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Hymnal, Number:bw1867

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Hymnal: BW1867 #208 (1867) Meter: First Line: A charge to keep I have Lyrics: 1 A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify; A never-dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky: 2 From youth to hoary age, My calling to fulfil: O may it all my powers engage To do my Master's will. 3 Arm me with jealous care, As in Thy sight to live; And oh! Thy servant, Lord, prepare A strict account to give. 4 Help me to watch and pray, And on Thyself rely; Assured, if I my trust betray, I shall for ever die. Topics: Self-Consecration Languages: English
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A safe stronghold our God is still

Hymnal: BW1867 #68 (1867) Lyrics: 1 A safe stronghold our God is still, Our shield and surest weapon; He will deliver from the ill That hath us now o'ertaken. Our old deadly foe Now aims his last blow; Deep guile and strong power He boasteth in this hour: On earth is not his equal. 2 By strength of ours could naught be done; The strife full soon were ended, But for us fights the valiant One, By God himself commended. As you, "Who is He?" Christ Jesus! There see The Lord Saboath, Our God and Saviour both— He conquers in this battle. 3 Though devils all the earth should fill, Each watching to devour us, We tremble not, we fear no ill They cannot overpower us. The false prince of hell May rage, rave and swell; He harms not a hair, We shall escape his snare; Christ's lightest word shall stay him. 4 His word for ever shall abide, Our foes can ne'er destroy it, He standteh ever at our side, And cheers us by His Spirit. And take they our life, Goods, fame, children, wife, When their worst is done, Yet have they nothing won-- We shall receive the kingdom. Topics: God the Son Condescension Languages: English
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Abide with me! fast falls the evenitde

Hymnal: BW1867 #321 (1867) Lyrics: 1 Abide with me! fast falls the eventide, The darkness deepens--Lord, with me abide! When other helpers fail and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, oh abide with me! 2 Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day-- Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away. Change and decay in all around I see-- O Thou who changest not, abide with me! 3 I need Thy presence every passing hour: What but Thy grace can foil the tempter's power? Who like Thyself my guide and strength can be? In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me! Topics: Man a Saint In Bodily and Spiritual Trouble Languages: English
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According to Thy gracious word

Hymnal: BW1867 #161 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 According to Thy gracious word, In meek humility, This will I do, my dying Lord, I will remember Thee. 2 Thy body, broken for my sake, My bread from heaven shall be; Thy testamental cup I take, And thus remember Thee. 3 Gethsemane can I forget? Or there Thy conflict see, Thine agony and bloody sweat, And not remember Thee? 4 When to the cross I turn mine eyes, And rest on Calvary, O Lamb of God, my sacrifice! I must remember Thee: 5 Remember Thee, and all Thy pains. And all Thy love to me; Yea, while a breath, a pulse remains, Will I remember Thee. 6 And when these failing lips grow dumb, And mind and memory flee, When Thou shalt in Thy Kingdom come, Jesus, remember me. Topics: The Lord's Supper Languages: English
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Alas! and did my Saviour bleed

Hymnal: BW1867 #216 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Alas! and did my Savior bleed, And did my Sovereign die? Would He devote that sacred head For such a worm as I? 2 Was it for crimes that I have done He groaned upon the tree? Amazing pity! grace unknown! And love beyond degree! 3 Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut his glories in, When Christ, the mighty Maker, died For man the creature's sin! 4 Thus might I hide my blushing face While His dear cross appears, Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, And melt my eyes to tears. 5 But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe; Here, Lord, I give myself away: 'Tis all that I can do. Topics: Self-Abasement Languages: English
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Alas! how poor and little worth

Hymnal: BW1867 #420 (1867) Lyrics: 1 Alas! how poor and little worth Are all those glittering toys of earth That lure us here! Dreams of a sleep that death must break; Alas! before it bids us wake, They disappear. 2 Where is the strength that spurned decay, The step that rolled so light and gay, The heart's blithe tone? The strength is gone, the step is slow, And joy grows weariness and woe When age comes on. 3 Our birth is but a starting-place; Life is the running of the race, And death the goal: There all those glittering toys are brought; That path alone, of all unsought, Is found of all. 4 Oh let the soul its slumbers break, Arouse its senses, and awake To see how soon Life, like its glories, glides away, And the stern footsteps of decay Come stealing on. Topics: Life Its Duties and Object Languages: English
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Alas! what hourly dangers rise

Hymnal: BW1867 #319 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Alas! what hourly dangers rise, What snares beset my way! To heaven oh let me lift mine eyes, And hourly watch and pray. 2 How oft my mournful thoughts complain, And melt in flowing tears: My weak resistance, ah, how vain, How strong my foes and fears! 3 O gracious God, in whom I live, My feeble efforts aid, Help me to watch, and pray, and strive, Though trembling and afraid. 4 Increase my faith, Increase my hope, When foes and fears prevail; And bear my fainting spirit up, Or soon my strength will fail. 5 When'er temptations fright my heart, Or lure my feet aside, My God, Thy powerful aid impart, My Guardian and my Guide. 6 Oh keep me in Thy heavenly way, And bid the tempter flee; And let me never, never stray From happiness and thee. Topics: Man a Saint In Bodily and Spiritual Trouble Languages: English
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All glorious God, what hymns of praise

