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Hymnal, Number:mpvp1780

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Written in May, after a seasonable shower of rain

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #6 (1780) First Line: How chang'd the face of nature shows Lyrics: How chang'd the face of nature shows, How gay the rural scene! A fairer bloom the flowers disclose, The meads a livelier green. While bounty clothes the fertile vale, And blossoms on the spray, And fragrance breathes in every gale, How sweet the vernal day! And hark! the feather'd warblers sing! Tis nature's cheerful voice; Soft music hails the lovely spring, And woods and fields rejoice. How kind the influence of the skies! These showers, with blessings fraught, Bid verdure, beauty, fragrance rise, And fix the roving thought. O let my wondering heart confess, With gratitude and love, The bounteous hand that deigns to bless The garden, field, and grove. That bounteous hand my thoughts adore, Beyond expression kind, Hath sweeter, nobler gifts in store, To bless the craving mind. That hand, in this hard heart of mine Can make each virtue live, And kindly showers of grace divine Life, beauty, fragrance give. O God of nature, God of grace, Thy heavenly gifts impart! And bid sweet meditation trace Spring blooming in my heart! Inspir'd to praise I then shall join Glad nature's cheerful song: And love and gratitude divine Attune my joyful tongue. Languages: English

To Amira on the death of her son

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #18 (1780) First Line: Enough to nature and to grief is paid Lyrics: Enough to nature and to grief is paid, Indulge no more these unavailing tears; Not all your comforts in the grave are laid, Through grief's dark shade a lucid ray appears. A ray of heaven fair beaming through the gloom! Bids fainting hope lift up her languid eyes; While faith directs her view beyond the tomb, To those bright scenes where joys immortal rise. Cleans'd, in the Saviour's blood, from every stain, Think with what transport you will meet above, (For ever free from sin and grief and pain) The dear, departed object of your love! Then, though your bleeding heart its loss deplore, O yet be each repining thought supprest, That sovereign hand, which cannot err, adore, Here, may your heart with full affiance rest. Indulgent mercy blends, with lenient skill, Sweet cordials with the bitter cup of woe: And many a friend, and many a comfort still, Are kindly spar'd to cheer your stay below. Your stay, perhaps for high important ends, May be prolong'd through many circling years, A blessing to your partner, children, friends, And future comfort pay your present tears. May humble resignation calm your breast, And faith enjoy, with heaven illumin'd eye, A prospect of the regions of the blest, Where pleasures bloom, that never, never die! Languages: English

Desiring to love Christ and obey him

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #19 (1780) First Line: Jesus, my Lord, in thy dear name unite Lyrics: Jesus my Lord, in thy dear name unite, All that my heart calls great, or good, or sweet; Whate'er inspires with wonder or delight, In thee, thou fairest of ten thousand, meet. Do I not love thee? ah my conscious heart Nor boldly dares affirm, nor can deny; O bid these clouds of gloomy fear depart, With one bright ray from thy propitious eye! Do I not love thee? can I then allow, Within my breast pretenders to thy throne? O take my homage, at thy feet I bow! No other Lord my heart desires to own. Take, take my passions in thy sovereign hand, Refine and mould them with almighty skill; Then shall I love the voice of thy command, And all my powers rejoice to do thy will. Thy love inspires the active sons of light, With swift-wing'd zeal, they wait upon thy word; O let that love, in these abodes of night, Bid my heart glow to serve my dearest Lord! Come love divine, my languid wishes raise! With heavenly zeal this faint cold heart inflame, To join with angels in my Saviour's praise, Like them, obey his will, adore his name! But can the mind, with heavy clay opprest, To emulate seraphic ardour rise? While sin pollutes her joys, forbids her rest, How can she join the worship of the skies? Yet he commands to love and to obey, Whose hand sustains those happy spirits there In him, my soul, who is thy guide, thy stay, In him confide, to him commit thy care. Jesus my Lord, O give me strength divine! Then shall my powers in glad obedience move; Receive the heart that wishes to be thine, And teach, O teach me to obey and love! Scripture: John 14:15 Languages: English

