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Make Haste!

Author: Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby Hymnal: CYBER #4145 First Line: A storm gathers dark o'er the foam crested deep Refrain First Line: Make haste, make haste Lyrics: 1. A storm gathers dark o’er the foam crested deep, And souls on the billows are tossed; Then forth let us go, with a message of hope, Speed on, lest their vessel be lost. Refrain Make haste, make haste, Make haste to the rescue, away! Speed on, quickly on, with a message of hope— No time for a moment’s delay. 2. No bright beaming star in the darkness they see, No bells from the harbor they hear; Their frail, shattered bark, still is drifting afar, Speed on, with a message of cheer. [Refrain] 3. A light softly breaks, and their peril is o’er; They hear, and they answer our call; Our boat hurries on with the Pilot on board— In Him is a refuge for all. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [A storm gathers dark o'er the foam crested deep]

Make Somebody Happy Today

Author: Calia Altstaetter Hymnal: CYBER #4149 First Line: If your own sorrows you want to forget Lyrics: 1. If your own sorrows you want to forget, Make somebody happy today; If in your heart you would know no regret, Make somebody happy today. Others near by you may be in despair, Struggling ’neath crosses so heavy to bear; They may take heart, if you show that you care— Make somebody happy today. Refrain Make somebody happy today. O sing a glad song on your way; The good that you do brings blessing to you, Make somebody happy today. 2. If you seek pleasure no trouble can mar, Make somebody happy today; You’ll find it waiting you, right where you are, Make somebody happy today. Is your life darkened by hopes that were vain? Go help another his goal to attain! What you have lost, by your help he may gain— Make somebody happy today. [Refrain] 3. Do not complain that you’ve nothing to give, Make somebody happy today; Do your whole duty, and preach as you live, Make somebody happy today. Though you have only a smile, or a flower, Give it, and speak of His love, of His power; You may cheer many a pain-weary hour— Make somebody happy today. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [If your own sorrows you want to forget]

Many Mansions Up There

Hymnal: CYBER #4158 First Line: Our homeless and lonely Savior said Refrain First Line: There are many mansions up there (up there) Lyrics: 1. Our homeless and lonely Savior said, There are many mansions up there; No place in the earth to lay His head, Yet the many mansions up there. Refrain There are many mansions up there (up there), Which Jesus has gone to prepare (to prepare); There’s one for you and one for me, If we trust Him to take us there. 2. My heavenly Father’s house o’erflows, With the many mansions up there; The joys of that place no mortal knows, There are many mansions up there. [Refrain] 3. When tired of my earthly home I know There are many mansions up there; Where death never comes nor evils grow, There are many mansions up there. [Refrain] 4. O wand’rers of earth oppressed with care, There are many mansions up there; You’re welcome to come with us and share In those many mansions up there. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Our homeless and lonely Savior said]

March on to Victory

Author: Jennie Wilson Hymnal: CYBER #4169 First Line: Enlisted in the Christian ranks Refrain First Line: March on (march on) to victory Lyrics: 1. Enlisted in the Christian ranks, A faithful soldier be, And side by side with loyal ones March on (march on) to victory. Refrain March on (march on) to victory, March on (march on) to victory; Beneath the banner of the Lord March on (march on) to victory (march on). 2. The conflict may be hard and long, But triumph is assured, And Heaven holds a rich reward For tri(trials) als here endured. [Refrain] 3. Relying on the Lord of Hosts, March on to conquer sin, And to your Leader gladly bear Each trophy that you win. [Refrain] 4. The joy of conquest will be yours, When you have overcome, And after warfare, rest and peace Await (await) in God’s bright home. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Enlisted in the Christian ranks]

