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When All Your Mercies, O My God

Author: Joseph Addison Hymnal: TH1990 #56 (1990) Meter: Person Name: Joseph Addison Lyrics: 1 When all your mercies, O my God, my rising soul surveys, transported with the view, I'm lost in wonder, love, and praise. 2 Unnumbered comforts to my soul your tender care bestowed, before my infant heart conceived from whom those comforts flowed. 3 When worn with sickness, oft have you with health renewed my face; and when in sins and sorrows sunk, revived my soul with grace. 4 Ten thousand thousand precious gifts my daily thanks employ; nor is the least a cheerful heart that tastes those gifts with joy. 5 Through ev'ry period of my life your goodness I'll pursue; and after death, in distant worlds, the glorious theme renew. 6 Through all eternity to you a joyful song I'll raise; for oh, eternity's too short to utter all your praise. Topics: Anniversaries; God His Goodness; Cheerfulness; God Mercies of; Grace Refreshing Scripture: Psalm 23:6 Languages: English Tune Title: MANOAH

The Spacious Firmament on High

Author: Joseph Addison Hymnal: TH1990 #117 (1990) Meter: D Person Name: Joseph Addison Lyrics: 1 The spacious firmament on high, with all the blue ethereal sky, and spangled heav'ns, a shining frame, their great Original proclaim. Th'unwearied sun, from day to day does his Creator's power display, and publishes to ev'ry land the work of an almighty hand. 2 Soon as the evening shades prevail, the moon takes up the wondrous tale, and nightly to the list'ning earth repeats the story of her birth; whilst all the stars that round her burn, and all the planets in their turn, confirm the tidings as they roll, and spread the truth from pole to pole. 3 What though in solemn silence all move round this dark terrestrial ball? What though no real voice nor sound amidst their radiant orbs be found? In reason's ear they all rejoice, and utter forth a glorious voice; forever singing, as they shine, "The hand that made us is divine." Topics: God's Work Creation; God Glory of; God Power of Scripture: Psalm 19:1 Languages: English Tune Title: CREATION

God is Working His Purpose Out

Author: Arthur Campbell Ainger Hymnal: TH1990 #74 (1990) Meter: Irregular Person Name: Arthur Campbell Ainger Lyrics: 1 God is working his purpose out as year succeeds to year: God is working his purpose out, and the time is drawing near; nearer and nearer draws the time, the time that shall surely be, when the earth shall be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea. 2 From utmost east to utmost west, where human feet have trod, by the mouth of many messengers goes forth the voice of God: "Give ear to me, you continents, ye isles, give ear to me," that the earth may be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea. 3 March we forth in the strength of God, with the banner of Christ unfurled, that the light of the glorious gospel of truth may shine throughout the world: fight we the fight with sorrow and sin to set their captives free, that the earth may be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea. 4 All we can do is nothing worth unless God blesses the deed; vainly we hope for the harvest-tide till God gives life to the seed; yet nearer and nearer draws the time, the time that shall surely be, when the earth shall be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea. Topics: God His Sovereignty Scripture: Isaiah 11:9 Languages: English Tune Title: PURPOSE
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All Things Bright and Beautiful

Author: Cecil F. Alexander Hymnal: TH1990 #120 (1990) Meter: D Person Name: Cecil F. Alexander First Line: Each little flower that opens Lyrics: Refrain: All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, all things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all. 1 Each little flow'r that opens, each little bird that sings, he made their glowing colors, he made their tiny wings. [Refrain] 2 The purple-headed mountain, the river running by, the sunset and the morning that brightens up the sky. [Refrain] 3 The cold wind in the winter, the pleasant summer sun, the ripe fruits in the garden, he made them, ev'ry one. [Refrain] 4 The tall trees in the greenwood, the meadows where we play, the flowers by the water we gather ev'ry day. [Refrain] 5 He gave us eyes to see them, and lips that we might tell how great is God Almighty, who has made all things well. [Refrain] Topics: God's Work Creation; God in Nature Scripture: Genesis 1:31 Languages: English Tune Title: ROYAL OAK
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Once in Royal David's City

