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Tune Identifier:"^the_works_and_ways_of_god_hall$"

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I Know

Author: Salathial C. Kirk Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: The works and ways of God on high Refrain First Line: I cannot tell you why, nor how Lyrics: 1 The works and ways of God on high I cannot solve—I do not try; But, tho’ I cannot these unfold, One thing I know—to this I’ll hold Tho’ all the world besides deny— A sinner saved by grace am I. Refrain: I cannot tell you why, nor how, For O I do not understand; I only say, "I know! I know!" On this unshaken ground I stand. 2 I know that my Redeemer lives; I know, I know that He forgives; I know that I who once was dead Am now alive in Christ, my head! Let all the world besides deny "I know I live!" shall be my cry. [Refrain] 3 How, at His word, the darkness flies, And beams of sunlight flood my eyes, I do not know; enough for me That I who once was blind now see! Let all the world besides deny "I know I see!" shall be my cry. [Refrain] 4 Beyond this mortal vale there stands A house for me not made with hands; E’en now I see beyond the dome, And occupy my heav’nly home. Let all the world besides deny I know I have a home on high. [Refrain] Used With Tune: BODØ

Now Rests Her Soul In Jesu's Arms

Author: Johann L. K. Allendorf; Catherine Winkworth Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals First Line: Now rests her soul in Jesu’s arms Lyrics: 1 Now rests her soul in Jesu’s arms, Her body in the grave sleeps well, His heart her death-chilled heart re-warms, And rest more deep than tongue can tell, Her few brief hours of conflict passed, She finds with Christ, her friend, at last; She bathes in tranquil seas of peace, God wipes away her tears, she feels New life that all her languor heals, The glory of the Lamb she sees. 2 She hath escaped all danger now, Her pain and sighing all are fled; The crown of joy is on her brow, Eternal glories o’er her shed, In golden robes, a queen, a bride, She standeth at her Sovereign’s side, She sees His face unveiled and bright; With joy and love He greets her soul, She feels herself made inly whole, A lesser light amid His light. 3 The child hath now its Father seen, And feels what kindling love may be, And knoweth what those words may mean Himself, the Father, loveth thee. A shoreless ocean, an abyss Unfathomed, filled with good and bliss, Now breaks on her enraptured sight; She sees God’s face, she learneth there What this shall be, to be His heir, Joint-heir with Christ her Lord, in light. 4 The body rests, its labors over, And sleeps till Christ shall bid it wake; The dust that earth and darkness cover, Then as a sun its tomb shall break. Ah, with what joy it rises then To meet the perfect soul again! Redeemed from death, no more to sever, At that great marriage feast shall they With all the saints their homage pay, And worship there the Lamb for ever. 5 We who yet wander through the waste, In faith long after Thee on high; While here the bread of tears we taste, We think upon that home of joy, Where we (who knows how soon?) shall meet With all the saints at Jesu’s feet, And dwell with Him for ever there. We shall see God; how deep the bliss We know not yet that lies in this; Lord Jesus, come, our hearts prepare! Used With Tune: BODØ Text Sources: Lyra Germanica (London and New York: George Newnes and Charles Scribner's Sons, 1855)