Make Christ Your King

Author: Nellie P. Chandler Hymnal: CYBER #4185 First Line: O youth, with life before you, and with gladness all around Refrain First Line: Choose today! acknowledge Him your Savior Lyrics: 1. O youth, with life before you, and with gladness all around, While in your heart the songs of hope and courage ring, Remember thy Creator while the evil days come not, And choose the Christ of Calvary to be your king. Refrain Choose today! acknowledge Him your Savior; Choose today! your heart a tribute bring Unto Him who suffered to redeem you, Let Him rule and reign, your King! Choose today, for love and valiant service Unto Him belong, Take the vow, and ever faithful be Till you sing the victor’s song. 2. True wisdom you are seeking; no one ever sought in vain Who asked of Him who lived and taught in Galilee; A fullness and a brightness for your life in Him you’ll find, And safety from the sins that lie in wait for thee. [Refrain] 3. Courageous be, and loyal, for on every hand are foes That wait with subtle charms to lead your feet astray, Yet Christ the world’s Redeemer every step before you knows, And He will guide, and guard, and love you all the way. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [O youth, with life before you, and with gladness all around]

Meeting in the Air

Author: A. A. P. Hymnal: CYBER #4191 First Line: How it thrills our hearts with rapture Refrain First Line: O the meeting in the air! Lyrics: 1. How it thrills our hearts with rapture As we feel the hour is nigh, When the voice of the archangel Shall resound throughout the sky, And the dead in Christ, upspringing, With the living saints shall be Caught away from all earth’s shadows To a glad eternity! Refrain O the meeting in the air! O the meeting in the air, With the blessèd King of glory In our bridal garments fair! O the meeting in the air! O the meeting in the air, With the loved ones and the lost ones Evermore united there! 2. Oft the weary miles divide us From the friends we cherish so, And the look from eyes that love us— How we miss where’er we go! And sometimes the grave has hidden One whose face was very dear— O what joy once more to meet them When the Master shall appear! [Refrain] 3. O the hope of His appearing— How it lights the dreary way, How it girds our souls with courage For the little while we stay! For it cannot be much longer Till the Bridegroom calls us home; Surely, surely He comes quickly! Even so, Lord Jesus, come! [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [How it thrills our hearts with rapture]

Meet in the Morning

Author: Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby Hymnal: CYBER #4192 First Line: We are marching onward to the heav'nly land Refrain First Line: In the morning, in the morning Lyrics: 1. We are marching onward to the heav’nly land, To meet each other in the morning; We are pressing forward to the golden strand, Where joy will crown us in the morning. Refrain In the morning, in the morning, We will gather with the faithful in the morning; Where the night of sorrow shall be rolled away, And joy will crown us in the morning. 2. We are trav’ling onward from a world of care, To meet each other in the morning; Oh, the time is coming, we shall soon be there, And joy will crown us in the morning. [Refrain] 3. We are trav’ling onward, and the way grows bright, We’ll meet each other in the morning; Where our friends are waiting, at the gate of life, And joy will crown us in the morning. [Refrain] 4. Where the hills are blooming on the other shore, We’ll meet each other in the morning! Where the heart’s deep longing will be felt no more, And joy will crown us in the morning. [Refrain] 5. In the boundless rapture of a Savior’s love We’ll meet each other in the morning; Then we’ll sing His glory in the realms above, And joy will crown us in the morning. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [We are marching onward to the heav'nly land]

Meet Me There

Author: Fanny Crosby Hymnal: CYBER #4199 First Line: On the happy, golden shore, where the faithful part no more Refrain First Line: Meet me there, meet me there Lyrics: 1. On the happy, golden shore, where the faithful part no more, When the storms of life are over, meet me there; Where the night dissolves away into pure and perfect day, I am going home to stay—meet me there. Refrain Meet me there, meet me there, Where the tree of life is blooming, meet me there; When the storms of life are o’er, on the happy golden shore, Where the faithful part no more, meet me there. 2. Here our fondest hopes are vain, dearest links are rent in twain, But in Heav’n no throb of pain—meet me there; By the river sparkling bright in the city of delight, Where our faith is lost in sight, meet me there. [Refrain] 3. Where the harps of angels ring, and the blest forever sing, In the palace of the King, meet me there; Where in sweet communion blend heart with heart and friend with friend, In a world that ne’er shall end, meet me there. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [On the happy, golden shore, where the faithful part no more]