Author: Cecil F. Alexander Hymnal: TH1990 #225 (1990) Meter: Person Name: Cecil F. Alexander Lyrics: 1 Once in royal David's city stood a lowly cattle shed, where a mother laid her baby in a manger for his bed: Mary was that mother mild, Jesus Christ her little child. 2 He came down to earth from heaven who is God and Lord of all, and his shelter was a stable, and his cradle was a stall: with the poor, and mean, and lowly, lived on earth our Savior holy. 3 And through all his wondrous childhood he would honor and obey, love and watch the lowly maiden in whose gentle arms he lay: Christian children all must be mild, obedient, good as he. 4 And our eyes at last shall see him, through his own redeeming love; for that child so dear and gentle is our Lord in heav'n above, and he leads his children on to the place where he is gone. 5 Not in that poor lowly stable, with the oxen standing by, we shall see him, but in heaven, set at God's right hand on high; when like stars his children crowned all in white shall wait around. Topics: Christ Childhood of; Christ Exaltation of; Christ Humanity of Scripture: Luke 2:11-12 Languages: English Tune Title: IRBY
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Saw You Never, in the Twilight

Author: Cecil F. Alexander Hymnal: TH1990 #228 (1990) Meter: D Person Name: Cecil F. Alexander Lyrics: 1 Saw you never, in the twilight, when the sun had left the skies, up in heav'n the clear stars shining through the gloom, like silver eyes? So of old the wise men, watching, saw a little stranger star, and they knew the King was given, and they followed it from far. 2 Heard you never of the story how they crossed the desert wild, journeyed on by plain and mountain till they found the holy child? How they opened all their treasure, kneeling to that infant King; gave the gold and fragrant incense, gave the myrrh in offering? 3 Know ye not that lowly baby was the bright and morning Star? He who came to light the Gentiles and the darkened isles afar? And we, too, may seek his cradle; there our hearts' best treasures bring; love and faith and true devotion for our Savior, God, and King. Topics: Offerings Scripture: Isaiah 60:1-3 Languages: English Tune Title: CHARTRES
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There Is a Green Hill Far Away

Author: Cecil F. Alexander Hymnal: TH1990 #256 (1990) Meter: Person Name: Cecil F. Alexander Lyrics: 1 There is a green hill far away, without a city wall, where the dear Lord was crucified, who died to save us all. 2 We may not know, we cannot tell, what pains he had to bear; but we believe it was for us he hung and suffered there. 3 He died that we might be forgiv'n, he died to make us good, that we might go at last to heav'n, saved by his precious blood. 4 There was no other good enough to pay the price of sin; he only could unlock the gate of heav'n, and let us in. 5 O dearly, dearly has he loved, and we must love him too, and trust in his redeeming blood, and try his works to do. Topics: Good Works; Jesus Christ His Death; Christ Suffering of; Imputation of Righteousness; Love For Christ of God Scripture: Romans 5:6-11 Languages: English Tune Title: MEDITATION
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The Golden Gates Are Lifted Up

Author: Cecil F. Alexander Hymnal: TH1990 #294 (1990) Meter: Person Name: Cecil F. Alexander Lyrics: 1 The golden gates are lifted up, the doors are opened wide; the King of glory is gone in unto his Father's side. 2 Thou art gone up before us, Lord, to make for us a place, that we may be where now thou art, and look upon God's face. 3 And ever on our earthly path a gleam of glory lies, a light still breaks behind the cloud that veiled thee from our eyes. 4 Lift up our hearts, lift up our minds: let thy dear grace be giv'n, that, while we wander here below, our treasure be in heav'n; 5 That where thou art, at God's right hand, our hope, our love, may be: dwell thou in us, that we may dwell forevermore in thee. Topics: Jesus Christ His Ascension Scripture: John 14:2 Languages: English Tune Title: MIRFIELD
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Jesus Calls Us

