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Afflicted Saints happy, and prosperous Sinners cursed

Appears in 25 hymnals Topics: Prosperity dangerous; Prosperity dangerous First Line: Now I'm convinc'd, the Lord is kind Lyrics: 1 Now I’m convinc'd, the Lord is kind To men of heart sincere, Yet once my foolish thoughts repin'd, And border'd on despair. 2 I griev'd to see the wicked thrive, And spoke with angry breath, “How pleasant and profane they live! "How peaceful is their death! 3 "With well fed flesh and haughty eyes "They lay their fears to sleep; "Against the heavens their slanders rise, "While saints in silence weep. 4 "In vain I lift my hands to pray, "And cleanse my heart in vain; "For I am chastened all the day, "The night renews my pain." 5 Yet while my tongue indulg'd complaints, I felt my heart reprove; "Sure I shall thus offend thy saints, "And grieve the men I love." 6 But still I found my doubts too hard, The conflict too severe; 'Till I retir'd to search thy word, And learn thy secrets there. 7 There, as in some prophetic glass, I saw the sinner’s feet High mounted on a slippery place, Beside a fiery pit. 8 I heard the wretch profanely boast, 'Till at thy frown he fell; His honours in a dream were lost, And he awakes in hell. 9 Lord what an envious fool I was! How like a thoughtless beast! Thus to suspect thy promis'd grace, And think the wicked blest. 10 Yet I was kept from full despair, Upheld by power unknown: That blessed hand that broke the snare, Shall guide me to thy throne. Scripture: Psalm 73
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The Prosperity of Sinners cursed

Appears in 126 hymnals Topics: Prosperity dangerous; Prosperity dangerous First Line: Lord, what a thoughtless wretch was I Lyrics: 1 Lord, what a thoughtless wretch was I, To mourn, and murmur, and repine To see the wicked plac'd on high, In pride and robes of honour shine! 2 But, oh their end, their dreadful end! Thy sanctuary taught me so: On slippery rocks I see them stand, And fiery billows roll below. 3 Now let them boast how tall they rise, I'll never envy them again, There they may stand with haughty eyes, Till they plunge deep in endless pain. 4 Their fancy'd joys how fast they flee! Like dreams, as fleeting and as vain; Their songs of softest harmony, Are but a preface to their pain. 5 Now I esteem their mirth and wine, Too dear to purchase with my blood; Lord, 'tis enough that thou art mine, My life, my portion, and my God. Scripture: Psalm 73:22
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God our Portion here and hereafter

Appears in 223 hymnals Topics: Prosperity dangerous; Prosperity dangerous First Line: God, my supporter and my hope Lyrics: 1 God, my supporter and my hope, My help forever near, Thine arm of mercy held me up When sinking in despair. 2 Thy counsels, Lord, shall guide my feet Through life's bewildered race; Thine hand conduct me near thy seat, To dwell before thy face. 3 Were I in heaven without my God, 'Twould be no joy to me; And whilst this earth is my abode, I long for none but thee. 4 What if the springs of life were broke, And flesh and heart should faint, God is my soul's eternal rock, The strength of every saint. 5 Behold the sinners that remove Far from thy presence die; Not all the idol gods they love Can save them when they cry. 6 But to draw near to thee, my God, Shall be my sweet employ; My tongue shall sound thy works abroad, And tell the world my joy. Scripture: Psalm 73:23-28
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Support for the afflicted and tempted Soul

Appears in 52 hymnals Topics: Prosperity dangerous; Prosperity dangerous First Line: O God, my refuge, hear my cries Lyrics: 1 O God, my refuge, hear my cries, Behold my flowing tears, For earth and hell my hurt devise, And triumph in my fears. 2 Their rage is level'd at my life, My soul with guilt they load, And fill my thoughts with inward strife, To shake my hope in God. 3 With inward pains my heart-strings wound, I groan with every breath; Horror and fear beset me round Amongst the shades of death. 4 Oh were I like a feather'd dove, And innocence had wings, I'd fly, and make a long remove From all these restless things. 5 Let me to some wild desert go, And find a peaceful home, Where storms of malice never blow, Temptations never come. 7 Vain hopes, and vain inventions all To 'scape the rage of hell! The mighty God, on whom I call, Can save me here as well. Pause. 7 By morning light I'll seek his face, At noon repeat my cry, The night shall hear me ask his grace, Nor will he long deny. 8 God shall preserve my soul from fear, Or shield me when afraid; Ten thousand angels must appear If he command their aid. 9 I cast my burdens on the Lord, The Lord sustains them all; My courage rests upon his word, That saints shall never fall. 10 My highest hopes shall not be vain, My lips shall spread his praise; While cruel and deceitful men, Scarce live out half their days. Scripture: Psalm 55:22
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Let sinners take their course

