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Hymnal, Number:dwip1785

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Pharisee and Publican

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XXVI (1785) First Line: Behold how sinners disagree Lyrics: 1 Behold how sinners disagree, The Publican and Pharisee! One doth his righteousness proclaim, The other owns his guilt and shame. 3 This man at humble distance stands, And cries for grace with lifted hands; That boldly rises near the throne, And talks of duties he has done. 3 The Lord their different language knows, And different answers he bestows; The humble soul, with grace he crowns, While on the proud his anger frowns. 4 Dear Father, let me never be Join'd with the boasting Pharisee; I have no merits of my own But plead the sufferings of thy Son. Scripture: Luke 23:10 Languages: English
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A Song to the Lamb that was slain

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.I (1785) First Line: Behold the glories of the Lamb Lyrics: 1 Behold the glories of the Lamb Amidst his Father's throne; Prepare new honours for his name, And songs before unknown. 2 Let angels worship at his feet, And saints around him throng The church on earth with joy shall meet, And join the heavenly song. 3 Eternal Father, who shall look Thro' all thy secret will? Who but the Son shall take the book, And open every seal? 4 He shall accomplish thy decrees, And all thy wonders tell; Lo! in his sovereign hand, the keys Of heaven, and death, and hell. 5 He hath redeem'd our souls with blood, Hath broke their prisoners chain; Hath made us kings and priests with GOD, And we with him shall reign. 6 Now, to the Lamb, that once was slain, Be endless blessings paid; With saints and angels fill his train, And glories crown his head. Languages: English
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The nativity of Christ

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.II (1785) First Line: Behold, the grace appears! Lyrics: 1 Behold, the grace appears! The promise is fulfill'd; Mary, the wondrous virgin, bears, And Jesus is the child! 2 To bring the glorious news, A heavenly Form appears; He tells the shepherds of their joys, And banishes their fears. 3 Go, humble swains; (said he, To David's city fly; The promis'd infant, born to-day Doth in a manger lie. 4 With looks and hearts serene, Go visit Christ, your king; And straight a flaming troop was seen: The shepherds heard them sing — 5 Glory to God on high! And heavenly peace on earth: Good will to men, to angels joy, At the Redeemer's birth! 6 In worship so divine, Let saints employ their tongues; With the celestial host we join, And loud repeat their songs. 7 Glory to God on high! And heavenly peace on earth, Good will to men, to angels joy, At our Redeemer's birth. Scripture: Luke 1:30-38 Languages: English
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Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.X (1785) First Line: Behold what wondrous grace Lyrics: 1 Behold, what wondrous grace The Father has bestow'd On sinners, of a mortal race, To call them — sons of God! 2 'Tis no surprising thing That we should be unknown; The Jewish world knew not their king, God's everlasting Son: 3 Nor can it yet appear How great we must be made; But, when we see our Saviour near, We shall be like our head. 4 We shall no longer lie, Like slaves, beneath the throne Our faith shall Abba Father cry, And he the kindred own. Scripture: 1 John 3:1-3 Languages: English
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Hope of Heaven, by the Resurrection of Christ

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.IX (1785) First Line: Blest be the everlasting God Lyrics: 1 Blest be the everlasting GOD, The Father of our Lord; Be his abounding mercy prais'd, His majesty ador'd. 2 When from the dead he rais'd his Son, And call'd him to the sky, He gave our souls a lively hope That they should never die. 3 What though our sins have doom'd our flesh Awhile with dust to blend, Yet as the Saviour rises first, His followers shall ascend. 4 There's an inheritance divine Reserv'd against that day, 'Tis uncorrupted, undefil'd, And cannot waste away. 5 Saints by the power of GOD are kept, Till the salvation come; We walk by faith, as strangers here, Till Christ shall call us home. Languages: English
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The Lord's Day; or, The Resurrection of Christ

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XLIV (1785) First Line: Blest morning, whose young, dawning rays Lyrics: 1 Blest morning, whose young dawning rays Beheld our rising God; That saw him triumph o'er the dust, And leave his dark abode! 2 In the cold prison of a tomb The dead Redeemer lay; 'Till the revolving skies had brought The third, th' appointed day. 3 Hell, and the grave, unite their force To hold our God in vain; The sleeping Conqueror arose, And burst their feeble chain. 4 To thy great name, almighty Lord, These sacred hours we pay; And loud Hosannas shall proclaim The triumph of the day. Languages: English
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Christ's Commission