True Happiness

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #25 (1780) First Line: Celestial content, inexhaustible treasure Lyrics: Celestial content, inexhaustible treasure! The man that enjoys thee requires no addition; In thee he possesses wealth, honour, and pleasure; O happy condition! With pity he looks on the many, pursuing The trifles of earth with such eager attention, And straining, in chase of their utter undoing, (Tho' distant) unfolding. On inviolate truth while his hopes are depending, Nor terrors affright, nor afflictions depress him; Assur'd, tho' to death's gloomy mansions fast tending His God will still bless him. Releas'd from the sorrows of time his glad spirit Shall leave its weak partner, and joyfully soaring, The promis'd possession begin to inherit; With angels adoring. He knows that his body, the grave now detaining, In Jesus' bright image hereafter arising, Shall surely rejoin him, no sorrow remaining, Corruption despising. Then with heaven's fair armies in triumph ascending Partake of delights ever new and abounding; Enraptur'd before the bright throne lowly bending Salvation resounding. Languages: English

Waiting for Morning

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #26 (1780) First Line: Long and mournful is the night Lyrics: Long and mournful is the night, Mental night of gloomy fear: Source of comfort, source of light When, O when wilt thou appear! Thy beams alone can bid the gloom depart, And spread celestial morning o'er my heart. Morning of that glorious day Which the blest enjoy above, Where with full unclouded ray Shines thy everlasting love: Where joy triumphant fills the bright abode, O happy world! fair paradise of God! Thither if the heart aspire, Shall it, Lord, aspire in vain? Shall the breathings of desire Rise with unavailing pain? O thou my guide, my solace, and my rest, In this sad desert shall I rove unblest? Sure the Lord of life is near Though a cloud his face conceal: Jesus, when wilt thou appear, When thy cheering beams reveal? When shall thy beams of soul-reviving light Dispel this gloomy cloud this mental night? Not in vain aspires the heart That depends on thee alone; Light and joy thou wilt impart, Radiant dawn of bliss unknown. Here let me wait beneath thy guardian wing Till from thy smile celestial morning spring. Scripture: Psalm 30:5 Languages: English

The Happy Man

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #30 (1780) First Line: Happy the man of heavenly birth Lyrics: Happy the man of heavenly birth, Beyond the proudest boast of earth Whom mercy thus sustains: To scenes of living verdure led, Plenty and peace their blessings spread, And not a thought complains. Conducted by his gracious guide Where streams of sweet refreshment glide, And fed with food divine; God is the guardian of his rest, Beneath his smile, serenely blest, He bids his soul recline. Yet, should his feet forgetful stray, His guide restores, and points the way To safety, life, and peace; Still mindful of his glorious name, A faithful God is still the same, His paths are righteousness. Should gloomy shades the path o'erspread, Dark as the mansions of the dead, His heart no terrors wound: His heavenly guardian ever near, Sustains his hope, forbids his fear, And comfort smiles around. The constant bounty of his Lord, With rich provision spreads his board, Amid repining foes: While peace and gladness on his head Their sweetest odours hourly shed, His cup with bliss o'erflows: O happy portion! lot divine! Thus shall indulgent goodness shine On all his future days; For ever near his guardian God Shall mercy fix his blest abode And tune his soul to praise. Scripture: Psalm 23 Languages: English

Support in Trouble

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #34 (1780) First Line: Though terrors late alarm'd my breast Lyrics: Though terrors late alarm'd my breast, And rais'd a threatening tempest there, Yet, Lord, my passions own thy hand, The storm subsides at thy command, And now my calmer thoughts attest Thy well-try'd love, thy long experienc'd care. Faith, scarce discern'd a glimpse of light, Hope languish'd with dejected eye, Reason, (weak empress of the mind) To passion had the helm consign'd, Loud was the storm and dark the night, But thy supporting, guardin hand was nigh. Almighty Saviour, gracious Lord, Thou only refuge of my soul, Thy sovereign voice when I can hear, I gain new strength to combat fear, Hope rests on thy unchanging word, Thy word can every rising fear controul. Hence, guilty diffidence be gone, With all thy train of boding fears; Let faith and calm expectance wait, And cheerful hope, with eye sedate, Look up and watch the smiling dawn That through the sable veil of night appears. That smiling dawn derives its ray From the full source of light divine; O sun of righteousness, impart Thy healing radiance to my heart! Increasing till celestial day Dispel the gloom, and joy unclouded shine. Languages: English