Hymnal: BW1867 #101 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 All glorious God, what hymns of praise Shall our transported voices raise! What ardent love and zeal are due, While heaven stands open to our view! 2 Once we were fallen, and oh how low! Just on the brink of endless woe: When Jesus, from the realms above. Borne on the wings of boundless love, 3 Scattered the shades of death and night, And spread around His heavenly light: By Him what wondrous grace is shown To souls impoverished and undone! 4 He shows, beyond these mortal shores, A bright inheritance as ours; Where saints in light our coming wait, To share their holy, happy state. Topics: God the Son Praise to the Redeemer Languages: English
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All hail the power of Jesus' name

Hymnal: BW1867 #98 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 All hail the power of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall: Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all! 2 Crown Him, ye martyrs of our God, Who from His altar call; Extol the stem of Jesse's rod, And crown Him Lord of all! 3 Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, A remnant weak and small, Hail Him who saves you by His grace, And crown Him Lord of all! 4 Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget The wormwood and the gall; Go, spread your trophies at His feet And crown Him Lord of all! 5 Let every kindred, every tribe, On this terrestrial ball, To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of all! Topics: God the Son Praise to the Redeemer Languages: English
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All praise to the Father, the Son

Hymnal: BW1867 #D8 (1867) Lyrics: All praise to the Father, the Son, And Spirit, thrice holy and blest, Th' eternal, supreme Three in One, Was, is, and shall still be addressed. Languages: English
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All ye who grace inherit

Hymnal: BW1867 #D9 (1867) Lyrics: All ye who grace inherit, The God of grace adore! To Father, Son, and Spirit Give praise for evermore! Of mercies here, the treasure Demands out praise and love; And praise shall be our pleasure Before His throne above. Languages: English
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Am I a soldier of the cross

Hymnal: BW1867 #338 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Am I a soldier of the cross? A follower of the Lamb? And shall I fear to own His cause, Or blush to speak His name? 2 Must I be carried to the skies On flowery beds of ease, While others fought to win the prize, And sailed through bloody seas? 3 Are there no foes for me to face? Must I not stem the flood? Is this vile world a friend to grace, To help me on to God? 4 Sure, I must fight if I would reign; Increase my courage, Lord! I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by Thy word. 5 Thy saints, in all this glorious war Shall conquer, though they die; They see the triumph from afar, With faith's discerning eye. 6 When that illustrious day shall rise, And all Thine armies shine In robes of victory through the skies, The glory shall be Thine. Topics: Man a Saint Submission to the Will of God Languages: English
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Am I called? and can it be

Hymnal: BW1867 #310 (1867) Lyrics: 1 Am I called? and can it be, Has my Saviour chosen me? Guilty, wretched as I am, Has He named my worthless name? Vilest of the vile am I, Dare I raise my hope so high? 2 Am I called? I dare not stay, May not, must not disobey; Here, I lay me at Thy feet, Clinging to the mercy-seat; Thine I am and Thine alone; Lord, with me Thy will be done. 3 Am I called? what shall I bring As an offering to my King? Poor, and blind, and naked, I Trembling at Thy footstool lie; Naught but sin I call mine own, Nor for sin can sin atone. 4 Am I called an heir of God? Washed, redeemed by precious blood? Father, lead me in Thy hand, Guide me to that better land, Where my soul shall be at rest, Pillowed on my Saviour's breast. Topics: Man a Saint Pardoned Languages: English
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Hymnal: BW1867 #309 (1867) Meter: First Line: Amazing grace! how sweet the sound Lyrics: 1 Amazing grace! how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind but now I see. 2 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, 'Twas grace my fears relieved; How precious did that grace appear, The hour I first believed! 3 Full many a danger, toil, and snare My soul has overcome; 'Tis grace that brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. 4 And when this flesh and heart shall fail, And mortal life shall cease, I shall possess within the veil A life of joy and peace. Topics: Man a Saint Pardoned Languages: English
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And am I only born to die?

