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Praise to God for the return of Peace

Appears in 23 hymnals Topics: Governance from God; Governance from God First Line: To thee, most high and holy God Lyrics: 1 To thee, most high and holy God, To thee our thankful hearts we raise; Thy works declare thy name abroad, Thy wondrous works demand our praise. 2 To slavery doom'd, thy chosen sons Behold their foes triumphant rise: And sore opprest by earthly thrones, They sought the sovereign of the skies. 3 'Twas then, great God, with equal power, Arose thy vengeance and thy grace, To scourge their legions from the shore, And save the remnant of thy race. 4 Thy hand that form'd the restless main, And rear'd the mountain's awful head, Bade raging seas their course restrain, And desert wilds receive their dead. 5 Such wonders never come by chance, Nor van the winds such blessings blow; 'Tis God the Judge doth one advance, 'Tis God that lays another low. 6 Let haughty tyrants sink their pride, Nor lift so high their scornful head; But lay their impious thoughts aside, And own the empire God hath made. Scripture: Psalm 75
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Governing Power and Goodness; or, Our Grace tried by Afflictions

Appears in 50 hymnals Topics: God governing power and goodness; God governing power and goodness First Line: Sing, all the nations to the Lord Lyrics: 1 Sing, all ye nations to the Lord, Sing with a joyful noise; With melody of sound record His honours and your joys. 2 Say to the Power that form'd the sky, "How terrible art thou! "Sinners before thy presence fly, "Or at thy feet they bow." 3 [Come see the wonders of our God, How glorious are his ways? In Moses hand he puts his rod, And clave the frighted seas. 4 He made the ebbing channel dry, While Israel pass'd the flood; There did the church begin their joy, And triumph in their God.] 5 He rules by his resistless might: Will rebel mortals dare Provoke th’ Eternal to the fight, And tempt that dreadful war. 6 Oh bless our God, and never cease; Ye saints, fulfil his praise; He keeps our life, maintains our peace, And guides our doubtful ways. 7 Lord, thou hast prov'd our suffering souls, To make our graces shine; So silver bears the burning coals, The metal to refine. 8 Through watery deeps and fiery ways We march at thy command, Led to possess the promis'd place By thine unerring hand. Scripture: Psalm 66
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Let There be Light

Author: William M. Vories Meter: Appears in 77 hymnals Topics: Government First Line: Let there be light, O God of hosts! Lyrics: 1 Let there be light, O God of hosts! Let there be wisdom on the earth! Let broad humanity have birth! Let there be deeds instead of boasts. 2 Within our passioned hearts instill the calm that endeth strain and strife. Make us your ministers of life. Drive out the urge to curse and kill. 3 Give us the peace of vision clear to see each other’s good, our own, to joy and suffer not alone: the love that casts aside all fear. 4 Let woe and waste of warfare cease, that useful labor yet may build its homes with love and laughter filled! God, give your wayward children peace! Scripture: Psalm 43:3 Used With Tune: MISSIONARY CHANT Text Sources: Advocate of Peace, 1909, alt.
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Stäm in i änglars kor

Author: John Dowling Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Topics: Christ's Kingdom and Government Lyrics: 1 Stäm in i änglars kor, Och sjung hans kärlek stor, Hans ära sjung! Han, som regerar där, Änglars beundran är, Och nåd han till oss bär, Vår Gud och King. 2 En smälek grym han bar, Den kalken bitter var, För oss han tog. Guds änglar sågo ned Med häpnad,hur han led. Min själ, fall ned och bed, För dig han dog! 3 Hans nåd är rik och varm, Vår sång är svag och arm I stoftet här. Men ack, i ljus en gång I evigheten lång Vi sjunga bättre sång Åt Sonen kär. 4 Dock, om än svagt, ändå Hans pris vi sjunga må På barnavis. Hans makten, äran är, Hand kungaspiran bär. I helgon, sjungen där Och här hans pris! Used With Tune: AMERICA
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Lofva Gud, min själ, min tunga!