Meet Mother in the Skies

Author: Anonymous Hymnal: CYBER #4200 First Line: In a lonely churchyard, many miles away Refrain First Line: Listen to her pleading, Wand'ring boy, come home Lyrics: 1. In a lonely churchyard, many miles away, Lies your dear old mother, ’neath the cold, cold clay; Mem’ries oft returning of her tears and sighs, If you love your mother, meet her in the skies. Refrain Listen to her pleading, Wand’ring boy, come home, Lovingly, entreating, do not longer roam; Let your manhood waken, heav’nward lift your eyes; If you love your mother, meet her in the skies. 2. Now the old home, vacant, has no charms for you; One dear form is absent, mother, kind and true; Evermore she dwells where pleasure never dies, If you love your mother, meet her in the skies. [Refrain] 3. Now in true repentance to the Savior flee, He who pardoned mother, mercy has for thee; Now He waits to comfort, He will not despise, If you love your mother, meet her in the skies. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [In a lonely churchyard, many miles away]

Mercy Is Boundless and Free

Author: Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby Hymnal: CYBER #4206 First Line: Thanks be to Jesus, His mercy is free Refrain First Line: Jesus the Savior is looking for thee Lyrics: 1. Thanks be to Jesus, His mercy is free, Mercy is free, mercy is free; Sinner, that mercy is flowing for thee, Mercy is boundless and free. If thou art willing on Him to believe, Mercy is free, mercy is free; Life everlasting thy soul may receive, Mercy is boundless and free. Refrain Jesus the Savior is looking for thee, Looking for thee, looking for thee; Lovingly, tenderly calling for thee, Calling and looking for thee. 2. Why on the mountain of sin wilt thou roam? Mercy is free, mercy is free; Gently the Spirit is calling, Come home, Mercy is boundless and free. Thou art in darkness, O come to the light, Mercy is free, mercy is free; Jesus is waiting, He’ll save you tonight, Mercy is boundless and free. [Refrain] 3. Think of His goodness, His patience, and love, Mercy is free, mercy is free; Pleading thy cause with His Father above, Mercy is boundless and free. Come and repenting, O give Him your heart, Mercy is free, mercy is free; Grieve Him no longer, but come as thou art, Mercy is boundless and free. [Refrain] 4. Yes, there is pardon for all who believe, Mercy is free, mercy is free; Come and this moment a blessing receive, Mercy is boundless and free. Jesus is waiting, O hear Him proclaim, Mercy is free, mercy is free; Cling to His mercy, believe on His name, Mercy is boundless and free. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Thanks be to Jesus, His mercy is free]

Merry Missionaries

Author: Harriet D. Castle Hymnal: CYBER #4209 First Line: We are merry missionaries Refrain First Line: Don't you hear the pennies dropping? Lyrics: 1. We are merry missionaries, Don’t you see? And we give our shining pennies, Give them free. Refrain Don’t you hear the pennies dropping? Dropping, dropping, dropping, dropping, Never seem to think of stopping, Hear them fall. 2. We’re so sorry heathen people Never know All about the gentle Jesus, Kind and true. [Refrain] 3. Pennies help to tell the story Once again, How the loving, tender Savior Died for them. [Refrain] 4. Now we’re coming down among you With our cup, And we hope that you will kindly Fill it up. [Refrain] 5. You big people might give dollars, We should say, If you can’t give something smaller, Any way. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [We are merry missionaries]

My God in Whom I Trust

Author: Susan H. Peterson Hymnal: CYBER #4219 First Line: If you dwell beneath the shelter Refrain First Line: He's my refuge and my fortress Lyrics: 1. If you dwell beneath the shelter Of the Lord your God Most High, You will rest within the shadow of Almighty El Shaddai. He’ll deliver you from all your foes As you let loose the cry, My God, in whom I trust! Refrain He’s my refuge and my fortress, My salvation and my stronghold, He’s my rock and my deliverer, My God, in whom I trust! 2. He will cover you with feathers, Give you refuge ’neath His wings. You will have no fear of darkest night Or what the daylight brings. His own faithfulness will be your shield because your spirit sings, My God, in whom I trust! [Refrain] 3. Though a thousand at your left may fall, Ten thousand at your right, The disaster won’t come near your tent, But only pass your sight. If you make the Lord your dwelling place, He’ll save you from your plight, This God, in whom you trust! [Refrain] 4. He’ll command His angel hosts on high To guard you in your way. They will lift you up in mighty hands, So you’ll not trip or stray. You will trample down the lion and the serpent while you say, My God, in whom I trust! [Refrain] 5. It’s because you love the Lord your God That He protects your frame. He has promised to deliver all who call upon His name. He will show you His salvation, For His Word is e’er the same, My God, in whom I trust! [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: JOHN BROWN'S BODY

