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The Perfections and Providecn of God; or, General Providence, and Special Grace

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #65a (1740) Topics: Persecutions of God First Line: High in the Heav'ns, eternal GOD Lyrics: 1 High in the Heav'ns, eternal GOD, Thy Goodness in full Glory shines; Thy Truth shall break thro' every Cloud That veils and darkens thy Designs. 2 For ever firm thy Justice stands, As Mountains their Foundations keep; Wise are the Wonders of thy Hands, Thy Judgments are a mighty Deep. 3 Thy Providence is kind and large, Both Man and Beast thy Bounty share; The whole Creation is thy Charge, But Saints are thy peculiar Care. 4 My GOD! how excellent thy Grace, Whence all our Hope and Comfort springs; The Sons of Adam in Distress Fly to the Shadow of thy Wings. 5 From the Provisions of thy House We shall be fed with sweet Repast; There Mercy like a River flows, And brings salvation to our Taste. 6 Life, like a Fountain rich and free, Springs from the Presence of the Lord; And in thy Light our Souls shall see The Glories promis'd in thy Word. Scripture: Psalm 36:5-9 Languages: English
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Practical Atheism expos'd; or, The Being and Attributes of God asserted

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #65b (1740) Topics: Persecutions of God First Line: While Men grow bold in wicked Ways Lyrics: 1 While Men grow bold in wicked Ways, And yet a GOD they own, My Heart within me often says, "Their Thoughts believe there's none." 2 Their Thoughts and Ways at once declare, (Whate'er their Lips profess) GOD hath no Wrath for them to fear, Nor will they seek his Grace. 3 What strange Self-flatt'ry blinds their Eyes! But there's a hast'ning Hour, When they shall see with sore Surprize The Terrors of thy Pow'r. 4 Thy Justice shall maintain its Throne, Tho' Mountains melt away; Thy Judgments are a World unknown, A deep, unfathom'd Sea. 5 Above the Heav'n's created Rounds, Thy Mercies, Lord, extend; Thy Truth out-lives the narrow Bounds Where Time and Nature end. 6 Safety to Man thy Goodness brings, Nor overlooks the Beast; Beneath the Shadow of thy Wings Thy Children chuse to rest. 7 [From Thee, when Creature-Streams run low. And mortal Comforts die, Perpetual Springs of Life shall flow, And raise our Pleasures high. 8 Tho' all created Light decay, And Death close up our Eyes, Thy Presence makes eternal Day, Where Clouds can never rise.] Scripture: Psalm 36:1-9 Languages: English
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The Wickedness of Man, and the Majesty of God; or, Practical Atheism exposed

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #66 (1740) Topics: Persecutions of God First Line: When Man grows bold in Sin Lyrics: 1 When Man grows bold in Sin, My Heart within me cries, "He hath no Faith of God within, Nor Fear before his Eyes." 2 [He walks a-while conceal'd In a Self-flatt'ring Dream, Till his dark Crimes at once reveal'd Expose his hateful Name.] 3 His Heart is false and foul, His Words are smooth and fair; Wisdom is banish'd from his Soul, And leaves no Goodness there. 4 He plots upon his Bed New Mischiefs to fulfil He sets his Heart, and Hand, and Head, To practise all that's ill. 5 But there's a dreadful GOD, Tho' Men renounce his Fear; His Justice, hid behind the Cloud, Shall one great Day appear. 6 His Truth transcends the Sky, In Heav'n his Mercies dwell; Deep as the Sea his Judgments lie, His Anger burns to Hell. 7 How excellent his Love, Whence all our Safety springs! O never let my Soul remove From underneath his Wings. Scripture: Psalm 36:1-7 Languages: English
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The Wisdom of God in his Works

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #201b (1740) Topics: Persecutions of God First Line: Songs of immortal Praise belong Lyrics: 1 Songs of immortal Praise belong To my almighty GOD; He has my Heart, and he my Tongue, To spread his Name abroad. 2 How great the Works his Hand has wrought! How glorious in our Sight! And Men in ev'ry Age have sought His Wonders with Delight. 3 How most exact is Nature's Frame! How wise th' Eternal Mind! His Counsels never change the Scheme That his first Thoughts design'd. 4 When he redeem'd his chosen Sons, He fix'd his Cov'nant sure; The Orders that his Lips pronounce To endless Years endure. 5 Nature and Time, and Earth and Skies, Thy heav'nly Skill proclaim; What shall we do to make us wise, But learn to read thy Name? 6 To fear thy Pow'r, to trust thy Grace, Is our divinest Skill; And he's the wisest of our Race That best obeys thy Will. Scripture: Psalm 111 Languages: English
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The Perfections of God