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.L (1785) First Line: Come, happy souls, approach your God Lyrics: 1 Come, happy souls, approach your God, With new melodious songs; Come, tender to almighty grace The tribute of your tongues. 2 So strange, so boundless was the love That pity'd dying men, The Father sent his equal Son To give them life again. 3 Thy hands, my Saviour, were not arm'd With a revenging rod; No hard commission to perform The vengeance of a God. 4 But all was mercy — all was love And wrath forsook the throne; When Christ descended from above, And brought salvation down. Scripture: John 3:16-17 Languages: English
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Breathing after the holy Spirit

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XXXVII (1785) First Line: Come, holy Spirit, heavenly Dove Lyrics: 1 Come, holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all thy quickening powers; Kindle a flame of sacred love In these cold hearts of ours. 2 Behold us groveling here below, Engag'd in trifling toys! Our souls can neither fly, nor go To reach eternal joys. 3 In vain we tune our formal songs, In vain we strive to rise; Hosannah's languish on our tongues, And our devotion dies. 4 Dear Lord! and shall we still remain In this declining state? Our love so faint, so cold to thee, And thine to us so great? 5 Come, holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all thy quickening powers; Come, shed abroad a Saviour’s love And that shall kindle ours. Languages: English
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Our Saviour present at his Table

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.LXIII (1785) First Line: Come, let us join the sacred song Lyrics: 1 Come let us join the sacred song To our ascended Lord; Ye saints and angels round the throne, And we around his board. 2 Tho' rais'd beyond the worlds of light, His brighter glories shine, Where purer souls enjoy the light And presence more divine. 3 Yet here, unseen by mortal eyes, The boundless God resides, Renews the atoning sacrifice And o'er the feast presides. 4 Let every hand that shares the food And every heart with fear, Feel the full presence of the God, That spreads his bounties here. 5 But Oh, the love, the wondrous love The bleeding Lord displays, Shall earth's united songs improve, And heaven's eternal praise. Languages: English
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The Fall and Recovery of Man: Or, Christ and Satan at enmity

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XVII (1785) First Line: Deceiv'd by subtle snares of hell Lyrics: 1 Deceiv'd by subtle snares of hell, Adam, our head, our father, fell; His unborn race receiv'd the wound, And heavy curses smote the ground. 2 Thus saith the vengeance of the Lord — But satan found a worse reward; "Let everlasting hatred be "Betwixt the woman's seed and thee. 3 "The woman's seed shall be my Son; "He shall destroy what thou hast done — "Shall break thy head — and only feel "Thy malice raging at his heel." 4 He spake — and bade four thousand years Roll on — at length his Son appears; Angels, with joy descend to earth, And sing the young Redeemer's birth. 5 Lo, by the sons of hell he dies! But as he hung 'twixt earth and skies, He gave their prince a fatal blow, And triumph'd o'er the powers below. Scripture: Genesis 3:1 Languages: English
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An Evening Song

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XXXIII (1785) First Line: Dread Sovereign, let my evening song Lyrics: 1 Dread Sovereign, let my evening song Like holy incense rise; Assist the offerings of my tongue To reach the lofty skies. 2 Through all the dangers of the day Thy hand was still my guard; And still, to drive my wants away, Thy mercy stood prepar'd. 3 Perpetual blessings from above Incompass me around, But Oh, how few returns of love Hath my Creator found! 4 What have I done for him who dy'd To save my wretched soul? How are my follies multiply'd, Fast as my minutes roll! 5 Lord, with this guilty heart of mine, To thy dear cross I flee; And to thy grace my soul resign, To be renew'd by thee. 6 Sprinkled afresh with pardoning blood, I'd lay me down to rest; As in th' embraces of my God, Or on my Saviour's breast Languages: English
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For a New-Year's Day

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.LXVII (1785) First Line: Eternal Source of every joy Lyrics: 1 Eternal Source of every joy, Thy praise shall every voice employ, While we within thy courts appear, And sing the bounties of the year. 2 As worlds of glory round thee roll, Thy hand supports the stedfast pole, Directs the sun what hour to rise, And darkness when to veil the skies. 3 The flowery Spring, at thy command Embalms the air, and paints the land; The blazing beams of Summer shine To raise the corn and cheer the vine. 3 Thy hand, in Autumn richly pours The copious fruits along the shores While wintry storms direct our eyes With fear and wonder to the skies. 4 Seasons and months, and weeks and days Demand returning songs of praise; The opening light and evening shade hall see the cheerful homage paid. 5 And Oh, may our harmonious tongues In worlds unknown pursue the songs; And in those brighter courts adore, Where days and years revolve no more. Languages: English
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A Hymn for Marriage

