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Hymnal, Number:ll1881

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Old Hundred

Hymnal: LL1881 #3 (1881) First Line: Praise God, from whom all blessings flow Lyrics: 1 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father Son, and Holy Ghost. Languages: English Tune Title: OLD HUNDRED
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Show thy mercy unto me

Author: Rev. J. H. Martin Hymnal: LL1881 #4 (1881) First Line: Thee I seek, O gracious Saviour Refrain First Line: Unto me, O, blessed Jesus Lyrics: 1 Thee I seek, O gracious Saviour, Unto thee for mercy cry, Thou art full of love compassion, Guilty, wretched, weak am I. Refrain: Unto me, O, blessed Jesus, Show thy mercy unto me; Unto me, Unto me, Show thy mercy unto me. 2 I am sinful, vile, polluted, All unworthy of thy love, Grant me pardon and salvation, From thy throne of grace above. [Refrain] 3 View me, Lord, with tender pity, Be thou merciful to me, Wash me in thy cleansing fountain, From my burden set me free. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Thee I seek, O gracious Saviour]
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I trust in thee

Author: R. G. Staples Hymnal: LL1881 #5 (1881) First Line: Simply trusting Christ today Refrain First Line: Trusting Jesus, Trusting Jesus Lyrics: 1 Simply trusting Christ today, As my guide along the way; Thro' the shadows dark and dim, Trustingly, I'll lean on Him. Chorus: Trusting Jesus, Trusting Jesus, Never doubting him at all; Thro' the shadows dim and gray, All along my pilgrim way. 2 Simply trusting as the years, Bring me joys, or cause me tears; Trusting tho' quite oft bereaved, Trusting since I first believed. [Chorus] 3 Simply trusting till the end; Trusting in the sinner's friend, And when I shall come to die, I shall feel His presence nigh. [Chorus] 4 Trusting Jesus, I shall stand With that host, the ransom'd band, Trusting Christ, who died for me, He saves me thro' eternity. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [Simply trusting Christ today]
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Now thanks be unto God

Author: Rev. J. B. Atchinson Hymnal: LL1881 #6 (1881) First Line: We thank thee, O our God Refrain First Line: We thank thee, Lord, and praise thy name Lyrics: 1 We thank thee, O our God, For Christ, thy blessed Son, Who, on the lifted cross, Our peace and pardon won. Chorus: We thank thee, Lord, and praise thy name, For Christ, thy blessed Son; Who on the Cross of blood and shame, Our peace and pardon won. 2 We thank thee for thy grace, Thy mercy, peace, and pow'r, So lovingly bestowed Each swiftly passing hour. [Chorus] 3 We thank thee for thy hand, Our falt'ring steps to guide; Oh, never let us stray One step from thee a aside. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [We thank thee, O our God]
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Rest is coming

Author: C. H. Gabriel Hymnal: LL1881 #7 (1881) First Line: Brother, if thy step gets weary Refrain First Line: Rest is coming, Rest is coming Lyrics: 1 Brother, if thy step gets weary, And thy path grows dark and dreary, Look away beyond the sky, For rest is coming by and by. Chorus: Rest is coming, Rest is coming, In the home prepared on high: Rest is coming, Rest is coming, Yes, rest is coming, by and by. 2 Should the way seem dark before thee, And the lamps of faith die o'er thee, Raise thy heart to God on high, For rest is coming by and by. [Chorus] 3 Tho' life's cares annoy and fret thee, Tho' temptations fierce beset thee, Let thy heart their rage defy, For rest is coming by and by. [Chorus] 4 Press thy way a little longer, Look to God, he'll make thee stronger, He will hear thy eager cry, For rest is coming by and by. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [Brother, if thy step gets weary]
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The Sabbath Bell

