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Christ All and in All

Author: Watts Hymnal: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #185 (1844) Meter: Topics: Christ All and In All First Line: My God, my Life, my Love Lyrics: 1 My God, my Life, my Love, To thee, to thee I call, I cannot live if thou remove, For thou art all in all. 2 [Thy shining grace can cheer This dungeon where I dwell; ’Tis paradise when thou art here; If thou depart, ’tis hell.] 3 [The smilings of thy face, How amiable they are! ’Tis heaven to rest in thy embrace, And nowhere else but there.] 4 [To thee, and thee alone, The angels owe their bliss; They sit around thy gracious throne, And dwell where Jesus is.] 5 [Not all the harps above Can make a heavenly place, If God his residence remove, Or but conceal his face.] 6 Nor earth, nor all the sky, Can one delight afford; No, not a drop of real joy, Without thy presence, Lord. 7 [Thou art the sea of love, Where all my pleasures roll; The circle where my passions move, And centre of my soul.] 8 [To thee my spirits fly, With infinite desire; And yet how far from thee I lie; Dear Jesus, raise me higher.] Languages: English

Christ All and in All

Author: W. Gadsby Hymnal: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #566 (1844) Topics: Christ All and In All First Line: Ye famishing, naked, and poor Lyrics: 1 Ye famishing, naked, and poor, Distressèd, tormented, forlorn, In Christ is a suitable store, For all that unto him will come; He’s Bread, and the Bread of Life too; Well suited the hungry to fill; Nor one that unto him shall go, But what will approve the Bread well. 2 Yes, he is the true paschal Lamb, Of which all his Israel must eat; Not sodden, but roast in the flame Of Sinai’s most horrible heat. This, this is the true fatted calf The Father gave orders to kill, That prodigals might have enough When feasting on fair Zion’s hill. 3 [The Wine of the Kingdom is Christ, Provided for beggars distressed! Which makes broken hearts to rejoice, When with it the soul is refreshed. He’s Water to cleanse and to heal; The thirsty are welcome to drink; A River that never can fail; A Fountain that never can sink. 4 It always is full to the brim, Of water of life and of peace; From which blessings flow like a stream, As free as the sun runs its race. He’s marrow and fatness as well, A fulness of every good; Nor Gabriel is able to tell, The blessings that in him are stored.] Languages: English

Christ All in All

Author: Adams Hymnal: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #175 (1844) Meter: Topics: Christ All and In All First Line: Christ is my All, my sure Defence Lyrics: 1 Christ is my All, my sure Defence, Nor shall my soul depart from thence; He is my Rock, my Refuge too, In spite of all my foes can do. 2 Christ is my All, and he will lead My soul in pastures green to feed; ’Tis he supplies my every want, And will all needful blessings grant. 3 Christ is my All! where should I go? Without him I can nothing do. Helpless and weak, a sinner great, Yet in his righteousness complete. Languages: English

Rejoice, and let Christ be thy song

Author: W. Gadsby Hymnal: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #565 (1844) Topics: Christ All and In All Lyrics: 1 Rejoice, and let Christ be thy song, For he is thy All and in All; He leads my soul safely along, In spite of the world, sin, or thrall; Though poor in myself, yet in him I’ve riches immense and divine; Nor can I be brought guilty in, For Jesus, my Lord, paid the fine. 2 Once I was enveloped in debt, My poor mind was burdened with sin, And strove hard to make matters straight, That I the Lord’s favour might win! But ah! my soul laboured in vain, And only the debt did increase, Which greatly increasèd my pain, And filled me with shame and disgrace. 3 I looked to the law for some help, And hoped it some mercy would show; But O, my soul trembled, and felt The law could but doom me to woe, I saw it too just to forgive; Too holy at sin to connive; Then speechless I stood, as if dead, Nor did I expect a reprieve. 4 But while I stood trembling with fear, The Saviour of sinners came in, Who smiled, and said, “Be of good cheer, I surely will save thee from sin; I’m Jesus, the First and the Last; Thy debts have been chargèd on me – The future, the present, the past – And thou shalt for ever go free.” Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1:10 Languages: English