Mine, Still Mine

Author: Eliza Edmunds Hewitt Hymnal: CYBER #4268 First Line: Thro' scenes of joy or sorrow Refrain First Line: My Savior faileth never Lyrics: 1. Thro’ scenes of joy or sorrow, Jesus still is mine; Thro’ ev’ry new tomorrow, He will still be mine. Refrain My Savior faileth never; O how His glories shine, I’ll sing it out forever, He is mine, still mine. 2. Thro’ earthly tribulation, Jesus still is mine; My strength and consolation, He is mine, still mine. [Refrain] 3. Tho’ lost, some fleeting treasure, Jesus still is mine; With love beyond all measure, He is mine, still mine. [Refrain] 4. My Shepherd goes before me, Jesus still is mine; Beyond the vale, His glory! He will still be mine. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Thro' scenes of joy or sorrow]

Meet Me in the Homeland

Author: Ada Ruth Habershon Hymnal: CYBER #4290 First Line: Will you meet me in the Homeland Refrain First Line: Will you meet me there? Lyrics: 1. Will you meet me in the Homeland, Shall we both reach Heav’n at last, When the training days are ended, And life’s journeys all are past? Refrain Will you meet me there? Will you meet me there? ’Tis the Savior bids you come; Will you meet me there? Will you meet me there? He can take us safely home. 2. Will you meet me in the glory, Shall we both together stand ’Mid the company of saved ones, In that blood-bought, happy band? [Refrain] 3. We are never sure of meeting Anywhere beneath the sun, But we look for glad reunion, When our earthly life is done. [Refrain] 4. He has promised soon to take me Where the King shall fill my gaze, Will your voice with mine be blended In that perfect hymn of praise? [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Will you meet me in the Homeland]

More Than Tongue Can Tell

Author: J. E. Hall Hymnal: CYBER #4312 First Line: The love that Jesus had for me Refrain First Line: His love is more than tongue can tell Lyrics: 1. The love that Jesus had for me, To suffer on the cruel tree, That I a ransomed soul might be, Is more than tongue can tell. Refrain His love is more than tongue can tell; His love is more than tongue can tell; The love that Jesus had for me, Is more than tongue can tell. 2. The many sorrows that He bore, And oh, that crown of thorns He wore, That I might live forevermore, Is more than tongue can tell. [Refrain] 3. The peace I have in Him, my Lord, Who pleads before the throne of God, The merit of His precious blood, Is more than tongue can tell. [Refrain] 4. The joy that comes when He is near, The rest He gives, so free from fear, The hope in Him so bright and clear, Is more than tongue can tell. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [The love that Jesus had for me]

More Than These

Author: Ina Duley Ogdon Hymnal: CYBER #4313 First Line: I need not trouble for the morrow Refrain First Line: I know that He provides the lilies Lyrics: 1. I need not trouble for the morrow, For I am in my Father’s care; He will go with me as I journey, For all my need He will prepare. Refrain I know that He provides the lilies, His eye each falling sparrow sees; And so my soul will fear no evil, For I am more to Him than these. 2. I need not either thirst or hunger; His grace will never be denied; He leads me to the living waters; His daily manna is supplied. [Refrain] 3. I need not an abiding city, For I can tarry but a night; My heart, my treasure, are in Heaven, My raiment is a robe of white. [Refrain] 4. O may my faith increase before Him, My service here His blessing gain; Let me seek first my Father’s kingdom, For all beside must be in vain! [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: KARACHI

