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Hymnal, Number:chap1845

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The Spirituality of God

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #1 (1845) Meter: First Line: Thou art, O God! a spirit pure Lyrics: 1 Thou art, O God! a spirit pure, Invisible to mortal eyes; Th'immortal, and the eternal King, The great, the good, the only wise. 2 Whilst nature changes, and her works Corrupt, decay, dissolve, and die, Thy essence pure no change shall see, Secure of immortality. 3 Thou great Invisible! what hand Can draw thy image spotless fair! To what in heaven, to what on earth, Can men th'immortal King compare! 4 Let stupid heathens frame their gods Of gold, and silver, wood and stone; Ours is the God that made the heavens; Jehovah he, and God alone. 5 My soul, thy purest homage pay, In truth and spirit him adore: More shall this please than sacrifice, Than outward forms delight him more. Topics: Of God The Being and Perfections of God Scripture: John 4:21 Languages: English
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God supreme and self-sufficient

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #2 (1845) Meter: First Line: What is our God, or what his name Lyrics: 1 What is our God, or what his name, Nor men can learn, nor angels teach; He dwells conceal'd in radiant flame, Where neither eyes nor thoughts can reach. 2 The spacious worlds of heavenly light, Compar'd with him, how short they fall! They are too dark, and he too bright; Nothing are they, and God is all. 3 He spoke that wondrous word, and lo! Creation arose at his command: Whirlwinds and seas their limits know, Bound in the hollow of his hand. 4 There rests the earth, there roll the spheres, There nature leans, and feels her prop: But his own self-sufficience bears The weight of his own glories up. 5 The tide of creatures ebbs and flows, Measuring their changes by the moon: No ebb his sea of glory knows: His age is one eternal noon. 6 Then fly, my song, an endless round, The lofty tune let Gabriel raise, All nature dwell upon the sound, But we can ne'er fulfil the praise. Topics: Of God The Being and Perfections of God Languages: English
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Unity of God

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #3 (1845) Meter: First Line: Eternal God, almighty cause Lyrics: 1 Eternal God, almighty cause Of earth, and seas and worlds unknown; All things are subject to thy laws; All things depend on thee alone. 2 Thy glorious being singly stands, Of all within itself possest; By none control'd in thy commands, And in thyself completely blest. 3 To thee alone ourselves we owe; Let heav'n and earth due homage pay: All other gods we disavow, Deny their claims, renounce their sway. 4 In thee, O Lord, our hope shall rest, Fountain of peace and joy and love! Thy favor only makes us blest; Without thee all would nothing prove. 5 Worship to thee alone belongs: Worship to thee alone we give; Thine be our hearts, and thine our songs, And to thy glory we would live. 6 Spread thy great name through heathen lands; Their idol-deities dethrone; Subdue the world to thy commands, And reign as thou art, God alone. Topics: Of God The Being and Perfections of God Languages: English
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God Incomprehensible

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #4 (1845) Meter: First Line: Great God, in vain man's narrow view Lyrics: 1 Great God, in vain man's narrow view, Attempts to look thy nature through. Our lab'ring pow'rs with rev'rence own, Thy glories never can be known. 2 Not the high seraph's mighty thought, Who countless years his God has sought, Such wondrous height or depth can find, Or fully trace thy boundless mind. 3 Yet, Lord, thy kindness deigns to show Enough for mortal men to know; While wisdom, goodness, pow'r divine, Thro' all thy works and conduct shine. 4 O! may our souls with rapture trace Thy works of nature and of grace, Explore thy sacred truth, and still Press on to know and do thy will! Topics: Of God The Being and Perfections of God Languages: English
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God eternal and unchangeable

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #5 (1845) Meter: First Line: Great God, how infinite art thou! Lyrics: 1 Great God, how infinite art thou! How frail and weak are we! Let the whole race of creatures bow, And pay their praise to thee. 2 Thy throne eternal ages stood, Ere seas or heav'n was made; Thou art the ever-living God, Were all the nations dead. 3 Nature and time all open lie To thine immense survey, From the formation of the sky To the last awful day. 4 Eternity, with all its years, Stands present to thy view. To Thee there’s nothing old appears, Great God! there’s nothing new. 5 Our lives thro' various scenes are drawn, And vex'd with trifling cares; While Thine eternal thought moves on Thine undisturb'd affairs. 6 Great God, how infinite art thou! How frail and weak are we! Let the whole race of creatures bow, And pay their praise to thee. Topics: Of God The Being and Perfections of God Languages: English
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All-pow'rful, self-existent God

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #6 (1845) Meter: Lyrics: 1 All-pow'rful, self-existent God, Who all creation dost sustain! Thou wast, and art, and art to come; And everlasting is thy reign. 2 Fix'd and eternal as thy days, Each glorious attribute divine, Thro' ages infinite, shall still With undiminished lustre shine. 3 Fountain of being! source of good! Immutable dost thou remain; Nor can the shadow of a change Obscure the glories of thy reign. 4 Nature her order shall reverse, Revolving seasons cease their round; Nor spring appear with blooming pride, Nor autumn be with plenty crown'd: 5 Yon shining orbs forget their course; The sun his destin'd path forsake; And burning desolaton mark Amid the world his wand'ring track. 6 Earth may with all her pow'rs dissolve, If such the great Creator's will; But thou for ever art the same; "I am" is thy memorial still. Topics: Of God The Being and Perfections of God Languages: English
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God Almighty

