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Tune Identifier:genevan_42_bourgeois

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Faithful God! I lay before Thee

Hymnal: Psalmodia Germanica #117 (1732) Publication Date: 1732 Lyrics: Part the First: I. Faithful God! I lay before Thee All the Anguish of my Heart: Tho' thou know'st how Grief has tore me, Better than I can impart: Lord! my Weakness makes me cry, In Temptation when I vye With the Fiend, that would bereave me Of the Faith design'd to save me. II. Thou! from whom Nought is conceald, Know'st how vain's my Care and Strife; In thy Word thou hast revealed, That free Grace restores my Life: All the Good I find in me, Doth proceed alone from Thee; Thou thy saving Health bestowest On those thou in mercy knowest. III. Unto thee, my God! I'm crying, In this great Necessity; Hear my deep and frequent Sighing, Cast me not away from thee. Satan's malice overthrow, Strengthen me against the Foe; Ever keep my Faith from failing, JESUS! make thy Grace prevailing. IV. JESU! Source of our Adoption, Thou, who never didst reject Those that mourn their sad Corruption, But dost all thy sons direct: Tho' our Faith as small, through Fear, As a Mustard Seed appear, Thou canst make it O Faith's Fountain, Mighty to remove a Mountain. V. Let me find, O my Redeemer! Mercy in mine Agony; Make me conquer the Blasphemer, And break from his Slavery: Strength of Faith add by thy word; Grant to me thy Spirit's Sword; Thus shall Satan be deceived, And his Darts of Paints bereaved. VI. Holy Ghost, of equal Honour, With the Father and the Son, Of all Gifts the only Donor, Hear me from thy Holy Throne; Through thy Mercy I believe; Let me not my self deceive, But depend in my Unfitness On thy all-sufficient Greatness. VII. Rouze me up from present Dullness; Thy good Work in me advance; And relieve me, from the Fullness Of thy gracious Countenance: In me keep the Spark of Grace, That with Joy I run the Race, And obtain the Prize of SION, Which I ever keep my Eye on. Part the Second: VII. Greatest GOD! beyond Relation, Ever blessed ONE in THREE! Thou alone art my Salvation, Strengthen mine Infirmity: Quench thou Satan's fiery Dart, E'er it reach my trembling Heart, Lest the Want of Consolation Drive me into Desperation. IX. Guard me from his vile Devices, Which thou know'st are numberless; Keep me free, when he intices, From a fatal Carelessness: Grant me such a Strength that I May withstand him valiantly, And avoid his secret paces, Thro' thine all-sufficient Graces. X. Reach thy Hand to thy frail Creature, That is now in Terror fast, Shrinking under feeble Nature, Till the mighty Storm is past. Lead me by the Holy Ghost, So that Satan may not boast Of his having disappointed Me, thy Child, thou hast anointed. XI. Come, O Mighty, whom I wait on; Be my Rock and Confidence; I've not Strength to combat SATAN. Raise me to some Eminence; And relieve me with thy Shield, That I may obtain the Field, Overcome that grand Destroyer, That has ever been a Lyar. XII. All my Life shall be employed In thy Praise, with all my Might, That the Fiend has been destroyed, And with Shame has lost the Fight: Glorious shall thy Mercy be, Here, and in Eternity; Heav'n and Earth, O great Jehovah! Shall resound with Hallelujah. Topics: Spiritual Distress Languages: English Tune Title: [Faithful God! I lay before Thee]
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As pants the Hart for cooling Streams