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.LXVIII (1785) First Line: Great God, who form'd for social joys Lyrics: 1 Great God, who form'd for social joys Our natures by thy power and grace, And join'd in blest connubial ties, The parents of our favour'd race. 2 Our Saviour, our ascended Lord, In Cana once a heavenly guest, Whose bounty cheer'd the friendly board Whose presence grac'd the nuptial feast. 3 Attend with smiles of heavenly love, The pair thy sacred laws combine; Their union bless, their vows approve, And crown the rites with grace divine. 4 Let love assist their mutual toils, And every social bliss bestow; Increase each joy with friendly smiles, And share and soften every woe. 5 While each a kindly aid imparts, To run secure the heavenly race; And make their dwelling and their hearts, Perpetual temples of thy praise. 6 When death dissolves these sacred ties, May each to happier realms remove; There meet and range the peaceful skies, In bands of everlasting love. Languages: English
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Religion vain without Love

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XXIX (1785) First Line: Had I the tongues of Greeks and Jews Lyrics: 1 Had I the tongues of Greeks and Jews, And nobler speech than angels use, If love be absent, I am found, Like tinkling brass, an empty sound. 2 Were I inspir'd to preach and tell All that is done in heaven and hell; Or could my faith the world remove, Still I am nothing, without love. 3 Should I distribute all my store To feed the bowels of the poor, Or give my body to the flame, To gain a martyr's glorious name — 4 If love to God, and love to men Be absent — all my hopes are vain: — Nor tongues, nor gifts, nor fiery zeal, The work of love can e'er fulfil. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 Languages: English
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Christ's Ascension

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.LXIX (1785) First Line: Hail the day that sees him rise Lyrics: 1 Hail the day that sees him rise, Ravish'd from our wishful eyes; Christ awhile to mortals given, Re-ascends his native heaven; There the pompous triumph waits, Lift your heads, eternal gates; Wide unfold the radiant scene, Take the King of glory in. 2 Him tho' highest heav'n receives, Still he loves the earth he leaves; Though returning to his throne, Still he calls mankind his own; Still for us he intercedes, Prevalent his death he pleads, Next himself prepares our place, Harbinger of human race. 3 Master, may we ever say, Taken from our world away, See thy faithful servants, see, Ever gazing up to thee; Grant, though parted from our sight, High above yon azure height, Grant our souls may thither rise, Following thee beyond the skies. 4 Ever upward let us move, Wafted on the wings of love; Looking when our Lord shall come, Longing for a happier home; There we shall with thee remain, Partners of thine endless reign; There thy face unclouded see, Find our heaven of heavens in thee. Languages: English
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Hosannah to Christ

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.VIII (1785) First Line: Hosanna to the royal Son Lyrics: 1 Hosanna to the royal Son, Of David's ancient line His natures two, his person one, Mysterious and divine. 2 The root of David here we find And offspring is the same; Eternity and time are join'd In our Emanuel's name. 3 Blest he who comes to wretched men With peaceful news from heaven! Hosannah of the highest strain To Christ the Lord be given! 4 Let mortals ne'er refuse to take Hosannah on their tongues, Lest rocks and stones should rise, and break Their silence into songs. Scripture: Matthew 21:9 Languages: English
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Blessedness of gospel time

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.V (1785) First Line: How beauteous are their feet Lyrics: 1 How beauteous are their feet, Who stand on Zion's hill, Who bring salvation on their tongues, And words of peace reveal! 2 How charming is their voice! How sweet the tidings are! "Zion, behold thy Saviour king, "He reigns and triumphs here. 3 How happy are our ears, That hear this happy sound, Which kings and prophets long'd to know And sought, but never found! 4 How blest our ravish'd eyes, That see this heavenly light; Prophets and kings desir'd it long, But dy'd without the sight! 5 The watchmen join their voice, And tuneful notes employ; Jerusalem breaks forth in songs, And deserts learn the joy. 6 The Lord displays his arm Thro all the earth abroad: Let every nation now behold Their Saviour and their GOD. Scripture: Isaiah 5:2 Languages: English
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Divine Glories and Graces

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.LXII (1785) First Line: How faiir their thy glories here Lyrics: 1 How fair thy glories here display'd, Great God, how bright they shine; While at thy word we break the bread, And pour the flowing wine! 2 Here thy revenging justice stands, And pleads its dreadful cause; Here saving mercy spreads her hands, Like Jesus on the cross. 3 Our cheerful hope that waiting sits, To heaven directs her sight; Here every warmer passion meets, And warmer powers unite. 4 Zeal and revenge perform their part, And rising sin destroy; Repentance comes with aching heart, Yet ne'er forbids the joy. 5 Dear Saviour, change our faith to sight, Let sin forever die; Then shall our souls be all delight, And every tear be dry. Languages: English
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The Gospel Feast

