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Beulah Land

Author: Edgar Page Meter: Appears in 315 hymnals First Line: I've reached the land of corn and wine Refrain First Line: O Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land Lyrics: 1 I’ve reached the land of corn and wine, And all its riches freely mine; Here shines undimmed one blissful day, For all my night has passed away. Refrain: O Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land, As on thy highest mount I stand, I look away across the sea, Where mansions are prepared for me, And view the shining glory shore, My heav’n, my home forevermore! 2 My Savior comes and walks with me, And sweet communion here have we; He gently leads me by His hand, For this is Heaven’s borderland. [Refrain] 3 A sweet perfume upon the breeze, Is borne from ever vernal trees, And flow’rs that never fading grow Where streams of life forever flow. [Refrain] 4 The zephyrs seem to float to me, Sweet sounds of Heaven’s melody, As angels with the white-robed throng Join in the sweet redemption song. [Refrain] Scripture: Deuteronomy 8:7-10 Used With Tune: [I've reached the land of corn and wine] Text Sources: Timeless Truths (http://library.timelesstruths.org/music/Beulah_Land); Anonymous/Unknown, The Blue Book (93)

Wir Glauben All' An Einen Gott

Author: Martin Luther Meter: Appears in 20 hymnals First Line: Wir glauben All’ an einen Gott Lyrics: 1 Wir glauben All’ an einen Gott, Schöpfer Himmels und der Erden, Der sich zum Vater geben hat, Dass wir seine Kinder werden. Er will uns allzeit ernähren, Leib und Seel’ auch wohl bewahren, Allem Unfall will er wehren, Kein Leid soll uns widerfahren, Er sorget für uns, hüt’t und wacht, Es steht Alles in seiner Macht. 2 Wir glauben auch an Jesum Christ, Seinen Sohn und unser’n Herren, Der ewig bei dem Vater ist, Gleicher Gott von Macht und Ehren, Von Maria der Jungfrauen Ist ein wahrer Mensch geboren Durch den heil’gen Geist im Glauben, Für uns, die wir war’n verloren, Am Kreuz gestorben, und vom Tod Wieder auferstanden durch Gott. 3 Wir glauben an den heil’gen Geist, Gott mit Vater und dem Sohne, Der aller Blöden Troester heisst Und mit Gaben zieret schöne Die ganz’ Christenheit auf Erden, Hält in einem Sinn gar eben, Hie all’ Suend’ vergeben werden, Das Fleisch soll auch wieder leben. Nach diesem Elend ist bereit. Used With Tune: WIR GLAUBEN ALL

O Friend of Souls, how well is me

Author: Catherine Winkworth; Wolfgang C. Deszler Meter: Appears in 15 hymnals Lyrics: O Friend of Souls, how well is me, Whene'er Thy love my spirit calms! From sorrow's dungeon forth I flee, And hide me in Thy shelt'ring arms. The night of weeping flies away Before the heart-reviving ray Of love, that beams from out Thy breast; Here is my heaven on earth begun; Who were not joyful had he won In Thee, O God, his joy and rest! The world may call herself my foe, So be it; for I trust her not, E'en though a friendly face she show, And with her bounties heap my lot. In Thee alone will I rejoice, Thou art the Friend, Lord, of my choice, For Thou art true when friendships fail; 'Mid storms of woe Thy truth is still My anchor; hate me as it will, The world shall o'er me ne'er prevail. Through deserts of the cross Thou leadest, I follow leaning on Thy hand; From out the clouds Thy child Thou feedest, And giv'st him water from the sand. I know Thy wondrous ways will end In love and blessing, Thou true Friend, Enough if Thou art ever near! I know, whom Thou wilt glorify, And raise o'er sun and stars on high, Thou lead'st through depths and darkness here. To others Death seems dark and grim, But not, Thou Life of life, to me; I know Thou ne'er forsakest him Whose heart and spirit rest in Thee. Oh who would fear his journey's close, If from dark woods and lurking foes, He then found safety and release? Nay, rather with a joyful heart From this dark region I depart To Thy eternal light and peace. O Friend of souls, then well indeed Is me, when on Thy love I lean! The world, nor pain, nor death I heed, Since Thou, my God, my joy hast been. Oh let this peace that Thou hast given Be but a foretaste of Thy heaven, For goodness infinite is Thine. Hence, world, with all thy flattering toys! In God alone be all my joys; Oh rich delight, my Friend is mine!

