rejoice And gladness make me know; Blot out all my iniquities, And hide my sins from view; Create in me a spirit right, O God, my heart renew. 4 From out Thy presence cast me not, Thy face no more to see; Thy Holy Spirit and His grace Take not away from me. Restore me Thy salvation's joy, My willing heart uphold; Then sinners shall be turned to Thee When I Thy ways unfold. Scripture: Psalm 51 Used With Tune: VOX DILECTI


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