Hymnal: BW1867 #423 (1867) Lyrics: 1 And am I only born to die? And must I suddenly comply With nature’s stern decree? What after death for me remains? Celestial joys, or hellish pains, To all eternity. 2 How then ought I on earth to live, While God prolongs the kind reprieve, And props the house of clay? My sole concern, my single care, To watch, and tremble, and prepare Against the fatal day. 3 No room for mirth or trifling here, For worldly hope, or worldly fear, If life so soon is gone; If now the Judge is at the door, And all mankind must stand before Th' inexorable throne! 4 No matter which my thoughts employ, A moment’s misery or joy; But, oh when both shall end, Where shall I find my destined place? Shall I my everlasting days With fiends or angels spend? 5 Nothing is worth a thought beneath But how I may escape the death That never, never dies! How make mine own election sure; And when I fail on earth, secure A mansion in the skies. 6 Jesus, vouchsafe a pitying ray; Be Thou my Guide, be Thou my Way To glorious happiness. Ah! write the pardon on my heart; And whensoe’er I hence depart, Let me depart in peace. Topics: Life Its Duties and Object Languages: English
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And are we yet alive

Hymnal: BW1867 #153 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 And are we yet alive, And see each other's face? Glory and praise to Jesus give For His redeeming grace! Preserved by power divine To full salvation here, Again in Jesus' praise we join, And in His sight appear. 2 What troubles have we seen! What conflicts have we passed! Fightings without, and fears within, Since we assembled last; But out of all the Lord Hath brought us by His love; And still He does His help afford, And hides our life above. 3 Then let us make our boast Of His redeeming power, Which saves us to the uttermost, Till we can sin no more: Let us take up the cross, Till we the crown obtain; And gladly reckon all things loss, So we may Jesus gain. Topics: Gospel Ministry Languages: English
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And must this body die?

Hymnal: BW1867 #442 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 And must this body die? This mortal frame decay? And must these active limbs of mine Lie mouldering in the clay? 2 Corruption, earth, and worms, Shall but refine this flesh, Till my triumphant spirit comes To put it on afresh. 3 God, my Redeemer, lives, And often, from the skies, Looks down and watches all my dust, Till He shall bid it rise. 4 Arrayed in glorious grace Shall these vile bodies shine, And every shape, and every face, Look heavenly and divine. 5 These lively hopes we owe To Jesus' dying love; We would adore His grace below, And sing His power above. 6 Dear Lord, accept the praise Of these our humble songs, Till tunes of nobler sound we raise With our immortal tongues. Topics: Death Languages: English
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And will the Judge descend?

Hymnal: BW1867 #447 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 And will the Judge descend? And must the dead arise? And not a single soul escape His all-discerning eyes? 2 And from His righteous lips Shall this dread sentence sound, And through the numerous guilty throng, Spread black despair around: 3 "Depart from me, accursed, To everlasting flame, For rebel angels first prepared, Where mercy never came. 4 How will my heart endure The terrors of that day, When earth and heaven, before His face, Astonished, shrink away? 5 But ere that trumpet shakes The mansions of the dead, Hark, from the gospel's cheering sound, What joyful tidings spread! 6 Ye sinners, seek His grace, Whose wrath ye cannot bear; Fly to the shelter of His cross, And find salvation there. 7 So shall that curse remove By which the Saviour bled; And the last awful day shall pour His blessings on your head. Topics: Death Languages: English
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And will the Lord thus condescend

Hymnal: BW1867 #64 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 And will the Lord thus condescend To visit sinful worms? Thus at the door shall mercy stand In all her winning forms? 2 Surprising grace!--and shall my heart Unmoved and cold remain? Has this hard rock no tender part? Must mercy please in vain? 3 Shall Jesus for admission sue-- His charming voice unheard? And this vile heart, his rightful due, Remain for ever barred? 4 'Tis sin, alas! with tyrant power, My heart hath long oppressed; And crowds of traitors bar the door Against the heavenly guest. 5 Ye dangerous inmates, hence depart: Dear Saviour, enter in, And guard the passage to my heart, And keep out every sin. Topics: God the Son Condescension Languages: English
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Angel, roll the rock away!

Hymnal: BW1867 #90 (1867) Lyrics: 1 Angel, roll the rock away! Death, yield up the mighty prey: See! He rises from the tomb, Glowing with immortal bloom. 2 'Tis the Savior! angels raise Fame's eternal trump of praise; Let the world's remotest bound, Hear the joy-inspiring sound. 3 Heaven unfolds its portals wide! Mighty Conqueror! through them ride; King of glory! mount Thy throne, Boundless empire is Thine own. 4 Hosts of heaven, seraphic choirs, Raptured sweep your golden lyres; Sons of men, in humbler strain, Sing your mighty Saviour's reign. 5 Every note with rapture swell, Sin o'erthrown, and captive hell! Where, O Death, is now thy sting? Where thy terrors, vanquished king?. Topics: God the Son Resurrection Languages: English
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Good Tidings