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #202 (1740) Topics: Persecutions of God First Line: Great is the Lord; his Works of Might Lyrics: 1 Great is the Lord; his Works of Might Demand our noblest Songs: Let his assembled Saints unite Their Harmony of Tongues. 2 Great is the Mercy of the Lord, He gives his Children Food; And, ever mindful of his Word, He makes his Promise good. 3 His Son, the great Redeemer, came To seal his Cov'nant sure; Holy and Reverend is his Name, His Ways are just and pure. 4 They that would grow divinely wise Must with his Fear begin; Our fairest Proof of Knowledge lies In hating ev'ry Sin. Scripture: Psalm 111 Languages: English
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The Greatness of GOD

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #266 (1740) Topics: Persecutions of God First Line: Long as I live I'll bless thy Name Lyrics: 1 Long as I live I'll bless thy Name, My King, my GOD of Love; My Work and Joy shall be the same In the bright World above. 2 Great is the Lord, his Pow'r unknown, And let his Praise be great; I'll sing the Honours of thy Throne, Thy Works of Grace repeat. 3 Thy Grace shall dwell upon my Tongue; And while my Lips rejoice, The Men that hear my sacred Song Shall join their chearful Voice. 4 Fathers to Sons shall teach thy Name, And Children learn thy Ways; Ages to come thy Truth proclaim, And Nations sound thy Praise. 5 Thy glorious Deeds of ancient Date Shall through the World be known; Thine Arm of Pow'r, thy heav'nly State, With public Splendor shown. 6 The World is manag'd by thy Hands, Thy Saints are rul'd by Love; And thine eternal Kingdom stands, Though Rocks and Hills remove. Scripture: Psalm 145:1-7 Languages: English
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The Goodness of GOD

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #267a (1740) Topics: Persecutions of God First Line: Sweet is the Mem'ry of thy Grace Lyrics: 1 Sweet is the Mem'ry of thy Grace, My GOD my heav'nly King; Let Age to Age thy Rightousness In Sounds of Glory sing. 2 GOD reigns on high, but not confines His Goodness to the Skies; Through the whole Earth his Bounty shines, And ev'ry Want supplies. 3 With longing Eyes thy Creatures wait On Thee for daily Food, Thy lib'ral Hand provides them Meat, And fills their Mouths with Good. 4 How kind are thy Compassions Lord! How slow thine Anger moves! But soon he sends his pard'ning Word To chear the Souls he loves. 5 Creatures, with all their endless Race Thy Pow'r and Praise proclaim; But Saints that taste thy richer Grace Delight to bless thy Name. Scripture: Psalm 145:7-13 Languages: English
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When Man grows bold in Sin

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P36c (1766) Topics: Persecutions of God Lyrics: 1 When Nan grows bold in Sin, My Heart within me cries, "He hath no Faith of God within, Nor Fear before his Eyes." 2 [He walks a-while conceal'd In a Self-flatt'ring Dream, Till his dark Crimes at once reveal'd Expose his hateful Name.] 3 His Heart is false and foul, His Words are smooth and fair; Wisdom is banish'd from his Soul, And leaves no Goodness there. 4 He plots upon his Bed New Mischiefs to fulfil He sets his Heart, and Hand, and Head, To practise all that's ill. 5 But there's a dreadful GOD, Tho' Men renounce his Fear; His Justice hid behind the Cloud, Shall one great Day appear. 6 His Truth transcends the Sky, In Heav'n his Mercies dwell; Deep as the Sea his Judgments lie, His Anger burns to Hell. 7 How excellent his Love, Whence all our Safety springs! O never let my Soul remove From underneath his Wings. Scripture: Psalm 36:1-7 Languages: English
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High in the Heav'ns, eternal GOD