The Complaint of the Mind

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #48 (1780) First Line: Why is the heaven-descended mind Lyrics: Why is the heaven-descended mind (For nobler purposes design'd) So close attach'd to frail unthinking clay? Fain would she taste the joys of light And meditate her upward flight; But her weak partner cannot bear the day. If now and then a ray divine With sweet attractive lustre shine, And upward tempt her half expanded wings: The pains or appetites of sense Retard her flight with fair pretence, And chain her joyless down to trifling things. How blest the unbodied minds above, Who still desire, delight, and love, And nought impedes the work, or clouds the joy! No listless inattention there, Nor tempting toy, nor gloomy care; Celestial pleasure smiles without alloy! O happy period! blissful day! (Hope, cheerful hails its distant ray, Though rising tears stand trembling in her eyes) When this gross heavy clay refin'd, A fit companion for the mind, To active, joyful, endless life shall rise! Jesus, to thee alone I owe Each cheering glimpse of heaven below, And thou canst bid the longing mind ascend: Though dull mortality impede, She spurns the weight if thou but lead; On thee alone her strength and hope depend. O speak the word! her joyful wings Shall leave this scene of little things For the fair regions of immense delight! One kind assuring word of thine Confirms the bright reversion mine, And faith shall bid adieu to earth and night. Languages: English

Written in a Painful Illness

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #54 (1780) First Line: Indulgent father, ever gracious God Lyrics: Indulgent father, ever gracious God, Low at thy feet submissive I adore Thy chastening hand, nor murmur at the rod: Yet thy supporting arm, I must implore. Thou holy, wise, and kind, O bid my heart In patient silence wait thy sovereign will! Sweet consolation let thy voice impart, And say to every anxious thought "be still." Say to my heart, that often hath prefer'd To thy kind ear, the supplicating sigh; "Be comforted, be strong, thy suit is heard; Behold my all-sufficient grace is nigh!" Oft have I wish'd to have my heart refin'd By cleansing grace; desir'd, and long'd to wear The bright resemblance of my Saviour's mind, His gentle, humble virtues copied there. O may the rod the happy end promote To humble, cleanse, renew this heart of mine! And may thy grace assist me to devote Its powers to thee alone for they are thine! If the short remnant of my fleeting time Be near its period; teach, O teach my soul On faith's fair wing, to reach that blissful clime Where time's quick-circling wheels no more shall roll! Oppress'd with pain my feeble powers decay, The springs of life wear out, the vital flame Seems quivering near its exit. Is the day At hand which shall dissolve this mortal frame? If this frail tottering mansion soon should fall, Art thou, my soul, prepar'd to take thy flight? Prepar'd, at thy almighty Father's call, To quit, with joy, the scenes of mortal night? Or canst thou patient see death's threatening dart, And oe'r the expecting grave long-lingering bend, To drop thy dying partner, loth to part, While yet thy hopes and wishes upward tend? What mean these questions?—all depends on thee My Saviour God: speak to my trembling heart: [p.56] Say "thou art mine," that word is life to me, And I can smile at death's tremendous dart! Whether he threaten long, or sudden rend This mortal frame, and set my spirit free; That moment let thy angel guards attend, And bear me safe to life, to heaven and thee. Languages: English

Desiring a thankful devotion to God

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #56 (1780) First Line: My great preserver, to thy gracious hand Lyrics: My great preserver, to thy gracious hand My life, my safety, and my all I owe; New gratitude thy favours still demand, And still my numerous obligations grow. Oft has thou listen'd to my humble prayer, Oft, at my cry, unwearied mercy came: O be thy goodness, thy indulgent care, My constant refuge, my delightful theme! When warm'd with grateful love to thee my Lord My thoughts begin to count thy favours o'er, The boundless sum, what numbers can record? How vain the attempt! astonish'd I adore! Yet I may love thee, this is thy command, Thy kind command, O make me all thy own! My powers, my passions, Lord, are in thy hand, And thou canst mould them for thy use alone. This worthless heart, to thee I would resign, Poor as it is, thy sovereign hand can raise A monument to thee, enrich, refine, And there inscribe thy mercies and thy praise. Thy wonderous praise, not all creation's tongues In one harmonious concert, can display; Not the celestial choir's enraptur'd songs, Through vast eternity's unbounded day. And shall a reptile of the dust, aspire To join with angels in their high employ? Lord, at thy feet, I lay my trembling lyre In silent awe, yet mix'd with humble joy. Yet, if thou bid me try the heavenly theme, And bless me with thy smile, my lyre again On every string shall sound thy glorious name, Thy sile shall animate the feeble strain! If thou accept, and aid my wish to praise, Then shall my heart with glad devotion bring (But ah, how mean thy gift!) her sweetest lays To thee, my gracious God, my glorious King. All I enjoy, and all I hope is thine, Unworthiness, alone, belongs to me; Inspire me, O my God, with love divine, And make my life a hymn of praise to thee. Languages: English