Hymnal: BW1867 #53 (1867) First Line: Angels! from the realms of glory Lyrics: 1 Angels! from the realms of glory, Wing your flight o'er all the earth; Ye, who sang creation's story, Now proclaim Messiah's birth: Come and worship-- Worship Christ, the new-born King. 2 Shepherds! in the field abiding, Watching o'er your flocks by night; God with us is now residing, Yonder shines the heavenly light: Come and worship-- Worship Christ, the new-born King. 3 Sages, leave your contemplations; Brighter visions beam afar; Seek the great Desire of Nations, Ye have seen His natal star. Come and worship-- Worship Christ, the new-born King. 4 Saints! before the altar bending, Watching long in hope and fear, Suddenly the Lord, descending, In His temple shall appear: Come and worship-- Worship Christ, the new-born King. Topics: God the Son Incarnation Languages: English
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Angels, where'er we go, attend

Hymnal: BW1867 #146 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Angels, where'er we go, attend Our steps, what'er betide, With watchful care their charge defend, And evil turn aside. 2 Myriads of bright cherubic bands, Sent by the King of kings, Rejoice to bear us in their hands, And shade us with their wings. 3 Jehovah's charioteers surround; The ministerial choir Encamp where'er his heirs are found, And form our wall of fire. 4 Ten thousand offices unseen For us they gladly do, Deliver in the furnace keen, And safe escort us through. 5 But thronging round, with busiest love They guard the dying breast, The lurking fiend far off remove, And sing our souls to rest. 6 And when our spirits we reign, On outstretched wings they bear, And lodge us in the arms of divine, And leave us ever there. Topics: Angelic Ministry Languages: English
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Another fleeting day is gone

Hymnal: BW1867 #193 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Another fleeting day is gone, Slow o'er the west the shadows rise; Swift the soft-stealing hours have flown, And night's dark mantle veils the skies. 2 Another fleeting day is gone; In solemn silence rest, my soul! Bow down before His awful throne, Who bids the morn and evening roll. 3 Soon shall a darker night descend, And veil from me yon azure skies; And soon shall death's oppressive hand Lie heavy on these languid eyes. 4 Yet when beneath the dreadful shade I lay my weary frame to rest, That night shall not make me afraid; That bed the dying Saviour pressed. 5 Again emerging from the night, I, like my risen Lord, shall rise; Again drink in the morning light, Pure at its fount above the skies. Topics: Family Worship Languages: English
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Another six days' work is done

Hymnal: BW1867 #185 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Another six day's work is done, Another Sabbath is begun: Return, my soul, enjoy thy rest, Improve the day thy God has blest. 2 Come, bless the Lord, whose love assigns So sweet a rest to wearied minds; Provides an antepast of heaven, And gives this day the food of seven. 3 Oh that our thoughts and thanks may rise As grateful incense to the skies; And draw from heaven that sweet repose Which none, but he who feels it, knows. 4 With joy, great God! Thy works we view, In various scenes both old and new; With praise, we think on mercies past, With hope, we future pleasures taste. 5 In holy duties let the day In holy pleasures pass away: How sweet a Sabbath thus to spend, In hope of one that ne'er shall end! Topics: Family Worship Languages: English
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Arise, my soul, arise

Hymnal: BW1867 #314 (1867) Lyrics: 1 Arise, my soul, arise, Shake off thy guilty fears, The bleeding Sacrifice In my behalf appears; Before the throne my Surety stands, My name is written on His hands. 2 He ever lives above, For me to intercede; His all-redeeming love, His precious blood to plead; His blood was spilt for all our race, And sprinkles now the throne of grace. 3 Five bleeding wounds He bears, Received on Calvary; They pour effectual prayers, They strongly speak for me; Forgive him, oh forgive, they cry, Nor let that ransomed sinner die. 4 The Father hears Him pray, His dear anointed One; He cannot turn away The presence of His Son; His Spirit answers to the blood, And tells me I am born of God. 5 My God is reconciled, His pardoning voice I hear: He owns me for His child, I can no longer fear: With confidence I now draw nigh, And Father, Abba, Father! cry. Topics: Man a Saint Assured Languages: English
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As pants the hart for cooling streams

Hymnal: BW1867 #353 (1867) Lyrics: 1 As pants the hart for cooling streams When heated in the chase; So longs my soul, O God, for Thee, And Thy refreshing grace. 2 For Thee, my God, the living God, My thirsty soul doth pine; Oh when shall I behold Thy face, Thou Majesty divine? 3 Why restless, why cast down, my soul? Trust God; and He'll employ His aid for thee, and change these sighs To thankful hymns of joy. 4 Why restless, why cast down, my soul? Hope still; and thou shalt sing The praise of Him who is Thy God, Thy health's eternal spring. Topics: Man a Saint Thirsting After God Scripture: Psalm 42 Languages: English
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As when the weary traveler gains

Hymnal: BW1867 #367 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 As when the weary traveler gains The height of some commanding hill, His heart revives, if o'er the plains He sees his home, though distant still,-- 2 So, when the Christian pilgrim views By faith his mansion in the skies, The sight his fainting strength renews, And wings his speed to reach the prize. 3 The hope of heaven his spirit cheers; No more he grieves for sorrows past; Nor any future conflict fears, So he may safe arrive at last. 4 O Lord, on Thee our hopes we stay, To lead us on to Thine abode; Assured Thy love will far o'erpay The hardest labors of the road. Topics: Man a Saint In Prospect of Heaven Languages: English
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Ordination of Ministers