Author: Rev. E. H. Nevin Hymnal: LL1881 #8 (1881) First Line: At morning's dawn I love to hear Refrain First Line: The Sabbath bell! The Sabbath bell! Lyrics: 1 At morning's dawn I love to hear The Sabbath bell so fresh and clear: And when the golden sun has set, I love to bear its music yet. Chorus: The Sabbath bell! The Sabbath bell! I love it well, I love it well; I love the ding dong bell! 2 It makes the young hearts leap and sing With sound of soft and pleasant ring, For when it falls upon their ear, They know the Sabbath school is near. [Chorus] 3 It calls the weary ones to rest, And calms the sad and troubled breast; With stirring peals that float abroad, It makes the careless think of God. [Chorus] 4 O, may it ring, till everywhere Its welcome music fills the air, And earth, now wrapt in gloomy night, Be crown'd with Sabbath's holy light. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [At morning's dawn I love to hear]
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Cheers me every day

Author: Frank M. Davis Hymnal: LL1881 #9 (1881) First Line: The precious promise by Jesus giv'n Refrain First Line: Ev'ry day, Ev'ry day Lyrics: 1 The precious promise by Jesus giv'n, Cheers me ev'ry day, That rest is waiting for me in heav'n, Cheers me ev'ry day; On the sea and on the shore, Storms may beat or winds may roar, That my Saviour leads the way, Cheers me ev'ry day. Refrain: Ev'ry day, Ev'ry day, Cheers me ev'ry day. Ev'ry day, Ev'ry day, Cheers me ev'ry day. 2 The tho't that Jesus is ever near, Cheers me ev'ry day, Sustains me when all is dark and drear, Cheers me ev'ry day: All His tender love for me, Comes thro' mercy full and free, He, my comfort and my stay, Cheers me ev'ry day. [Refrain] 3 The grace I find in His words of life, Cheers me ev'ry day, The peace He brings to this world of strife Cheers me ev'ry day; I will love Him more and more, Till this fleeting life is o'er, For He is my life and way, Cheers me ev'ry day. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [The precious promise by Jesus giv'n]
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Home Beyond, By and By

Author: Chas. H. Gabriel Hymnal: LL1881 #10 (1881) First Line: There's a home in heav'n for me Refrain First Line: Home beyond, Home beyond Lyrics: 1 There's a home in heav'n for me, By and by, by and by, Where my Saviour I shall see, By and by And among that ransom'd choir, With my bright and golden lyre, I shall sing and never tire, By and by. Chorus: Home beyond, Home beyond, With the ransom'd bright and fair, By and by, Home beyond by and by, Hallelujah, I'll be there, by and by. 2 In that city of the blest, By and by, by and by, I shall know eternal rest, By and by With my Saviour on that shore, I shall sorrow nevermore, For all weeping shall be o'er By and by. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [There's a home in heav'n for me]
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Sun of my soul, thou Saviour dear

Hymnal: LL1881 #11 (1881) Lyrics: 1 Sun of my soul, thou Saviour dear, It is not night if thou be near; Oh, may no earth-born cloud arise To hide thee from thy servant's eyes. 2 Abide with me from morn till eve, For without thee I cannot live; Abide with me when night is nigh, For without thee I dare not die. 3 Watch by the sick: enrich the poor With blessings from thy boundless store; Be every mourner's sleep to-night Like infant slumbers, pure and light. 4 Come near and bless us when we wake, Ere through the world our way we take, Till in the ocean of thy love We lose ourselves in heaven above. Languages: English
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Precious Spirit

Author: Mrs. E. C. Ellsworth Hymnal: LL1881 #12 (1881) First Line: Lo, the zephyr, softly breathing Refrain First Line: Precious spirit! precious spirit! Lyrics: 1 Lo, the zephyr, softly breathing, Wakes the earth again; But the spirit, softly pleading, Stirs the hearts of men. Chorus: Precious spirit! precious spirit! Breathe on us today; Tender spirit! tender spirit! Leave us not, we pray. 2 Lo, the showers, gently falling, Buds and flowers bring; Thro' the gentle spirits calling, Hearts are made to sing. [Chorus] 3 Lo, the sunlight, softly beaming, Gives a hundred fold; But the graces of the spirit, yield the fruit untold. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [Lo, the zephyr, softly breathing]
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Joy and praise