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #7 (1845) Meter: First Line: Give to the Lord, ye sons of fame Lyrics: 1 Give to the Lord, ye sons of fame, Give to the Lord renown and pow'r; Ascribe due honors to his name, And his eternal might adore. 2 The Lord proclaims his pow'r aloud, O'er the vast ocean and the land; His voice divides the wat'ry cloud, And lightnings blaze at his command. 3 He speaks, and howling tempests rise, And lay the forest bare around: The fiercest beasts, with piteous cries, Confess the terror of the sound. 4 His thunders rend the vaulted skies, And palaces and temples shake. The mountains tremble at the noise, The valleys roar, the deserts quake. 5 The Lord sits sov'reign o'er the flood; The Thund'rer reigns forever King; But makes his church his blest abode, Where we his awful glories sing. 6 We see no terrors in his name, But in our God a Father find. The voice, that shakes all nature's frame, Speaks comfort to the pious mind. Topics: Of God The Being and Perfections of God Languages: English
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God Omnipresent and Omniscient

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #8 (1845) Meter: First Line: Lord, thou hast search'd and seen me through Lyrics: 1 Lord, thou hast search'd and seen me through, Thine eye commands, with piercing view, My rising and my resting hours, My heart and flesh, with all their pow'rs. 2 Could I so false, so faithless prove, To quit thy service and thy love; Where, Lord, could I thy presence shun, Or from thy dreadful glory run? 3 If, mounted on a morning ray, I fly beyond the western sea; Thy swifter hand would first arrive, And there arrest thy fugitive. 4 Or should I try to shun thy sight Beneath the spreading veil of night; One glance of thine, one piercing ray Would kindle darkness into day. 5 The veil of night is no disguise, No screen from thy all-searching eyes. Thy hand can seize thy foes as soon Through midnight shades, as blazing noon. 6 O may these thoughts possess my breast, Where'er I rove, where'er I rest! Nor let my weaker passions dare Consent to sin, for God is there. Topics: Of God The Being and Perfections of God Languages: English
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Lord, all I am is known to thee!

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #9 (1845) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Lord, all I am is known to Thee! In vain my soul would try To shun Thy presence, or to flee The notice of thine eye. 2 Thy all-surrounding sight surveys My rising and my rest, My public walks, my private ways, The secrets of my breast. 3 My thoughts lie open to thee, Lord, Before they’re formed within; And ere my lips pronounce the word, Thou knowest the sense I mean. 4 O wondrous knowledge, deep and high! Where can a creature hide? Within thy circling arms I lie, Beset on ev'ry side. 5 So let thy grace surround me still, And like a bulwark prove, To guard my soul from ev'ry ill, Secured by sov'reign love. Topics: Of God The Being and Perfections of God Languages: English
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God's Wisdom

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #10 (1845) Meter: First Line: Songs of immortal praise belong Lyrics: 1 Songs of immortal praise belong To my almighty God: He hath my heart, and he my tongue, To spread his name abroad. 2 How great the works his hand hath wrought! How glorious in our sight! And men in ev'ry age have sought His wonders with delight. 3 How most exact is nature's frame! How wise th'eternal mind! His counsels never change the scheme That his first thoughts design'd. 4 When he redeemed the sons of men, He fixed sis cov'nant sure, The orders, that his lips pronounce, To endless years endure. 5 Nature, and time, and earth, and skies, Thy heav'nly skill proclaim. What shall we do to make us wise, But learn to read thy name? 6 To fear thy pow'r, to trust thy grace, Is our divinest skill; And he's the wisest of our race, Who best obeys thy will. Topics: Of God The Being and Perfections of God Languages: English
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God Holy and Just

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #11 (1845) Meter: First Line: Holy and rev'rend is the name Lyrics: 1 Holy and rev'rend is the name Of our eternal King. Thrice holy, Lord! the angels cry: Thrice holy, let us sing. 2 Holy is he in all his works, And saints are His delight; But sinners and their wicked ways Are hateful in his sight. 3 The deepest rev'rence, homage, love, Pay, O my soul, to God; Lift with thy hands a holy heart To his sublime abode. 4 Thou, righteous God! preserve my mind From all pollution free: Thine image form within my breast, That I thy face may see. Topics: Of God The Being and Perfections of God Languages: English
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God is a Spirit, just and wise

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #12 (1845) Meter: Lyrics: 1 God is a Spirit, just and wise; He sees our inmost mind. In vain to heav'n we raise our cries, And leave our souls behind. 2 Nothing but truth before his throne With honor can appear. The painted hypocrites are known Through the disguise they wear. 3 Their lifted eyes salute the skies, Their bending knees the ground; But God abhors the sacrifice, Where not the heart is found. 4 Lord! search my thoughts, and try my ways, And make my soul sincere; Then shall I stand before thy face, And find acceptance there. Topics: Of God The Being and Perfections of God Languages: English
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God no Respector of persons

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #13 (1845) Meter: First Line: With eye impartial, heav'n's high King Lyrics: 1 With eye impartial, heav'n's high King Surveys each human tribe; No earthly pomp his eyes can charm, Nor wealth his favor bribe. 2 The rich and poor, of equal clay, His pow'rful hand did frame; All souls are his, and him alike Their common Parent claim. 3 Ye sons of men of high degree, Your great Superior own; Praise him for all his gifts, and pay Your homage at his throne. 4 Trust in the Lord, ye humble poor, And banish ev'ry fear: The God you serve will ne'er forsake The man of heart sincere. Topics: Of God The Being and Perfections of God Languages: English
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God Benevolent and Merciful