Hymnal: BW1867 #150 (1867) Meter: First Line: As when to ancient Horeb's brow Lyrics: 1 As when to ancient Horeb's brow Moses, an humble shepherd, came, And there, in solemn grandeur, Thou, O Lord, addressed Him, 'midst the flame; 2 So these, Thy waiting servants here, Stand on as holy ground to-day, In grateful love and reverent fear, Thy better message to obey. 3 Hear Thou the solemn vows they make, As round Thine altar low they bend; The offering of their spirits take, And signals of acceptance send. 4 They go Thy sacred truth to tell; Break, as they preach, the heavy night, Let gladness through the desert swell, And cheer their path with living light. 5 Or if with tears the seed they bear, And droop beneath their toil and pain, Oh hear their sorrowing, humble prayer, And with their heavy load sustain. 6 And when life's labors all are o'er, May they with sheaves rejoicing come; Then round them cloudless glory pour, And take them 'mid that glory home. Topics: Gospel Ministry Languages: English
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Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep!

Hymnal: BW1867 #427 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep! From which none ever wakes to weep; A calm and undisturbed repose, Unbroken by the last of foes. 2 Asleep in Jesus! oh how sweet To be for such a slumber meet! With holy confidence to sing That death hath lost its venomed sting! 3 Asleep in Jesus! peaceful rest! Whose waking is supremely blest; No fear--no woe, shall dim that hour That manifests the Saviour's power. 4 Asleep in Jesus! oh for me May such a blissful refuge be: Securely shall my ashes lie, Waiting the summons from on high. 5 Asleep in Jesus! time nor space Debars this precious "hiding-place:" On Indian plains, or Lapland snows, Believers find the same repose. 6 Asleep in Jesus! far from Thee Thy kindred and their graves may be; But there is still a blessed sleep, From which none ever wakes to weep. Topics: Death Languages: English
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Awake my soul! and with the sun

Hymnal: BW1867 #184 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Awake, my soul! and with the sun Thy daily course of duty run; Shake off dull sloth, and joyful rise To pay thy morning sacrifice. 2 Wake, and lift up thyself, my heart! And with the angels bear thy part, Who all night long unwearied sing, "Glory to Thee, eternal King!" 3 I wake, I wake, ye heavenly choir! May your devotion me inspire; That I like you my age may spend, Like you may on my God attend. 4 May I like you in God delight, Have all day long my God in sight Perform like you my Maker's will: Oh may I never more do ill! 5 Glory to Thee, who safe hast kept, And hast refreshed me while I slept! Grant, Lord, when I from death shall wake, I may of endless life partake. 6 Lord, I my vows to Thee renew: Scatter my sins as morning dew; Guard my first springs of thought and will, And with Thyself my spirit fill. 7 Direct, control, suggest this day All I design, or do, or say, That all my power, with all their might, In Thy sole glory may unite. Topics: Family Worship Languages: English
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Awake, my soul in joyful lays

Hymnal: BW1867 #361 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Awake, my soul, to joyful lays, And sing thy great Redeemer’s praise; He justly claims a song from me; His loving-kindness, oh how free! 2 He saw me ruined in the fall, Yet loved me notwithstanding all; He saved me from my lost estate; His loving-kindness, oh how great! 3 Though numerous hosts of mighty foes, Though earth and hell my way oppose, He safely leads my soul along; His lovingkindness, oh how strong! 4 When trouble, like a gloomy cloud, Has gathered thick and thundered loud, He near my soul has always stood; His loving-kindness, oh how good! 5 Often I feel my sinful heart Prone from my Jesus to depart; But though I have Him oft forgot, His lovingkindness changes not. 6 Soon I shall pass the gloomy vale, Soon all my mortal powers must fail; Oh may my last expiring breath His loving-kindness sing in death. 7 Then let me mount and soar away To the bright world of endless day; And sing with raptures and surprise, His loving-kindness in the skies. Topics: Man a Saint Rejoicing in Deliverance Scripture: Psalm 63 Languages: English
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Awake, my soul; stretch every nerve

Hymnal: BW1867 #341 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Awake, my soul; stretch every nerve, And press with vigor on; A heavenly race demands thy zeal, And an immortal crown. 2 A cloud of witnesses around Hold thee in full survey; Forget the steps already trod, And onward urge thy way. 3 'Tis God's all-animating voice, That calls thee from on high: 'Tis His own hand presents the prize To thine aspiring eye,-- 4 That prize, with peerless glories bright, Which shall new lustre boast, When victors' wreaths and monarchs' gems Shall blend in common dust. Topics: Man a Saint Steadfast and Abounding in Grace Languages: English
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Awake, our souls, away, our fears