Christ the Believer's All

Author: Hart Hymnal: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #180 (1844) Meter: 8.7 Topics: Christ All and In All First Line: Lamb of God, we fall before thee Lyrics: 1 Lamb of God, we fall before thee, Humbly trusting in thy cross; That alone be all our glory; All things else are dung and dross; Thee we own a perfect Saviour, Only Source of all that’s good: Every grace and every favour Comes to us through Jesus’ blood. 2 [Jesus gives us true repentance, By his Spirit sent from heaven; Jesus whispers this sweet sentence, “Son, thy sins are all forgiven.” Faith he gives us to believe it; Grateful hearts his love to prize; Want we wisdom? He must give it; Hearing ears, and seeing eyes.] 3 [Jesus gives us pure affections, Wills to do what he requires; Makes us follow his directions, And what he commands inspires. All our prayers and all our praises, Rightly offered in his name, He that dictates them is Jesus; He that answers is the same.] 4 When we live on Jesus’ merit, Then we worship God aright, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Then we savingly unite. Hear the whole conclusion of it; Great or good, whate’er we call, God, or King, or Priest, or Prophet, Jesus Christ is All in All. Languages: English

Christ the Believer's Song

Author: W. Gadsby Hymnal: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #568 (1844) Topics: Christ All and In All First Line: Ye saints of the Lord, rejoice in your King Lyrics: 1 Ye saints of the Lord, rejoice in your King; His mercy record; his faithfulness sing, His infinite power and wisdom proclaim; His free grace adore, and sing “Worthy’s the Lamb!” 2 Complete and all pure in Jesus you are; Your baseness he bore, and makes you all fair; Nor Gabriel can boast of a robe more divine, Than on you is cast, and in which you shall shine. 3 ’Midst worlds in a blaze, and wrath streaming forth, While millions shall gaze divested of hope, In dread consternation, distracted with fear Of just condemnation and utter despair, 4 True Christians shall stand, without fear or shame, At Jesus’ right hand, in glory to reign, The dread conflagration their joy can’t decrease, Complete’s their salvation, and all is of grace. 5 Hallelujah, amen; salvation’s of God! Repeat it again, and publish abroad The love of your Saviour; what theme’s so complete? He’ll leave you? No, never! his love is too great. Languages: English

The One Thing Needful

Author: W. Gadsby Hymnal: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #573 (1844) Meter: 8.7.4 Topics: Christ All and In All First Line: Jesus is the one thing needful Lyrics: 1 Jesus is the one thing needful; I without him perish must. Gracious Spirit, make me heedful; Help me in his name to trust; And with pleasure, In him, as my portion, boast. 2 In the councils of Jehovah, He was needed much indeed; There to stand (a mighty Lover!) In the church’s room and stead, As her Surety, And her everlasting Head. 3 He is needful in all stations, While in Meshech I reside; All my springs and consolations In him, as my Head, abide; And in glory, I shall sing to him that died. Languages: English

Believers own they are but blind

Author: Hart Hymnal: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #181 (1844) Meter: Topics: Christ All and In All Lyrics: 1 Believers own they are but blind; They know themselves unwise; But wisdom in the Lord they find, Who opens all their eyes. 2 Unrighteous are they all, when tried; But God himself declares In Jesus they are justified; His righteousness is theirs. 3 [That we’re unholy needs no proof; We sorely feel the fall; But Christ has holiness enough To sanctify us all.] 4 Exposed by sin to God’s just wrath, We look to Christ and view Redemption in his blood by faith, And full redemption too. 5 [Some this, some that good virtue teach, To rectify the soul; But we first after Jesus reach, And richly grasp the whole.] 6 To Jesus joined, we all that’s good From him, our Head, derive. We eat his flesh and drink his blood, And by and in him live. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:30 Languages: English

