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God's Strength Our Protection

Hymnal: The Psalter #34 (1912) Meter: Topics: Deliverance From Enemies; Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: I love the lord, His strength is mine Lyrics: 1 I love the Lord, His strength is mine; He is my God, I trust His grace; My fortress high, my shield divine, My Savior and my hiding-place. 2 My prayer to God shall still be raised When troubles thick around me close; The lord, most worthy to be praised, Will rescue me from all my foes. 3 When, floods of evil raging near, Down nigh to dearth my soul was brought I cried to God in all my fear; He heard and great deliv'rance wrought. 4 He came: the earth's foundations quake, The hills are shaken from their place, Thick smoke and fire devouring break In anger dread before His face. 5 Descending through the bending skies, With gloom and darkness under Him, Forth through the storm Jehovah flies As on the wings of cherubim. 6 Thick darkness hides Him from the view, And swelling clouds His presence veil, Until His glorious light breaks through In lighting flash and glistening hail. 7 Jehovah's thunders fill the heaven, The dreadful voice of God Most High; With shafts of light the clouds are riven, His foes, dismayed, in terror fly. 8 The raging torrents overflow, And sweep the world's foundations bare, Because Thy blasts of anger blow, O Lord of earth and sea and air. 9 He took me from the whelming waves Of bitter hate and sore distress; The Lord, my stay and helper, saves, Thought mighty foes around me press. 10 From direful straits He set me free, He saved the man of His delight; For good the Lord rewarded me, Because I kept His ways aright. Scripture: Psalm 18 Languages: English Tune Title: MENDON
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A Cry for Help

Hymnal: The Psalter #157 (1912) Meter: Topics: Deliverance From Enemies; Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: Protect and save me, O my God Lyrics: 1 Protect and save me, O my God, From foes that seek my life; And set me high, secure, above The rising tide of strife. 2 The workers of iniquity Against me lie in wait; Tho' I am innocent, O Lord, They gather in their hate. 3 Behold their wickedness, O Lord; To help me, O awake, Lord God of Hosts, Thou, Israel's God, Arise, and vengeance take. 4 My enemies with deadly rage Renew their fierce attack; They think the Lord will not regard, But Thou wilt turn them back. 5 O God, my strength, on Thee I wait; To Thee for refuge flee. My God with mercy will defend Triumphant I shall be. 6 O God our shield, let wickedness And pride be put to shame. Till all shall know that Thou dost rule, And all shall fear Thy Name. 7 Let wickedness that raged in power Now rage in impotence; But I will glory in Thy strength My refuge and defense. 8 When all the night of woe is past And morning dawns at length, Then I will praise Thy grace, O God, My refuge and my strength. 9 To Thee, O god most merciful, My thankful song I raise; My might, my strong, secure abode, I will proclaim Thy praise. Scripture: Psalm 59 Languages: English Tune Title: EAGLEY
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Contrite Trust

Hymnal: The Psalter #389a (1912) Topics: Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: Lord, hear me in distress Lyrics: 1 Lord, hear me in distress, Regard my suppliant cry, And in Thy faithfulness And righteousness reply. In judgment do not cause Thy servant to be tried; Before Thy holy laws No man is justified. 2 The enemy has sought My soul in dust to tread; To darkness I am brought, Forgotten as the dead. My spirit, crushed with grief, Is sad and overborne; My heart finds no relief, But desolate I mourn. 3 Recalling former days And all Thy wondrous deeds, The mem'ry of Thy ways To hope and comfort leads. to Thee I stretch my hands, Let me not plead in vain; I wait as weary lands Wait for refreshing rain. 4 My failing spirit see, O Lord, to me make haste; Hide not Thy face from me, Lest bitter death I taste, O let the morn return, Let mercy light my day; For Thee in faith I yearn, O guide me in the way. 5 Lord, save me from my foe, To Thee for help I flee; Teach me Thy way to know, I have no God but Thee. By Thy good Spirit lead From trouble and distress, My erring feet shall tread The path of uprightness. 6 O Lord, for Thy Name's sake Revive my fainting heart; My soul from trouble take, For just and true Thou art. Remove my enemy, My cruel foe reward; In mercy rescue me Who am Thy servant, Lord. Scripture: Psalm 143 Languages: English Tune Title: INVITATION
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Contrite Trust