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.LIX (1785) First Line: How rich are thy provisions, Lord Lyrics: 1 How rich are thy provisions, Lord! Thy table furnish'd from above! The fruits of life o'erspread the board, The cup o'erflows with heavenly love. 2 Thine ancient family, the jews, Were first invited to the feast: We humbly take what they refuse, And Gentiles thy salvation taste. 3 We are the poor, the blind, the lame; And help was far, and death was nigh! But at the gospel call, we came, And every want receiv'd supply. 4 From the high way that leads to hell, From paths of darkness and despair, Lord, we are come with thee to dwell, Glad to enjoy thy presence here. 5 Our everlasting love shall flow, To him who left his blest abode, And fought these darksome realms delow, To bring us wanderers back to GOD. Scripture: Luke 14:16-23 Languages: English
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Frailty and Folly

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XXXVI (1785) First Line: How short and hasty is our life Lyrics: 1 How short and hasty is our life! How vast our souls' affairs! Yet senseless mortals vainly strive To lavish out their years. 2 Our days run thoughtlesly along, Without a moment's stay; Just like a story, or a song, We pass our lives away. 3 God, from on high, invites us home, But we march heedless on; And, ever hastening to the tomb, Stoop downwards as we run. 4 How we deserve the deepest hell, Who slight the joys above! What chains of vengeance should we feel, That break such cords of love! 5 Draw us, O God, with sovereign grace, And lift our thoughts on high, That we may end this mortal race, And see salvation nigh. Languages: English
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Love to the Creatures is dangerous

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XL (1785) First Line: How vain are all things here below! Lyrics: 1 How vain are all things here below! How false, and yet how fair! Each pleasure hath its poison too, And ev'ry sweet — a snare. 2 The brightest things below the sky Give but a flattering light; We should suspect some danger nigh, Where we possess delight. 3 Our dearest joys, and nearest friends, The partners of our blood, How they divide our wavering minds, And leave but half for God! 4 The fondness of a creature's love, Allures the flattering sense! Thither the warm affections move, Nor can we call them thence. 5 Dear Saviour, let thy beauties be My soul's eternal food; And grace command my heart away From all created good. Languages: English
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Innumerable mercies acknowledged

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.LXV (1785) First Line: In glad amazement, Lord, I stand Lyrics: 1 In glad amazement, Lord, I stand, Amidst the bounties of thy hand; How numberless those bounties are! How rich, how various and how fair! 2 But oh, what poor returns I bring! What lifeless songs of praise I sing! Lord, I confess, with humble shame, My offerings scarce deserve the name. 3 Fain would my labouring heart devise Some nobler gift and sacrifice; It sinks beneath the mighty load That I should render to my God. 4 To him I consecrate my praise, And vow the remnant of my days; Enlarge my soul with grace divine, And make me worthier to be thine. 5 Give me at length an angel's tongue, To sound thro' heaven the grateful song; A theme so great, my voice shall raise, And crown eternity with praise. Languages: English
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Look on him when they pierced, and mourn

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XLVII (1785) First Line: Infinite grief, amazing woe Lyrics: 1 Infinite grief! amazing woe! Behold my bleeding Lord! Hell and the Jews conspire his death, And use the Roman sword. 2 Oh! the sharp pangs of smarting pain My dear Redeemer bore, When knotty whips, and ragged thorns, His sacred body tore! 3 But knotty whips, and ragged thorns, In vain do I accuse; In vain I blame the Roman bands, And more insulting Jews: 4 'Twere you, my sins, my cruel sins, His chief tormentors were; Each of my crimes became a nail, And unbelief — the spear. 5 'Twere you that pull'd the vengeance down Upon his guiltless head: Break, break, my heart — Oh, burst mine eyes, And let my sorrows bleed! 6 Strike, mighty grace, my flinty soul, Till melting waters flow; And deep repentance drown mine eyes In undissembled woe! Languages: English
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Salvation, Righteousness, and Strength in Christ

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XI (1785) First Line: Jehovah speaks — let Israel hear! Lyrics: 1 Jehovah speaks — let Israel hear! Let all the earth rejoice and fear; While God's eternal Son proclaims His sovereign honours, and his names: 2 "I am the last, and I the first, "The Saviour God, and God the just; "Look up to me, from distant lands, "Light, life, and heavens, are in my hands. 3 "I by my holy name have sworn, "Nor shall the word in vain return; "To me, shall all things bend the knee, "And every tongue shall swear to me. 4 "In me alone, shall men confess "Lies all their strength and righteousness; "But such as dare despise my name, "I'll clothe them with eternal shame. 5 "In me, the Lord, shall all the seed "Of Israel from their sins be freed; "And, by their shining graces prove "Their int'rest in my pardoning love." Scripture: Isaiah 14:21-25 Languages: English
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Communion with Christ and with Saints