Salvator Mundi

Author: Ray Palmer Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Oh! long and darksome was the night Lyrics: 1 Oh! long and darksome was the night, As slow, dull watches wore away, With moon and stars alone to light A world bewildered and astray; While oft thick shade and murky cloud Pale moon and stars did deep enshroud; And nations looked, and hoped in vain That over earth, of guilt and sorrow, Of sin and hate, the sad domain, Might dawn a bright and cheerful morrow. 2 ’Twas not, Eternal Love, that Thou Hadst lost Thy care for mortal men; No, Thou didst yearn of old, as now, To fold them to Thy heart again; Thou didst but wait till men might know That sin’s ripe fruits were death and woe; Till, worn and sick of fruitless grief, Of lust’s foul cup to loathing taken, With longing they might crave relief Ere yet of God and hope forsaken. 3 The yearning heard with trusting heart, E’en then, Thy words of hope and cheer; They saw by faith the night depart, And morning break serene and clear. On holy prophets shone afar The gleam of Jacob’s promised Star; The rising of the Lord of day, That, o’er the world His radiance throwing, Should chase the spectral night away, And mount to noon resplendent showing. 4 When Thou, O Christ! of flesh wast born, To greet Thee in Thy humble bed, Though earth Thy lowliness should scorn, Celestial bands with rapture sped; At midnight on the silent air Thy birth their floating strains declare: The shepherds caught the thrilling lay, In harmonies their senses steeping; They to Thy manger haste away, And gaze on Thee, an infant sleeping! 5 While Thou didst dwell with men below, ’Twas morning twilight’s early blush; Thy light yet veiled, ’twas Thine to know Sweet childhood’s dream, youth’s joyous flush; Then manhood’s burdens, care, and fears, Its toils and weariness and tears; Tears shed for human grief and woes Mark Thee, of all, the Man of Sorrows: And through Thy life the grandeur grows That manhood from the Godhead borrows! 6 When, all forsaken of Thine own, Robed in mock purple Thou didst stand; Thou wast a king—without a throne, A sovereign Lord—without command; ’Neath purple robe and thorns concealed, Divinity its light revealed; Upon the Roman’s heart it fell, Its sharp keen flash, his conscience waking, And wrought in him some mighty spell, The pride of his strong spirit breaking. 7 When came at last Thy darkest hour, On which the sun refused to look, Though hell seemed armed with conqu’ring pow’r, And earth, as seized with terror, shook; Though from Thy lips the dying cry, By anguish wrung, went up on high; Still, ’mid the darkness and the fear, O Son of God! Thy life resigning, Thou didst to those that saw appear The Light of men—eclipsed, yet shining! 8 The cold, dark tomb of chiseled rock Thy glory could not all repress: A moment hid, with earthquake shock Abroad it streamed again to bless; First angels caught the vision bright, Then broke its beams on mortal sight; The Conqueror of Death and Hell, Thou stoodst, Thy friends each word attending, Till on their wistful eyes there fell Splendors divine from Thee ascending! 9 For ever on the unveiled throne, O Lamb divine! enrobed in light; Thou life and love, and joy unknown, Dost shed while ages wing their flight; The cherubim before Thee bow, The fullness of the Godhead Thou! Thy uncreated beauty greets The longing eyes that, upward gazing, Feast on Thy smile, which ever meets Thy saints that wait before Thee praising. 10 Head over all! ’tis Thine to reign; The groaning earth with joy shall see What ages sought, but sought in vain, The balm for all its woes in Thee; Eyes fixed on Thee shall dry their tears, Hearts stayed on Thee shall lose their fears; Fair innocence and love shall breathe Their fragrant breath o’er vale and mountain, And faith pure altars shall enwreathe, And nations bathe in Calvary’s fountain. 11 Crowned Lord of lords, Thy pow’r shall bring Thy saints Thy glory to partake; Thyself enthroned eternal King, Of them Thy love shall princes make; And priests, that in the Holy Place Shall serve, adorned and full of grace; The Church, Thy queenly bride, shall stand, In vesture like Thy brightness shining, Content to clasp Thy royal hand, All other love for Thine resigning. 12 O Love beyond all mortal thought! Unquenchable by flood or sea! Love that, through death, to man hath brought The life of immortality! Thou dost enkindle Heav’n’s own fire In hearts all dead to high desire. Let love for love our souls inflame, The perfect love that faileth never; And sweet hosannas to Thy name Through Heav’n’s vast dome go up for ever! Used With Tune: BODØ 2 Text Sources: Christ in Song by Philip Schaff (New York: Anson D. Randolph, 1869)

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