Hymnal: The Psalter #389b (1912) Topics: Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: Lord, hear me in distress Lyrics: 1 Lord, hear me in distress, Regard my suppliant cry, And in Thy faithfulness And righteousness reply. In judgment do not cause Thy servant to be tried; Before Thy holy laws No man is justified. 2 The enemy has sought My soul in dust to tread; To darkness I am brought, Forgotten as the dead. My spirit, crushed with grief, Is sad and overborne; My heart finds no relief, But desolate I mourn. 3 Recalling former days And all Thy wondrous deeds, The mem'ry of Thy ways To hope and comfort leads. to Thee I stretch my hands, Let me not plead in vain; I wait as weary lands Wait for refreshing rain. 4 My failing spirit see, O Lord, to me make haste; Hide not Thy face from me, Lest bitter death I taste, O let the morn return, Let mercy light my day; For Thee in faith I yearn, O guide me in the way. 5 Lord, save me from my foe, To Thee for help I flee; Teach me Thy way to know, I have no God but Thee. By Thy good Spirit lead From trouble and distress, My erring feet shall tread The path of uprightness. 6 O Lord, for Thy Name's sake Revive my fainting heart; My soul from trouble take, For just and true Thou art. Remove my enemy, My cruel foe reward; In mercy rescue me Who am Thy servant, Lord. Scripture: Psalm 143 Languages: English Tune Title: BRADBURY
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The Church Under Discipline

Hymnal: The Psalter #216 (1912) Topics: Deliverance From Enemies; Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: In Thy heritage the heathen Lyrics: 1 In Thy heritage the heathen Now, O God, triumphant stand; They defile Thy holy temple, They destroy Thy chosen land; Ruthless, they have slain Thy servants, They have caused Thy saints to mourn, In the sight of all about us We endure reproach and scorn. 2 O how long against Thy people Shall Thy anger burn, O Lord? On Thy enemies, the heathen, Be Thy indignation poured; Smite the kingdoms that defy Thee, Calling not upon Thy Name. They have long devoured Thy people And have swept Thy land with flame. 3 O remember not against us Evil by our fathers wrought; Haste to help us in Thy mercy, Near to ruin we are brought; Help us, God of our salvation, For the glory of Thy Name; For Thy Name's sake come and save us, Take away our sin and shame. 4 Let Thy foes no longer scorn Thee, Now avenge Thy servants slain; Loose the pris'ner, save the dying, All Thy enemies restrain; Then Thy flock, Thy chosen people, Unto Thee Thy thanks shall raise, And to ev'ry generation, We will sing Thy glorious praise. Scripture: Psalm 79 Languages: English Tune Title: SALONICA
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The Prayer of the Wronged for Protection

Hymnal: Bible Songs #118 (1901) Topics: Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: My God, deliver me from those Scripture: Psalm 59 Languages: English Tune Title: [My God, deliver me from those]
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Jehovah, to My Prayer Give Ear

Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Red) #107 (1934) Meter: D Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Lyrics: 1 Jehovah, to my prayer give ear, Nor hide Thee from my cry; Attend my sad complaint, and hear My restless moan and sigh. My enemies lift up their voice, The violent oppress; To do me wrong my foes rejoice, And love my soul's distress. 2 Sore pained in heart I find no ease, Death's terrors fill my soul, Great fear and trembling on me seize, And horrors o'er me roll. O had I wings, I sigh and say, Like some swift dove to roam, Then would I hasten far away And find a peaceful home. 3 Lo, wandering far my rest should be In some lone desert waste; I from the stormy wind would flee, And to a shelter haste. O Lord, their malice recompense, Their wicked tongues confound, For in the city violence And bitter strife abound. 4 They walk her walls both night and day, Within all vices meet; Oppression, fraud, and crime hold sway, Nor leave the crowded street. No foreign foe provokes alarm, But enemies within; May God destroy their power to harm And recompense their sin. Scripture: Psalm 55 Languages: English Tune Title: VOX DILECTI
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Our Saviour in Trial

Hymnal: The Psalter #147 (1912) Meter: Topics: Deliverance From Enemies; Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: O save me by Thy Name Lyrics: 1 O save me by Thy Name And judge me in thy might; O God, now grant my urgent claim, Acceptance in thy sight. 2 Strong foes against me rise, Oppressors seek my soul, Who set not God before their eyes, Nor own His just control. 3 Lo, God my helper is, The Lord, my mighty friend; He shall requite my enemies, Their just destruction send. 4 My sacrifice of praise To Thee I freely bring; My thanks, O Lord, to Thee I raise And of Thy goodness sing. 5 From troubles and from woes Thou hast delivered me, The overthrow of all my foes Hast given me to see. Scripture: Psalm 54 Languages: English Tune Title: CAPELLO
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Be Thou My Helper in the Strife

Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Red) #67 (1934) Meter: D Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Lyrics: 1 Be Thou my helper in the strife, O Lord, my strong Defender be; Thy mighty shield protect my life, Thy spear confront the enemy. Amid the conflict, O my Lord, Thy precious promise let me hear, The faithful, reassuring word: I am thy Savior, do not fear. 2 Ashamed, confounded let them be Who seek my ruin and disgrace; O let Thy angel fight for me, And drive my foes before his face. Without a cause my life they sought, Without a case their plots they laid; Themselves within their snares be caught, And be my crafty foes dismayed. 3 My soul is joyful in the Lord, In His salvation I rejoice; To Him my heart will praise accord And bless His Name with thankful voice. For who, O Lord, is like to Thee, Defender of the poor and meek? The needy Thy salvation see When mighty foes their ruin seek. 4 Unrighteous witnesses have stood And told of crimes beyond belief; Returning evil for my good, They overwhelm my soul with grief. When in affliction they were sad, I wept and made their grief my own; But in my trouble they are glad And strive that I may be o'erthrown. 5 O Lord, how long wilt Thou delay? My soul for Thy salvation waits; My thankfulness I will display Amid the crowds that throng Thy gates. Let not my enemies rejoice And wrongfully exult o'er me; They speak not peace, but lift their voice To trouble those that peaceful be. 6 My foes with joy my woes survey, But Thou, O Lord, hast seen it all; O be no longer far away, Nor silent when on Thee I call. O haste to my deliverance now, O Lord, my righteous cause maintain; My Lord and God alone art Thou; Awake, and make thy justice plain. 7 O Lord my God, I look to Thee, Be Thou my righteous Judge, I pray; Let not my foes exult o'er me And laugh with joy at my dismay. With shame and trouble those requite Who would my righteous cause destroy; But those who in the good delight, Let them be glad and shout for joy. 8 Yea, let the Lord be magnified, Because Thy servants Thou dost bless; And I, from morn till eventide, Will daily praise Thy righteousness. My soul is joyful in the Lord, In His salvation I rejoice; To Him my heart will praise accord And bless His Name with thankful voice. Scripture: Psalm 35 Languages: English Tune Title: HE LEADETH ME
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God Our Advocate and Judge

Hymnal: The Psalter #92 (1912) Meter: Topics: Deliverance From Enemies First Line: Be Thou my helper in the strife Lyrics: 1 Be Thou my helper in the strife, O Lord, my strong defender be; Thy mighty shield protect my life, Thy spear confront the enemy, Amid the conflict, O my Lord, Thy precious promise let me hear, The faithful, reassuring word: I am thy Saviour, do not fear. 2 Ashamed, confounded let them be Who seek my ruin and disgrace; O let Thy angel fight for me, And drive my foes before his face. Without a cause my life they sought, Without a case their plots they laid; Themselves within their snares be caught, And be my crafty foes dismayed. 3 My soul is joyful in the Lord, In His salvation I rejoice; To Him my heart will praise accord And bless His Name with thankful voice. For who, O Lord, is like to Thee, Defender of the poor and meek? The needy Thy salvation see When mighty foes their ruin seek. 4 Unrighteous witnesses have stood And told of crimes beyond belief; Returning evil for my good, They overwhelm my soul with grief. When in affliction they were sad, I wept and made their grief my own; But in my trouble they are glad And strive that I may be o'erthrown. 5 O Lord, how long wilt Thou delay? My soul for Thy salvation waits; My thankfulness I will display Amid the crowds that throng Thy gates. Let not my enemies rejoice And wrongfully exult o'er me; They speak not peace, but lift their voice To trouble those that peaceful be. 6 My foes with joy my woes survey, but Thou, O Lord, hast seen it all; O be no longer far away, Nor silent when on Thee I call. O haste to my deliverance now, O Lord, my righteous cause maintain; My Lord and God alone art Thou; Awake, and make thy justice plain. 7 O Lord my God, I look to Thee, Be Thou my righteous Judge, I pray; Let not my foes exult o'er me And laugh with joy at my dismay. With shame and trouble those requite Who would my righteous cause destroy; But those who in the good delight, Let them be glad and shout for joy. 8 Yea, let the Lord be magnified, Because Thy servants Thou dost bless; And I, from morn till eventide, Will daily praise Thy righteousness. My soul is joyful in the Lord, In His salvation I rejoice; To Him my heart will praise accord And bless His Name with thankful voice. Scripture: Psalm 35 Languages: English Tune Title: CATHERINE
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The Cross of Calvary