Hymnal: BW1867 #344 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Awake, our souls, away, our fears, Let every trembling thought be gone; Awake, and run the heavenly race, And put a cheerful courage on. 2 True, ’tis a strait and thorny road, And mortal spirits tire and faint; But they forget the mighty God, Who feeds the strength of every saint. 3 The mighty God, whose matchless power Is ever new, and ever young, And firm endures while endless years Their everlasting circles run. 4 From Thee, the ever-flowing spring, Our souls shall drink a fresh supply; While such as trust their native strength Shall melt away, and droop, and die. 5 Swift as an eagle cuts the air, We’ll mount aloft to Thine abode; On wings of love our souls shall fly, Nor tire amid the heavenly road. Topics: Man a Saint Steadfast and Abounding in Grace Languages: English
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Be joyful in God, all ye lands of the earth

Hymnal: BW1867 #10 (1867) Lyrics: 1 Be joyful in God, all ye lands of the earth, O serve Him with gladness and fear; Exult in His presence with music and mirth, With love and devotion draw near. 2 Jehovah is God, and Jehovah alone, Creator and Ruler o’er all; And we are His people, His scepter we own, His sheep, and we follow His call, His sheep, and we follow His call. 3 O enter His gates with thanksgiving and song, Your vows in His temple proclaim; His praise with melodious accordance prolong, And bless His adorable name. 4 For good is the Lord, inexpressibly good, And we are the work of His hand; His mercy and truth from eternity stood, And shall to eternity stand. Topics: Opening Hymns Scripture: Psalm 100 Languages: English
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Be still my heart! these anxious cares

Hymnal: BW1867 #335 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Be still, my heart! these anxious cares To thee are burdens, thorns, and snares, They cast dishonor on thy Lord, And contradict His gracious word. 2 Brought safely by His hand thus far, Why wilt thou now give place to fear? How canst thou want if He provide, Or lose thy way with such a guide? 3 When first before His mercy-seat Thou didst to Him thy all commit, He gave thee warrant from that hour, To trust His wisdom, love, and power. 4 Did ever trouble yet befall, And He refuse to hear thy call? And has He not His promise passed, That thou shalt overcome at last? 5 Though rough and thorny be the road, It leads thee home, apace, to God; Then count thy present trials small, For heaven will make amends for all. Topics: Man a Saint Submission to the Will of God Languages: English
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Old Hundred

Hymnal: BW1867 #1 (1867) First Line: Before Jehovah's awful throne Lyrics: 1 Before Jehovah’s awful throne, Ye nations, bow with sacred joy; Know that the Lord is God alone; He can create, and He destroy. 2 His sovereign power, without our aid, Made us of clay, and formed us men; And, when like wandering sheep we strayed, He brought us to His fold again. 3 We are His people, we His care, Our souls, and all our mortal frame: What lasting honors shall we rear, Almighty Maker, to Thy name! 4 We’ll crowd Thy gates with thankful songs, High as the heavens our voices raise; And earth, with her ten thousand tongues, Shall fill Thy courts with sounding praise. 5 Wide as the world is Thy command; Vast as eternity Thy love; Firm as a rock Thy truth must stand, When rolling years shall cease to move. Topics: Opening Hymns Languages: English
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Begin my soul, th' exalted lay

Hymnal: BW1867 #42 (1867) Lyrics: 1 Begin, my soul, th' exalted lay; Let each enraptured thought obey, And praise the Almighty's name: Lo! heaven and earth, and seas and skies, In one melodious concert rise, To swell the inspiring theme. 2 Ye angels, catch the thrilling sound, While all the adoring thrones around His boundless mercy sing: Let every listening saint above Wake all the tuneful soul of love, And touch the sweetest string. 3 Let every element rejoice; Ye thunders, burst with awful voice To Him who bids you roll: His praise, in softer notes, declare Each whispering breeze of yielding air, And breathe it to the soul. 4 Wake, all ye soaring tribes, and sing; Ye cheerful warblers of the spring, Harmonious anthems raise To Him, who shaped your finer mould-- Who tipped your glittering wings with gold, And tuned your voice to praise. 5 Let man, by noblest passions swayed, The feeling heart, the judging head, In heavenly praise employ: Spread the Creator's name around, Till heaven's broad arch rings back the sound-- The general burst of joy. Topics: God the Father Praise Languages: English
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Behold a stranger at the door!

