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Hymnal, Number:bhppd866

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The Angel in the Prison

Author: J. G. Adams Hymnal: BHPPD866 #579 (1866) Person Name: J. G. Adams First Line: God's angels! not only on high do they sing Lyrics: God’s angels! not only on high do they sing, And soar through our skies with invisible wing; But here, on the earth, where in wretchedness lie Its sin-stricken children to struggle and die. They come, in their mercy and power, to dispel The spectres of gloom from the prisoner’s cell; In love’s name to say to the stricken one there, That God still hath ear, and an answer to prayer. And strong grows the heart of the outcast—and soon In that dim prison come the pure light-gleams of noon; The resolve and the faith of the sinner forgiven, Send him back to the world with a heart seeking heaven. God’s angels! Love speed them o’er earth’s wide domain! New aids to impart, and new triumphs to gain; Till the wrathful and wrong from our world shall retire, And humanity’s groans in her praises expire. For the promise of truth—though the doubting deny— Is, that love shall prevail in the earth as on high; Its life-waters healing, wherever they flow, With the angels above, or the angels below. Languages: English

Peace be with You

Author: Sarah F. Adams Hymnal: BHPPD866 #60 (1866) Person Name: Sarah F. Adams First Line: Part in peace! is day before us? Lyrics: Part in peace! is day before us? Praise His name for life and light; Are the shadows lengthening o’er us? Bless His care who guards the night. Part in peace! with deep thanksgiving, Rendering, as we homeward tread, Gracious service to the living, Tranquil memory to the dead. Part in peace! such are the praises God, our Maker, loveth best; Such the worship that upraises Human hearts to heavenly rest. Languages: English

Nearer to Thee

Author: Sarah F. Adams Hymnal: BHPPD866 #239 (1866) Meter: Irregular Person Name: Sarah F. Adams First Line: Nearer, my God, to Thee Lyrics: Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! E’en though it be a cross That raiseth me; Still all my song shall be,— Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! Though, like the wanderer, The sun gone down, Darkness be over me, My rest a stone; Yet in my dreams I’d be Nearer, my God, to Thee,— Nearer to Thee! There let the way appear, Steps unto heaven; All that Thou sendest me, In mercy given; Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to Thee,— Nearer to Thee! Then with my waking thoughts, Bright with Thy praise, Out of my stony griefs, Bethel I’ll raise; So by my woes to be Nearer, my God, to Thee,— Nearer to Thee! Or if on joyful wing, Cleaving the sky, Sun, moon, and stars forgot, Upward I fly; Still all my song shall be,— Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! Languages: English

Thy Will Be Done!

Author: Sarah F. Adams Hymnal: BHPPD866 #264 (1866) Meter: Person Name: Sarah F. Adams First Line: He sendeth sun, He sendeth shower Lyrics: He sendeth sun, He sendeth shower; Alike they’re needful for the flower; And joys and tears alike are sent To give the soul fit nourishment: As comes to me or cloud or sun, Father, Thy will, not mine, be done! Can loving children e’er reprove With murmurs whom they trust and love? Creator! I would ever be A trusting, loving child to Thee As comes to me or cloud or sun, Father, Thy will, not mine, be done! O, ne’er will I at life repine! Enough that Thou hast made it mine. When falls the shadow cold of death, I yet will sing, with parting breath,— As comes to me or shade or sun, Father, Thy will, not mine, be done! Languages: English

The Strength of Hope

Author: Sarah F. Adams Hymnal: BHPPD866 #274 (1866) Meter: Person Name: Sarah F. Adams First Line: The world may change from old to new Lyrics: The world may change from old to new, From new to old again; Yet hope and heaven, forever true, Within man’s heart remain. The dreams that bless the weary soul, The struggles of the strong, Are steps towards some happy goal, The story of hope’s song. Hope leads the child to plant the flower, The man to sow the seed; Nor leaves fulfilment to her hour,— But prompts again to deed. And ere upon the old man’s dust The grass is seen to wave, We look through falling tears, to trust Hope’s sunshine on the grave. O, no! it is no flattering lure, No fancy weak or fond, When hope would bid us rest secure In better life beyond. Nor love, nor shame, nor grief, nor sin, Her promise may gainsay; The voice divine hath spoke within, And God did ne’er betray. Languages: English

Dews and Tears

Author: Sarah F. Adams Hymnal: BHPPD866 #335 (1866) Person Name: Sarah F. Adams First Line: Gently fall the dews of eve Lyrics: Gently fall the dews of eve, Raising still the languid flowers; Sweetly flow the tears that grieve O’er a mourner’s stricken hours. Blessed dews and tears that yet Lift us nearer unto heaven! Let us still His praise repeat, Who in mercy all hath given. Languages: English