Hymnal: The Psalter #47 (1912) Meter: Topics: Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: My God, My God, I cry to Thee Lyrics: 1 My God, My God, I cry to Thee; O why hast Thou forsaken Me? Afar from Me, Thou dost not heed, Though day and night for help I plead. 2 But Thou art holy in Thy ways, Enthroned upon Thy people's praise; Our fathers put their trust in Thee, Believed, and Thou didst set them free. 3 They cried, and, trusting in Thy Name, Were saved, and were not put to shame; But in the dust My honor lies, While all reproach and all despise. 4 My words a cause for scorn they make, The lip they curl, the head they shake, And, mocking, bid Me trust the Lord Till He salvation shall afford. 5 My trust on Thee I learned to rest When i was on My mother's breast; From birth Thou art My God alone, Thy care My life has ever known. 6 O let Thy strength and presence cheer, For trouble and distress are near; Be Thou not far away from Me, I have no source of help but Thee. 7 Unnumbered foes would do Me wrong, They press about Me, fierce and strong, Like beasts of prey their rage they vent, My courage fails, My strength is spent. 8 Down unto death Thou leadest Me, Consumed by thirst and agony; With cruel hate and anger fierce My helpless hands and feet they pierce. 9 While on My wasted form they stare, The garments torn from Me they share, My shame and sorrow heeding not, And for My robe they cast the lot. 10 O Lord, afar no longer stay; O Thou My helper, haste, I pray; From death and evil set Me free; I live, for Thou didst answer Me. 11 I live and will declare Thy fame Where brethren gather in Thy Name; Where all Thy faithful people meet, I will Thy worthy praise repeat. Scripture: Psalm 22 Languages: English Tune Title: HEBRON
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God's might our protection

Hymnal: Bible Songs #29 (1901) Topics: Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: Thee will I love, O Lord Scripture: Psalm 18:1-13 Languages: English Tune Title: [Thee will I love, O Lord]
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The Prayer of the Righteous

Hymnal: The Psalter #31 (1912) Topics: Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: Lord, hear the right, regard my cry Lyrics: 1 Lord, hear the right, regard my cry, My prayer from lips sincere; Send Thy approval from on high, My righteousness make clear. Thou in the night my heart hast tried, Nor found it turned from Thee aside. 2 With steadfast courage I design No wrong to speak or do; Thy path of life I choose for mine And walk with purpose true. For help, O God, I cry to Thee, Assured that Thou wilt answer me. 3 O Thou that ever savest those Whose trust on Thee is stayed, Preserving them from all their foes By Thy almighty aid, Let me Thy loving-kindness see, Thy wondrous mercy, full and free. 4 O guard me well as one doth guard The apple of the eye; While deadly foes are pressing hard, To Thee, to Thee I cry. Do Thou my rest and refuge be, O let Thy wings o'er shadow me. 5 My enemy, grown strong in pride, Would take my life away, A lion lurking by my side, Most greedy for his prey. Confront and cast him down, O Lord, From evil save me by Thy sword. 6 Defend me from the men of pride, Whose portion is below, Who, with life's treasures satisfied, No better portion know; They, with earth's joys and wealth content, Must leave them all when life is spent. 7 When I in righteousness at last Thy glorious face shall see, When all the weary night is past, And I awake with Thee To view the glories that abide, Then, then I shall be satisfied. Scripture: Psalm 17 Languages: English Tune Title: CALM
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Our Lord's Crucifixion

Hymnal: Bible Songs #40 (1901) Topics: Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: My God, my God, why me forsake Scripture: Psalm 22:1-12 Languages: English Tune Title: [My God, my God, why me forsake]
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The Church's Appeal in Tribulation

Hymnal: Bible Songs #162 (1901) Topics: Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: O God, the heathen hosts Scripture: Psalm 79 Languages: English Tune Title: [O God, the heathen hosts]
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Fleeing to God in Need

Hymnal: Bible Songs #305 (1901) Topics: Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: O Lord, my prayer hear Refrain First Line: Thou art my God in need Scripture: Psalm 143 Languages: English Tune Title: [O Lord, my prayer hear]
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Prayer for Grace and Guidance

Hymnal: Bible Songs #306 (1901) Topics: Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: O Lord, my prayer hear Scripture: Psalm 143 Languages: English Tune Title: [O Lord, my prayer hear]
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Blest Be the Lord, My Rock, My Might

Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Red) #312 (1934) Meter: 8.8.6 D Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Lyrics: 1 Blest be the Lord, my rock, my might, My constant Helper in the fight, My shield, my righteousness, My strong high tower, my Savior true, Who doth my enemies subdue, My shelter in distress. 2 Lord, what is man, what has he wrought, The son of man, that in Thy thought To hold him Thou shouldst deign? For man is like a breath, a sight, His days on earth as quickly fly As shadows o'er the plain. 3 Lord, how Thy heavens, in might descend, Touch Thou the hills, the mountains rend, And they shall smoke and flame; As arrows send Thy lightnings out to put Thy enemies to rout, And fill Thy foes with shame. 4 Stretch forth Thy hand and rescue me From trouble's dark and raging sea, And from the alien throng, Whose mouth but vanity doth speak, Whose hand of strength against the weak Is filled with craft and wrong. 5 Now will I sing a glad new song, Thy praise, O God, I will prolong, For Thou hast heard my prayer; Salvation Thou dost give to kings, Thy own dost keep, with sheltering wings, From hurtful sword and snare. 6 O Thou to Whom in trust I flee, Stretch forth Thy hand and rescue me From all the alien throng, Whose mouth but vanity doth speak, Whose hand of strength against the weak Is filled with craft and wrong. Scripture: Psalm 144 Languages: English Tune Title: MALONE
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Trustful Praise and Prayer

Hymnal: The Psalter #392 (1912) Topics: Prayer For Deliverance from Enemies First Line: Blest be the Lord, my rock, my might Lyrics: 1 Blest be the Lord, my rock, my might, My constant helper in the fight, My shield, my righteousness, My strong high tower, my Saviour true, Who doth my enemies subdue, My shelter in distress. 2 Lord, what is man, what hath he wrought, The son of man, that in thy thought To hold him Thou shouldst deign? For man is like a breath, a sight, His days on earth as quickly fly As shadows o'er the plain. 3 Lord, how thy heav'ns in might descend, Touch Thou the hills, the mountains rend, And they shall smoke and flame; As arrows send Thy lightnings out to put Thy enemies to rout, And fill thy foes with shame. 4 Stretch forth Thy hand and rescue me From trouble's dark and raging sea, And from the alien throng, Whose mouth but vanity doth speak, Whose hand of strength against the weak Is filled with craft and wrong. 5 Now will I sing a glad new song, Thy praise, O God, I will prolong, For Thou hast heard my prayer; Salvation Thou dost give to kings, Thy own dost keep, with shelt'ring wings, From hurtful sword and snare. 6 O Thou to Whom in trust I flee, Stretch forth Thy hand and rescue me From all the alien throng, Whose mouth but vanity doth speak, Whose hand of strength against the weak Is filled with craft and wrong. Scripture: Psalm 144 Languages: English Tune Title: EXMOUTH
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In Thee, O Lord, I Put My Trust

Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Red) #58 (1934) Meter: Topics: Deliverance From Enemies Lyrics: 1 In Thee, O Lord, I put my trust, I call upon Thy Name; O save me in Thy righteousness, Nor let me suffer shame. 2 Bow down Thy ear to my request, And swift deliverance send; Be Thou to me a rock of strength, A fortress to defend. 3 Since Thou my rock and fortress art, My Leader be, and Guide; From all temptation rescue me, Thou dost my strength abide. 4 To Thee my spirit I commend; Redemption is with Thee, O Thou Jehovah, God of truth, Who hast delivered me. 5 I hate all those that love the false, My trust is in the Lord; I will be glad, and joyfully Thy mercy will record. 6 For my affliction Thou hast seen, And known my many woes; Thou hast not let me be enslaved, But freed me from my foes. 7 Show mercy, Lord, to me distressed, And send my soul relief, My life is spent with bitterness, My strength consumed with grief. 8 I mourn and fail because of sin, Friends turn in dread away; Reproached am I and terrified, While foes conspire to slay. 9 But, Lord, in Thee is all my trust, Thou art my God, I cried; My life, my times are in Thy hand, I in Thy strength confide. 10 From all that persecute my soul Deliverance I crave; O smile upon Thy servant, Lord, And in Thy mercy save. 11 Let me not be ashamed, O Lord, I plead with Thee to save; But let the wicked be ashamed, And silent in the grave. 12 Yea, let their lips henceforth be mute Who words of falsehood seek, The lips which with contempt and pride Against the righteous speak. Scripture: Psalm 31 Languages: English Tune Title: NAOMI


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