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #14 (1845) Meter: First Line: Thy ceaseless, unexhausted love Lyrics: 1 Thy ceaseless, unexhausted love, Unmerited and free, Delights our evil to remove, And help our misery. 2 Thou waitest to be gracious still; Thou dost with sinners bear; That, sav'd, we may thy goodness feel, And all thy grace declare. 3 Thy goodness and thy truth, to me To ev'ry soul abound; A vast unfathomable sea, Where all our thoughts are drown'd. 4 Its streams the whole creation reach, So plenteous is the store; Enough for all, enough for each, Enough for evermore. 5 Faithful, O Lord, thy mercies are; A rock that cannot move; A thousand promises declare Thy constancy of love. 6 Throughout the universe it reigns, Unalterably sure; And, while the truth of God remains, His goodness must endure. Topics: Of God The Being and Perfections of God Languages: English
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God Gracious to All

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #15 (1845) Meter: First Line: Sweet is the mem'ry of thy grace Lyrics: 1 Sweet is the mem'ry of thy grace, O God, my heav’nly King! Let age to age thy righteousness In sounds of glory sing. 2 God reigns on high, but not confines His goodness to the skies. Through the whole earth his bounty shines, And ev'ry want supplies. 3 With longing eyes, thy creatures wait On thee for daily food; Thy lib'ral hand provides their meat, And fills their mouths with good. 4 How kind are thy compassions, Lord! How slow Thine anger moves! But soon he sends his pardoning word, To cheer the souls he loves. 5 Creatures with all their endless race, Thy pow'r and praise proclaim; But saints, who taste thy richer grace, Delight to bless thy name. Topics: Of God The Being and Perfections of God Languages: English
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God's Mercy great and eternal

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #16 (1845) Meter: First Line: My soul, repeat his praise Lyrics: 1 My soul, repeat his praise, Whose mercies are so great; Whose anger is so slow to rise, So ready to abate. 2 God will not always chide; And, when his wrath is felt, His strokes are fewer than our crimes, And lighter than our guilt. 3 High as the heav’ns are raised Above the ground we tread, So far the riches of His grace Our highest thoughts exceed. 4 His grace subdues our sins; And his forgiving love, Far as the east is from the west, Doth all our guilt remove. 5 The pity of the Lord To those that fear his name, Is such as tender parents feel; He knows our feeble frame. 6 Our days as are the grass, Or like the morning flower! If one sharp blast sweep o’er the field, It withers in an hour. 7 But Thy compassions, Lord, To endless years endure; And children’s children ever find Thy words of promise sure. Topics: Of God The Being and Perfections of God Languages: English
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The glory of God

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #17 (1845) Meter: First Line: Ye sons of men, in sacred lays Lyrics: 1 Ye sons of men, in sacred lays, Attempt the great Creator's praise; But who an equal song can frame? What verse can reach the lofty theme? 2 He sits enthron'd amidst the spheres, And glory like a garment wears; While boundless wisdom, pow'r, and grace, Command our awe, transcend our praise. 3 Before his throne a shining band Of cherubs and of seraphs stand; Ethereal spirits, who in flight Outstrip the rapid speed of light. 4 To God all nature owes its birth, He form'd this pond'rous globe of earth, He raised the glorious arch on high, And measur'd out the azure sky. 5 In all our Maker's grand designs, Omnipotence with wisdom shines. His works, through all this wondrous frame, Bear the great impress of his name. 6 Rais'd on devotion's lofty wing, Let us his high perfections sing: O let his praise employ our tongue, Whilst list'ning worlds applaud the song! Topics: Of God The Being and Perfections of God Languages: English
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God is Love

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #18 (1845) Meter: First Line: Amid the splendors of thy state Lyrics: 1 Amid the splendors of thy state, My God, thy love appears, With the soft radiance of the moon Among a thousand stars. 2 Nature through all her ample round Thy boundless power proclaims. And, in melodious accent, speaks The goodness of thy names. 3 Thy justice, holiness, and truth, Our solemn awe excite; But the sweet charms of sovereign grace O’erwhelm us with delight. 4 Sinai, in clouds, and smoke, and fire, Thunders thy dreadful name; But Sion sings, in melting notes, The honors of the Lamb. 5 In all thy doctrines and commands, Thy counsels and designs, In ev'ry work thy hands have fram'd, Thy love supremely shines. 6 Angels and men the news proclaim Through earth and heaven above, The joyful, the transporting news, That God, the Lord is Love! Topics: Of God The Being and Perfections of God Scripture: 1 John 4:8 Languages: English
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The Doctrine and Use of the Trinity

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #19 (1845) Meter: First Line: Father of glory! to thy name Lyrics: 1 Father of glory, to thy name Immortal praise we give, Who dost an act of grace proclaim, And bid us rebels live. 2 Immortal honor to the Son, Who makes thine anger cease; Our lives he ransomed with his own, And died to make our peace. 3 To thy Almighty Spirit be Immortal glory given, Whose influence brings us near to thee, And trains us up for heaven. 4 Let men, with their united voice, Adore th'eternal God, And spread his honors and their joys Through nations far abroad. 5 Let faith and love and duty join, One general song to raise; And saints in earth and heaven combine In harmony and praise. Topics: Of God Of the Trinity Languages: English
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O holy, holy, holy Lord