The Happiness of the Children of God

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #58 (1780) First Line: Extensive promise! O what hopes divine Lyrics: Extensive promise! O what hopes divine, What rich delight, the gracious words impart! My father! when my faith can call thee mine, A ray of heaven illuminates my heart. Lord, if thy word confirm my heavenly birth, And bid me say "my father," then I live; Not all the tenderest, dearest names on earth, Can half the pleasure, half the transport give. The Lord Almighty deigns (amazing thought!) To call us children, (once the heirs of woe,) Sweet words of consolation, richly fraught With all the blessings mercy can bestow. His eye, attentive marks his childrens way, He guides them safe though dangers lurk unseen: Though sorrow's gloomy clouds o'ershade the day, Secure, on his Almighty arm they lean. His ear, indulgent to their feeble prayer, Receives each rising wish, each plaintive sigh; His kind, compassionate, paternal care Knows all their wants, and will those wants supply. When foes unnumber'd rise, and fear alarms, His constant love immediate succour lends, Encircled in their father's guardian arms, Foes rise in vain, omnipotence defends. All needful, present good, his hand provides, But what their future portion? Angels tell, (For mortal language fails,) where he resides, What blooming joys, what boundless raptures dwell. But not the natives of that glorious place, Not all the bliss resounding songs above, Can e'er display the riches of his grace; Or count the endless wonders of his love. O could those distant seats of joy impart A moment of their bliss! how would it raise, How would it animate this languid heart, In these dark regions, to begin his praise! Yet from his word, a bright enlivening ray Shines on my heart, while all my powers adore; Jesus, whose wonderous love mark'd out the way, Jesus, the heavenly friend, is gone before. Fair mansions in his father's blest abode That heavenly friend prepares, and joys unknown By him presented to their Father God, His children bow before the eternal throne. In his prevailing, his accepted name, Father, my soul adores beneath thy feet; Let his full merits plead my humble claim, And raise my hope to joy divinely sweet. Scripture: 2 Corinthians 6:18 Languages: English

Desiring the gracious presence of God

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #63 (1780) First Line: Alas! my heart where is thy absent God Lyrics: Alas! my heart where is thy absent God, Arise and search, nor languish hopeless here, See o'er creation's frame diffus'd abroad, His power, his wisdom and his love appear! But chiefly of his sacred word enquire, There faith and hope diviner glories trace, Seek with the ardor of sincere desire, For nature's father is the God of grace. His sacred word invites me to his feet, Reveals forgiveness rich and full and free, The voice of mercy, how divinely sweet! O be the heavenly accents spoke to me! God of my life, thy radiant face reveal! For thou art near though clouds obstruct my sighs Thy voice divine can every cloud dispel, O speak and give me comfort, give me light! Thy word permits, commands to seek thy face, Nor shall the humble mourner seek in vain: Thou wilt reward the search, thy word of grace Inviolate for ever must remain. Thy word of grace—rich treasure of delight! (O let my soul recall her comforts past) Not morn's fair dawn is dearer to the sight! Nor honey sweeter to the longing taste. And shall those heavenly sweets no more be mine? Return ye, blissful moments to my heart! Dispel the cloud, O God of mercy, shine, And life and peace and happiness impart! Languages: English

The presence of God, the only comfort in affliction

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #65 (1780) First Line: In vain, while dark affliction spreads Lyrics: In vain, while dark affliction spreads Her melancholy gloom, Kind providence its blessings sheds And nature's beauties bloom. For all that charms the taste or sight My heart no wish respires; O for a beam of heavenly light When earthly hope expires. Thou only center of my rest, Look down with pitying eye, While with protracted pain opprest I breathe the plaintive sigh. Thy gracious presence, O my God, My every wish contains, With this, beneath affliction's load My heart no more complains. This can my every care controul, Gild each dark scene with light; This is the sunshine of the soul, Without it all is night. My Lord, my life, O cheer my heart With thy reviving ray, And bid these mournful shades depart And bring the dawn of day! O happy scenes of pure delight! Where thy full beams impart Unclouded beauty to the sight And rapture to the heart. Her part in those fair realms of bliss My spirit longs to know: My wishes terminate in this, Nor can they rest below. Lord, shall the breathings of my heart Aspire in vain to thee? Confirm my hope, that where thou art I shall for ever be. Then shall my cheerful spirit sing The darksome hours away, And rise on Faith's expanded wing To everlasting day. Languages: English