Author: Cecil F. Alexander Hymnal: TH1990 #591 (1990) Meter: Person Name: Cecil F. Alexander First Line: Jesus calls us: o'er the tumult Lyrics: 1 Jesus calls us: o'er the tumult of our life's wild, restless sea, day by day his sweet voice soundeth, saying, "Christian, follow me." 2 As, of old, apostles heard it by the Galilean lake, turned from home and toil and kindred, leaving all for his dear sake. 3 Jesus calls us from the worship of the vain world's golden store, from each idol that would keep us, saying, "Christian, love me more." 4 In our joys and in our sorrows, days of toil and hours of ease, still he calls, in cares and pleasures, "Christian, love me more than these." 5 Jesus calls us: by thy mercies, Savior, may we hear thy call, give our hearts to thine obedience, serve and love thee best of all. Topics: The Christian Life Christian Service; Calling; Love For Christ of God Scripture: Matthew 4:19-20 Languages: English Tune Title: GALILEE
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Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand

Author: Henry Alford Hymnal: TH1990 #323 (1990) Meter: D Person Name: Henry Alford Lyrics: 1 Ten thousand times ten thousand in sparkling raiment bright, the armies of the ransomed saints throng up the steeps of light: 'tis finished, all is finished, their fight with death and sin: fling open wide the golden gates and let the victors in. 2 What rush of alleluias fills all the earth and sky! What ringing of a thousand harps bespeaks the triumph nigh! O day, for which creation and all its tribes were made; O joy, for all its former woes a thousand fold repaid! 3 O then what raptured greetings on Canaan's happy shore; what knitting severed friendships up where partings are no more! Then eyes with joy shall sparkle, that brimmed with tears of late; orphans no longer fatherless, nor widows desolate. 4 Bring near thy great salvation, thou Lamb for sinners slain; fill up the roll of thine elect, then take thy pow'r, and reign: appear, Desire of nations, thine exiles long for home; show in the heav'n thy promised sign; thou Prince and Savior, come. Topics: Funerals; Christians Triumph of; Church Communion of Saints; Heaven Reunion in ; Life Everlasting ; Jesus Christ His Second Coming and Judgment Scripture: Revelation 5:11-12 Languages: English Tune Title: ALFORD
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Come, Ye Thankful People, Come

Author: Henry Alford Hymnal: TH1990 #715 (1990) Meter: D Person Name: Henry Alford First Line: Come, ye thankful people come Lyrics: 1 Come, ye thankful people, come, raise the song of harvest home: all is safely gathered in, ere the winter storms begin; God, our Maker, doth provide for our wants to be supplied: come to God's own temple, come, raise the song of harvest home. 2 All the world is God's own field, fruit unto his praise to yield; wheat and tares together sown, unto joy or sorrow grown: first the blade, and then the ear, then the full corn shall appear: Lord of harvest, grant that we wholesome grain and pure may be. 3 For the Lord our God shall come, and shall take his harvest home; from his field shall in that day all offenses purge away; give his angels charge at last in the fire the tares to cast, but the fruitful ears to store in his garner evermore. 4 Even so, Lord, quickly come to thy final harvest home; gather thou thy people in, free from sorrow, free from sin; there forever purified, in thy presence to abide: come, with all thine angels, come, raise the glorious harvest home. Topics: Funerals; Special Topics Harvest and Thanksgiving; Spiritual Harvest and Thanksgiving Scripture: Matthew 13:36-43 Languages: English Tune Title: ST. GEORGE'S WINDSOR

Good Christian Men, Rejoice and Sing!

Author: Cyril A. Alington Hymnal: TH1990 #270 (1990) Meter: 8.8.8 with alleluias Person Name: Cyril A. Alington Refrain First Line: Alleluia Lyrics: 1 Good Christian men, rejoice and sing! Now is the triumph of our King! To all the world glad news we bring: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 2 The Lord of life is ris'n for aye; bring flow'rs of song to strew his way; let all mankind rejoice and say: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 3 Praise we in songs of victory that love, that life, which cannot die, and sing with hearts uplifted high: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! 4 Your name we bless, O risen Lord, and sing today with one accord the life laid down, the life restored: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Topics: Rejoicing in God; Christ Conqueror Scripture: John 10:15 Languages: English Tune Title: GELOBT SE! GOTT
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Sweet the Moments, Rich in Blessing