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P36a (1766) Topics: Persecutions of God Lyrics: 1 High in the Heav'ns, eternal GOD, Thy Goodness in full Glory shines; Thy Truth shall break thro' every Cloud That veils and darkens thy Designs. 2 For ever firm thy Justice stands, As Mountains their Foundations keep; Wise are the Wonders of thy Hands, Thy Judgments are a mighty Deep. 3 Thy Providence is kind and large, Both Man and Beast thy Bounty share; The whole Creation is thy Charge, But Saints are thy peculiar Care. 4 My GOD! how excellent thy Grace, Whence all our Hope and Comfort springs? The Sons of Adam in Distress Fly to the Shadow of thy Wings. 5 From the Provisions of thy House We shall be fed with sweet Repast; There Mercy like a River flows, And brings Salvation to our Taste. 6 Life, like a Fountain rich and free, Springs from the Presence of the Lord; And in thy Light our Souls shall see The Glories promis'd in thy Word. Scripture: Psalm 36:5-9 Languages: English
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While Men grow bold in wicked Ways

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P36b (1766) Topics: Persecutions of God Lyrics: 1 While Men grow bold in wicked Ways, And yet a GOD they own, My Heart within me often says, "Their Thoughts believe there's none." 2 Their Thoughts and Ways at once declare (Whate'er their Lips profess) GOD hath no Wrath for them to fear, Nor will they seek his Grace. 3 What strange Self-flatt'ry blinds their Eyes? But there's a hast'ning Hour, When they shall see with sore Surprize The Terrors of thy Pow'r. 4 Thy Justice shall maintain its Throne, Tho' Mountains melt away; Thy Judgments are a World unknown, A deep unfathom'd Sea. 5 Above these Heav'n's created Rounds, Thy Mercies, Lord, extend: Thy Truth out-lives the narrow Bounds, Where Time and Nature end. 6 Safety to Man thy Goodness brings, Nor overlooks the Beast; Beneath the Shadow of thy Wings Thy Children chuse to rest. 7 [From Thee, when Creature-Streams run low. And mortal Comforts die, Perpetual Springs of Life shall flow, And raise our Pleasures high. 8 Tho' all created Light decay, And Death close up our Eyes, Thy Presence makes eternal Day, Where Clouds can never rise.] Scripture: Psalm 36:1-9 Languages: English
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Long as I live I'll bless thy Name

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P145a (1766) Topics: Persecutions of God Lyrics: 1 Long as I live I'll bless thy Name, My King, my GOD of Love; My Work and Joy shall be the same In the bright World above. 2 Great is the Lord, his Pow'r unknown, And let his Praise be great; I'll sing the Honours of thy Throne, Thy Works of Grace repeat. 3 Thy Grace shall dwell upon my Tongue; And while my Lips rejoice, The Men that hear my sacred Song Shall join their chearful Voice. 4 Fathers to Sons shall teach thy Name, And Children learn thy Ways; Ages to come thy Truth proclaim, And Nations sound thy Praise. 5 Thy glorious Deeds of ancient Date Shall through the World be known; Thine Arm of Pow'r, thy heav'nly State, With public Splendor shown. 6 The World is manag'd by thy Hands, Thy Saints are rul'd by Love; And thine eternal Kingdom stands, Though Rocks and Hills remove. Scripture: Psalm 145:1-7 Languages: English
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Sweet is the Mem'ry of thy Grace

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P145b (1766) Topics: Persecutions of God Lyrics: 1 Sweet is the Mem'ry of thy Grace, My GOD my heav'nly King; Let Age to Age thy Rightousness In Sounds of Glory sing. 2 GOD reigns on high, but not confines His Goodness to the Skies; Through the whole Earth his Bounty shines, And ev'ry Want supplies. 3 With longing Eyes thy Creatures wait On Thee for daily Food, Thy lib'ral Hand provides them Meat, And fills their Mouths with Good. 4 How kind are thy Compassions Lord! How slow thine Anger moves! But soon he sends his pard'ning Word To chear the Souls he loves. 5 Creatures with all their endless Race Thy Pow'r and Praise proclaim; But Saints that taste thy richer Grace Delight to bless thy Name. Scripture: Psalm 145:7-13 Languages: English
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Let ev'ry Tongue thy Goodness speak