Faith and hope in divine goodness, encouraged by past experience

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #67 (1780) First Line: Lord while my thoughts with wonder trace Lyrics: Lord while my thoughts with wonder trace Thy favours past through all my days; My thankful heart adores thy grace, I trust that goodness which I praise. Still from the same eternal spring Thy various, constant bounties flow; Beneath the shelter of thy wing I view serene the shades of woe. Ev'n death's tremendous vale appears No more in gloomy terrors drest; Thy smile, my God, forbids my fears While on thy gracious hand I rest. Through the dark scenes of mortal care, To humble faith's enraptur'd eye The distant prospect opens fair, Of radiant mansions in the sky. Yes, Lord, in thy divine abode My soul desires, and hopes a place, To dwell for ever near my God, And view unveil'd thy lovely face. With all my powers renew'd, refin'd, To join the blissful choir above; In strains immortal, unconfin'd To celebrate my Saviour's love. Scripture: Psalm 23:6 Languages: English

A Thought of Life and Death

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #68 (1780) First Line: The cares of mortal life, how vain! Lyrics: The cares of mortal life, how vain! How empty every joy! While grief, and weariness, and pain The fainting mind employ. But O, that nobler life on high, To which my hopes aspire! Does not prompt the frequent sigh, And wake the warm desire? When now and then a heavenly ray Attracts my upward view, Almost I hail the approach of day, And bid the world adieu. Those happy realms of joy and peace Fain would my heart explore, Where grief and pain for ever cease, And I shall sin no more. No darkness there shall cloud the eyes, No languor seize the frame; But ever active vigor rise To feed the vital flame. But ah!—a dreary vale between Extends its awful gloom; Fear spreads, to hide the distant scene, The horrors of the tomb. The thoughts of death's envenom'd dart, The parting pangs I fear, Alarm this timorous, fainting heart, And still it lingers here. O for the eye of faith divine, To pierce beyond the grave! To see that friend, and call him mine, Whose arm is strong to save! That friend who left his throne above, Who met the tyrant's dart, And (O, amazing power of love!) Receiv'd it in his heart. Here fix my soul, for life is here, Light breaks amid the gloom; Trust in the Saviour's love, nor fear The horrors of the tomb. Jesus, in thee alone I trust, O tell me I am thine! I yield this mortal frame to dust, Eternal life is mine. Languages: English

Desiring a firmer affiance in God under afflictions

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #70 (1780) First Line: Why is my heart with grief opprest? Lyrics: Why is my heart with grief opprest? Can all the pains I feel or fear, Make thee, my soul, forget thy rest, Forget that God, thy God is near? Hast thou not often call'd the Lord Thy refuge, thy almighty friend? And canst thou fear to trust that word On which thy hopes of heaven depend? Mortality's unnumber'd ills Are all beneath his sovereign hand; Each pain which this frail body feels Attends, obedient, his command. Lord, form my temper to thy will! If thou my faith and patience prove, May every painful stroke fulfill Thy purposes of faithful love. O may this weak, this fainting mind, A father's hand adoring see; Confess thee just, and wise, and kind, And trust thy word and cleave to thee. Languages: English

Trusting in his mercy with humble submission and hope

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #72 (1780) First Line: Indulgent still to my request Lyrics: Indulgent still to my request, How free thy tender mercies are! With full consent my thoughts arrest, My gracious God, thy faithful care. The hand that holds the rod I see; That gentle hand I must adore; Which my expectant hopes implore! Thy hand sustains me lest I faint, Or at the needful stroke repine; Thy ear attends to my complaint; The tenderest pity, Lord, is thine. And can my heart desire in vain, When he who chastens bids me sue, That every sorrow, every pain Be blest to teach, reclaim, renew? O yet support thy feeble child, Till thy correcting hand remove! Be all thy purposes fulfill'd, And bid me sing thy sparing love. Languages: English