Appears in 163 hymnals Topics: Prosperity dangerous; Prosperity dangerous Lyrics: 1 Let sinners take their course, And chuse the road to death; But in the worship of my God I'll spend my daily breath. 2 My thoughts address his throne, When morning brings the light; I'll seek his blessing every noon, And pay my vows at night. 3 Thou wilt regard my cries, O my eternal God, While sinners perish in surprise Beneath thine angry rod. 4 Because they dwell at ease, And no sad changes feel, They neither fear nor trust thy name, Nor learn to do thy will. 5 But I with all my cares Will lean upon the Lord; I'll cast my burdens on his arm, And rest upon his word. 6 His arm shall well sustain The children of his love; The ground on which their safety stands, No earthly power can move. Scripture: Psalm 55:22
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The Mystery of Providence unfolded

Appears in 68 hymnals Topics: Prosperity dangerous; Prosperity dangerous First Line: Sure there's a righteous God Lyrics: 1 Sure there's a righteous God, Nor is religion vain; Though men of vice may boast aloud, And men of grace complain. 2 I saw the wicked rise, And felt my heart repine, While haughty fools with scornful eyes In robes of honour shine. 3 [Pamper'd with wanton ease, Their flesh looks full and fair, Their wealth rolls in like flowing seas, And grows without their care. 4 Free from the plagues and pains That pious souls endure, Through all their life oppression reigns, And racks the humble poor. 5 Their impious tongues blaspheme The everlasting God; Their malice blasts the good man's name, And spreads their lies abroad. 6 But I with flowing tears Indulg'd my doubts to rise; "Is there a God that sees or hears "The things below the skies? 7 The tumults of my thought Held me in hard suspense, Till to thy house my feet were brought To learn thy justice thence. 8 Thy word with light and power Did my mistake amend: I view'd the sinners' life before, But here I learnt their end. 9 On what a slippery steep The thoughtless wretches go; And oh that dreadful fiery deep That waits their fall below! 10 Lord, at thy feet I bow, My thoughts no more repine: I call my God my portion now, And all my powers are thine. Scripture: Psalm 73
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Broad is the road that leads to death

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 458 hymnals Topics: Prosperity dangerous Lyrics: Broad is the road that leads to death, And thousands walk together there; But wisdom shows a narrower path, With here and there a traveller. "Deny thyself, and take thy cross," Is the Redeemer's great command; Nature must count her gold but dross, If she would gain this heav'nly land. The fearful soul that tires and faints, And walks the ways of God no more, Is but esteemed almost a saint, And makes his own destruction sure. Lord, let not all my hopes be vain Create my heart entirely new; Which hypocrites could ne'er attain, Which false apostates never knew. Scripture: Psalm 73:23-28
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Now Satan comes with dreadful roar

Author: Isaac Watts; Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 15 hymnals Topics: Prosperity dangerous Lyrics: Now Satan comes with dreadful roar And threatens to destroy; He worries whom he can't devour With a malicious joy. Ye sons of God, oppose his rage, Resist, and he'll begone; Thus did our dearest Lord engage And vanquish him alone. Now he appears almost divine, Like innocence and love; But the old serpent lurks within When he assumes the dove. Fly from the false deceiver's tongue, Ye sons of Adam, fly; Our parents found the snare too strong, Nor should the children try. Scripture: Psalm 73
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Great King of glory and of grace

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 45 hymnals Topics: Prosperity dangerous Lyrics: [Great King of glory and of grace, We own, with humble shame, How vile is our degen'rate race, And our first father's name.] From Adam flows our tainted blood, The poison reigns within; Makes us averse to all that's good, And willing slaves to sin. [Daily we break thy holy laws, And then reject thy grace; Engaged in the old serpent's cause, Against our Maker's face.l We live estranged afar from God, And love the distance well; With haste we run the dangerous road That leads to death and hell. And can such rebels be restored? Such natures made divine? Let sinners see thy glory, Lord, And feel this power of thine. We raise our Fathers name on high Who his own Spirit sends To bring rebellious strangers nigh, And turn his foes to friends. Scripture: Psalm 73:17-20
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Let the wild leopards of the wood

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 27 hymnals Topics: Prosperity dangerous Lyrics: Let the wild leopards of the wood Put off the spots that nature gives, Then may the wicked turn to God, And change their tempers and their lives. As well might Ethiopian slaves Wash out the darkness of their skin, The deed as well might leave their graves, As old transgressors cease to sin. Where vice has held its empire long, 'Twill not endure the least control; None but a power divinely strong Can turn the current of the soul. Great God! I own thy power divine That works to change this heart of mine; I would be formed anew, and bless The wonders of creating grace. Scripture: Psalm 73


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