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Waiting for Pardon and Direction

Appears in 113 hymnals Topics: Desertion and Distress of Soul; Desertion and Distress of Soul First Line: I lift my soul to God Lyrics: 1 I lift my soul to God, My trust is in his name; Let not my foes that seek my blood Still triumph in my shame. 2 Sin and the powers of hell Persuade me to despair; Lord make me know thy covenant well, That I may ’scape the snare. 3 From gleams of dawning light Till evening shades arise, For thy salvation, Lord, I wait, With ever-longing eyes. 4 Remember all thy grace, And lead me in thy truth; Forgive the sins of riper days, And follies of my youth. 5 The Lord is just and kind, The meek shall learn his ways, And every humble sinner find The methods of his grace. 6 For his own goodness sake He saves my soul from shame; He pardons (tho' my guilt be great) Thro' my Redeemer’s name. Scripture: Psalm 25:1-11
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Guilt of Conscience and Relief; or Repentance and Prayer for Pardon and Health

Appears in 61 hymnals Topics: Desertion and Distress of Soul; Desertion and Distress of Soul First Line: Amidst thy wrath remember love Lyrics: 1 Amidst thy wrath remember love; Restore thy servant, Lord, Nor let a Father’s chastening prove Like an avenger’s sword. 2 Thine arrows stick within my heart, My flesh is sorely prest; Between the sorrow and the smart My spirit finds no rest. 3 My sins a heavy load appear, And o’er my head are gone; Too heavy they for me to bear, Too hard for me t’ atone. 4 My thoughts are like a troubled sea, That sinks my comforts down; And I go mourning all the day Beneath my father’s frown. 5 Lord, I am weaken'd and dismay'd, None of my powers are whole; My wounds with piercing anguish bleed, The anguish of my soul. 6 All my desire to thee are known, Thine eye counts every tear, And every sigh and every groan Is notic'd by thine ear. 7 Thou art my God, my only hope; My God will hear my cry, My God will bear my spirit up When Satan bids me die. 8 My foes rejoice whene'er I slide, To see my virtue fail; They raise their pleasure and their pride, Whene'er their wiles prevail. 9 But I’ll confess my guilty ways, And grieve for all my sin; I’ll mourn how weak the seeds of grace, And beg support divine. 10 My God, forgive my follies past, And be forever nigh; O Lord of my salvation haste, Before thy servant die. Scripture: Psalm 38
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Distress of Soul; or, Backsliding and Desertion

Appears in 117 hymnals Topics: Desertion and Distress of Soul; Desertion and Distress of Soul First Line: Mine eyes and my deisre Lyrics: 1 Mine eyes and my desire Are ever to the Lord; I love to plead his promis'd grace, And rest upon his word. 2 Turn, turn thee to my soul, Bring thy salvation near; When will thy hand release my feet To 'scape the deadly snare? 3 When shall the sovereign grace Of my forgiving God Restore me from those dangerous ways My wandering feet have trod? 4 The tumult of my thoughts Doth but enlarge my woe; My spirit languishes, my heart Is desolate and low. 5 With every morning light My sorrow new begins; Look on my anguish and my pain, And pardon all my sins. Pause. 6 Behold the hosts of hell, How cruel is their hate! Against my life they rise, and join Their fury with deceit. 7 Oh keep my soul from death, Nor put my hope to shame, For I have plac'd my only trust In my Redeemer's name. 8 With humble faith I wait To see thy face again; Of Israel it shall ne'er be said, He sought the Lord in vain Scripture: Psalm 25:15-22
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Divine Instruction

Appears in 66 hymnals Topics: Desertion and Distress of Soul; Desertion and Distress of Soul First Line: Where shall the man be found Lyrics: 1 Where shall the man be found, That fears t' offend his God, That loves the gospel's joyful sound, And trembles at the rod? 2 The Lord shall make him know The secrets of his heart, The wonders of his covenant show, And all his love impart. 3 The dealings of his power Are truth and mercy still, With such as keep his covenant sure, And love to do his will. 4 Their souls shall dwell at ease Before their Maker's face, Their seed shall taste the promises In their extensive grace. Scripture: Psalm 25:10
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Complaint under the Temptation of Death

Appears in 64 hymnals Topics: Desertion and Distress of Soul; Desertion and Distress of Soul First Line: How long wilt thou conceal thy face? Lyrics: 1 How long wilt thou conceal thy face? My God, how long delay? When shall I feel those heavenly rays That chase my fears away? 2 How long shall my poor labouring soul Wrestle and toil in vain? Thy word can all my foes controul, And ease my raging pain. 3 See how the Prince of darkness tries All his malicious arts; He spreads a mist around my eyes, And throws his fiery darts. 4 Be thou my son, and thou my shield, My soul in safety keep; Make haste before mine eyes are seal'd In death's eternal sleep. 5 How would the tempter boast aloud, Should I become his prey! Behold the sons of hell grow proud To see thy long delay. 6 But they shall fly at thy rebuke, And Satan hide his head; He knows the terrors of thy look, And hears thy voice with dread. 7 Thou wilt display that sovereign grace, Whence all my comforts spring; I shall employ my lips in praise, And thy salvation sing. Scripture: Psalm 13
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Complaint of heavy Afflictions in Mind and Body