We All Believe in One True God

Author: Martin Luther; H. Bruecker Meter: Appears in 11 hymnals First Line: We all believe in one true God, Who created earth and heaven Text Sources: The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941 (Tr.) alt.

Sanctified by Faith

Author: D. S. Warner Meter: Appears in 10 hymnals First Line: Why should a doubt or fear arise Refrain First Line: I'm fully Thine, yes, wholly Thine Lyrics: 1 Why should a doubt or fear arise, As this poor little all of mine I lay a living sacrifice, All on the altar, Christ divine? Refrain: I’m fully Thine, yes, wholly Thine, All on the altar, Christ divine; The word of Jesus I believe, The Sanctifier I receive; All on the altar I abide, And Jesus says I’m sanctified. 2 Ah, not a moment more I’ll doubt, And not a moment longer wait; He shed His blood to sanctify, He suffered death without the gate. [Refrain] 3 By faith I venture on His Word, My doubts are o’er, the vict’ry won; He said the altar sanctifies, I just believe Him, and ’tis done. [Refrain] 3 Through all my soul I feel His pow’r, And in the precious, cleansing wave I wash my garments white this hour, And prove His utmost pow’r to save. [Refrain]

Yes, there remaineth yet a rest!

Author: Kunth; Catherine Winkworth Meter: Appears in 9 hymnals Lyrics: Yes, there remaineth yet a rest! Arise, sad heart, who now dost pine, By heavy care and pain opprest, On whom no sun of joy can shine; Look to the Lamb! in yon bright fields Thou'lt know the joy His presence yields; Cast off thy load and thither haste; Soon shalt thou fight and bleed no more, Soon, soon thy weary course be o'er, And deep the rest thou then shalt taste: The rest appointed thee of God, The rest that nought shall break or move, That ere this earth by man was trod Was set apart for thee by Love. Our Saviour gave His life to win This rest for thee; oh enter in! Here how His voice sounds far and wide: Ye weary souls, no more delay, Nor loiter faithless by the way, Here in my peace and rest abide! Ye heavy-laden, come to Him! Ye who are bent with many a load, Come from your prisons drear and dim, Toil not thus sadly on your road! Ye've borne the burden of the day, And hear ye not your Saviour say, I am your refuge and your rest? His children ye, of heavenly birth, Howe'er may rage sin, hell, or earth, Here are ye safe, here calmly blest. Yonder in joy the sheaves we bring, Whose seed was sown on earth in tears; There in our Father's house we sing The song too sweet for mortal ears. Sorrow and sighing all are past, And pain and death are fled at last, There with the Lamb of God we dwell, He leads us to the crystal river, He wipes away all tears for ever; What there is ours no tongue can tell. Hunger nor thirst can pain us there, The time of recompense is come, Nor cold nor scorching heat we bear, Safe sheltered in our Saviour's home. The Lamb is in the midst; and those Who followed Him through shame and woes, Are crowned with honour, joy, and peace. The dry bones gather life again, One Sabbath over all shall reign, Wherein all toil and labour cease. There is untroubled calm and light, No gnawing care shall mar our rest; Ye weary, heed this word aright, Come, lean upon your Saviour's breast. Fain would I linger here no more, Fain to yon happier world upsoar, And join that bright expectant band. Oh raise, my soul, the joyful song That rings through yon triumphant throng; Thy perfect rest is nigh at hand.
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God of our fathers, unto thee