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #20 (1845) Meter: Lyrics: 1 O holy, holy, holy Lord, Bright in thy deeds and in thy name, Forever be thy name adored, Thy glories let the world proclaim. 2 O Jesus, Lamb once crucified To take our load of sins away, Thine be the hymn that rolls its tide Along the realms of upper day; 3 O Holy Spirit, from above, In streams of light and glory given; Thou source of ecstasy and love, Thy praises ring through earth and heaven! 4 O God triune, to thee we owe Our every thought our every song; And ever may thy praises flow From saint and seraph's burning tongue! Topics: Of God Of the Trinity Languages: English
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Father of all, whose love profound

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #21 (1845) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Father of heaven, whose love profound, A ransom for our souls hath found, Before thy throne we sinners bend; To us thy pardoning love extend! 2 Almighty Son, incarnate Word, Our Prophet, Priest, Redeemer, Lord, Before thy throne we sinners bend; To us thy saving grace extend! 3 Eternal Spirit, by whose breath The soul is raised from sin and death, Before thy throne we sinners bend; To us thy quickening power extend! 4 Jehovah! Father, Spirit, Son, Mysterious Godhead, Three in One! Before thy throne we sinners bend; Grace, pardon, life, to us extend! Topics: Of God Of the Trinity Languages: English
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God's Love displayed in Creation

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #22 (1845) Meter: First Line: Hail, great Creator, wise and good! Lyrics: 1 Hail, great Creator, wise and good! To thee our songs we raise. Nature, thro' all her various scenes, Invites us to thy praise. 2 At morning, noon, and ev'ning mild, Fresh wonders strike our view; And while we gaze, our hearts exult, With transports ever new. 3 Thy glory beams in ev'ry star, Which gilds the gloom of night; And decks the smiling face of morn With rays of cheerful light. 4 The lofty hill, the humble lawn, With countless beauties shine; The silent grove, the awful shade, Proclaim thy pow'r divine. 5 Great nature's God! still may these scenes Our serious hours engage! Still may our grateful hearts consult Thy works' instructive page! 6 And while in all thy wondrous works, Thy varied love we see; Still may the contemplation lead Our hearts, O God, to thee! Topics: Of God The Works of God Languages: English
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Works of God

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #23 (1845) Meter: First Line: The spacious firmament on high Lyrics: 1 The spacious firmament on high, With all the blue ethereal sky, And spangled heav'ns, a shining frame, Their great Original proclaim. 2 Th'unwearied sun, from day to day Does his Creator's pow'r display, And publishes to ev'ry land The work of an almighty hand. 3 Soon as the ev'ning shades prevail, The moon takes up the wondrous tale, And nightly to the list'ning earth Repeats the story of her birth: 4 Whilst all the stars that round her burn, And all the planets in their turn, Confirm the tidings, as they roll, And spread the truth from pole to pole. 5 What though in solemn silence all Move round this dark terrestrial ball? What tho' no real voice nor sound Amidst their radiant orbs be found? 6 In reason's ear they all rejoice, And utter forth a glorious voice, Forever singing, as they shine-- The hand that made us is divine. Topics: Of God The Works of God Languages: English
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All things dependent on God

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #24 (1845) Meter: First Line: We sing th'almighty pow'r of God Lyrics: 1 We sing th'almighty pow'r of God, Who bade the mountains rise, Who spread the flowing seas abroad, And built the lofty skies. 2 We sing the wisdom that ordain'd The sun to rule the day; The moon shines full at his command, And all the stars obey. 3 We sing the goodness of the Lord, Who fills the earth with food; Who form'd the creatures by a word, And then pronounc'd them good. 4 Lord, how thy wonders are display'd, Where'er we turn our eyes: Whether we view the ground we tread, Or gaze upon the skies! 5 There's not a plant nor flow'r below, But makes thy glories known; And clouds arise, and tempests blow, By order from thy throne. 6 On him each moment we depend; If he withdraw, we die. Oh may we never God offend, Who is forever nigh! Topics: Of God The Works of God Languages: English
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The Riches of divine Goodness

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #25 (1845) Meter: First Line: Let the high heav'ns your songs invite Lyrics: 1 Let the high heav'ns your songs invite; Those spacious fields of brilliant light, Where sun, and moon, and planets roll, And stars that glow from pole to pole. 2 Sing earth in verdant robes array'd, Its herbs and flowers, its fruits and shade; Peopled with life of various forms, Of fish, and fowl, and beasts, and worms. 3 View the broad sea's majestic plains, And think how wide its Maker reigns. That band remotest nations joins; And on each wave his goodness shines. 4 But O! that brighter world above, Where lives and reigns incarnate love! God's only Son, in flesh array'd, For man a bleeding victim made! 5 Thither my soul, with rapture soar; There in the land of praise adore! The theme demands an angel's lay, Demands an everlasting day. Topics: Of God The Works of God Languages: English
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Volume of divine Providence

