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Hymnal, Number:lsb2006

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Daily Lectionary

Hymnal: LSB2006 #299 (2006) Languages: English
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Athanasian Creed

Hymnal: LSB2006 #319 (2006) Languages: English

The Small Catechism

Hymnal: LSB2006 #321 (2006) Topics: The Small Catechism Languages: English
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The Advent of Our King

Author: Charles Coffin, 1676-1749; John Chandler, 1806-1876 Hymnal: LSB2006 #331 (2006) Meter: Lyrics: 1 The advent of our King Our prayers must now employ, And we must hymns of welcome sing In strains of holy joy. 2 The everlasting Son Incarnate deigns to be, Himself a servant's form puts on To set His servants free. 3 O Zion's daughter, rise To meet your lowly King, Nor let your faithless heart despise The peace He comes to bring. 4 As judge, on clouds of light, He soon will come again And His true members all unite With Him in heav'n to reign. 5 Before the dawning day Let sin's dark deeds be gone, The sinful self be put away, The new self now put on. 6 All glory to the Son, Who comes to set us free, With Father, Spirit, ever one Through all eternity. Scripture: Luke 19:28-40 Languages: English Tune Title: ST. THOMAS

Savior of the Nations, Come

Author: Ambrose of Milan, 340-397; Martin Luther, 1483-1546; William M. Reynolds, 1812-76; F. Samuel Janzow, 1913-2001; Gifford A Grobien, b. 1973 Hymnal: LSB2006 #332 (2006) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Savior of the nations, come, Virgin's Son, make here Your home! Marvel now, O heav'n and earth, That the Lord chose such a birth. 2 Not by human flesh and blood, By the Spirit of our God, Was the Word of God made flesh -- Woman's offspring pure and fresh. (sts. 3-8 copyrighted) Scripture: John 1:1 Languages: English Tune Title: NUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILAND

Once He Came in Blessing

Author: Johann Horn, c. 1490-1547; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: LSB2006 #333 (2006) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Once He came in blessing, All our sins redressing; Came in likeness lowly, Son of God most holy; Bore the cross to save us; Hope and freedom gave us. (sts. 2-3 copyrighted) 4 Come, then, O Lord Jesus, From our sins release us. Keep our hearts believing, That we, grace receiving, Ever may confess You Till in heav'n we bless You. Topics: Redeemer Scripture: Luke 4:17-19 Languages: English Tune Title: GOTTES SOHN IST KOMMEN

O Lord, How Shall I Meet You

Author: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-76 Hymnal: LSB2006 #334 (2006) Meter: Lyrics: 1 O Lord, how shall I meet You, How welcome You aright? Your people long to greet You, My hope, my heart's delight! O kindle, Lord most holy, Your lamp within my breast To do in spirit lowly All that may please You best. 2 Your Zion strews before You Green boughs and fairest palms; And I too will adore You With joyous songs and psalms. My heart shall bloom forever For You with praises new And from Your name shall never Withhold the honor due. 3 I lay in fetters, groaning; You came to set me free. I stood, my shame bemoaning; You came to honor me. A glorious crown You give me, A treasure safe on high That will not fail or leave me As earthly riches fly. 4 Love caused Your incarnation; Love brought You down to me. Your thirst for my salvation Procured my liberty. Oh, love beyond all telling, That led You to embrace In love, all love excelling, Our lost and fallen race. 5 Sin's debt, that fearful burden, Cannot His love erase; Your guilt the Lord will pardon And cover by His grace. He comes, for you procuring The peace of sin forgiv'n, His children thus securing Eternal life in heav'n. 6 He comes to judge the nations, A terror to His foes, A light of consolations And blessèd hope to those Who love the Lord's appearing. O glorious Sun, now come, Send forth Your beams so cheering, And guide us safely home. Scripture: Matthew 21:1-9 Languages: English Tune Title: WIE SOLL ICH DICH EMPFANGEN
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O Bride of Christ, Rejoice