Hymnal: BW1867 #65 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Behold a stranger at the door! He gently knocks-- has knocked before; Has waited long-- is waiting still: You treat no other friend so ill. 2 Oh, lovely attitude! He stands With melting heart and loaded hands! Oh, matchless kindness! and He shows This matchless kindness to His foes! 3 But will He prove a friend indeed? He will; the very friend you need; The friend of sinners--yes, 'tis He, With garments dyed on Calvary. 4 Rise, touched with gratitude divine; Turn out His enemy and thine-- That soul-destroying monster, Sin-- And let the heavenly stranger in. 5 Admit him, ere His anger burn; His feet departed ne'er return; Admit him, or the hour's at hand You'll at His door rejected stand. Topics: God the Son Condescension Languages: English
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Behold the path that mortals tread

Hymnal: BW1867 #421 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Behold the path that mortals tread Down to the regions of the dead! Nor will the fleeting moments stay, Nor can we measure back our way. 2 Our kindred and our friends are gone: Know, oh my soul, this doom thine own: Feeble as theirs, my mortal frame, The same my way, my house the same. 3 And must I, from the cheerful light, Pass to the grave's perpetual night? From scenes of duty, means of grace, Must I to God's tribunal pass? 4 Away, my soul, thy way prepare, And lose, in this, each mortal care; With steady feet that path be trod, Which through the grave conducts to God. Topics: Life Its Duties and Object Languages: English
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Behold! where, in mortal form

Hymnal: BW1867 #70 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Behold! where, in a mortal form, Appears each grace divine: The virtues, all in Jesus met, With mildest radiance shine. 2 To spread the rays of heavenly light, To give the mourner joy, To preach glad tidings to the poor, Was His divine employ. 3 'Mid keen reproach and cruel scorn, He, meek and patient, stood: His foes, ungrateful, sought His life Who labored for their good. 4 In the last hours of deep distress, Before His Father's throne, With soul resigned, he bowed, and said, "Thy will, not mine, be done!" 5 Be Christ our pattern and our guide, His image may we bear; Oh may we tread His holy steps, His joys and glory share! Topics: God the Son Example Languages: English
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Bestow, O Lord, upon our youth

Hymnal: BW1867 #397 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Bestow, O Lord, upon our youth The gift of saving grace, And let the seed of sacred truth Fall in a fruitful place. 2 Grace is a plant, where'er it grows, Of pure and heavenly root; But fairest in the youngest shows, And yields the sweetest fruit. 3 Ye careless ones, betimes obey The voice of sovereign love! Ye rove in folly's dangerous way, But mercy reigns above. 4 For you the public prayer is made, Oh join the public prayer! For you the secret tear is shed, Oh shed your selves a tear! Topics: Ordaining Instrumentalities Training of Youth Languages: English
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Beyond the glittering, starry skies

Hymnal: BW1867 #144 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Beyond the glittering, starry skies, Far as th' eternal hills, There, in the boundless worlds of light, Our dear Redeemer dwells. 2 Legions of angels round His throne In countless armies shine, And swell His praise with golden harps, Attuned to songs divine. 3 "Hail, glorious Prince of peace!" they cry, "Whose unexampled love Moved Thee to quit these glorious realms, And royalties above." 4 Through all His travels here below They did His steps attend, Oft wondering how, or where, at last, The mystic scene would end. 5 They saw His heart transfixed with wounds, And viewed the crimson gore; They saw Him break the bars of death, Which none e'er broke before. 6 They brought His chariot from above, To bear Him to His throne; Clapped their triumphant wings, and cried, "The glorious work is done!" Topics: Angelic Ministry Languages: English
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Beyond where Cedron's waters flow

Hymnal: BW1867 #69 (1867) Meter: Irregular Lyrics: 1 Beyond where Cedron's waters flow, Behold the suffering Saviour go To sad Gethsemane; His countenance is all divine, Yet grief appears in every line. 2 He bows beneath the sins of men; He cries to God, and cries again, In sad Gethsemane: He lifts His mournful eyes above-- "My Father, can this cup remove?" 3 With gentle resignation still He yielded to His Father's will In sad Gethsemane: "Behold Me here, Thine only Son; And, Father, let Thy will be done." 4 The Father heard; and angels there Sustained the Son of God in prayer, In sad Gethsemane: He drank the dreadful cup of pain-- Then rose to life and joy again. 5 When storms of sorrow round us sweep, And scenes to anguish make us weep, To sad Gethsemane We'll look, and see the Saviour there, And humbly bow, like Him, in prayer. Topics: God the Son Submission Languages: English
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Blest be the tie that binds

Hymnal: BW1867 #181 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love: The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. 2 Before our Father's throne We pour united prayers: Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, Our comforts and our cares. 3 We share our mutual woes, Our mutual burdens bear; And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear. 4 When we asunder part, It gives us inward pain; But we shall still be joined in heart, And hope to meet again. 5 This glorious hope revives Our courage by the way; While each in expectation lives, And longs to see the day. 6 From sorrow, toil, and pain, And sin, we shall be free, And perfect love and friendship reign Through all eternity. Topics: Prayer Social Prayer Languages: English
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Blest hour! when mortal man retires