Author: Rev. J. H. Martin Hymnal: LL1881 #13 (1881) First Line: There's a song of joy and praise Refrain First Line: Heavenly anthem, heavenly anthem Lyrics: 1 There's a song of joy and praise, In the shining courts above, Which the ransom'd ever raise, For redeeming grace and love. Chorus: Heavenly anthem, heavenly anthem, Sung by ransom'd souls above, Loud the chorus, Loud the chorus, Unto Jesus and His love. 2 Heavenly music, heavenly music, Sung by ransom'd souls above, Loud the chorus, loud the chorus, Unto Jesus and His love. [Chorus] 3 Day and night they sweetly sing, Glad hosannas unto God, Hallelujahs to the King, Who has bought them with His blood. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [There's a song of joy and praise]
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Come home, my child, to-day

Author: Eliza M. Sherman Hymnal: LL1881 #14 (1881) First Line: Long I've wander'd from the Master Refrain First Line: Like a strain of heav'nly music Lyrics: 1 Long I've wander'd from the Master, O'er the mountains far away, But I hear his sweet voice calling, Weary child, come home to-day. Refrain: Like a strain of heav'nly music, From the land of endless day, Comes that low, sweet voice entreating, Come, my child, come home to-day. 2 Father, I am coming, coming, Thy dear face I almost see; Blessed tho't that tho' I wander'd, Thou didst still remember me. [Refrain] 3 Father, tho' I am unworthy, E'en to speak a name so sweet, Bowing down in humble rev'rence, I would worship at thy feet. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Long I've wander'd from the Master]
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Ring, Joy-bells, ring!

Author: Mrs. Mary E. Kail Hymnal: LL1881 #15 (1881) First Line: Morn is breaking o'er the hills Refrain First Line: Ring, Ring, joybells ring! Lyrics: 1 Morn is breaking o'er the hills, Sweetly sing the little rills 'Tis the blessed Sabbath day, We'll to Sabbath School away. Chorus: Ring, Ring, joybells ring! Little brooklets sweetly sing; Echo softly hill and dale, Echo, echo, smiling vale. 2 All around the sky is bright, Fill'd with waves of golden light; Flow'rs unfold their petals fair, Birds are chanting in the air. [Chorus] 3 Oh! how thankful we should be For the beauty we can see: For the friends we love so dear, For a Saviour ever near. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [Morn is breaking o'er the hills]
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Take up the cross

Author: Rev. E. A. Hoffman Hymnal: LL1881 #16 (1881) First Line: They who would be my disciples Refrain First Line: Then patiently bear the cross Lyrics: 1 They who would be my disciples, Must patiently bear the cross, Leaving the world behind them, Counting it all but dross. Chorus: Then patiently bear the cross, Thou soon shalt lay it down, And wear, among the ransom'd, A shining golden crown. 2 They who would share in my glory, Must follow where'er I go, Bearing with joy the burdens, Laid on them here below. [Chorus] 3 They who would enter yon portal, Where cometh no stain or dross, Must walk in the way of denial, And cheerfully bear the cross. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [They who would be my disciples]
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Oh! 'tis wonderful

Author: E. A. Barnes Hymnal: LL1881 #17 (1881) First Line: In the Gospel's sweet old story Refrain First Line: Oh, 'tis wonderful, wonderful Lyrics: 1 In the Gospel's sweet old story, Lo! I read its golden theme, How the Prince of life and glory, Came to suffer and redeem. Refrain: Oh, 'tis wonderful, wonderful, Yes, 'tis wonderful wonderful! Oh, 'tis wonderful, wonderful, The story of his love. 2 Sin its secret work was plying, Adding guilt with ev'ry day, Till I read that Christ in dying, Died to take my guilt away. [Refrain] 3 To his love I was a stranger, To his call I gave no heed, Till at last I saw my danger, Found the friend I stood in need. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [In the Gospel's sweet old story]
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Open the beautiful gates