Appears in 56 hymnals Topics: Desertion and Distress of Soul; Desertion and Distress of Soul First Line: My righteous Judge, my gracious God Lyrics: 1 My righteous Judge, my gracious God, Hear when I spread my hands abroad, And cry for succour from thy throne, O make thy truth and mercy known. 2 Let judgment not against me pass: Behold thy servant pleads thy grace; Should justice call us to thy bar, No man alive is guiltless there. 3 Look down in pity, Lord, and see The mighty woes that burthen me; Down to the dust my life is brought, Like one long bury'd and forgot. 4 I dwell in darkness and unseen, My heart is desolate within, My thoughts in musing silence trace The antient wonders of thy grace. 5 Thence I derive a glimpse of hope To bear my sinking spirits up; I stretch my hands to God again, And thirst like parched lands for rain. 6 For thee I thirst, I pray, I mourn; When will thy smiling face return? Shall all my joys on earth remove, And God forever hide his love? 7 My God, thy long delay to save, Will sink thy prisoner to the grave; My heart grows faint, and dim mine eye; Make haste to help before I die. 8 The night is witness to my tears, Distressing pains, distressing fears; Oh might I hear thy morning voice, How would my weary powers rejoice! 9 In thee I trust, to thee I sigh, And lift my weary soul on high; For thee sit waiting all the day, And wear the tiresome hours away. 10 Break off my fetters, Lord, and show The paths in which my feet should go: If snares and foes beset the road, I'll flee to hide me near my God. 11 Teach me to do thy holy will, And lead me to thy heavenly hill: Let the good spirit of thy love Conduct me to thy courts above. 12 Then shall my soul no more complain, The tempter then shall rage in vain; And flesh that was my foe before, Shall never vex my spirit more. Scripture: Psalm 143
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Pleading with GOD under Desertion; or, Hope in Darkness

Appears in 64 hymnals Topics: Desertion and Distress of Soul First Line: How long, O Lord! shall I complain Lyrics: 1 How long, O Lord! shall I complain, Like one that seeks his GOD in vain. Canst thou thy Face for ever hide? And I still pray and be deny'd? 2 Shall I for ever be forgot, As one whom thou regardest not? Still shall my Soul thine Absence mourn? And still despair of thy Return? 3 How long shall my poor troubled Breast Be with these anxious Thoughts opprest, And Satan, my malicious Foe, Rejoice to see me sunk so low? 4 Hear, Lord, and grant me quick Relief, Before my Death conclude my Grief; If thou with-hold thy heav'nly Light, I sleep in everlasting Night. 5 How will the Pow'rs of Darkness boast, If but one praying Soul be lost? But I have trusted in thy Grace, And shall again behold thy Face. 6 Whate'er my Foes or Fears suggest, Thou art my Hope, my Joy, my Rest, My Heart shall feel thy Love, and raise My chearful Voice to Songs of Praise. Scripture: Psalm 13
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God is the Hope of the Helpless

Appears in 49 hymnals Topics: Desertion and Distress of Soul; Desertion and Distress of Soul First Line: To God I made my sorrows known Lyrics: 1 To God I made my sorrows known, From God I sought relief; In long complaints before his throne I pour'd out all my grief. 2 My soul was overwhelm'd with woes, My heart began to break; My God, who all my burdens knows, Beholds the way I take. 3 On every side I cast mine eye, And found my helpers gone, While friends and strangers past me by Neglected or unknown. 4 Then did I raise a louder cry, And call'd thy mercy near, "Thou art my portion when I die, "Be thou my refuge here." 5 Lord, I am brought exceeding low, Now let thine ear attend, And make my foes who vex me know I've an almighty Friend. 6 From my sad prison set me free, Then shall I praise thy name, And holy men shall join with me, Thy kindness to proclaim. Scripture: Psalm 142
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Ye sons of Adam, vain and young

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 59 hymnals Topics: Desertion and distress of soul Lyrics: Ye sons of Adam, vain and young, Indulge your eyes, indulge your tongue, Taste the delights your souls desire, And give a loose to all your fire; Pursue the pleasures you design, And cheer your hearts with songs and wine; Enjoy the day of mirth, but know There is a day of judgment too. God from on high beholds your thoughts, His book records your secret faults; The works of darkness you have done Must all appear before the sun. The vengeance to your follies due Should strike your hearts with terror through: How will you stand before his face, Or answer for his injured grace? Almighty God! turn off their eyes From these alluring vanities; And let the thunder of thy word Awake their souls to fear the Lord. Scripture: Ecclesiastes 11:9
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All mortal vanities, begone