Author: James Allen; Walter Shirley Hymnal: TH1990 #258 (1990) Meter: Person Name: James Allen Lyrics: 1 Sweet the moments, rich in blessing, which before the cross I spend, life and health and peace possessing from the sinner's dying Friend. 2 Here I rest, in wonder viewing all my sins on Jesus laid, here I see redemption flowing from the sacrifice he made. 3 Here I find the dawn of heaven, while upon the cross I gaze, see my trespasses forgiven, and my songs of triumph raise. 4 O that near the cross abiding, I may to the Savior cleave, naught with him my heart dividing, all for him content to leave. Topics: Jesus Christ His Death; Christ Cross of; Communion with Christ and God; Imputation of Sin Scripture: Romans 4:7 Languages: English Tune Title: CROSS OF JESUS
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Fear Not, O Little Flock

Author: Johann M. Altenburg; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: TH1990 #566 (1990) Meter: 8.8.6 D Person Name: Johann M. Altenburg First Line: Fear not, O little flock, the foe Lyrics: 1 Fear not, O little flock, the foe who madly seeks your overthrow; dread not his rage and pow'r: what though your courage sometimes faints, his seeming triumph o'er God's saints lasts but a little hour. 2 Be of good cheer, your cause belongs to him who can avenge your wrongs; leave it to him, our Lord: though hidden yet from all our eyes, he sees the Gideon who shall rise to save us and his Word. 3 As true as God's own Word is true, nor earth nor hell with all their crew against us shall prevail. A jest and byword are they grown; God is with us, we are his own; our vict'ry cannot fail. 4 Amen, Lord Jesus, grant our pray'r; great Captain, now your arm make bare, fight for us once again; so shall your saints and martyrs raise a mighty chorus to your praise, world without end. Amen. Topics: Anniversaries; Reformation Day; The Christian Life Conflict With Sin; Adversaries; Cast Out Fear; God Our Strength Scripture: Luke 12:32 Languages: English Tune Title: JEHOVAH NISSI
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O Splendor of God's Glory Bright

Author: Ambrose of Milan; Louis F. Benson Hymnal: TH1990 #58 (1990) Meter: Person Name: Ambrose of Milan Lyrics: 1 O Splendor of God's glory bright, from light eternal bringing light, O Light of light, light's living Spring, true Day, all days illumining: 2 Come, very Sun of heaven's love, in lasting radiance from above, and pour the Holy Spirit's ray on all we think or do today. 3 And now to thee our pray'rs ascend, O Father, glorious without end; we plead with Sovereign Grace for pow'r to conquer in temptation's hour. 4 Confirm our will to do the right, and keep our hearts from envy's blight; let faith her eager fires renew, and hate the false, and love the true. 5 O joyful be the passing day with thoughts as pure as morning's ray, with faith like noontide shining bright, our souls unshadowed by the night. 6 Dawn's glory gilds the earth and skies, let him, our perfect Morn, arise, the Word in God the Father one, the Father imaged in the Son. Topics: Lord's Day Morning; God His Truth; Christ The Light; Christ Refuge; Christ The Word; Supplication For Sanctification Scripture: John 1:4 Languages: English Tune Title: WINCHESTER NEW
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Christian, Dost Thou See Them

Author: St. Andrew of Crete; John Mason Neale Hymnal: TH1990 #574 (1990) Meter: D Person Name: St. Andrew of Crete Lyrics: 1 Christian, dost thou see them on the holy ground, how the pow'rs of darkness rage thy steps around? Christian, up and smite them, counting gain but loss, in the strength that cometh by the holy cross. 2 Christian, dost thou feel them, how they work within, striving, tempting, luring, goading into sin? Christian, never tremble; never be downcast; gird thee for the battle, watch and pray and fast. 3 Christian, dost thou hear them, how they speak thee fair? "Always fast and vigil? Always watch and prayer?" Christian, answer boldly, "While I breathe I pray!" Peace shall follow battle, night shall end in day. 4 Hear the words of Jesus: "O my servant true: thou art very weary - I was weary too; but that toil shall make thee some day all mine own, and the end of sorrow shall be near my throne." Topics: Perseverance; Reformation Day; The Christian Life Christian Warfare; Christians Triumph of; Fasting; Tribulation and Suffering Scripture: 1 Peter 5:8-9 Languages: English Tune Title: ST. ANDREW OF CRETE
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Praise the Lord: Ye Heavens Adore Him