Author: A. C. Ainger Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals

Now rests her soul in Jesu's arms

Author: Allendorf; Catherine Winkworth Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Lyrics: Now rests her soul in Jesu's arms, Her body in the grave sleeps well, His heart her death-chilled heart re-warms, And rest more deep than tongue can tell, Her few brief hours of conflict passed,— She finds with Christ, her Friend, at last; She bathes in tranquil seas of peace, God wipes away her tears, she feels New life that all her languor heals, The glory of the Lamb she sees. She hath escaped all danger now, Her pain and sighing all are fled; The crown of joy is on her brow, Eternal glories o'er her shed, In golden robes, a queen, a bride, She standeth at her Sovereign's side, She sees His face unveiled and bright; With joy and love He greets her soul, She feels herself made inly whole, A lesser light amid His light. The child hath now its Father seen, And feels what kindling love may be, And knoweth what those words may mean, "Himself, the Father, loveth thee." A shoreless ocean, an abyss Unfathomed, filled with good and bliss, Now breaks on her enraptured sight; She sees God's face, she learneth there What this shall be, to be His heir, Joint-heir with Christ, her Lord, in light. The body rests, its labours over, And sleeps till Christ shall bid it wake; The dust that earth and darkness cover, Then as a sun its tomb shall break. Ah, with what joy it rises then To meet the perfect soul again! Redeemed from death, no more to sever, At that great marriage feast shall they With all the saints their homage pay, And worship there the Lamb for ever. We who yet wander through the waste, In faith long after Thee on high; While here the bread of tears we taste, We think upon that home of joy, Where we (who knows how soon?) shall meet With all the saints at Jesu's feet, And dwell with Him for ever there. We shall see God; how deep the bliss We know not yet that lies in this; Lord Jesus, come, our hearts prepare!

Thrice-Holy Name!

Author: Francis T. Palgrave Meter: Appears in 5 hymnals First Line: Thrice-holy name! that sweeter sounds Lyrics: 1. Thrice-holy name! that sweeter sounds Than streams which down the valley run, And tells of more than human love, And more than human power, in one: First from the gracious herald heard, Heard since through all the choirs on high; O child of Mary, Son of God, Eternal, hear Thy children’s cry! While at the blessèd name we bow, Lord Jesus, be among us now! 2. Within our dim-eyed souls call up The vision of Thine earthly years; The mount of the transfigured form; The garden of the bitter tears; The cross upreared in darkening skies; The thorn-wreathed head, the bleeding side; And whisper in the heart, For you, For you, I left the Heav’ns, and died, While at the blessèd name we bow, Lord Jesus, be among us now! 3. Ah! with faith’s inward piercing eye The riven rock-hewn bed we see, Whence Thou in triumph hast gone forth By death from death to make us free! And when on earth’s last awful day The judgment-seat of God shall shine, Lift Thou our trembling eyes to read In Thy dear face the mercy-sign. While at the blessèd name we bow, Lord Jesus, be among us now! Used With Tune: NOMEN TERSANCTUM Text Sources: School Guardian, 1883

Many a gift did Christ impart

Author: Ernst Lange; Catherine Winkworth Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals Lyrics: Many a gift did Christ impart, Noblest of them all is Love, Love, a balm within the heart That can all its pains remove; Love, a star most bright and pure; Love, a gem of priceless worth, Richer than man knows on earth; Love, like beauty, strong to lure; Love, like joy, makes man her thrall, Strong to please and conquer all. Love can give us all things; here Use and beauty cannot sever; Love can raise us to that sphere Whence the soul tends heavenwards ever; Though one speak with angel tongues Bravest words of strength and fire, If no love his heart inspire, They are but as fleeting songs; All his eloquence shall pass, As the noise of sounding brass. Science with her keen-eyed glance, All the wisdom of the world, Mysteries that the soul entrance, Faith that mighty hills had hurled From their ancient seats;--all this, Wherein man takes most his pride, Valueless is cast aside, If the spirit there we miss, That can work from love alone, Not from pride in what is known. Though I lavished all I have On the poor in charity; Though I shrank not from the grave, Or unmoved the stake could see; Though my body here were given To the all-consuming flame; If my mind were still the same, Meeter were I not for heaven, Till by Love my works were crowned, Till in Love my strength were found. Faith must conquer, Hope must bloom, As our onward path we wend, Else we came not through the gloom, But with earth they also end: Thou, O Love, doth stretch afar Through the wide eternity, And the soul arrayed in Thee Shines for ever as a star. Faith and hope must pass away, Thou, O Love, endurest aye. Come, thou Spirit of pure Love, Who dost forth from God proceed, Never from my heart remove, Let me all Thy impulse heed; All that seeks self-profit first, Rather than another's good, Whether foe or linked in blood, Let me hold such thought accurst; And my heart henceforward be Ruled, inspired, O Love, by thee!