Hymnal: BW1867 #172 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Blest hour! when mortal man retires To hold communion with his God, To send to heaven his warm desires, And listen to the sacred word. 2 Blest hour! when God himself draws nigh, Well pleased His people's voice to hear, To hush the penitential sigh, And wipe away the mourner's tear. 3 Blest hour! for, where the Lord resorts, Foretastes of future bliss are given, And mortals find His earthly courts The house of God--the gate of heaven! 4 Hail, peaceful hour! supremely blest, Amid the hours of worldly care; The hour that yields the spirit rest, That sacred hour--the hour of prayer. 5 And when my hours of prayer are past, And this frail tenement decays, Then may I spend in heaven at last A never-ending hour of praise. Topics: Prayer Prayer in General Languages: English
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Blest is the man, for ever blest

Hymnal: BW1867 #306 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Blest is the man, for ever blest, Whose guilt is pardoned by his God, Whose sins with sorrow are confessed, And covered with his Saviour's blood. 2 Blest is the man to whom the Lord Imputes not his iniquities; He pleads no merit of reward And not on works, but grace, relies. 3 From guile his heart and lips are free; His humble joy, his holy fear, With deep repentance well agree, And join to prove his faith sincere. 4 How glorious is that righteousness That hides and cancels all his sins! While bright the evidence of grace Through his whole life appears and shines. Topics: Man a Saint Justified Languages: English
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Blest is the man whose heart expands

Hymnal: BW1867 #403 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Blest is the man whose heart expands At melting pity's call, And the rich blessings of whose hands Like heavenly manna fall. 2 Mercy, descending from above, In softest accents please; Oh may each tender bosom move When mercy intercedes. 3 Be ours the bliss in wisdom's way To guide untutored youth, And lead the mind that went astray To virtue and to truth. 4 Children our kind protection claim, And God will well approve, When infants learn to lisp His name, And their Creator love. 5 Delightful work! your souls to win, And turn the rising race From the deceitful paths of sin, To seek redeeming grace. 6 Almighty God! thy influence shed To aid this good design: The honours of thy name be spread, And all the glory thine. Topics: Ordaining Instrumentalities Training of Youth Languages: English
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Blest is the man whose softening heart

Hymnal: BW1867 #224 (1867) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Blest is the man whose softening heart Feels all another's pain; To whom the supplicating eye Was never raised in vain,-- 2 Whose breast expands with generous warmth, A stranger's woes to feel; And bleeds in pity o'er the wound He wants the power to heal. 3 He spreads his kind, supporting arms To every child of grief: His secret bounty largely flows, And brings unmasked relief. 4 To gentle offices of love His feet are never slow: He views, through mercy's melting eye, A brother in a foe. 5 Peace from the bosom of his God The Saviour's grace shall give; And when he kneels before the throne, His trembling soul shall live. Topics: Charity Languages: English
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Blow ye the trumpet, blow

Hymnal: BW1867 #135 (1867) Lyrics: 1 Blow ye the trumpet, blow The gladly solemn sound Let all the nations know, To earth's remotest bounds, The year of Jubilee is come; Return ye ransomed sinners, home. 2 Exalt the Lamb of God; The sin-atoning Lamb; Redemption by His blood To all the world proclaim: The year of Jubilee is come; Return, ye ransomed sinners, home. 3 Ye slaves of sin and hell, Your liberty receive; And safe in Jesus dwell, And blest in Jesus live: The year of Jubilee is come; Return, ye ransomed sinner, home. 4 The gospel trumpet hear, The news of pardoning grace; Ye happy souls, draw near, Behold your Saviour's face: The yeah of Jubilee is come; Return, ye ransomed sinners, home. 5 Jesus, our great High Priest, Has full atonement made; Ye weary spirits, rest; Ye mournful souls, be glad: The year of Jubilee is come; Return, ye ransomed sinners, home. Topics: Atonement Fullness Languages: English
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Brightest and best of the sons of the morning

Hymnal: BW1867 #56 (1867) Lyrics: 1 Brightest and best of the sons of the morning, Dawn on our darkness, and lend us Thine aid: Star of the east, the horizon adorning, Guide where our Infant Redeemer is laid. 2 Cold on His cradle the dewdrops are shining, Low lies His head with the beasts of the stall: Angels adore Him, in slumber reclining, Maker, and Monarch, and Saviour of all. 3 Say, shall we yield Him, in costly devotion, Odors of Edom, and offerings divine? Gems of the mountain, and pearls of the ocean, Myrrh from the forest, and gold from the mine? 4 Vainly we offer each ample oblation, Vainly with gold would His favor secure: Richer by far is the heart's adoration, Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor. 5 Brightest and best of the sons of the morning, Dawn on our darkness, and lend us Thine aid: Star of the east, the horizon adorning, Guide where our Infant Redeemer is laid. Topics: God the Son Incarnation Languages: English


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