Author: Anonymous; Edward Osler Hymnal: TH1990 #17 (1990) Meter: D Person Name: Anonymous Lyrics: 1 Praise the Lord: ye heav'ns, adore him; praise him, angels, in the height; sun and moon, rejoice before him; praise him all ye stars and light. Praise the Lord, for he hath spoken; worlds his mighty voice obeyed: laws which never shall be broken for their guidance hath he made. 2 Praise the Lord, for he is glorious; never shall his promise fail: God hath made his saints victorious; sin and death shall not prevail. Praise the God of our salvation; hosts on high, his pow'r proclaim; heav'n and earth and all creation, laud and magnify his name. 3 Worship, honor, glory, blessing, Lord, we offer unto thee; young and old, thy praise expressing, in glad homage bend the knee. All the saints in heav'n adore thee; we would bow before thy throne: as thine angels serve before thee, so on earth thy will be done. Topics: God His perfections; God Majesty of; Reformation Day; Christians Triumph of; God Faithfulness of; God Praise of; Heaven Worship in ; God in Nature Scripture: Psalm 145 Languages: English Tune Title: FABEN
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Come, Thou Almighty King

Author: Anonymous Hymnal: TH1990 #101 (1990) Meter: Person Name: Anonymous Lyrics: 1 Come, thou Almighty King, help us thy name to sing, help us to praise. Father, all glorious, o'er all victorious, come and reign over us, Ancient of Days. 2 Come, thou Incarnate Word, gird on thy mighty sword, our prayer attend. Come, and thy people bless, and give thy Word success; Spirit of holiness, on us descend. 3 Come, Holy Comforter, thy sacred witness bear in this glad hour. Thou who almighty art, now rule in every heart, and ne'er from us depart, Spirit of pow'r. 4 To the great One in Three eternal praises be, hence evermore. His sovereign majesty may we in glory see, and to eternity love and adore. Topics: Supplication; Christ The Word; Holy Spirit Comforter; Invocation Scripture: 2 Corinthians 13:14 Languages: English Tune Title: TRINITY
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The Law of the Lord is Perfect

Author: Anonymous Hymnal: TH1990 #152 (1990) Meter: Irregular Person Name: Anonymous Refrain First Line: More to be desired are they than gold Lyrics: 1 The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul. The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. Refrain: More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold. Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. 2 The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart. The commandments of the Lord are pure, enlight'ning the eyes. [Refrain] 3 The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever. The judgments of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether. [Refrain] Topics: God's Word The Law of God; Fear of God Scripture: Psalm 19:7-11 Languages: English Tune Title: THE LAW OF THE LORD
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There Is No Name So Sweet on Earth

Author: Anonymous Hymnal: TH1990 #178 (1990) Meter: D Person Name: Anonymous Refrain First Line: We love to sing around our King Lyrics: 1 There is no name so sweet on earth, no name so sweet in heaven, the name before his wondrous birth to Christ the Savior given. Refrain: We love to sing around our King, and hail him blessed Jesus; for there's no word ear ever heard so dear, so sweet as "Jesus." 2 And when he hung upon the tree, they wrote this name above him; that all might see the reason we forevermore must love him. [Refrain] 3 So now, upon his Father's throne, almighty to release us from sin and pains, he gladly reigns, the Prince and Savior Jesus. [Refrain] 4 To Jesus ev'ry knee shall bow, and ev'ry tongue confess him, and we unite with saints in light, our only Lord to bless him. [Refrain] 5 O Jesus, by that matchless name, your grace shall fail us never; today as yesterday the same, you art the same forever. [Refrain] Topics: Jesus Christ His Praise; Christ Exaltation of; Christ Name of ; Love For Christ of God Scripture: Matthew 1:21 Languages: English Tune Title: THE SWEETEST NAME


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