Author: L. L. Meter: D Appears in 2 hymnals Topics: Christ's Kingdom and Government First Line: Lofva Gud, min själ, min tunga Lyrics: 1 Lofva Gud, min själ, min tunga, Allt hvad i mitt hjärta är, Upp att Jesu seger sjunga, Som för oss han vunnit här: Fienden är nederslagen Och i härligt segerlopp Jesus, från de sina tagen, Far til Fadern åter opp! 2 Nu vår frälsnings höfding vorden, I sin hand han har all makt, Och i himlen och på jorden Allt är Sonen underlgdt: Till sin tron han återvänder, Genom korset härliggjord, Med de genomstungna händer Än välsignande sin hjord. 3 Under dödens bittra smärta Han mot världen str¨ckt sin hamn Och likt Aron på sitt hjärta Bär de återlöstas namn. Hos sin Fader idet höga För de sina beder han, Och för Faderns helga öga Står han som vår löftesman. 4 Upp, min själ, att eftertrakta Endast det i himlen är, Jordens lust för intet akta: Ej din ro du finner här! Din um g¨ngelse skall vara, Där din Gud, din konung bor, Tills han med sinhelgenskara Kommer åter som han for! Used With Tune: HARWELL
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Power and Government from GOD alone.

Appears in 20 hymnals Topics: Government from God First Line: To Thee, most Holy, and most High Lyrics: 1 To Thee, most Holy, and most High, To Thee we bring our thankful Praise; Thy Works declare thy Name is nigh, Thy Works of Wonder and of grace. 2 Britain was doom'd to be a Slave, Her Frame dissolv'd, her Fears were great; When GOD a new Supporter gave, To bear the Pillars of the state. 3 He from thy Hand receiv'd his Crown, And swore to rule by wholesome Laws; His Foot shall tread th' Oppressor down, His Arm defend the righteous Cause. 4 Let haughty Sinners sink their Pride, Nor lift so high their scornful Head; But lay their foolish Thoughts aside, And own the King that GOD hath made. 5 Such Honours never come by Chance, Nor do the Winds Promotion blow; 'Tis GOD the Judge doth one advance, 'Tis GOD that lays another low. 6 No vain Pretence to Royal Birth Shall fix a Tyrant on the throne: GOD, the great Sov'reign of the Earth, Will rise, and make his Justice known. 7 [His Hand holds out the dreadful Cup Of Vengeance, mix'd with various Plagues, To make the Wicked drink 'em up, Wring out, and taste the bitter dregs. 8 Now shall the Lord exalt the Just; And while he tramples on the Proud, And lays their Glory in the Dust, My Lips shall sing his Praise aloud.] Scripture: Psalm 75

Your Love Will Be My Song

Author: Martin E. Leckebusch Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Government Scripture: Psalm 101 Used With Tune: LAUDES DOMINI
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Praise to God for hearing Prayer

Appears in 74 hymnals Topics: God governing power and goodness; God governing power and goodness First Line: Now shall my solmen vows be paid Lyrics: 1 Now shall my solemn vows be paid To that Almighty power That heard the long requests I made In my distressful hour. 2 My lips and cheerful heart prepare To make his mercies known: Come ye that fear my God, and hear The wonders he has done. 3 When on my head huge sorrows fell, I sought the heavenly aid; He sav'd my sinking soul from hell, And death's eternal shade. 4 If sin lay cover'd in my heart, While prayer employ'd my tongue; The Lord had shewn me no regard, Nor I his praises sung. 5 But God (his name be ever blest) Has set my spirit free; Nor turn'd from him my poor request, Nor turn'd his heart from me. Scripture: Psalm 66:13-20
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Not from relentless fate's dark womb

Appears in 22 hymnals Topics: Government and providence of God Scripture: Job 5:6 Text Sources: Bristol Collec.
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The Lord, the sovereign King

Author: Watts Appears in 78 hymnals Topics: Government and providence of God Scripture: Psalm 103:19


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