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #XLII (1767) Publication Date: 1767 Lyrics: 1 As pants the Hart for cooling Streams, When heated in the Chace; So longs my Soul, Oh GOD! for thee, And thy refreshing Grace: For thee my Soul doth pine, Thou Majesty divine! Oh when shall I behold thy Face, And drink of thy refreshing Grace? 2 Tears are my constant Food, while thus Insulting Foes upbraid, "Deluded Wretch, where's now thy GOD, "And where his promis'd Aid?" My Thoughts, with Grief, present The Days I did frequent Thy sacred House, my Vows to pay, 3 Why restless, why cast down, my Soul? Trust GOD, he will employ His Aid for thee, and change these Sighs To thankful Hymns of Joy. My Soul, tho' much distrest, Thy Name, Oh GOD, hath blest; Rememb'ring thee, and Sion still, From Jordan's Bank, and Hermon's Hill. 4 One Trouble calls another on, And bursting o'er my Head, Fall spouting down, till round my Soul, A roaring Sea is spread;' Like Wares together roll'd, Whose Rage is uncontroul'd, My growing Sorrows gather round, And still my Soul with Fear confound. 5 But when thy Presence, Lord of Life! (As I have thee implor'd,) Dispells at once this threat'ning Storm, And hath a Calm restor'd; My Soul shall bless thy Name, Thy Goodness I'll proclaim; To Thee I'll midnight Anthems raise, And daily strive to sing thy Praise. 6 God of my Strength! how long shall I Like one forgotten, mourn? Forlorn, forsaken, and expos'd To my Oppressor's Scorn; While thus my Foes upbraid, "Where's now thy promis'd Aid?" "Thy empty Boastings are in vain, Thy GOD will not relieve thy Pain." 11 Why restless, why cast down, my Soul? Trust GOD, and he'll employ His Aid for thee, and change these Sighs, To thankful Hymns of Joy: If thou wilt yet depend, On GOD, thy only Friend; The Praise of him thou yet shalt sing, Who is thy Health's eternal Spring. Topics: Prayers When deprived ot the Opportunitys of attending in God's House Scripture: Psalm 42 Languages: English Tune Title: [As pants the hart for cooling streams]
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Thy mercy, Lord, extend to me

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #LI (1767) Publication Date: 1767 Lyrics: 1 Thy Mercy, Lord, extend to me, As thou wert ever kind; Let me, oppress'd with Loads of guilt, Thy wonted Mercy find: Wash off my foul Offence, And cleanse me from my Sin; For I confess my Crime, and see How very great my Guilt hath been. 2 Against thee, O my GOD, alone, And only in thy Sight, Have I transgress'd, and tho' condemn'd, Must own thy Judgment right: In Guilt each Part was form'd, Of all this sinful Frame; In Sin I was conceiv'd and born, The hapless Heir of Guilt and Shame. 3 Yet thou, whose ever searching Eye, Does inward Truth require, In secret did'st with Wisdom's Laws My tender Soul inspire. With Hyssop purge me, LORD, And so I clean shall be; I shall with Snow in Whiteness vie, When wahs'd and purify'd by thee. 4 Make me, O LORD, to hear with Joy, Thy kind forgiving Voice; That so the Bones which thou hast broke, May with fresh Strength rejoice. Blot out my crying Sins, Nor me in Anger view; Create in me a Heart that's clean, A just and upright Mind renew. Part II 5 Withdraw not thou thy Help, O LORD! Nor cast me from thy Sight; Nor let thy Holy Spirit take Its everlasting Flight. The Joy thy Favour gives, Let me again obtain; And thy free Spirit's firm Support, My feeble fainting Soul sustain. 6 So I thy just and righteous Ways To Sinners will impart; Whilst my Advice shall wicked Men, To thy just Laws convert. My Guilt of Blood remove, My Saviour and my GOD; And my glad Tongue shall loudly tell, Thy Truth and righteous Acts abroad. 7 Do thou, O LORD, unlock my Lips, With Sorrow clos'd, and Shame; So shall my Mouth thy wond'rous Praise, To all the World proclaim. Could Sacrifice atone, Whole Flocks and Herds should die; But on such Off'rings, LORD, thou do'st Disdain to cast a gracious Eye. 8 A humble Spirit is alone, By GOD most highly priz'd; By him a contrite broken Heart, Shall never be despis'd. Let Sion ever be Of thy good Will assur'd; Let thy own City flourish long, By strong and lofty Walls secur'd. 9 'Tis there the Righteous shall attend, And pleasing Tribute pay; And Sacrifice of choicest Kind, Upon thy Altar lay. Topics: Description of Repentance; Prayers Of a Sinner to obtain Forgiveness of Sins; Prayers When zealous for the Knowledge and Fear of God Scripture: Psalm 51 Languages: English Tune Title: [Thy mercy, Lord, extend to me]
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To my just Plea and sad Complaint

