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Hymnal, Number:wl1885

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Wondrous Love

Author: Watts Hymnal: WL1885 #3 (1885) First Line: Now to the Lord a noble song! Refrain First Line: Hosanna to th'eternal name Lyrics: 1 Now to the Lord a noble song! Awake, my soul, awake, my tongue; Hosanna to th’eternal Name, And all His WONDROUS LOVE proclaim. Refrain: Hosanna to th’eternal Name, And all His WONDROUS LOVE proclaim, And all His WONDROUS LOVE proclaim. 2 See where it shines in Jesus’ face, The brightest image of His grace! The Father now in Christ, His Son, Hath all His mightiest works outdone. [Refrain] 3 Grace! ‘tis a sweet, a charming theme; My thoughts rejoice at Jesus’ Name: Ye angels! dwell upon the sound, Ye heav’ns! reflect it to the ground. [Refrain] Tune Title: [Now to the Lord a noble song]
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Praise the Lord

Author: Mrs. M. O. Page Hymnal: WL1885 #4 (1885) First Line: Lift your praises to Jehovah Refrain First Line: Praise the Lord, O my soul Lyrics: 1 Lift your praises to Jehovah, To the vaulted heavens above, Where our King in mighty grandeur, Opes the fountain of his love. Refrain: Praise the Lord, O my soul, While I live will I praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, O my soul, While I live will I praise the Lord. 2 Lift your praises to Jehovah, He who ever crowns our days, He who sits enthroned in glory, Listens for the voice of praise. [Refrain] 3 Praises for our every blessing, For ten thousand speak his love, Praises that we soon may meet him, In his heavenly home above. [Refrain] Tune Title: [Lift your praises to Jehovah]
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Safely Through another Week

Author: Newton Hymnal: WL1885 #5 (1885) First Line: Safely thro' another week Lyrics: 1 Safely through another week, God has brought us on our way; Let us now a blessing seek, Waiting in his courts today, Day of all the week the best, Emblem of eternal rest. 2 While we seek supplies of grace, In our dear Redeemer's name, Show Thy reconciling face, Take away our sin and shame, From our worldly cares set free, May we rest this day in Thee. 3 Here we come, thy name to praise, Let us feel thy presence near, May thy glory meet our eyes, While we in thy courts appear, Here afford us, Lord, a taste Of our everlasting rest. Tune Title: [Safely thro' another week]
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I can not Keep from Singing

Author: Minnie B. Lowrie Hymnal: WL1885 #6 (1885) First Line: I cannot keep from singing Lyrics: 1 I cannot keep from singing My songs of joy and love, My humble tribute bringing, To praise my God above. Refrain: I cannot keep from singing, For joy and gladness reign; My heart with song is ringing, A glad triumphant strain. 2 I cannot keep from telling Of Christ who died for me; Of God whose love is dwelling Within my heart, so free. [Refrain] 3 I cannot keep from pleading With every one I meet; Oh, come unto the Father, And taste his love so sweet. [Refrain] Tune Title: [I cannot keep from singing]
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Oh, Thou that Hearest

Author: Burton, Arr. Hymnal: WL1885 #7 (1885) First Line: Oh, thou that hearest prayer! Refrain First Line: We plead the promise of thy word Lyrics: 1 Oh, Thou that hearest prayer! Attend our humble cry; And let thy servants share Thy blessing from on high. Ref: We plead the promise of thy Word; Oh, grant Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, Thy Holy Spirit, Lord 2 If earthly parents hear Their children when they cry; If they, with love sincere, Their children’s wants supply. [Refrain] 3 Our heavenly Father, Thou! We, children of Thy grace! O let Thy Spirit now Descend, and fill the place. [Refrain] Tune Title: [Oh, thou that hearest prayer!]
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Is This Thy Zion's Gate

Hymnal: WL1885 #8 (1885) First Line: In this thy Zion's gate, O Lord Refrain First Line: In loving tones the answer comes Lyrics: 1 Is this thy Zion’s gate, O Lord, And art thou here today? And may we come and hear thy word, And sing thy praise and pray? Refrain: In loving tones the answer comes, So joyous and so free “Blessed are they that dwell in thy house”— And— “they shall prosper that love thee.” 2 May we approach thy mercy seat, And be accepted there? And lay our sorrows at thy feet In confidence and prayer? [Refrain] 3 May we put other thoughts away, And strict attention give To what the word of truth may say, That we may hear and live? [Refrain] Tune Title: [In this thy Zion's gate, O Lord]
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The Sabbath