I Know

Author: Salathial C. Kirk Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: The works and ways of God on high Refrain First Line: I cannot tell you why, nor how Lyrics: 1 The works and ways of God on high I cannot solve—I do not try; But, tho’ I cannot these unfold, One thing I know—to this I’ll hold Tho’ all the world besides deny— A sinner saved by grace am I. Refrain: I cannot tell you why, nor how, For O I do not understand; I only say, "I know! I know!" On this unshaken ground I stand. 2 I know that my Redeemer lives; I know, I know that He forgives; I know that I who once was dead Am now alive in Christ, my head! Let all the world besides deny "I know I live!" shall be my cry. [Refrain] 3 How, at His word, the darkness flies, And beams of sunlight flood my eyes, I do not know; enough for me That I who once was blind now see! Let all the world besides deny "I know I see!" shall be my cry. [Refrain] 4 Beyond this mortal vale there stands A house for me not made with hands; E’en now I see beyond the dome, And occupy my heav’nly home. Let all the world besides deny I know I have a home on high. [Refrain] Used With Tune: BODØ

God of the nations, who hast led

Author: Frederick Edwards; F. Edwards Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Lyrics: God of the nations, who hast led Thy children since the world began, Through doubt and struggle, pain and tears, Unfolding thy eternal plan; From countless hilltops as of old The fire upon the altar flares; Through countless rites, in countless tongues, Men offer their imperfect prayers; Hasten the time of our release, Bring in thy reign of truth and peace. O Jesus Christ, Incarnate Son, Who bore our flesh that men might see The Vision of the Perfect Life Fashioned in their humanity; By all thy words of heavenly truth, By all thy deeds of mercy wrought, 402 By all the passion of thy cross, By the redemption thou hast brought; Hasten the time of our release, Bring in thy reign of truth and peace. O Holy Spirit, who dost touch The prophets with thy sacred fire, Eternal Wisdom to whose light All seekers after truth aspire; Behold the warring sons of men, The helpless by the strong oppressed, The truth with error still concealed, The evil grudgingly confessed; Hasten the time of our release, Bring in thy reign of truth and peace. O God Triune, thy Church today In penitence before thee kneels, Mourning her years of slothful ease, Her deafness to the world's appeals; Divided where she should be one, Enamoured of a lesser strife, Tithing the mint and cummin while Men perish for the Bread of Life; Hasten the time of our release, Bring in thy reign of truth and peace. Restore to us the vision, Lord, Descend with fires of Pentecost; Our tongues unloose, our hearts inflame, To preach the Gospel to the lost: Here at thy feet our prayer is made, Here life and wealth we dedicate; Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, Lord, thy anointing we await; Hasten the time of our release, Bring in thy reign of truth and peace. Amen.

Inside the Door

Author: U. P. Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Inside the door, O safe retreat Refrain First Line: Inside the door, oh, praise the Lord Lyrics: 1 Inside the door, O safe retreat, From stormy winds that fiercely beat, From tempest waves that rise and swell, Inside the door, here all is well. Refrain: Inside the door, oh, praise the Lord, Exalt His name with one accord, He is the door, He saves from sin, And shelters all that enter in; And so I now the theme repeat, Inside the door, O safe retreat. 2 Inside the door, O blessed calm, I feel a touch of heaven’s balm; And here my soul doth sweetly rest, As I repose on Jesus’ breast. [Refrain] 3 Inside the door, oh, let me stay, Nor let me wander far away; For in God’s house I would abide, Therein my soul is satisfied. [Refrain] 4 Inside the door, O Lord, I pray, Let me abide from day to day; Close by Thy side within the fold, That I Thy beauty may behold. [Refrain] Scripture: John 10:9 Used With Tune: [Inside the door, O safe retreat] Text Sources: Timeless Truths (http://library.timelesstruths.org/music/Inside_the_Door); Faith Publishing House, Evening Light Songs, 1949, edited 1987 (493)