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P145c (1766) Topics: Persecutions of God Lyrics: 1 Let ev'ry Tongue thy Goodness speak, Thou sov'reign Lord of all; Thy strength'ning Hands uphold the Weak, And raise the Poor that fall. 2 When Sorrow bows the Spirit down, Or Virtue lies distrest Beneath some proud Oppressor's Frown, Thou giv'st the Mourners Rest. 3 The Lord supports our tott'ring Days, And guides our giddy Youth; Holy and just are all his Ways, And all his Words are Truth. 4 He knows the Pain his Servants feel, He hears his Children cry, And their best Wishes to fulfil, His Grace is ever nigh. 5 His Mercy never shall remove From Men of Heart sincere; He saves the Souls whose humble Love Is join'd with holy Fear. 6 [His stubborn Foes his Sword shall slay, And pierce their Hearts with Pain; But none that serve the Lord shall say, "They sought his Aid in vain."] 7 [My Lips shall dwell upon his Praise, And spread his Fame abroad; Let all the Sons of Adam raise The Honours of their GOD.] Scripture: Psalm 145:17-21 Languages: English
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Mercy to Sufferers; or, GOD hearing Prayer

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #267b (1740) Topics: Persecutions of God First Line: Let ev'ry Tongue thy Goodness speak Lyrics: 1 Let ev'ry Tongue thy Goodness speak, Thou sov'reign Lord of all; Thy strength'ning Hands uphold the Weak, And raise the Poor that fall. 2 When Sorrow bows the Spirit down, Or Virtue lies distrest Beneath some proud Oppressor's Frown, Thou giv'st the Mourners Rest. 3 The Lord supports our tott'ring Days, And guides our giddy Youth; Holy and just are all his Ways, And all his Words are Truth. 4 He knows the Pain his Servants feel, He hears his Children cry, And their best Wishes to fulfil, His Grace is ever nigh. 5 His Mercy never shall remove From Men of Heart sincere; He saves the Souls whose humble Love Is join'd with holy Fear. 6 [His stubborn Foes his Sword shall slay, And pierce their Hearts with Pain But none that serve the Lord shall say, "They sought his Aid in vain."] 7 [My Lips shall dwell upon his Praise, And spread his Fame abroad; Let all the Sons of Adam raise The Honours of their GOD.] Scripture: Psalm 145:14 Languages: English
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O Britain, praise thy mighty GOD

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P147b (1766) Topics: Persecutions of God Lyrics: 1 O Britain, praise thy mighty GOD, And make his Honours known abroad; He bid the Ocean round thee flow; Not Bars of Brass could guard thee so. 2 Thy Children are secure and blest; Thy Shores have Peace, thy Cities Rest; He feeds thy Sons with finest Wheat, And adds his Blessing to their Meat. 3 Thy changing Seasons he ordains, Thine early and thy latter Rains; His Flakes of Snow like Wool he sends, And thus the springing Corn defends. 4 With hoary Frost he strews the Ground; His Hail descends with clatt'ring Sound: Where is the Man so vainly bold That dares defy his dreadful Cold? 5 He bids the Southern Breezes blow; The Ice dissolve, the Waters flow; But he hath nobler Works and Ways To call the Britons to his Praise. 6 To all the Isle his Laws are shown, His Gospel through the Nation known; He hath not thus reveal'd his Word To ev'ry Land: Praise ye the Lord. Scripture: Psalm 147 Languages: English
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Summer and Winter: A Song for Great-Britain

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #271 (1740) Topics: Persecutions of God First Line: O Britain, praise thy mighty GOD Lyrics: 1 O Britain, praise thy mighty GOD, And make his Honours known abroad, He bid the Ocean round thee flow; Not Bars of Brass could guard thee so. 2 Thy Children are secure and blest; Thy Shores have Peace, thy Cities Rest; He feeds thy Sons with finest Wheat, And adds his Blessing to their Meat. 3 Thy changing Seasons he ordains, Thine early and thy latter Rains; His Flakes of Snow like Wool he sends, And thus the springing Corn defends. 4 With hoary Frost he strews the Ground; His Hail descends with clatt'ring Sound: Where is the Man so vainly bold That dares defy his dreadful Cold? 5 He bids the Southern Breezes blow; The Ice dissolve, the Waters flow; But he hath nobler Works and Ways To call the Britons to his Praise. 6 To all the Isle his Laws are shown, His Gospel through the Nation known; He hath not thus reveal'd his Word To ev'ry Land: Praise ye the Lord. Scripture: Psalm 147 Languages: English
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Songs of immortal Praise belong