Author: Mrs. S. M. Walsh Hymnal: WL1885 #9 (1885) First Line: Oh, heart of all the week Lyrics: 1 Oh, heart of all the week, Whence strength and sweetness flow; To beautify all other days, And make their graces grow. Refrain: Oh, heart of all, of all the week, Thy joy and peace, we love to seek. 2 In thee is full supply, Of life blood for the seven; Thy healthful pulses lift thy weak, Nearer to God and heaven. [Refrain] 3 Thou waterest all the days, Thou freshest of the seven; And drawest from unfailing springs, Which have their source in heaven. [Refrain] 4 Cheer still our earthly way, Each day among the seven; And let us never loose thy light, But in the light of heaven. [Refrain] Tune Title: [Oh, heart of all the week]
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Awake, my Soul

Author: Medley Hymnal: WL1885 #10 (1885) First Line: Awake, my soul, to joyful lays Lyrics: 1 Awake, my soul, to joyful lays, And sing thy great Redeemer’s praise; He justly claims a song from me, His loving kindness, O how free! Refrain: Awake, my soul, to joyful lays, Awake and sing thy Savior's praise; Awake, my soul, to joyful lays, And sing the great Redeemer's praise. 2 He saw me ruined in the fall, Yet loved me notwithstanding all; He saved me from my lost estate, His loving kindness, O how great! [Refrain] 3 When trouble, like a gloomy cloud, Has gathered thick and thundered loud, He near my soul has always stood, His loving kindness, O how good! [Refrain] Tune Title: [Awake, my soul, to joyful lays]
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Praise Him

Author: Toplady Hymnal: WL1885 #11 (1885) First Line: Praise the Lord who reigns above Refrain First Line: Praise him for his noble deeds Lyrics: 1 Praise the Lord Who reigns above And keeps His court below, Praise him for his boundless love, And all His greatness show. Refrain: Praise him for his noble deeds, Oh, Praise him for his matchless power. Praise him, praise him, Let heaven and earth adore. 2 Publish, spread to all around, The great Immanuel's name, Let the gospel trumpet sound, The Prince of peace proclaim. [Refrain] 3 Him in whom they move and live, Let every creature sing, Glory to our Savior give, And homage to our King. [Refrain] Tune Title: [Praise the Lord who reigns above]
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Lamp of our Feet

Author: Barton Hymnal: WL1885 #12 (1885) First Line: Lamp of our feet! by thee we trace Refrain First Line: Our lamp, our stream Lyrics: 1 Lamp of our feet by thee we trace Our path when wont to stray; The sacred stream of heavenly grace; The brook beside our way. Refrain: Our lamp, our stream, the bread of our souls, Our anchor and our stay. A pillar of fire through watches dark, A radiant clouds by day. 2 Bread of our souls whereon we feed, True manna from on high One guide, one chart wherein we read Of realms beyond the sky. [Refrain] 3 Pillar of fire, through watches dark, Or radiant cloud by day, When waves would whelm our tossing bark, Our anchor and our stay. [Refrain] 4 Childhood's preceptor! manhood's trust! Old age's firm ally; Our hope when we go down to dust, Of life beyond the sky. [Refrain] Tune Title: [Lamp of our feet! by thee we trace]
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He Calleth Thee

Author: J. Conder Hymnal: WL1885 #13 (1885) First Line: Welcome, welcome, sinner hear Refrain First Line: Welcome to the offered peace Lyrics: 1 Welcome, welcome, sinner, hear, Hang not back through shame or fear; Doubt not nor distrust the call, Mercy is proclaimed to all. Refrain: Welcome to the offered peace, Welcome prisoner to thy release, Burst thy bonds; be saved, be free, Rise and come he calleth thee. 2 Welcome to the cleansing fount Springing from the sacred mount; Welcome to the feast divine, Bread of life and living wine. [Refrain] 3 All ye weary and distressed, Welcome to relief and rest; All is ready, hear the call There is ample room for all. [Refrain] Tune Title: [Welcome, welcome, sinner hear]
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As White as Snow

Author: Henry A. Smith Hymnal: WL1885 #14 (1885) First Line: As white as snow! oh can it be Lyrics: 1 As white as snow! oh can it be, That these sweet words were meant for me? Ah, what a rapture ‘tis to know That I may be as white as snow. Refrain: As white as snow oh, can it be That these sweet words were meant for me As white as snow oh, can it be That these sweet words were meant for me. 2 He called to me; in vain I sought To turn from him in act or thought; My soul was sick of sin and woe, And longed to be as white as snow. [Refrain] 3 I followed him, he leads me on, The pearly gates are almost won. Afar the heavenly mansions glow, Where I shall dwell as white as snow. [Refrain] 4 As white as snow was meant for thee, And all who will from sin be free; The rich, the poor, the high, the low, Through faith may be as white as snow. [Refrain] Tune Title: [As white as snow! oh can it be]
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To Thine Altar