The Pearly Gate

Author: E. A. Boynton Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: When Christ our Lord shall come to reign Lyrics: 1 When Christ our Lord shall come to reign, This groaning earth shall smile again; From sin and death ’twill then be free, And there in beauty, too, shall be A city fair, exceeding great, With golden streets and pearly gate. Refrain: Then come, poor sinner, come today, Lest you should venture to delay, You’ll find yourself at last too late, And closed for aye the pearly gate. 2 In that fair city comes no night, For God Himself shall be its light, Unfading splendor fills the place, And joy lights up each smiling face; To all the boundless joys that wait Inside that glittering, pearly gate. [Refrain] 3 But he who trusts in Christ our Lord And lives obedient to His word, It matters not how poor he be, He’ll find an entrance full and free And glory in eternal weight Is found inside that pearly gate. [Refrain] 4 Whatever pathway others trace We mean by God’s assisting grace To keep the narrow heavenly way, And then upon the last great day, When Jesus comes in royal state, He’ll lead us thro’ the pearly gate. [Refrain] Used With Tune: GILAN Text Sources: Carols of Hope (Boston: Advent Christian Publication Society, 1906)

Salvator Mundi

Author: Ray Palmer Meter: Appears in 2 hymnals First Line: Oh! long and darksome was the night Lyrics: 1 Oh! long and darksome was the night, As slow, dull watches wore away, With moon and stars alone to light A world bewildered and astray; While oft thick shade and murky cloud Pale moon and stars did deep enshroud; And nations looked, and hoped in vain That over earth, of guilt and sorrow, Of sin and hate, the sad domain, Might dawn a bright and cheerful morrow. 2 ’Twas not, Eternal Love, that Thou Hadst lost Thy care for mortal men; No, Thou didst yearn of old, as now, To fold them to Thy heart again; Thou didst but wait till men might know That sin’s ripe fruits were death and woe; Till, worn and sick of fruitless grief, Of lust’s foul cup to loathing taken, With longing they might crave relief Ere yet of God and hope forsaken. 3 The yearning heard with trusting heart, E’en then, Thy words of hope and cheer; They saw by faith the night depart, And morning break serene and clear. On holy prophets shone afar The gleam of Jacob’s promised Star; The rising of the Lord of day, That, o’er the world His radiance throwing, Should chase the spectral night away, And mount to noon resplendent showing. 4 When Thou, O Christ! of flesh wast born, To greet Thee in Thy humble bed, Though earth Thy lowliness should scorn, Celestial bands with rapture sped; At midnight on the silent air Thy birth their floating strains declare: The shepherds caught the thrilling lay, In harmonies their senses steeping; They to Thy manger haste away, And gaze on Thee, an infant sleeping! 5 While Thou didst dwell with men below, ’Twas morning twilight’s early blush; Thy light yet veiled, ’twas Thine to know Sweet childhood’s dream, youth’s joyous flush; Then manhood’s burdens, care, and fears, Its toils and weariness and tears; Tears shed for human grief and woes Mark Thee, of all, the Man of Sorrows: And through Thy life the grandeur grows That manhood from the Godhead borrows! 6 When, all forsaken of Thine own, Robed in mock purple Thou didst stand; Thou wast a king—without a throne, A sovereign Lord—without command; ’Neath purple robe and thorns concealed, Divinity its light revealed; Upon the Roman’s heart it fell, Its sharp keen flash, his conscience waking, And wrought in him some mighty spell, The pride of his strong spirit breaking. 7 When came at last Thy darkest hour, On which the sun refused to look, Though hell seemed armed with conqu’ring pow’r, And earth, as seized with terror, shook; Though from Thy lips the dying cry, By anguish wrung, went up on high; Still, ’mid the darkness and the fear, O Son of God! Thy life resigning, Thou didst to those that saw appear The Light of men—eclipsed, yet shining! 8 The cold, dark tomb of chiseled rock Thy glory could not all repress: A moment hid, with earthquake shock Abroad it streamed again to bless; First angels caught the vision bright, Then broke its beams on mortal sight; The Conqueror of Death and Hell, Thou stoodst, Thy friends each word attending, Till on their wistful eyes there fell Splendors divine from Thee ascending! 9 For ever on the unveiled throne, O Lamb divine! enrobed in light; Thou life and love, and joy unknown, Dost shed while ages wing their flight; The cherubim before Thee bow, The fullness of the Godhead Thou! Thy uncreated beauty greets The longing eyes that, upward gazing, Feast on Thy smile, which ever meets Thy saints that wait before Thee praising. 10 Head over all! ’tis Thine to reign; The groaning earth with joy shall see What ages sought, but sought in vain, The balm for all its woes in Thee; Eyes fixed on Thee shall dry their tears, Hearts stayed on Thee shall lose their fears; Fair innocence and love shall breathe Their fragrant breath o’er vale and mountain, And faith pure altars shall enwreathe, And nations bathe in Calvary’s fountain. 11 Crowned Lord of lords, Thy pow’r shall bring Thy saints Thy glory to partake; Thyself enthroned eternal King, Of them Thy love shall princes make; And priests, that in the Holy Place Shall serve, adorned and full of grace; The Church, Thy queenly bride, shall stand, In vesture like Thy brightness shining, Content to clasp Thy royal hand, All other love for Thine resigning. 12 O Love beyond all mortal thought! Unquenchable by flood or sea! Love that, through death, to man hath brought The life of immortality! Thou dost enkindle Heav’n’s own fire In hearts all dead to high desire. Let love for love our souls inflame, The perfect love that faileth never; And sweet hosannas to Thy name Through Heav’n’s vast dome go up for ever! Used With Tune: BODØ 2 Text Sources: Christ in Song by Philip Schaff (New York: Anson D. Randolph, 1869)