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P111a (1766) Topics: Persecutions of God Lyrics: 1 Songs of immortal Praise belong To my almighty GOD; He has my Heart, and he my Tongue, To spread his Name abroad. 2 How great the Works his Hand has wrought! How glorious in our Sight! And Men in ev'ry Age have sought His Wonders with Delight. 3 How most exact is Nature's Frame! How wise th' Eternal Mind! His Counsels never change the Scheme That his first Thoughts design'd. 4 When he redeem'd his chosen Sons, He fix'd his Cov'nant sure; The Orders that his Lips pronounce To endless Years endure. 5 Nature and Time, and Earth and Skies Thy heav'nly Skill proclaim: What shall we do to make us wise, But learn to read thy Name? 6 To fear thy Pow'r, to trust thy Grace, Is our divinest Skill; And he's the wisest of our Race That best obeys thy Will. Scripture: Psalm 111 Languages: English
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Great is the Lord; his Works of Might

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P111b (1766) Topics: Persecutions of God Lyrics: 1 Great is the Lord; his Works of Might Demand our noblest Songs: Let his assembled Saints unite Their Harmony of Tongues. 2 Great is the Mercy of the Lord, He gives his Children Food; And, ever mindful of his Word, He makes his Promise good. 3 His Son, the great Redeemer, came To seal his Cov'nant sure; Holy and Reverend is his Name, His Ways are just and pure. 4 They that would grow divinely wise Must with his Fear begin; Our fairest Proof of Knowledge lies In hating ev'ry Sin. Scripture: Psalm 111 Languages: English
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Praise ye the Lord: 'Tis good to raise

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P147a (1766) Topics: Persecutions of God Lyrics: 1 Praise ye the Lord; 'Tis good to raise Our Hearts and Voices in his Praise; His Nature and his Works invite To make this Duty our delight. 2 The Lord builds up Jerusalem, And gathers Nations to his Name; His Mercy melts the stubborn Soul, And makes the broken Spirit whole. 3 He form'd the Stars, those heav'nly Flames; He counts their Numbers, calls their Names; His Wisdom's vast, and knows no Bound, A Deep where all our Thoughts are drown'd. 4 Great is our Lord, and great his Might; And all his Glories infinite: He crowns the Meek, rewards the Just, And treads the Wicked to the Dust. Pause. 5 Sing to the Lord, exalt him high, Who spreads his Clouds all round the Sky; There he prepares the fruitful Rain, Nor lets the Drops descend in vain. 6 He makes the Grass the Hills adorn; And cloaths the smiling Fields with Corn; The Beasts with Food his Hands supply, And the young Ravens when they cry. 7 What is the Creature's Skill or Force, The sprightly Man, the warlike Horse, The nimble Wit, the active Limb? All are too mean Delights for him. 8 But Saints are lovely in his Sight; He views his Children with Delight; He sees their Hope, he knows their Fear; And looks and loves his Image there. Scripture: Psalm 147 Languages: English
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With Songs and Honours sounding loud

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P147c (1766) Topics: Persecutions of God Lyrics: 1 With Songs and Honours sounding loud, Address the Lord on high; Over the Heav'ns he spreads his Cloud, And Waters veil the Sky. 2 He sends his Show'rs of Blessings down To chear the Plains below; He makes the Grass the Mountains crown, And Corn in Vallies grow. 3 He gives the grazing Ox his Meat, He hears the Ravens cry; But Man who tastes his finest Wheat, Should raise his Honours high. 4 His steady Counsels change the Face Of the declining Year; He bids the Sun cut short his Race, And wint'ry Days appear. 5 His hoary Frost, his fleecy Snow, Descend and clothe the Ground; The liquid Streams forbear to flow, In icy Fetters bound. 6 When from the dreadful Stores on high He pours the rattling Hail, The Wretch that dares this GOD defy Shall find his Courage fail. 7 He sends his Word, and melts the Snow, The Fields no longer mourn; He calls the warmer Gales to blow, And bids the Spring return. 8 The changing Wind, the flying Cloud, Obey his mighty Word; With Songs and Honours sounding loud, Praise ye the sov'reign Lord. Scripture: Psalm 147:13-18 Languages: English


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