Author: Arthur W. French Hymnal: LL1881 #18 (1881) First Line: There is a beautiful story Lyrics: 1 There is a beautiful story, That when earth's pilgrims get home, To the bright mansions in glory, No more to wander or roam; Be they so humble or lowly, Yet a sweet welcome awaits, This the grand song of the holy, Open the beautiful gates, This the grand song of the holy, Open the beautiful gates. Chorus: Open the beautiful gates, Here is a wand'rer that waits, Weary and cold, Out of the fold, Open the beautiful gates. 2 Lov'd ones are leaving us ever, Fading from you and from me, And the dear faces we never, Here in this earth-borne shall see; Heaven's bright sunlight is falling, Over the lov'd one that waits, Angelic voices still calling, Open the beautiful gates, Angelic voices still calling, Open the beautiful gates. [Chorus] 3 Wearily here we now wander, Over the troublesome way, Looking with glad eyes up yonder, To that fair realm of bright day; Keeping the sweetest foreknowing, Of all the bliss that awaits, Hearing this song in our going, Open the beautiful gates, Hearing this song in our going, Open the beautiful gates. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [There is a beautiful story]
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Walking the sea

Author: J. P. Ellis Hymnal: LL1881 #20 (1881) First Line: There's a light on the dark and surging deep Lyrics: 1 There's a light on the dark and surging deep, That shines when the loud winds roar; And the form of the Friend who does not sleep, Comes on from the other shore, Walking the sea, to you and to me; Keeping the light of us, e'er to befriend. Ever in sight of us, succor to lead, Walking the sea, Walking the sea. 2 There's a light in the depths of surging life. That shineth forever more; And the Friend who would stay all sin and strife, Is here from the other shore, Walking life's sea, to you and to me; Walking so carefully, seeking to find Ever so pray'fully, earnest and kind, Walking the sea, Waling the sea. 3 There's a light in the depths of Christian hearts That gleams on the crown before; And the Saviour, whose love a bliss imparts, Attends to the other shore, Walking life's sea, with you and with me; Keeping in reach of us, watching for all. Caring for each of us, lest we should fall, Walking the sea, Walking the sea. Languages: English Tune Title: [There's a light on the dark and surging deep]
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Gone to heaven

Hymnal: LL1881 #22 (1881) First Line: Why lament the Christian dying? Refrain First Line: We'll meet again, by and by! Lyrics: 1 Why lament the Christian dying? Why indulge in tears or gloom? Calmly on the Lord relying He can greet the opening tomb. Refrain: We'll meet again, by and by! We'll meet again, by and by; In the realms of endless glory We shall meet, yes, by and by. 2 Scenes seraphic, high and glorious, Now forbid his longer stay; See him rise, o'er death victorious! Angels beckon him away. [Refrain] 3 Hark! the golden harps are ringing! Sounds unearthly fill his ear; Millions now in heaven singing, Greet his joyful entrance there. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Why lament the Christian dying?]
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Striving to enter in

Author: Eden R. Latta Hymnal: LL1881 #23 (1881) First Line: Striving to follow Jesus Refrain First Line: Striving, striving Lyrics: 1 Striving to follow Jesus, Even as He hath said; Keeping the narrow pathway; Going where He hath led! Refrain: Striving, Striving, Striving a crown to win; Striving, striving, striving to enter in. 2 Striving to follow Jesus, Even thro' good and ill; Heeding his precious counsels, Doing his holy will. [Refrain] 3 Striving to follow Jesus, Even with willing feet; Feeling his blessed guidance, Hearing his voice so sweet. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [Striving to follow Jesus]
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Tidings of grace

Author: Rev. J. H. Martin Hymnal: LL1881 #24 (1881) First Line: Sing to the Lord for the gospel's joyful sound Refrain First Line: Raise a grateful anthem! Lyrics: 1 Sing to the Lord for the gospel's joyful sound, Sing to the Father, whose mercies abound, Sing to the Son, who has brought to the race, News of redemption, glad tidings of grace. Chorus: Raise a grateful anthem! Raise a grateful anthem, For the gospel's joyful sound. Raise a grateful anthem! Raise a grateful anthem, Sing a glad hosanna for the vict'ry over sin. 2 Shout unto God for the triumph over sin. Trust in the Lamb, and the victory win, Come to the fountain, and wash in the blood, Shed for the guilty, a soul-cleansing flood. [Chorus] 3 Praise to the Father for pardon thro' His Son, Thanks be to Christ for the deeds he has done, Praise to the Spirit, sent down from above, Working in us in the infinite love. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [Sing to the Lord for the gospel's joyful sound]


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