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 20 hymnals Topics: Desertion and distress of soul Lyrics: All mortal vanities, begone, Nor tempt my eyes, nor tire my ears; Behold, amidst th' eternal throne, A vision of the Lamb appears. [Glory his fleecy robe adorns, Marked with the bloody death he bore; Seven are his eyes, and seven his horns, To speak his wisdom and his power. Lo! he receives a sealed book From him that sits upon the throne; Jesus, my Lord, prevails to look On dark decrees and things unknown.] All the assembling saints around Fall worshipping before the Lamb, And in new songs of gospel sound Address their honors to his name. [The Joy, the shout, the harmony, Flies o'er the everlasting hills "Worthy art thou alone," they cry, To read the book, to loose the seals."] Our voices join the heav'nly strain, And with transporting pleasure sing, "Worthy the Lamb that once was slain, To be our Teacher and our King!" His words of prophecy reveal Eternal counsels, deep designs; His grace and vengeance shall fulfil The peaceful and the dreadful lines. Thou hast redeemed our souls from hell With thine invaluable blood; And wretches that did once rebel Are now made fav'rites of their God. Worthy for ever is the Lord, That died for treasons not his own, By every tongue to be adored, And dwell upon his Father's throne! Scripture: Revelation 5:6-9
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Bless'd be the everlasting God

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 189 hymnals Topics: Desertion and distress of soul Lyrics: Blest be the everlasting God, The Father of our Lord; Be his abounding mercy praised, His majesty adored. When from the dead he raised his Son, And called him to the sky, He gave our souls a lively hope That they should never die. What though our inbred sins require Our flesh to see the dust, Yet as the Lord our Savior rose, So all his followers must. There's an inheritance divine Reserved against that day; 'Tis uncorrupted, undefiled, And cannot waste away. Saints by the power of God are kept Till the salvation come; We walk by faith as strangers here, Till Christ shall call us home. Scripture: 1 Peter 1:3-5
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Our souls shall magnify the Lord

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 16 hymnals Topics: Desertion and distress of soul; Distress of soul, or backsliding and desertion Lyrics: Our souls shall magnify the Lord, In God the Savior we rejoice: While we repeat the Virgin's song, May the same Spirit tune our voice! [The Highest saw her low estate, And mighty things his hand hath done: His overshadowing power and grace Makes her the mother of his Son. Let ev'ry nation call her blest, And endless years prolong her fame; But God alone must be ador'd: Holy and reverend is his name.] To those that fear and trust the Lord, His mercy stands for ever sure: From age to age his promise lives, And the performance is secure. He spake to Abram and his seed, In thee shall all the earth be blessed;" The memory of that ancient word Lay long in his eternal breast. But now no more shall Isr'el wait, No more the Gentiles lie forlorn: Lo, the desire of nations comes; Behold, the promised seed is born! Scripture: Luke 1:46
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Let mortal tongues attempt to sing

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 14 hymnals Topics: Desertion and distress of soul; Distress of soul, or backsliding and desertion Lyrics: Let mortal tongues attempt to sing The wars of heav'n, when Michael stood Chief general of th' Eternal King, And fought the battles of our God. Against the dragon and his host The armies of the Lord prevail: In vain they rage, in vain they boast, Their courage sinks, their weapons fail. Down to the earth was Satan thrown, Down to the earth his legions fell; Then was the trump of triumph blown, And shook the dreadful deeps of hell. Now is the hour of darkness past, Christ has assum'd his reigning power; Behold the great accuser cast Down from the skies to rise no more. 'Twas by thy blood, immortal Lamb, Thine armies trod the tempter down; 'Twas by thy word and powerful name They gain'd the battle and renown. Rejoice, ye heav'ns; let every star Shine with new glories round the sky; Saints, while ye sing the heav'nly war, Raise your Deliv'rer's name on high. Scripture: Revelation 12:7
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In Gabriel's hand a mighty stone

Author: Isaac Watts Meter: Appears in 10 hymnals Topics: Desertion and distress of soul; Distress of soul, or backsliding and desertion Lyrics: In Gabriel's hand a mighty stone Lies, a fair type of Babylon: "Prophets, rejoice, and all ye saints, God shall avenge your long complaints." He said, and dreadful as he stood, He sunk the millstone in the flood: "Thus terribly shall Babel fall, Thus, and no more be found at all." Scripture: Revelation 18:20-21

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