Dependance on Christ alone

Author: Hart Hymnal: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #182 (1844) Topics: Christ All and In All First Line: If ever it could come to pass Lyrics: 1 If ever it could come to pass, That sheep of Christ might fall away, My fickle, feeble soul, alas! Would fall a thousand times a day; Were not thy love as firm as free, Thou soon would’st take it, Lord, from me. 2 I on thy promises depend; At least I to depend desire; That thou wilt love me to the end, Be with me in temptation’s fire; Wilt for me work, and in me too, And guide me right and bring me through. 3 No other stay have I beside; If these can alter, I must fall; I look to thee to be supplied With life, with will, with power, with all. Rich souls may glory in their store, But Jesus will relieve the poor. Languages: English

God my only Happiness

Author: Watts Hymnal: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #186 (1844) Meter: Topics: Christ All and In All First Line: My God, my Portion, and my Love Lyrics: 1 My God, my Portion, and my Love, My everlasting All, I’ve none but thee in heaven above, Or on this earthly ball. 2 [What empty things are all the skies, And this inferior clod! There’s nothing here deserves my joys; There’s nothing like my God.] 3 [In vain the bright, the burning sun Scatters his feeble light; ’Tis thy sweet beams create my noon; If thou withdraw, ’tis night.] 4 [And whilst upon my restless bed, Amongst the shades I roll, If my Redeemer shows his head, ’Tis morning with my soul.] 5 To thee we owe our wealth, and friends, And health, and safe abode; Thanks to thy name for meaner things, But they are not my God. 6 [How vain a toy is glittering wealth, If once compared to thee! Or what’s my safety or my health, Or all my friends to me?] 7 [Were I possessor of the earth, And called the stars my own, Without thy graces and thyself, I were a wretch undone!] 8 Let others stretch their arms like seas, And grasp in all the shore; Grant me the visits of thy face, And I desire no more. Languages: English
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If Christ is mine, then all is mine

Author: Rev. Benjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 Hymnal: Hymnal and Liturgies of the Moravian Church #508 (1920) Topics: Christ All and in all Languages: English Tune Title: ABRIDGE

"Behold my Servant whom I upheld"

Author: W. Gadsby Hymnal: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #571 (1844) Topics: Christ All and In All First Line: Behold, with wondering eyes Lyrics: 1 Behold, with wondering eyes, The Servant of the Lord; On wings of love he flies, His counsels to unfold! He comes, he comes with truth and grace! And Zion shall behold his face. 2 Behold him as your Head; Your Husband, and your Friend; Your Saviour, and your God, Your Way, your Life, your End. Behold him as your Shepherd dear, And on him rest when danger’s near. 3 Behold him as your King, Whose laws are peace and love; Mercy and judgment sing, And set your minds above. Behold him as your great High Priest, With Zion’s name upon his breast. 4 Your Counsellor to plead, Your Prophet he to teach; A Daysman he is made, To make up every breach. On him depend; before him fall; Behold him as your All in All. Languages: English

Christ altogether Lovely

Author: Berridge Hymnal: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #177 (1844) Topics: Christ All and In All First Line: Soon as faith the Lord can see Lyrics: 1 Soon as faith the Lord can see, Bleeding on the cross for me, Quick my idols all depart, Jesus gets and fills my heart. 2 [None among the sons of men, None among the heavenly train, Can with Jesus then compare; None so sweet and none so fair.] 3 Then my tongue would fain express All his love and loveliness; But I lisp and falter forth Broken words, not half his worth. 4 Vexed, I try and try again; Still my efforts all are vain; Living tongues are dumb at best; We must die to speak of Christ. 5 [Blessèd is the upper saint, Who can praise and never faint, Gazing on thee evermore, And with flaming heart adore.] 6 [Let the Lord a smile bestow On his lisping babes below, That will keep their infant tongue Prattling of him all day long.] Languages: English