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.LVI (1785) First Line: Jesus invites his saints Lyrics: 1 Jesus invites his saints To meet around his board: Here pardon'd rebels sit and hold Communion with their Lord. 2 For food he gives his flesh; He bids us drink his blood; Amazing favour! matchless grace, Of our descending God! 3 This holy bread and wine, Maintain our fainting breath, By union with our living Lord, And interest in his death. 4 Our heavenly Father calls Christ and his members one: We are the children of his love, And he the first-born Son. 5 Let all our powers be join'd, His glorious Name to raise; Pleasure and love fill every mind, And every voice be praise. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 Languages: English
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The Book of God's Decrees

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XLVIII (1785) First Line: Let all the race of creatures lie Lyrics: 1 Let all the race of creatures lie Abas'd before their God: Whate'er his sovereign voice has form'd He governs with a nod. 2 Ten thousand ages ere the skies Were into motion brought; All the long years and worlds to come Stood present to his thought. 3 If light attend the course I run, 'Tis he provides the rays; And 'tis his hand that hides the sun, If darkness cloud my days. 4 Yet I would not too far enquire, Nor vainly long to see In volumes of his deep decrees, What lines are mark'd for me. 5 When he reveals the book of life, Oh, may I read my name Among the chosen of his love, The followers of the Lamb. Languages: English
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The invitation of the gospel

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.IV (1785) First Line: Let every mortal ear attend Lyrics: 1 Let every mortal ear attend, And every heart rejoice, The trumpet of the gospel sounds With an inviting voice. 2 Come all ye hungry starving souls, Who feed upon the wind, And vainly strive with earthly toys, To fill th' immortal mind; 3 Eternal wisdom has prepar'd A soul-reviving feast, And bids your longing appetites The rich provision taste. 4 Come, ye who pant for living streams, And pine away and die; Here you may quench your raging thirst With springs that never dry. 5 Rivers of love and mercy here In spreading oceans join; Salvation in abundance flows Like floods of milk and wine. 6 Great GOD, the treasures of thy love Are everlasting mines, Deep as our helpless miseries are, And boundless as our sins. Languages: English
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Love and Charity

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XXVIII (1785) First Line: Let Pharisees of high esteem Lyrics: 1 Let Pharisees, of high esteem, Their faith and zeal declare; All their religion is a dream, If love be wanting there. 2 Love suffers long with patient eye, Nor is provok'd in haste; She lets the present inj'ry die, And long forgets the past. 3 She lays her own advantage by, To seek her neighbour's good; So God's own Son came down to die, And bought our lives with blood. 4 Love is the grace that keeps her power In realms of light above; There faith and hope are known no more, But saints forever love. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:2-7 Languages: English
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Conviction of sin by the law

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XVIII (1785) First Line: Lord, how secure my conscience lay Lyrics: 1 Lord, how secure my conscience lay, And felt no inward dread, I liv'd awhile without the law, And thought my sins were dead. 2 My hopes of heaven were firm and bright, But since the precept came I stand convicted by its light, I find how vile I am. 3 I'm like a helpless captive sold Beneath the power of sin; I cannot do the good I would, Nor keep my conscience clean. 4 My God, I'll cry with every breath For some kind power to save, To break the yoke of sin and death, And thus redeem the slave. Scripture: Romans 7:8-24 Languages: English
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The Example of Christ

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.LIII (1785) First Line: My dear Redeemer, and my Lord Lyrics: 1 My dear Redeemer, and my Lord, I read my duty in thy word; But in thy life the law is best IN living characters exprest. 2 Such was thy truth, and such thy zeal, Such deference to thy Father's will — Such love, and meekness, so divine, I would transcribe, and make them mine. 3 Cold mountains, and the midnight air, Witness'd the fervor of thy prayer; The desert thy temptations knew, Thy conflict, and thy victory too. 4 Be thou my pattern — make me bear More of thy gracious image here: Then God, the Judge, shall own my name Among the followers of the Lamb. Languages: English
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The Death of a Sinner

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XXX (1785) First Line: My thoughts on awful subjects roll Lyrics: 1 My thoughts on awful subjects roll, Damnation and the dead; What horrors seize the guilty soul Upon a dying bed. 2 Lingering about these mortal shores She makes a long delay, 'Till, like a flood, with rapid force, Death sweeps the wretch away! 3 Then, swift and dreadful, she descends Down to the firey coast, Among abominable fiends, Herself a frightful ghost. 4 There endless crouds of sinners lie, And darkness makes their chains; Tortur'd with keen despair, they cry, Yet wait for fiercer pains. 5 Not all their anguish and their blood, For their old guilt atones; Nor the compassion of a God Shall hearken to their groans. 6 Amazing grace, which kept my breath, Nor bid my soul remove, 'Till I had learn'd my Saviour's death, And well insur'd his love! Languages: English
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Submission to afflictive providences