Move Forward

Author: Eliza Edmund Stites Hewitt Hymnal: CYBER #4338 First Line: Let the whole wide world be taken Refrain First Line: Move forward into battle! Lyrics: 1. Let the whole wide world be taken, In the name of Christ our King; Let the powers of sin be shaken, And our shouts of victory ring; Jesus calls, why should we tarry? Let our loyal hearts respond, And the fight of faith we’ll carry To the regions still beyond. Refrain Move forward into battle! Let this our watchword be; With Christ, our mighty Captain, We’ll gain the victory; He leads us to the battle, The King whom we adore; We’ll fight till He shall conquer all, And reign from shore to shore. 2. Onward with the Gospel story, Let the Word of Life prevail Over evils grim and hoary; Never shall our Leader fail; He it is who goes before us, ’Tis His banner floats on high; Lift again the joyful chorus, Hail the triumph drawing nigh. [Refrain] 3. Take the armor of salvation, Battling on the fields afar; Giant ills, in every nation, Fall before the Morning Star; Go ye, hear the Master saying, With His ever conquering sword; Help us, Lord, Thy Word obeying, Faith shall gain a rich reward. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Let the whole wide world be taken]

Music of the Angels

Author: Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby Hymnal: CYBER #4385 First Line: The evergreen branches are waving around us Refrain First Line: Hark! the music of the angels Lyrics: 1. The evergreen branches are waving around us, And sweetly our carols in harmony ring, While here we are gathered to welcome with rapture The birth of our Savior, Redeemer, and king. Refrain Hark! the music of the angels Floating onward still we hear; Blessèd music, sweetest chorus Ever sung to mortal ear. 2. How graciously favored the shepherds of Judah, Who guarded their flocks on that wonderful morn, When legions descended, proclaiming the tidings That Jesus, the promised Redeemer, was born. [Refrain] 3. How humble His birthplace, how lowly His cradle, O tender compassion, O infinite love! The Son of the Highest our nature assuming That we might inherit the mansions above. [Refrain] 4. The sweet chiming bells with our carols are blending, A glad, merry Christmas they joyfully ring. While here we are gathered to welcome with rapture The birth of our Savior, Redeemer, and king. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [The evergreen branches are waving around us]

Music and Love

Author: Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby Hymnal: CYBER #4386 First Line: Tenderly, soft and clear music and love we hear Refrain First Line: Tenderly, soft and clear music and love we hear Lyrics: 1. Tenderly, soft and clear music and love we hear, In our Sabbath dwelling, songs of rapture swelling. Gently their wings they blend, sweetly their voices blend, Songs of holy rapture swelling; List to their carol, joyful now they say, Come to the Savior, gladly haste away, Come to the banquet waiting you today, Waiting for one and all. Refrain Tenderly, soft and clear music and love we hear, In our Sabbath dwelling, songs of rapture swelling. Gently their wings they blend, sweetly their voices blend, Songs of holy rapture swelling. 2. Over the morning land, over its golden strand, Oft they roam delighted, hand in hand united, Over the land of flowers, over its vernal bowers, Love and music roam united. Now, on their pinions, fair and snowy white, Laved in a fountain, sparkling, pure and bright, Come as an arrow from the vales of light, Comfort they bring to all. [Refrain] 3. Tell us, ye sisters fair, wearing your garlands rare, Rose and lily twining, all their charms combining, Tell us of Him whose eye watcheth beyond the sky, O’er our path, in beauty shining; Still they are singing, hear their tuneful lay, Come to the Savior, trust Him while you may, Come to the banquet waiting you today, Waiting for one and all. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Tenderly, soft and clear music and love we hear]

My Bud in Heaven

Author: F. I. Darling Hymnal: CYBER #4394 Meter: D First Line: A bud the Gardener gave me Lyrics: 1. A bud the Gardener gave me, A fair and lovely child, He gave it for my keeping To cherish undefiled; It lay upon my bosom, It was my joy and pride, Perhaps it was an idol Which I must be denied. 2. For just as it was opening, In glory to the day, Down came the heavenly Gardener And took my bud away; Yet not in wrath He took it— A smile was on His face, And tenderly and kindly He bore it from its place. 3. Fear not, methought He whispered, Thy bud shall be restored; I take it but to plant it In the garden of My Lord; And bade me not to sorrow As those who hopeless weep, For He who gave hath taken And He who took can keep. 4. And night and morn together By the open gate of prayer, I’ll go unto my darling And sit beside him there; I know for me ’twill open Poor sinner though I be, For He who guards and keeps it Will keep my bud for me. Languages: English Tune Title: SINGAPORE


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