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #XVII (1767) Publication Date: 1767 Lyrics: 1 To my just Plea and sad Complaint, Attend, O righteous LORD! And to my Pray'r, which is unfeign'd, A gracious Ear afford. As thou my Ways hast seen, And I have upright been, So let my righteous Sentence be; For I resign my Cause to thee. 2 Thou, LORD, hast search'd my Heart by Day, And visited by Night; And on the strictest Trial found Its secret Motions right; Nor shalt thou only find My Heart to Good inclin'd, For I have purpos'd that my Tongue Shall be restrain'd and speak no Wrong. 3 I know what wicked Men would do, Their Safety to maintain; But me thy just and mild Commands, From bloody Paths restrain. That from thy righteous Way My Soul may never stray; Do thou my Innocence secure, And make my Footsteps ever sure. 4 Since heretofore I ne'er in vain To Thee my Pray'r address'd, O now, my GOD, incline thine Ear To this my just Request. The Wonders of thy Love Let me, thy Servant prove, Thou whose Right-hand doth oft engage, To quell the bold Oppressor's Rage. 5 Oh! keep me in thy tend'rest Care! Thy shelt'ring Wing stretch out, To guard me safe from savage Foes, That compass me about. Their wicked Tongues blaspheme, O LORD! thy holy Name, Enclos'd in their own Fat they lie, And GOD, and Man, at once defy. 61 Well may they boast, for they have now Encompass'd me around, Their Eyes at watch, their Bodies bow'd And couching on the Ground: In Treach'ry they engage, Or, like the Lion rage, When greedy searching for his Prey, He lurks within a Covert Way. 7 Arise, O LORD! defeat their Plots, Their swelling Rage controul: From wicked Men, who are thy Sword, Deliver thou my Soul: From Men who still employ Their Thoughts in worldly Joy; Who find their Portion's here below, And seek no higher Bliss to know. 8 Their Race is num'rous, that partake Their Substance while they live; Their Heirs survive, to whom they may The vast Remainder give. But in thy heav'nly Grace, I'll seek thy glorious Face, And when I 'wake, with Joy shall find, Thy Image dwelling in my Mind. reflected in my Soul. Topics: Prayers When percecuted; Prophecies Prophetical Curses against the Enemies and Persecutors of the Chruch Scripture: Psalm 17 Languages: English Tune Title: [To my just plea and sad complaint]
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Just Judge of Heav'n, against my Foes

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #XLIII (1767) Publication Date: 1767 Lyrics: 1 Just Judge of Heav'n, against my Foes Do Thou assert my Right, Oh set me free, my GOD, from those Who in Deceit delight; Since thou'rt my only Stay, Why mourn I all the Day? Why leav'st thou me in deep Distress, While daring Foes my Soul oppress? 2 Let me with Light and Truth be bless'd, O let them lead the Way, 'Till on thy holy Hill I rest, And in thy Temple pray; Fresh Altars then I'll raise To GOD; and Songs of Praise To him, who is my only Joy, Shall all my grateful Hours employ. 3 Why then cast down my Soul, and why So much oppress'd with Care? On GOD, thy GOD, for Aid rely, Who will thy State repair: On him alone depend, For he's thy surest Friend; And then his Praise thou yet shalt sing, Who is thy Health's eternal Spring. Topics: Prayers When deprived ot the Opportunitys of attending in God's House; Prophecies Prophetical Curses against the Enemies and Persecutors of the Chruch Scripture: Psalm 43 Languages: English Tune Title: [Just Judge of Heav'n, against my Foes]
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Wenn doch alle Seelen wüßten!

Hymnal: Jubeltöne #116a (1871) Publication Date: 1871 First Line: Wenn doch alle Seelen wüßten Languages: German Tune Title: [Wenn doch alle Seelen wüßten]
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Wenn doch alle Seelen wüßten!