Author: Victor O. Petersen, 1864-1929 Hymnal: LSB2006 #335 (2006) Meter: Refrain First Line: Hosanna, praise, and glory! Lyrics: 1 O bride of Christ, rejoice; Exultant raise thy voice To hail the day of glory Foretold in sacred story. Refrain: Hosanna, praise, and glory! Our King, we bow before Thee. 2 Let shouts of gladness rise Triumphant to the skies. Now comes the King most glorious To reign o'er all victorious. [Refrain] 3 A humble beast He rides, Yet as a King presides; Though not arrayed in splendor, He makes the grave surrender. [Refrain] 4 The weak and timid find How meek He is and kind; To them He gives a treasure Of bliss beyond all measure. [Refrain] 5 Then go thy Lord to meet; Strew palm leaves at His feet; Thy garments spread before Him And honor and adore Him. [Refrain] Scripture: Matthew 21:1-16 Languages: English Tune Title: WO SOLL ICH FLIEHEN HIN
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Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-88 Hymnal: LSB2006 #336 (2006) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Lo! He comes with clouds descending, Once for ev'ry sinner slain; Thousand thousand saints attending Swell the triumph of His train; Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Christ the Lord returns to reign. 2 Ev'ry eye shall now behold Him Robed in glorious majesty; Those who set at naught and sold Him, Pierced and nailed Him to the tree, Deeply wailing, deeply wailing, deeply wailing, Shall their true Messiah see. 3 Those dear tokens of His passion Still His dazzling body bears, Cause of endless exultation To His ransomed worshipers. With what rapture, with what rapture, with what rapture Gaze we on those glorious scars! 4 Yea, amen, let all adore Thee, High on Thine eternal throne; Savior, take the pow'r and glory, Claim the kingdom as Thine own. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Thou shalt reign, and Thou alone! Topics: End Times Scripture: Revelation 1:7 Languages: English Tune Title: HELMSLEY

The Night Will Soon Be Ending

Author: Jochen Klepper, 1903-42; Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Hymnal: LSB2006 #337 (2006) Meter: First Line: The night will soon be ending; Topics: End Times Scripture: Romans 13:12 Languages: English Tune Title: LLANGLOFFAN
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Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-88 Hymnal: LSB2006 #338 (2006) Meter: D First Line: Come, Thou long-expected Jesus, Lyrics: 1 Come, Thou long-expected Jesus, Born to set Thy people free; From our fears and sins release us; Let us find our rest in Thee. Israel's strength and consolation, Hope of all the earth Thou art, Dear desire of ev'ry nation, Joy of ev'ry longing heart. 2 Born Thy people to deliver; Born a child and yet a king! Born to reign in us forever, Now Thy gracious kingdom bring. By Thine own eternal Spirit Rule in all our hearts alone; By Thine all-sufficient merit Raise us to Thy glorious throne. Scripture: Isaiah 9:6 Languages: English Tune Title: JEFFERSON

Lift Up Your Heads, You Everlasting Doors

Author: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Hymnal: LSB2006 #339 (2006) Meter: First Line: Lift up your heads, you everlasting doors, And weep no more! Scripture: Psalm 24:3-10 Languages: English Tune Title: CONRAD
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Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates

Author: Georg Weissel, 1590-1635; Catherine Winkworth, 1827-78 Hymnal: LSB2006 #340 (2006) Meter: First Line: Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates! Lyrics: 1 Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates! Behold, the King of glory waits. The King of kings is drawing near; The Savior of the world is here. Life and salvation He doth bring; Therefore rejoice and gladly sing. To God the Father raise Your joyful songs of praise. 2 A righteous Helper comes to thee; His chariot is humility, His kingly crown is holiness, His scepter, pity in distress. The end of all our woe He brings; Therefore the earth is glad and sings. To Christ the Savior raise Your grateful hymns of praise. 3 How blest the land, the city blest, Where Christ the ruler is confessed! O peaceful hearts and happy homes To whom this King in triumph comes! The cloudless sun of joy is He Who comes to set His people free. To God the Spirit raise Your happy shouts of praise. 4 Fling wide the portals of your heart; Make it a temple set apart From earthly use for heav'n's employ, Adorned with prayer and love and joy. So shall your Sov'reign enter in And new and nobler life begin. To God alone be praise For word and deed and grace! 5 Redeemer, come and open wide My heart to Thee; here, Lord, abide! O enter with Thy grace divine; Thy face of mercy on me shine. Thy Holy Spirit guide us on Until our glorious goal is won. Eternal praise and fame We offer to Thy name. Topics: Psalm paraphrase Psalm 24 Scripture: Psalm 24:7-10 Languages: English Tune Title: MACHT HOCH DIE TÜR

Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates

Author: Georg Weissel, 1590-1635; Catherine Winkworth, 1827-78 Hymnal: LSB2006 #341 (2006) Meter: First Line: Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates! Lyrics: 1 Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates! Behold, the King of glory waits. The King of kings is drawing near; The Savior of the world is here. Life and salvation He doth bring; Therefore rejoice and gladly sing. To God the Father raise Your joyful songs of praise. 2 A righteous Helper comes to thee; His chariot is humility, His kingly crown is holiness, His scepter, pity in distress. The end of all our woe He brings; Therefore the earth is glad and sings. To Christ the Savior raise Your grateful hymns of praise. 3 How blest the land, the city blest, Where Christ the ruler is confessed! O peaceful hearts and happy homes To whom this King in triumph comes! The cloudless sun of joy is He Who comes to set His people free. To God the Spirit raise Your happy shouts of praise. 4 Fling wide the portals of your heart; Make it a temple set apart From earthly use for heav'n's employ, Adorned with prayer and love and joy. So shall your Sov'reign enter in And new and nobler life begin. To God alone be praise For word and deed and grace! 5 Redeemer, come and open wide My heart to Thee; here, Lord, abide! O enter with Thy grace divine; Thy face of mercy on me shine. Thy Holy Spirit guide us on Until our glorious goal is won. Eternal praise and fame We offer to Thy name. Topics: Psalm paraphrase Psalm 24 Scripture: Psalm 24:7-10 Languages: English Tune Title: MILWAUKEE

What Hope! An Eden Prophesied

Author: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Hymnal: LSB2006 #342 (2006) Meter: Scripture: Isaiah 11 Languages: English Tune Title: CONSOLATION

Prepare the Royal Highway

Author: Frans Mikael Franzén, 1772-1847 Hymnal: LSB2006 #343 (2006) Meter: with refrain Refrain First Line: Hosanna to the Lord, For He fulfills God's Word! Scripture: Isaiah 40:3-5 Languages: English Tune Title: BEREDEN VÄG FÖR HERRAN
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On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry

Author: Charles Coffin, 1676-1749 Hymnal: LSB2006 #344 (2006) Meter: Lyrics: 1 On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry Announces that the Lord is nigh; Awake and hearken, for he brings Glad tidings of the King of kings! 2 Then cleansed be ev'ry life from sin; Make straight the way for God within, And let us all our hearts prepare For Christ to come and enter there. 3 We hail Thee as our Savior, Lord, Our refuge and our great reward; Without Thy grace we waste away Like flow'rs that wither and decay. 4 Lay on the sick Thy healing hand And make the fallen strong to stand; Show us the glory of Thy face Till beauty springs in ev'ry place. 5 All praise, eternal Son, to Thee Whose advent sets Thy people free. Whom with the Father we adore And Holy Spirit evermore. Scripture: Matthew 3:1-6 Languages: English Tune Title: PUER NOBIS
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Hark! A Thrilling Voice Is Sounding