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.III (1785) First Line: Naked as from the earth we came Lyrics: 1 Naked, as from the earth we came, And rose to life at first, We to the earth return again, And mingle with our dust. 2 The dear delights we here enjoy, And fondly call our own, Are but short favours borrow'd now, To be repaid anon. 3 'Tis GOD that lifts our comforts high Or sinks them in the grave; He gives, and (blessed be his name!) He takes but what he gave. 4 Peace, all our angry passions then; Let each rebellious sigh, Be silent at his sovereign will, And every murmur die. 5 If smiling mercy crown our lives, Its praises shall be spread, And we'll adore the justice too, That strikes our comforts dead. Scripture: Job 1:21 Languages: English
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Christ Crucify'd; the Wisdom and Power of God

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.LVIII (1785) First Line: Nature with open volume stands Lyrics: 1 Nature with open volume stands, To spread her Maker's praise abroad; And every labour of his hands Displays the wisdom of a God: 2 But in the grace that rescu'd man, His brightest form of glory shines; Here on the cross 'tis fairest drawn In precious blood and crimson lines. 3 Here I behold his inmost heart, Where grace and vengeance strangely join; Piercing his Son with shaprest smart, To make the purchas'd pleasures mine. 4 Oh! the sweet wonders of that cross, Where God, the Saviour lov'd and dy'd! Her noblest life my spirit draws From his dear wounds, and bleeding side. 5 I would forever speak his name In sounds to mortal ears unknown, With angels join to praise the Lamb, And worship at his Father's throne. Languages: English
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Heaven invisible and holy

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XVI (1785) First Line: Nor eye hath seen nor ear hath heard Lyrics: 1 Nor eye hath seen, nor ear hath heard, Nor sense, nor reason known, What joys the Father has prepar'd For those that love the Son. 2 But the good spirit of the Lord Reveals a heaven to come; The beams of glory, in his word, Allure and guide us home. 3 Pure are the joys above the sky, And all the region peace; No wanton lips nor envious eye, Can see or taste the bliss. 4 Those holy gates forever bar Pollution, sin, and shame; None shall obtain admittance there, But foll'wers of the Lamb. 5 He keeps the Father's book of life, There all their names are found. The hypocrite in vain shall strive To tread the heavenly ground. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 Languages: English
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Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XV (1785) First Line: Not all the outward forms on earth Lyrics: 1 Not all the outward forms on earth, Nor rites that GOD has given, Nor will of man, nor blood, nor birth, Can raise a soul to heaven. 2 The sovereign will of GOD alone Creates us heirs of grace; Born in the image of his Son, A new peculiar race. 3 The spirit, like some heavenly wind, Blows on the sons of flesh; Creates anew the carnal mind, And forms the man afresh. 4 Our quickened souls awake — and rise From the long sleep of death; On heavenly things we fix our eyes, And praise employs our breath. Scripture: John 1:13 Languages: English
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Advice to Youth

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XIII (1785) First Line: Now in the heat of youthful blood Lyrics: 1 Now, in the heat of youthful blood, Remember your Creator God: Behold, the months come hastening on, When you shall say — my joys are gone! 2 Behold the aged sinner goes, Laden with guilt and heavy woes, Down to the regions of the dead, With bitterest curses on his head. 3 The dust returns to dust again; The soul, in agonies of pain, Ascends to God; not there to dwell, But hears her doom, and sinks to hell. 4 Eternal king! I fear thy name; Teach me to know — how frail I am — And when my soul must hence remove, Give me a mansion in thy love. Scripture: Ecclesiastes 7:1 Languages: English
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For a vacant Congregation

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.LXVI (1785) First Line: O God of heaven, whose gentle ray Lyrics: 1 O God of heaven, whose gentle ray, Illumes the worlds of light, Thy wisdom rules the realms of day, And leads the host of night. 2 Behold thy waiting servants stand, And claim with feeble cries, Some skilful guide with gentle hand To lead us to the skies. 3 While absent from thy temple, Lord Like wandering flocks we stray We lose the memory of thy word And waste the sacred day. 4 And when, within these walls of thine We find our wonted place; How faint our feeble voices join To seek thy pardoning grace. 5 Almighty Saviour, hear our prayer, Some chosen servant raise, For us the bread of life to share And help our lips to praise. 6 Then in thy house, with joy unknown We'll raise a nobler song, Till we shall meet around thy throne, And join the heavenly throng. Languages: English
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Christ our strength