Creemos en un solo Dios

Author: Albert Lehenbauer, 1891-1955; Martín Lutero, 1483-1546 Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: El Año Cristiano La Santísima Trinidad; Christian Year The Holy Trinity Used With Tune: WIR GLAUBEN ALL' AN EINEN GOTT

We all believe in God who made

Author: Martin Luther, 1483-1546; John Clement Pfitzner, 1942 Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal Topics: Church; Confession of Faith; Faith; Jesus Christ Redeemer; People of God; Providence; Renewal of Baptismal Vows; Resurrection; Salvation; Trinity Sunday; Unity of the Church Scripture: 1 Timothy 3:14-16 Used With Tune: WIR GLAUBEN ALL Text Sources: Nicene Creed, based on a 14th-cent hymn

We All Believe in One True God, Maker

Author: Martin Luther, 1483-1546; F. Samuel Janzow, b. 1913 Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: We all believe in one true God Topics: Confirmation; Holy Trinity; Justification; Liturgical Hymns; Liturgical Hymns; Witness Used With Tune: WIR GLAUBEN ALL

The Seven Words On The Cross

Author: Charles L. Ford Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Brother in Christ! thy heart prepare Text Sources: German

Blessed Are They That Are Persecuted

Author: George Cooper Meter: Appears in 1 hymnal First Line: Blessed are they that for His sake Lyrics: 1 Blessèd are they that for His sake Are persecuted and reviled; Our Savior’s love a Heav’n can make, When storms of earth are fierce and wild. O, thoughts of Him who bore the cross, Should teach our hearts to bear with joy Their burdens, tho’ in pain and loss, Whatever ills of earth annoy! Whatever ills of earth annoy! Blessèd are they! Blessèd are they! 2 Blessèd are they that for His sake Are persecuted and reviled; May nothing here our courage shake, While on we bear His yoke so mild. O, still be faithful to the last, Untempted e’en amid despair! Tho’, round the faithful, snares are cast, Theirs is Heav’n’s kingdom, bright and fair. Theirs is Heav’n’s kingdom, bright and fair. Blessèd are they! Blessèd are they! Used With Tune: SAVOIE Text Sources: The Chaplet of Original Hymns and Songs (Boston: G. D. Russell, 1873)

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