Hymnal: Jubeltöne #116a (1871) Publication Date: 1871 First Line: Wenn doch alle Seelen wüßten Languages: German Tune Title: [Wenn doch alle Seelen wüßten]
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Sweet the moments, rich in blessing

Author: Hon. and Rev. Walter Shirley; Rev. James Allen, 1734-1804 Hymnal: The Evangelical Hymnal with Tunes #442 (1880) Meter: Publication Date: 1880 Tune Title: LUDWIGSBURG (COBLENTZ)

Sei mir tausendmal gegrüßet

Hymnal: Liederbuch für Sonntagsschulen #103 (1882) Publication Date: 1882 Languages: German Tune Title: [Sei mir tausendmal gegrüßet]
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Christian Pilgrimage

Hymnal: Carols, Hymns, and Songs #174 (1882) Publication Date: 1882 First Line: From the Egypt's house of bondage Languages: English Tune Title: [From the Egypt's house of bondage]
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Hear Thy children, gentle Jesus,

Hymnal: Voices of Praise #76 (1883) Publication Date: 1883 Lyrics: 1 Hear Thy children, gentle Jesus, Hear Thy children cry to Thee; Self and sin no more shall please us; Hear our solemn Litany. 2 Thou didst suffer, gentle Jesus, Bitter shame and agony; From sin's bondage to release us, Thou didst hang upon the tree. 3 But our sins it was that stung Thee, Not the scourge, and nails and spear; 'Twas our sins alone that hung Thee On the cross, O Saviour dear! 4 Thou wert pierced, Oh holy Jesus, Pierced that sinners might not die; Oh, let sin no longer please us, Make us Thine eternally. 5 Gentle Jesus, Thou hast won us By Thy Passion and Thy love; Gentle Jesus, design to own us In the land of rest above. Amen. Topics: Our Lord Jesus Christ His Death Languages: English Tune Title: THURGAU
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Heilig ist Dein ganzes Wesen

Author: Zimmermann Hymnal: Die Glaubensharfe (With Melodies) #30 (1886) Publication Date: 1886 Languages: German Tune Title: [Heilig ist Dein ganzes Wesen]
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Gott, vor dessen Angesichte

Author: Joh. Christian Zimmermann Hymnal: Die Glaubensharfe (With Melodies) #31 (1886) Publication Date: 1886 Languages: German Tune Title: [Gott, vor dessen Angesichte]
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Christum über Alles lieben

Author: Gr. N. L. v. Zinzendorf Hymnal: Die Glaubensharfe (With Melodies) #375 (1886) Publication Date: 1886 Languages: German Tune Title: [Christum über Alles lieben]
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Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe

Author: J. E. Greding Hymnal: Die Glaubensharfe (With Melodies) #376 (1886) Publication Date: 1886 Languages: German Tune Title: [Der am Kreuz ist meine Liebe]
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Sei getreu bis an das Ende

Author: Benjamin Prätorius Hymnal: Die Glaubensharfe (With Melodies) #450 (1886) Publication Date: 1886 Languages: German Tune Title: [Sei getreu bis an das Ende]
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Zion, gieb dich nur zufrieden

Hymnal: Die Glaubensharfe (With Melodies) #505 (1886) Publication Date: 1886 Languages: German Tune Title: [Zion, gieb dich nur zufrieden]
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Lieber Vater! Dir verschreibet

Author: Julius Köbner Hymnal: Die Glaubensharfe (With Melodies) #695 (1886) Publication Date: 1886 Languages: German Tune Title: [Lieber Vater! Dir verschreibet]
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Humble, Lord, my haughty spirit

Author: H. F. Lyte Hymnal: Laudamus #232 (1887) Publication Date: 1887 Languages: English Tune Title: RESIGNATION
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Hear Thy children, gentle Jesus

Hymnal: The Sunday-School Hymnal and Service Book (Ed. A) #246 (1887) Publication Date: 1887 Languages: English Tune Title: THURGAU


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