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #26 (1845) Meter: First Line: Let the whole race of creatures lie Lyrics: 1 Let the whole race of creatures lie Abas'd before the Lord! Whate'er His pow'rful hand has form'd, He governs with a word. 2 Ten thousand ages ere the skies Were into motion brought, All the long years and worlds to come, Stood present to his thought. 3 There's not a sparrow or a worm O'erlook'd in his decrees, He raises monarchs to a throne, Or sinks with equal ease. 4 If light attend the course I go, 'Tis He provides the rays; And 'tis his hand that hides the sun, If darkness cloud my days. 5 Trusting His wisdom and his love, I would not wish to know, What in the book of his decrees Awaits me here below. 6 Be this alone my fervent pray'r: Whate'er my lot shall be, Or joys, or sorrows, may they form My soul for heav'n and thee! Topics: Of God Providence of God Languages: English
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God provides of All

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #27 (1845) Meter: First Line: Greatest of beings, source of life Lyrics: 1 Greatest of beings, source of life, Sov'reign of air, and earth, and sea! All nature feels thy pow'r; but man A grateful tribute pays to thee. 2 Subject to wants, to thee he looks, And from thy goodness seeks supplies; And, when oppress'd with guilt, he mourns Thy mercy lifts him to the skies. 3 Children, whose little minds, unform'd, Ne'er rais'd a tender thought to heav'n; And men, whom reason lifts to God, Tho' oft by passion downward driv'n; 4 Those, too, who bend with age and care, And faint and tremble near the tomb, Who, sick'ning at the present scenes, Sigh for that better state to come: 5 All, great Creator! all are thine; All feel thy providential care; And thro' each varying scene of life, Alike thy constant pity share. 6 And, whether grief oppress the heart, Or whether joy elate the breast, Or life still keep its little course, Or death invite the heart to rest: 7 All are thy messengers, and all Thy sacred pleasure, Lord, obey; And all are training man to dwell Nearer to bliss; and nearer thee. Topics: Of God Providence of God Languages: English
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God's Appointments Wise and Good

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #28 (1845) Meter: First Line: Through all the various shifting scene Lyrics: 1 Through all the various shifting scenes, Of life's mistaken ill or good, Thy hand, O God, conducts, unseen The beautiful vicissitude. 2 Thou givest with paternal care, Howe'er unjustly we complain, To each their necessary share Of joy and sorrow, health and pain. 3 Trust we to youth, or friends, or pow'r? Fix we on this terrestrial ball? When most secure, the coming hour, If thou see fit, may blast them all. 4 Thy pow'rful consolations cheer; Thy smiles suppress the deep-fetch'd sigh; Thy hand can dry the trickling tear, That secret wets the widow's eye. 5 All things on earth, and all in heav'n On thy eternal will depend; And all for greater good were giv'n, Would man pursue th'appointed end. 6 Be this be my care:--To all beside, Indiff'rent let my wishes be. Passion be calm, abas'd be pride, And fix'd my soul, great God! on thee. Topics: Of God Providence of God Languages: English
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God the Refuge of his Children

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #29 (1845) Meter: First Line: God is the refuge of his saints Lyrics: 1 God is the refuge of his saints, When storms of sharp distress invade. Ere we can offer our complaints, Behold him present with his aid. 2 Let mountains from their seats be hurl'd Down to the deep, and buried there; Convulsions shake the solid world: Our faith shall never yield to fear. 3 Loud may the troubled ocean roar; In sacred peace our souls abide; While ev'ry nation, ev'ry shore Trembles and dreads the swelling tide. 4 'Midst storms and tempests, Lord! thy word Does ev'ry rising fear control. Sweet peace thy promises afford, And well sustain the fainting soul. Topics: Of God Providence of God Languages: English
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God appointeth Afflictions

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #30 (1845) Meter: First Line: Not from relentless fate's dark womb Lyrics: 1 Not from relentless fate's dark womb, Or from the dust, our troubles come. No fickle chance presides o'er grief, To cause the pain, or send relief. 2 Look up, and see, ye sorrowing saints! The cause and cure of your complaints, Know, 'tis your heav'nly father's will: Bid ev'ry murmur then be still. 3 He sees, we need the painful yoke; Yet love directs his heaviest stroke. He takes no pleasure in our smart, But wounds to heal and cheer the heart. 4 Bless'd trials those, that cleanse from sin, And make the soul all pure within, Wean the fond mind from earthly toys, To seek and taste celestial joys! Topics: Of God Providence of God Languages: English
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God a present Help in Trouble

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #31 (1845) Meter: First Line: To calm the sorrows of the mind Lyrics: 1 To calm the sorrows of the mind, Our heav'nly Friend is nigh, To wipe the anxious tear that starts Or trembles in the eye. 2 Thou canst, when anguish rends the heart, The secret wo control; The inward malady canst heal, The sickness of the soul. 3 Thou canst repress the rising sigh; Canst sooth each mortal care; And ev'ry deep and heart-felt groan Is wafted to thine ear. 4 Thy gracious eye is watchful still; Thy potent arm can save From threat'ning danger and disease, And the devouring grave. 5 When, pale and languid all the frame, The ruthless hand of pain Arrests the feeble pow'rs of life, The help of man is vain. 6 'Tis thou, great God! alone canst check The progress of disease; And sickness, aw'd by pow'r divine, The high command obeys. 7 Eternal source of life and health, And ev'ry bliss we feel! In sorrow and in joy, to thee Our grateful hearts appeal. Topics: Of God Providence of God Languages: English
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The people of God safe