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.VII (1785) First Line: Oh, let me hear my Saviour say Lyrics: 1 Oh, let me hear my Saviour say, Thy strength be equal to thy day, Then I'll rejoice in deep distress, And trust secure his sovereign grace. 2 My weakness shall my glory prove, That power may aid me from above; When flesh is weak, my soul is strong; Be grace my shield and Christ my song. 3 All things I do, all sufferings bear While God, my strength is with me here; But, he withdrawn, temptations reign, And pains and weakness rise again. 4 So Sampson, when his locks were lost, First bow'd beneath Philistia's host; Shook his vain limbs with sore surprise, Made feeble fight, and lost his eyes. Scripture: 2 Corinthians 12:7 Languages: English
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Circumcision and Baptism

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.LII (1785) First Line: Once did the sons of Abra'm pass Lyrics: 1 Once did the sons of Abra'm pass Beneath the bloody seal of grace; The young disciples bore the yoke, 'Till Christ the painful bondage broke. 2 By milder ways doth Jesus prove His Father's covenant, and his love; He seals, to saints his glorious grace, And kindly owns their infant race. 3 Their seed is sprinkled with his blood, Their children set a-part for God; His spirit on their offspring's shed, Like water pour'd upon the head. 4 Let every saint, with cheerful voice, In this large covenant rejoice; Young children, in their early days Shall give the God of Abra'm praise. Languages: English
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A Morning Song

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XXXII (1785) First Line: Once more, my soul, the rising day Lyrics: 1 Once more, my soul, the rising day Salutes thy waking eyes; Once more, my voice, thy tribute pay To him who rolls the skies. 2 Night unto night his name repeats, The day renews the sound, Wide as the heaven, on which he sits To turn the seasons round. 3 'Tis he supports my mortal frame, My tongue shall speak his praise; My sins would rouze his wrath to flame — And yet his wrath delays! 4 A thousand wretched souls are fled Since the Last setting sun, And yet thou lengthenest out my thread, And yet my moments run. 5 Dear God, let all my hours be thine, While I enjoy the light; Then shall my sun in smiles decline, And bring a peaceful night. Languages: English
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The Pilgrim's Song

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.LXX (1785) First Line: Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings Lyrics: 1 Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings, Thy better portion trace; Rise from transitory things, Tow'rds heaven thy native place: Sun, and moon, and stars, decay, Time shall soon this earth remove; Rise, my soul, and haste away To seats prepar'd above. 2 Rivers to the ocean run, Nor stay in all their course, Fire ascending seeks the sun, Both speed them to their source; So a soul, that's born of God, Pants to view his glorious face; Upward tends to his abode, To rest in his embrace. 3 Fly me, riches; fly me, cares, While I that coast explore, Flattering world, with all thy snares, Solicit me no more: Pilgrims fix not here their home, Strangers tarry but a night, When the last dear morn is come, They'll rise to joyful light. 4 Cease, ye pilgrims, cease to mourn, Press onward to the prize; Soon the Saviour will return, Triumphant in the skies: Yet a season, and you know Happy entrance will be given, All our sorrows left below, And earth exchang'd for heaven. Languages: English
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Submission and Deliverance

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XXV (1785) First Line: Saints, at your heavenly Father's word Lyrics: 1 Saints, at your heavenly Father's word, Give up your honours to the Lord; He shall restore what you resign, Or grant you blessings more divine. 2 So Abra'm with obedient hand, Led forth his son at God's command; The wood, the fire, the knife, he took, His arm prepar'd the dreadful stroke. 3 "Abra'm, forbear, the angel cry'd, "Thy faith is known, thy love is try'd; "Thy son shall live — and in thy race "Shall all the nations learn my grace." 4 Just in the last distressing hour Tie Lord displays delivering power; The mount of danger is the place Where we shall see surprising grace. Scripture: Genesis 22:6 Languages: English
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Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XLVI (1785) First Line: Salvation! Oh the joyful sound Lyrics: 1 Salvation! Oh, the joyful sound! 'Tis pleasure to our ears; A sovereign balm for every wound, A cordial for our fears. 2 Bury'd in sorrow, and in sin, At hell's dark door we lay: But we arise, by grace divine, To see a heavenly day. 3 Salvation! let the echo fly The spacious earth around, While all the armies of the sky Conspire to raise the sound. Languages: English
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The Deceitfulness of Sin

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.LIV (1785) First Line: Sin has a thousand treacherous arts Lyrics: 1 Sin has a thousand treacherous arts To practice on the mind; With flattering looks she tempts our hearts, But leaves a sting behind. 2 With names of virtue she deceives The aged and the young; And, while the heedless wretch believes, She makes his fetters strong. 3 She pleads for all the joy she brings, And gives a fair pretence; But cheats the soul of heavenly things, And chains it down to sense. 4 So, on a tree divinely fair Grew the forbidden food; Our mother took the poison there, And tainted all her blood. Languages: English
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God the Thunderer; Or, the last Judgment, and Hell