Intreating the presence of God in affliction

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #73 (1780) First Line: Low at thy gracious feet I bend Lyrics: Low at thy gracious feet I bend, My God, my everlasting friend, Permit the claim, O let thy ear My humble suit indulgent hear! No earthly good my wish inspires; Great is the boon my soul desires, But thou hast bid me seek thy face, Hast bid me ask thy promis'd grace. O may thy favour (bliss divine!) With fuller, clearer radiance shine! Brighten my hopes, dispel my fears, Till not a cloud of grief appears! But O my heart, reflect with shame, Canst thou prefer so bold a claim? Conscious how often thou hast stray'd, By empty vanities betray'd. How oft, ungrateful to thy God, Have trifles call'd thy thought abroad; Till heavenly pity saw thee roam, And bade affliction bring thee home. And when the snares of earth were broke By kind affliction's needful stroke, Hast thou not own'd, with humble praise, That just and right are all his ways? Yes, gracious God, before thy throne My vileness, and thy love I own; O let that love with beams divine, Forgiving, healing, round me shine! Whene'er, ungrateful to my God, This heedless heart requires the rod, Thy arm, supporting, I implore, The hand that chastens can restore. O may the kind correction prove A fruit of thy paternal love! Wean me from earth, from sin refine, And make my heart entirely thine! Then shall my thankful powers rejoice, And wake to praise this feeble voice: While mercy, power, and truth employ My love, my wonder, and my joy. Languages: English

Acknowledging his goodness in supporting and restoring

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #75 (1780) First Line: Now to thy heavenly Father's praise Lyrics: Now to thy heavenly Father's praise, My heart thy tribute bring: That goodness which prolongs my days With grateful pleasure sing. Ye humble souls, who love the Lord, Come join the pleasing theme; His mercy, power, and truth record And bless his glorious name. Whene'er he sends afflicting pains, His mercy holds the rod; His powerful word the heart sustains, And speaks a faithful God. A faithful God is ever nigh When humble grief implores; His ear attends each plaintive sigh, He pities and restores. No more let diffidence prevail Our comforts to destroy: His tender mercies never fail, Be these our sweet employ. Ah! how unequal to the theme Our feeble efforts prove! Ye heavens resound his glorious name, While we adore and love. Yet fain my grateful soul would bring Her tribute to thy throne; Accept the wish, my God, my King, To make thy goodness known! O be the life thy hand restores Devoted to thy praise! To thee, be sacred all my powers, To thee, my future days! Thy soul-enlivening grace impart, A warmer love inspire; And teach the breathings of my heart Dependence and desire. Languages: English

Desiring to praise God for the experience of his goodness

Hymnal: MPVP1780 #77 (1780) First Line: The loving kindness of the Lord, delightful theme Lyrics: The loving kindness of the Lord, (Delightful theme!) demands my lays: Thou, worthy to be lov'd, ador'd, O teach my heart to sing thy praise! In vain my heart with pleasure tries, My God, to count thy mercies o'er; So numerous and so bright they rise, I gaze, I wonder, I adore! Yet, all the powers I have are thine, For thee, those powers I would employ; And dedicate to love divine, With humble gratitude and joy. The sweet experience of thy grace Which animates my voice to sing; Incites my soul to seek thy face, And trust the shelter of thy wing. Thy guardian wing alone can bless; I find repose and safety there; The kindest refuge of distress A sure relief in every care. O let the wretched sons of woe To thee apply, on thee depend: And bid the drooping mourners know In thee a never-failing friend. Could e'er one soul in deep distress That fled to thee for refuge say, "Indulgent mercy would not bless, and justice frown'd my hopes away?" Ah no, a thousand thousand tongues Thy love and truth, adoring own, And offer their united songs With grateful joy before thy throne. Not e'en those happy minds can trace, With all their powers renew'd, refin'd, The boundless glories of thy grace, O thou omnipotently kind! Ah how shall these poor languid powers With frail mortality opprest, Display the grace my soul adored? How speak the transports of the blest? Dear Lord, accept my heart's desire, Till death shall close these mortal days! Then bid me join the heavenly choir, And sing thy everlasting praise! Scripture: Psalm 36:7 Languages: English


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