The Angel at the Tomb

Author: Sarah F. Adams Hymnal: BHPPD866 #347 (1866) Meter: Person Name: Sarah F. Adams First Line: The mourners came, at break of day Lyrics: The mourners came, at break of day, Unto the garden sepulchre, With saddened hearts to weep and pray For him, the loved one, buried there. What radiant light dispels the gloom? An angel sits beside the tomb. The earth doth mourn her treasures lost, All sepulchred beneath the snow, When wintry winds and chilling frost Have laid her summer glories low; The spring returns, the flow’rets bloom,— An angel sits beside the tomb. Then mourn we not beloved dead, E’en while we come to weep and pray; The happy spirit hath but fled To brighter realms of heavenly day; Immortal hope dispels the gloom;— An angel sits beside the tomb. Languages: English

In Time of War

Author: Aikin Hymnal: BHPPD866 #580 (1866) Meter: Person Name: Aikin First Line: While sounds of war are heard around Lyrics: While sounds of war are heard around, And death and ruin strew the ground, To Thee we look, on Thee we call, The Parent and the Lord of all. Thou, who hast stamped on human kind The image of a heaven-born mind, And in a Father’s wide embrace Hast cherished all the kindred race; Great God! whose powerful hand can bind The raging waves, the furious wind, O bid the human tempest cease, And hush the maddening world to peace. With reverence may each hostile land Hear and obey that high command, Thy Son’s blest errand from above— “My children, live in mutual love!” Languages: English

God Our Refuge

Author: Alford Hymnal: BHPPD866 #255 (1866) Meter: Person Name: Alford First Line: God is our refuge and our strength Lyrics: God is our refuge and our strength, When trouble’s hour is near; A very present help is He; Therefore we will not fear. Although the pillars of the earth Shall clean removed be, The very mountains carried forth, And cast into the sea; Although the waters rage and swell, So that the earth shall shake; Yea, and the solid mountain roots Shall with the tempest quake; There is a river that makes glad The city of our God; The tabernacle’s holy place Of the Most High’s abode. The Lord is in the midst of her, Removed she shall not be; Because the Lord our God himself Shall help her speedily. The Lord our strength and refuge is, When trouble’s hour is near; A very present help is He; Therefore we will not fear. Languages: English

Sincere Worship

Author: Alford Hymnal: BHPPD866 #482 (1866) Meter: Person Name: Alford First Line: O Thou, who hast Thy servants taught Lyrics: O Thou, who hast Thy servants taught That not by words alone, But by the fruits of holiness, The life of God is shown; While in Thy house of prayer we meet, And call Thee God and Lord, Give us a heart to follow Thee, Obedient to Thy word! When we our voices lift in praise, Give Thou us grace to bring An offering of unfeigned thanks, And with the spirit sing. And in the dangerous path of life Uphold us as we go; That with our lips and in our lives Thy glory we may show. Languages: English

The Seed of the Word

Author: Alford Hymnal: BHPPD866 #486 (1866) Meter: Person Name: Alford First Line: O Thou, at whose divine command Lyrics: O Thou, at whose divine command Good seed is sown in every land, Thy holy spirit now impart, And for Thy word prepare each heart! Not ’mid the thorns of worldly thought, Nor soon by passing plunderers caught, Nor lacking depth the root to feed, May we receive Thy spirit’s seed; But may it, where Thy sowers toil, Fall in a good and honest soil; And springing up from firmest root, Through patience, bear abundant fruit. Languages: English

Morning Hymn

Author: St. Ambrose Hymnal: BHPPD866 #365 (1866) Meter: Person Name: St. Ambrose First Line: Now that the sun is beaming bright Lyrics: Now that the sun is beaming bright, Implore we, bending low, That He, the uncreated Light, May guide us as we go. No sinful word, nor deed of wrong, Nor thoughts that idly rove, But simple truth be on our tongue, And in our hearts be love. And while the hours in order flow, Securely keep, O God, Our hearts, beleaguered by the foe That tempts our every road. And grant that to Thine honor, Lord, Our daily toil may tend; That we begin it at Thy word, And in Thy favor end. Languages: English

The House of God

Author: Anonymous Hymnal: BHPPD866 #4 (1866) Meter: Person Name: Anonymous First Line: Be still! be still! for all around Lyrics: Be still! be still! for all around, On either hand, is holy ground: Here in His house, the Lord to-day Will listen, while His people pray. Thou, tost upon the waves of care, Ready to sink with deep despair, Here ask relief, with heart sincere, And thou shalt find that God is here. Thou who hast laid within the grave Those whom thou hadst no power to save, Believe their spirits now are near, For angels wait while God is here. Thou who hast dear ones far away, In foreign lands, ’mid ocean’s spray, Pray for them now, and dry the tear, And trust the God who listens here. Thou who art mourning o’er thy sin, Deploring guilt that reigns within, The God of peace is ever near; The troubled spirit meets Him here. Languages: English