The Fulness of Christ

Author: Fawcett Hymnal: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #184 (1844) Topics: Christ All and In All First Line: A fulness resides in Jesus our Head Lyrics: 1 A fulness resides in Jesus our Head, And ever abides to answer our need; The Father’s good pleasure has laid up in store A plentiful treasure, to give to the poor. 2 Whate’er be our wants, we need not to fear; Our numerous complaints his mercy will hear; His fulness shall yield us abundant supplies; His power shall shield us when dangers arise. 3 The fountain o’erflows, our woes to redress, Still more he bestows, and grace upon grace. His gifts in abundance we daily receive; He has a redundance for all that believe. 4 Whatever distress awaits us below, Such plentiful grace will Jesus bestow As still shall support us and silence our fear, For nothing can hurt us while Jesus is near. 5 When troubles attend, or danger, or strife, His love will defend and guard us through life; And when we are fainting and ready to die, Whatever is wanting, his grace will supply. Languages: English
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My God, accept my heart this day

Author: Matthew Bridges, 1800-1893 Hymnal: Hymnal and Liturgies of the Moravian Church #460 (1920) Topics: Christ All and in all Languages: English Tune Title: EVAN
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Jesus, my Lord, I thee adore

Author: Rev. Henry Collins, 1830— Hymnal: Hymnal and Liturgies of the Moravian Church #488 (1920) Topics: Christ All and in all First Line: Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all Languages: English Tune Title: ST. CHRISOSTOM

"Christ the hope of glory"

Author: W. Gadsby Hymnal: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #567 (1844) Meter: Topics: Christ All and In All First Line: Jesus, the Lord, my Saviour is Lyrics: 1 Jesus, the Lord, my Saviour is, My Shepherd, and my God; My light, my strength, my joy, my bliss; And I his grace record. 2 Whate’er I need in Jesus dwells, And there it dwells for me; ’Tis Christ my earthen vessel fills With treasures rich and free. 3 Mercy and truth and righteousness, And peace, most richly meet In Jesus Christ, the King of grace, In whom I stand complete. 4 As through the wilderness I roam, His mercies I’ll proclaim; And when I safely reach my home, I’ll still adore his name. 5 “Worthy the Lamb,” shall be my song, “For he for me was slain;” And with me all the heavenly throng Shall join, and say, “Amen.” Languages: English

Christ and his Church

Author: W. Gadsby Hymnal: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #569 (1844) Topics: Christ All and In All First Line: The Father, in eternal love Lyrics: 1 The Father, in eternal love, His heart upon Zion did set; Her name he enrollèd above; Nor will he fair Zion forget, He chose her in Jesus his Son, And gave her to him for a wife; Who freely accepted the same, Though knowing she’d cost him his life. 2 He saw her polluted with sin, Enveloped in debt and distress; Determined her heart he would win, Engagèd to save her by grace, He took all her debts and her woes, And for her was surely made sin; He fought and he conquered her foes, And with him she shall live and reign. Languages: English

Christ and his Blessings a Free Gift

Author: W. Gadsby Hymnal: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #570 (1844) Meter: Topics: Christ All and In All First Line: The Lord on high his love proclaims Lyrics: 1 The Lord on high his love proclaims, And makes his goodness known; To men deserving endless pains He gave his only Son. 2 He gave his Son their life to be, To save them from despair; From death and hell to set them free, In glory to appear. 3 All real good in Jesus dwells, And freely is bestowed On such as cannot help themselves, And cry for help to God. 4 Then, mourning souls, dry up your tears; Though wretched be your case, His love shall banish all your fears; He’ll save you by his grace. Languages: English
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Jesus, thy name I love

Author: James George Deck, 1802-1884 Hymnal: Hymnal and Liturgies of the Moravian Church #63 (1920) Topics: Christ All and in all Languages: English Tune Title: NEW HAVEN


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