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #32 (1845) Meter: First Line: They, that have made their refuge God Lyrics: 1 They, that have made their refuge God, Shall find a most secure abode; Shall walk all day beneath his shade, And there at night shall rest their head. 2 If burning beams of noon conspire To dart a pestilential fire: God is their life; his wings are spread, To shield them 'midst ten thousand dead. 3 If vapors with malignant breath Rise thick, and scatter midnight death: Still they are safe; the poison'd air Again grows pure, if God be there. 4 But if the fire, or plague, or sword, Receive commission from the Lord, To strike his saints among the rest: Their very pains and deaths are blest. 5 The sword, the pestilence, or fire, Shall but fulfil their best desire; From sins and sorrows set them free, And bring thy children, Lord! to thee. Topics: Of God Providence of God Languages: English
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Trust in the Promises of God

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #33 (1845) Meter: First Line: And art thou with us, gracious Lord Lyrics: 1 And art thou with us, gracious Lord, To dissipate our fear? Dost thou proclaim thyself our God, Our God forever near? 2 Doth thy right hand, which form'd the earth, And bears up all the skies, Stretch from on high its friendly aid, When dangers round us rise? 3 And wilt thou lead our weary souls To that delightful scene, Where rivers of salvation flow Through pastures ever green? 4 On thy support our souls shall lean, And banish every care; The gloomy vale of death shall smile, If God be with us there. 5 While we his gracious succor prove, 'Midst all our various ways, The darkest shades, thro' which we pass, Shall echo with his praise. Topics: Of God Providence of God Languages: English
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Shine on our souls, eternal God!

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #34 (1845) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Shine on our souls, eternal God! With rays of beauty shine; O let thy favor crown our days, And their whole course be thine. 2 Did we not raise our hands to thee, Our hands might toil in vain: Small joy success itself could give, If thou thy love restrain. 3 'Tis ours the furrows to prepare, And sow the precious grain; 'This thine, to give the sun and air, And to command the rain. 4 With thee let ev'ry week begin, With thee each day be spent, For thee each fleeting hour improv'd, Since each by thee is lent. 5 Thus cheer us thro' this toilsome road, Till all our labors cease; And thus prepare our weary souls For everlasting peace. Topics: Of God Providence of God Languages: English
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In Travelling

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #35 (1845) Meter: First Line: How are thy servants blest, O Lord! Lyrics: 1 How are thy servants blest, O Lord! How sure is their defense! Eternal wisdom is their guide, Their help Omnipotence. 2 In foreign realms and lands remote, Supported by thy care, They pass unhurt thr' burning climes, And breathe in tainted air. 3 Thy mercy sweetens ev'ry soil, Makes ev'ry region please; the hoary frozen hills it warms, And smooths the boist'rous seas. 4 Tho' by the dreadful tempest toss'd, High on the broken wave, They know thou art not slow to hear, Nor impotent to save. 5 The storm is laid, the winds retire, Obedient to thy will; The sea, that roars at thy command, At thy command is still. 6 From all our griefs and fears, O Lord! Thy mercy sets us free; While in the confidence of pray'r Our hearts take hold on thee. 7 In midst of dangers, fears, and death, Thy goodness I'll adore; And praise thee for thy mercies past, And humbly hope for more. 8 My life, while thou preserv'st my life, Thy sacrifice shall be; And, oh! may death, when death shall come, Unite my soul to thee! Topics: Of God Providence of God Languages: English
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Dark Providence

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #36 (1845) Meter: First Line: Thy way, O God, is in the sea Lyrics: 1 Thy way, O God, is in the sea; Thy paths I cannot trace: Nor comprehend the mystery Of thy unbounded grace. 2 Here the dark veils of flesh and sense My captive soul surround; Mysterious deeps of providence My wond'ring thoughts confound. 3 As thro' a glass, I dimly see The wonders of thy love; How little do I know of thee, Or of the joys above! 4 'Tis but in part I know thy will: I bless thee for the sight; When will thy love the rest reveal, In glory's clearer light? 5 With raptures shall I then survey Thy providence and grace; And spend an everlasting day In wonder, love, and praise. Topics: Of God Providence of God Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:9 Languages: English
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Hymnal: CHAP1845 #37 (1845) Meter: First Line: Thy ways, O Lord! with wise design Lyrics: 1 Thy ways, O Lord! with wise design, Are fram'd upon thy throne above, And every dark or bending line, Meets in the center of thy love. 2 With feeble light, and half obscure, Poor mortals thy arrangements view; Not knowing that they all are sure, And the mysterious just and true. 3 Thy flock, thy own peculiar care, Though now they seem to roam uney'd Are led or driven only where They best and safest may abide. 4 They neither know nor trace the way: But whilst they trust thy guardian eye, Their feet shall ne'er to ruin stray, Nor shall the weakest fail or die. 5 My favor'd soul shall meekly learn, To lay her reason at thy throne; Too weak thy secrets to discern, I'll trust thee for my guide alone. Topics: Of God Providence of God Languages: English
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Consolatory Reflections on Providence