The Place of Prayer

Author: Anonymous Hymnal: BHPPD866 #12 (1866) Meter: Person Name: Anonymous First Line: Here, in this place of prayer Lyrics: Here, in this place of prayer, Father! Thy face we seek: Grant us that blessed peace to share, Known to the pure and meek. Come then to holy prayer, Souls that seem lost in night; Leave to the Lord your heavy care, Who giveth life and light. Come with a trusting prayer, Though fears press down your souls; The Saviour’s promise, “I am there,” Each saddening fear controls. Here, in this place of prayer, Let hearts in union meet: Come, cast the load you cannot bear Low at the Saviour’s feet. Then from this house of prayer Shall mingling praise be given, And angels, ’mid the holy air, Shall bear the notes to heaven. Languages: English

The Lord is in His Holy Temple

Author: Anonymous Hymnal: BHPPD866 #13 (1866) Meter: Person Name: Anonymous First Line: Lo! God is here; let us adore Lyrics: Lo! God is here; let us adore, And humbly bow before His face; Let all within us feel His power, Let all within us seek His peace. Lo! God is here; Him day and night United choirs of angels sing; To Him, enthroned above all height, Heaven’s host their noblest praises bring. Being of beings! may our praise Thy courts with grateful incense fill: Still may we stand before thy face, Still hear and do thy sovereign will. More of Thy presence, Lord! impart; More of Thine image may we bear: O, fix Thy throne in every heart, And reign without a rival there. Languages: English

“Teach Us To Pray.”

Author: Anonymous Hymnal: BHPPD866 #27 (1866) Meter: Irregular Person Name: Anonymous First Line: Teach us to pray! Lyrics: Teach us to pray! O Father, we look up to Thee, And this our one request shall be, Teach us to pray! Teach us to pray! A form of words will not suffice, The heart must bring its sacrifice: Teach us to pray! Teach us to pray! To whom shall we Thy children turn? Teach Thou the lesson we would learn, Teach us to pray! Teach us to pray! To Thee alone our hearts look up, Prayer is our only door of hope, Teach us to pray! Languages: English

Drawing Near to God

Author: Anonymous Hymnal: BHPPD866 #35 (1866) Meter: Person Name: Anonymous First Line: From every fear and doubt, O Lord Lyrics: From every fear and doubt, O Lord, In mercy set us free, While in the confidence of prayer Our hearts draw near to Thee! In all our trials, struggles, joys, Teach us Thy love to see, Which by the discipline of life Would draw us unto Thee. Our lives, devoted to Thy will, Our sacrifice shall be, And then will death, whene’er it come, But draw us nearer Thee. Languages: English

The Peace of God

Author: Anonymous Hymnal: BHPPD866 #39 (1866) Meter: Person Name: Anonymous First Line: O Father! lift our souls above Lyrics: O Father! lift our souls above, Till we find rest in Thy dear love; And still that Peace divine impart Which sanctifies the inmost heart, And makes each morn and setting sun But bring us nearer to Thy throne. May we our daily duties meet, Tread sin each day beneath our feet, And win that strength which doth Thy will And seeth Thee, and so is still; And fixed on Thy sustaining arm, Find daily food and know no harm. Help us with man in peace to live, Our brother’s wrong in love forgive, And day and night the tempter flee Through strength which comes alone from Thee! Thus will our spirits find their rest, In Thy deep Peace forever blest. Languages: English

Perpetual Praise

Author: Anonymous Hymnal: BHPPD866 #56 (1866) Meter: Person Name: Anonymous First Line: My God! in morning's radiant hour Lyrics: My God! in morning’s radiant hour To Thee will I lift up my heart; The shades of night obey Thy power, And at Thy sun’s bright beams depart. Father and Guardian! to Thy shrine The life Thou shieldest will I bring; All, great Creator! all is Thine; The heart my noblest offering! The morning light shall see my prayer, The noonday calm shall know my praise; And evening’s still and fragrant air My grateful hymn to Thee shall raise. So shall sweet thoughts and hopes sublime My constant inspirations be; And every shifting scene of time Reflect, my God, a light from Thee! Languages: English

The Peace of God

Author: Anonymous Hymnal: BHPPD866 #61 (1866) Person Name: Anonymous First Line: Peace of God, which knows no measure Lyrics: Peace of God, which knows no measure, Heavenly sunlight of the soul, Peace beyond all earthly treasure, Come and all our hearts control! Come, almighty to deliver! Naught shall make us then afraid; We will trust in Thee forever, Thou on whom our hope is stayed! Languages: English


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