Author: Weber Hymnal: WL1885 #16 (1885) First Line: Forth from the dark and stormy sky Refrain First Line: Weary and weak, thy grace we pray Lyrics: 1 Forth from the dark and stormy sky, Lord, to Thine altar’s shade we fly, Forth from the world, its hope and fear, Savior, we seek thy shelter here. Refrain: Weary and weak, thy grace we pray; Turn not, O Lord! thy guests away, Low at thy feet our sins we lay, Turn not, O Lord, thy guests away. 2 Long have we roamed in want and pain, Long have we sought Thy rest in vain, Wildered in doubt, in darkness lost, Long have our souls been tempest-tossed. [Refrain] Tune Title: [Forth from the dark and stormy sky]
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Fervent Prayer Availeth

Author: G. F. R. Hymnal: WL1885 #17 (1885) First Line: Come in earnest fervent prayer Refrain First Line: Glory to his holy name Lyrics: 1 Come in earnest fervent prayer, To the Lord our Savior, They who in his Spirit seek, Shall receive his favor. Refrain: Glory to his holy name, Fervent prayer availeth, Now and evermore the same, Fervent prayer availeth. 2 On that Pentecostal day, When their prayers were blended, How upon the Christian host, Tongues of fire descended. [Refrain] 3 When the Lord’s disciples prayed, Faith in him possessing, How upon their foll’wers came Every needed blessing. [Refrain] 4 So we may be every day, His rich grace receiving, If we only ask aright, Humbly and believing. [Refrain] Tune Title: [Come in earnest fervent prayer]
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Crown Him

Author: Mrs. E. O. Page Hymnal: WL1885 #18 (1885) First Line: Crown him, crown him every nation Refrain First Line: Crown him King of kings Lyrics: 1 Crown him, crown him every nation, He who is our admiration, Jesus our high Priest in glory, Crown him King of kings. Refrain: Crown him King of kings Loud anthems to his glory, Let the nations raise. Crown him King of kings And let the heavens repeat the sounding praise. 2 Jesus left a full fruition, To redeem our lost condition, Every voice repeat the story, Crown him King of kings. [Refrain] 3 Laud him with the voice of singing Let the tuneful lyre be ringing, Laud him while we gladly crown him, Crown him King of kings. [Refrain] Tune Title: [Crown him, crown him every nation]
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Because He Loved Me So

Author: Mrs. Emily Huntington Miller Hymnal: WL1885 #19 (1885) First Line: I love to hear the story Tune Title: [I love to hear the story]
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Able to Save

Author: G. F. R. Hymnal: WL1885 #20 (1885) First Line: Doubt no more thy Savior's power Lyrics: 1 Doubt no more thy Savior’s power, But in his strength be brave; Oh, come, and learn this very hour That he is able to save. Refrain: Able to save, Able to save All who with gladness his word can receive; Able to save, Able to save, E’en to the uttermost, all who believe. 2 To thy deadly foes within No longer be the slave, But stretch thine arms to Christ, thy King, That he is able to save. [Refrain] 3 Come, no more thy love withhold, But pardon humbly crave, And thou shalt find with joy untold That he is able to save. [Refrain] Tune Title: [Doubt no more thy Savior's power]
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Mighty God

Author: Robinson Hymnal: WL1885 #21 (1885) First Line: Mighty God! while angels bless thee Refrain First Line: Worship, honor, power, blessing Lyrics: 1 Mighty God! while angels bless thee, May thy children lisp thy name? Lord of men as well as angels! Thou art every creature's theme. Refrain: Worship, honor, power, blessing, Thou art worthy to receive; Loudest praises without ceasing, Meet it is for us to give. 2 Lord of every land and nation! Ancient of eternal days! Sounded through the wide creation Be thy just and endless praise. [Refrain] 3 For the grandeur of thy nature, Grand beyond a seraph's thought; In the wonders of creation, Works with skill and kindness wrought. [Refrain] 4 In Thy rich, thy free redemption, Bright, though veiled in darkness long, Thought is poor, and poor expression; Who can sing that wondrous song? [Refrain] Tune Title: [Mighty God! while angels bless thee]
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Now while We Gather

Author: G. F. R. Hymnal: WL1885 #22 (1885) First Line: Now while we gather here round the altar Refrain First Line: Oh, how he loved us Lyrics: 1 Now while we gather here round the altar, May every heart be filled with gladness and praise, No tongue be silent, no accents falter, While to redeeming love our voices we raise. Refrain: Oh, how he loved us—this blessed Savior! Think that to save us he came down to die! Come, let us serve him, and in his favor Find new delight on earth and glory on high. 2 Once more our praises to him who sought us When we were wand’ring far away from his love; Sing of the ransom with which he bought us, And of the heavenly mansions waiting above. [Refrain] 3 All we can offer for his protection Will be as naught compared with his loving care; Yet we may bring him our best affection, And in his cause and kingdom our portion bear. [Refrain] Tune Title: [Now while we gather here round the altar]


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