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #38 (1845) Meter: First Line: 'Tis wisdom, mercy, love divine Lyrics: 1 'Tis wisdom, mercy, love divine, Which mingles blessings with our cares; And shall our thankless heart repine That we obtain not all our prayers? 2 From diffidence our sorrows flow, Short-sighted mortals, weak and blind, Bend down their eyes to earth and wo, And doubt if providence be kind. 3 Should heaven with every wish comply, Say, would the grant relieve the care? Perhaps the good for which we sigh, Might change it's name and prove a snare. 4 Were once our vain desires subdu'd, The will resign'd, the heart at rest; In every scene we should conclude, The will of heaven is right, is best. Topics: Of God Providence of God Languages: English
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Ye trembling souls! dismiss your fears

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #39 (1845) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Ye trembling souls! dismiss your fears, Be mercy all your theme; Mercy, which like a river flows In one continued stream. 2 Fear not the pow'rs of earth and hell: God will these powers restrain; His mighty arm their rage repel, And make their efforts vain. 3 Fear not the want of outward good: He still for his provide, Grants them supplies of daily food, And gives them heav'n beside. 4 Fear not, that he will e'er forsake, Or leave his work undone: He's faithful to his promises, And faithful to his Son. 5 Fear not the terrors of the grave, Nor death's tremendous sting: He will from endless wrath preserve, To endless glory bring. 6 You in his wisdom, pow'r, and grace, May confidently trust: His wisdom guides, his pow'r protects, His grace rewards the just. Topics: Of God Providence of God Languages: English
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God's Providence and the Folly of Self-dependence

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #40 (1845) Meter: First Line: God reigns; events in order flow Lyrics: 1 God reigns; events in order flow, Man's industry to guide: But in a diff'rent channel go, To humble human pride. 2 The swift not always, in the race, Shall seize the crowning prize; Not always wealth and honor grace The labors of the wise. 3 Fond mortals but themselves beguile, When on themselves they rest: Blind is their wisdom, vain their toil, By thee, O Lord, unbless'd. 4 Evil and good before thee stand, Their mission to perform: The sun shines bright at thy command, Thy hand directs the storm. 5 O Lord in all our ways we'll own Thy providential pow'r; Entrusting to thy care alone The lot of ev'ry hour. Topics: Of God Providence of God Languages: English
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Praise to God as the Creator and Preserver

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #41 (1845) Meter: First Line: Before Jehovah's awful throne Lyrics: 1 Before Jehovah's awful throne, Ye nations bow with sacred joy; Know that the Lord is God alone; He can create, and he destroy. 2 His sov'reign pow'r, without our aid, Made us of clay, and form'd us men, And when, like wand'ring sheep we stray'd, He brought us to his fold again. 3 We are his people, we his care, Our souls and all our mortal frame; What lasting honors shall we rear, Almighty Maker, to thy name? 4 We'll crowd thy gates with thankful songs; High as the Heav'ns our voices raise; And earth, with her ten thousand tongues, Shall fill thy courts with sounding praise. 5 Wide as the world is thy command; Vast as eternity thy love; Firm as a rock thy truth must stand, When rolling years shall cease to move. Topics: Of God Praise to God Languages: English
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Praise to God for Preservation and Redemption

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #42 (1845) Meter: First Line: Ye humble souls, approach your God Lyrics: 1 Ye humble souls, approach your God With songs of sacred praise; For He is good, immensely good, And kind are all his ways. 2 All nature owns his guardian care; In him we live and move; But nobler benefits declare The wonders of his love. 3 He gave his Son, his only Son, To ransom rebel worms. 'Tis here he makes his goodness known In its diviner forms. 4 To this dear refuge, Lord we come; 'Tis here our hope relies; A save defence, a peaceful home, When storms of trouble rise. 5 Thine eye beholds with kind regard The souls who trust in thee; Their humble hope thou wilt regard, With bliss divinely free. 6 Great God,to thy almighty love, What honors shall we raise? Not all the raptur'd songs above Can render equal praise. Topics: Of God Praise to God Languages: English
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Praise for the Mercies of God

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #43 (1845) Meter: First Line: Give to our God immortal praise! Lyrics: 1 Give to our God immortal praise! Mercy and truth are all His ways. Wonders of grace to God belong: Repeat his mercies in your song. 2 Give to the Lord of lords renown, The King of kings with glory crown. His mercies ever shall endure, When lords and kings are known no more. 3 He built the earth, he spread the sky, And fix'd the starry lights on high. Wonders of grace to God belong: Repeat his mercies in your song. 4 He fills the sun with morning light; He bids the moon direct the night. His mercies ever shall endure, When suns and moons shall shine no more. 5 He sent His Son with pow'r to save From guilt, and darkness, and the grave. Wonders of grace to God belong: Repeat his mercies in your song. 6 Through this vain world he guides our feet, And leads us to his heav’nly seat. His mercies ever shall endure, When this vain world shall be no more. Topics: Of God Praise to God Languages: English
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I'll praise my Maker, whilst I've breath

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #44 (1845) Meter: Irregular Lyrics: 1 I'll praise my Maker, whilst I've breath; And when my voice is lost in death, Praise shall employ my nobler pow'rs. My days of praise shall ne'er be past Whilst life and thought and being last, Or immortality endures. 2 Happy the man whose hopes rely On Israel's God, who made the sky, And earth, and seas, with all their train. His truth for ever stands secure; He saves th'oppressed, he feeds the poor; And none shall find his promise vain. 3 The Lord pours eyesight on the blind; The Lord supports the fainting mind; He sends the lab'ring conscience peace; He helps the stranger in distress, The widow and the fatherless, And grants the pris'ner sweet release. 4 I'll praise him, while he lends me breath; And when my voice is lost in death, Praise shall employ my nobler pow'rs. My days of praise shall ne'er be past, While life, and thought, and being last, Or immortality endures. Topics: Of God Praise to God Languages: English
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Come, sound his praise abroad