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XLII (1785) First Line: Sing to the Lord ye heavenly hosts Lyrics: 1 Sing to the Lord ye heavenly hosts, And let the earth, adore; Let death and hell, thro' all their coasts, Stand trembling at his power. 2 His sounding chariot shakes the sky, He makes the clouds his throne; There all his stores of lightning lie, 'Till vengeance darts them down. 3 Before him rolls a fiery stream — And from his awful tongue A sovereign voice divides the flame, And thunder roars along! 4 Think, O my soul, the dreadful day When this incensed GOD Shall rend the sky, and burn the sea, And fling his wrath abroad! 5 What shall the wretch, the sinner do? He once defy'd the Lord; But he shall dread the thunderer now, And sink beneath his word. 6 Tempests of angry fire shall roll To blast the rebel worm; And beat upon his naked soul In one eternal storm. Languages: English
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Holiness and Grace

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XXVII (1785) First Line: So let our lips and lives express Lyrics: 1 So let our lips and lives express The holy gospel we profess; So let our works and virtues shine To prove the doctrine ALL DIVINE. 2 Thus shall we best proclaim abroad The honours of our Saviour God; When his salvation reigns within, And grace subdues the power of sin. 3 Our flesh and sense must be deny'd, Passion and envy, lust and pride; While justice, temperance, truth, and love, Our inward piety approve. 4 Religion bears our spirits up, While we expect that blessed hope, The bright appearance of the Lord, And faith stands leaning on his word. Scripture: Titus 2:10-13 Languages: English
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The Christian Warfare

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XLV (1785) First Line: Stand up, my soul, shake off thy fears Lyrics: 1 Stand up, my soul, shake off thy fears, And gird the gospel-armour on; March to the gates of endless joy, Where Jesus went and claim'd his throne. 2 Hell, and thy sins resist thy course; But hell and sin are vanquish'd foes: Thy Jesus nail'd them to the cross, And sung the triumph when he rose. 3 Then let my soul march boldly on, Press forward to the heavenly gate; There peace and joy eternal reign, And glittering robes for conquerors wait. 4 There shall I wear a starry crown, And triumph in almighty grace; While all the armies of the skies Join in my glorious Leader's praise. Languages: English
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Death and Eternity

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XXXV (1785) First Line: Stoop down, my thoughts, which use to rise Lyrics: 1 Stoop down, my thoughts, which use to rise, Converse a while with death; Think how a gasping mortal lies, And pants away his breath. 2 His quivering lip hangs feebly down, His pulses faint and few; Then speechless, with a doleful groan, He bids the world adieu. 3 But Oh, the soul, which never dies! At once it leaves the clay! Ye thoughts, pursue it where it flies, And trace its wondrous way. 4 Up to the courts where angels dwell, It mounts triumphing there; Or devils plunge it down to hell, In terror and despair! 5 And must my body faint and die? And must this soul remove? Oh, for some guardian angel nigh, To bear it safe above. 6 Almighty Saviour, to thy hand My naked soul I trust; My flesh shall wait thy kind command, To mingle with the dust. Languages: English
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Christ's Intercession

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.XXXVIII (1785) First Line: The great Redeemer's gone Lyrics: 1 The great Redeemer's gone To stand before our God, To sprinkle o'er the flaming throne With his attoning blood. 2 No firey vengeance now, Nor burning wrath comes down; If justice call for sinners' blood, The Saviour shews his own. 3 Before his Father's eye Our humble suit he moves; The Father lays his thunder by, And looks, and smiles, and loves. 4 Now may our joyful tongues Our Maker's honour sing; Jesus, the priest, receives our songs, And bears them to the king. 5 "On earth thy mercy reigns, "And triumphs all above; "But, Lord, how weak are mortal strains "To speak immortal love! Languages: English
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Invitation to the gospel-feast

Hymnal: DWIP1785 #H.LXIV (1785) First Line: The king of heaven his table spreads Lyrics: 1 The King of heaven his table spreads, And dainties crown the board; Not paradise with all its joys Could such delight afford. 2 Lo, in the blood that Jesus shed, To raise the soul to heaven Pardon and peace to dying men, And endless life are given. 3 Ye hungry poor, who long have stray'd In sin’s dark mazes, come; Come from the hedges and highways, And grace shall find you room. 4 Millions of souls, in glory now, Were fed and feasted here, And millions more, still on the way, Around the board appear. 5 All things are ready, come away, Nor weak excuses frame; Assume your places at the feast, And bless the founder’s name. Languages: English


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