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #45 (1845) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Come, sound his praise abroad, And hymns of glory sing! Jehovah is the sov'reign God, The universal King. 2 He form'd the deeps unknown; He gave the seas their bound; The wat'ry worlds are all his own, And all the solid ground. 3 Come, worship at his throne; Come, bow before the Lord. We are his works, and not our own; He formed us by his word. 4 To day attend his voice, Nor dare provoke his rod; Come, like the people of his choice, And own your gracious God! Topics: Of God Praise to God Languages: English
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Indulgent Father! how divine

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #46 (1845) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Indulgent Father! how divine, How bright thy bounties are! Through nature's ample round they shine Thy goodness to declare. 2 But in the nobler work of grace, What sweeter mercy smiles In my benign Redeemer's face, And ev'ry fear beguiles! 3 Such wonders, Lord, while I survey, To thee my thanks shall rise, When morning ushers in the day, Or ev'ning veils the skies. 4 When glimm'ring life resigns its flame, Thy praise shall tune my breath. The sweet remembrance of thy name Shall gild the shades of death. 5 But oh! how blest my song shall rise, When freed from feeble clay, And all thy glories meet mine eyes In one eternal day. 6 Not seraphs, who resound thy name Through yon ethereal plains, Shall glow with a diviner flame, Or raise sublimer strains. Topics: Of God Praise to God Languages: English
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Long as I live, I'll bless thy name

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #47 (1845) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Long as I live, I'll bless thy name, God of eternal love! My work and joy shall be the same, In the bright world above. 2 Great is the Lord, his pow'r unknown, And let his praise be great; I'll sing the honors of thy throne, Thy works of grace repeat. 3 Thy grace shall dwell upon my tongue; And, while my lips rejoice, The men that hear my sacred song Shall join their cheerful voice. 4 Fathers to sons shall teach thy name, And children learn thy ways; Ages to come thy truth proclaim, And nations sound thy praise. 5 Thy glorious deeds of ancient date, Shall through the world be known. Thine arm of pow'r, thy heav'nly state, With public splendor shown. 6 The world is manag'd by thy hands, Thy saints are rul'd by love; And thine eternal kingdom stands, Tho' rocks and hills remove. Topics: Of God Praise to God Languages: English
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O bless the Lord, my soul!

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #48 (1845) Meter: Lyrics: 1 O bless the Lord, my soul! Let all within me join, And aid my tongue to bless his name, Whose favors are divine. 2 O bless the Lord, my soul! Nor let His mercies lie Forgotten in unthankfulness, And without praises die. 3 'Tis He forgives thy sins; 'Tis He relieves thy pain; 'Tis He that heals thy sickness, And makes thee strength again. 4 He crowns thy life with love, When rescu'd from the grave; He, that redeem'd our souls from death, Hath boundless pow'r to save. 5 He fills the poor with good; He gives the suff'rers rest. The Lord hath justice for the proud, And mercy for th'oppressed. 6 His wondrous works and ways He made by Moses known; But sent the world his truth and grace By his beloved Son. Topics: Of God Praise to God Languages: English
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In glad amazement, Lord, I stand

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #49 (1845) Meter: Lyrics: 1 In glad amazement, Lord, I stand, Amidst the bounties of thy hand. How numberless those bounties are! How rich, how various, and how fair! 2 But O! what poor returns I make! What lifeless thanks I pay thee back! Lord! I confess with humble shame, My off'rings scarce deserve the name. 3 Fain would my lab'ring heart devise To bring some nobler sacrifice. It sinks beneath the mighty load: What shall I render to my God? 4 To him I consecrate my praise, And vow the remnant of my days. Yet, what at best, I can pretend, Worthy such gifts from such a friend? 5 In deep abasement, Lord, I see My emptiness and poverty. Enrich my soul with grace divine, And make me worthier to be thine. 6 Give me at length an angel's tongue, That heav'n may echo with my song. The theme, too great for time, shall be The joy of long eternity. Topics: Of God Praise to God Languages: English
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God glorious and Sinners saved

Hymnal: CHAP1845 #50 (1845) Meter: First Line: Father, how wide thy glories shine! Lyrics: 1 Father, how wide thy glory shines! How high thy wonders rise! Known through the earth by thousand signs, By thousands through the skies. 2 Those mighty orbs proclaim thy power, Their motions speak thy skill, And on the wings of every hour We read thy patience still. 3 But when we view thy grand design To save rebellious worms, Our souls are fill'd with awe divine, To see what God performs. 4 When sinners break the Father's law, Thy dying Son atones; Oh the dear mysteries of his cross! The triumph of his groans! 5 Now the full glories of the Lamb Adorn the heavenly plains; Sweet cherubs learn Immanuel's name, And try their choicest strains. 6 O may I bear some humble part In that immortal song; Wonder and joy shall tune my heart, And love command my tongue. Topics: Of God Praise to God Scripture: Romans 1:30 Languages: English


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