Author: Edward Caswall, 1814-78 Hymnal: LSB2006 #345 (2006) Meter: First Line: Hark! A thrilling voice is sounding! Lyrics: 1 Hark! A thrilling voice is sounding! "Christ is near," we hear it say. "Cast away the works of darkness, All you children of the day!" 2 Startled at the solemn warning, Let the earth-bound soul arise; Christ, its sun, all sloth dispelling, Shines upon the morning skies. 3 See, the Lamb, so long expected, Comes with pardon down from heav'n. Let us haste, with tears of sorrow, One and all, to be forgiv'n: 4 So, when next He comes in glory And the world is wrapped in fear, He will shield us with His mercy And with words of love draw near. 5 Honor, glory, might, dominion to the Father and the Son With the ever-living Spirit While eternal ages run! Topics: End Times Scripture: Luke 1:76-79 Languages: English Tune Title: MERTON

When All the World Was Cursed

Author: Johann Gottfried Olearius, 1635-1711; Paul E. Kretzmann, 1883-1965 Hymnal: LSB2006 #346 (2006) Meter: Topics: Feasts and Festivals Scripture: John 1:6-31 Languages: English Tune Title: WAS FRAG ICH NACH DER WELT

Comfort, Comfort Ye My People

Author: Johann Olearius, 1611-84; Catherine Winkworth, 1827-78 Hymnal: LSB2006 #347 (2006) Meter: First Line: "Comfort, comfort ye My people Lyrics: 1 "Comfort, comfort ye My people, Speak ye peace," thus saith our God; "Comfort those who sit in darkness, Mourning 'neath their sorrows' load. Speak ye to Jerusalem Of the peace that waits for them; Tell her that her sins I cover And her warfare now is over." 2 Yea, her sins our God will pardon, Blotting out each dark misdeed; All that well deserved His anger He no more will see or heed. She hath suffered many a day, Now her griefs have passed away; God will change her pining sadness Into ever-springing gladness. 3 Hark, the herald's voice is crying In the desert far and near, Calling sinners to repentance, Since the Kingdom now is here. O that warning cry obey! Now prepare for God a way; Let the valleys rise to meet Him And the hills bow down to greet Him. 4 Make ye straight what long was crooked; Make the rougher places plain. Let your hearts be true and humble, As befits His holy reign. For the glory of the Lord Now o'er earth is shed abroad, And all flesh shall see the token That His Word is never broken. Scripture: Isaiah 40:1-8 Languages: English Tune Title: FREU DICH SEHR

The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns

Author: John Brownlie, 1859-1925 Hymnal: LSB2006 #348 (2006) Meter: Lyrics: 1 The King shall come when morning dawns And light triumphant breaks, When beauty gilds the eastern hills And life to joy awakes. 2 Not as of old a little child, To bear and fight and die, But crowned with glory like the sun That lights the morning sky. 3 Oh, brighter than the rising morn When Christ, victorious rose And left the lonesome place of death Despite the rage of foes. 4 Oh, brighter than that glorious morn Shall dawn upon our race The day when Christ in splendor comes And we shall see His face. 5 The King shall come when morning dawns And light and beauty brings. Hail, Christ the Lord! Your people pray: Come quickly, King of kings! Topics: End Times Scripture: Matthew 25:31 Languages: English Tune Title: CONSOLATION
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Hark the Glad Sound

Author: Philip Doddridge, 1702-51 Hymnal: LSB2006 #349 (2006) Meter: First Line: Hark the glad sound! The Savior comes, Lyrics: 1 Hark the glad sound! The Savior comes, The Savior promised long; Let ev'ry heart prepare a throne And ev'ry voice a song. 2 He comes the pris'ners to release, In Satan's bondage held. The gates of brass before Him burst, The iron fetters yield. 3 He comes the broken heart to bind, The bleeding soul to cure, And with the treasures of His grace To enrich the humble poor. 4 Our glad hosannas, Prince of Peace, Thy welcome shall proclaim, And heav'n's eternal arches ring With Thy beloved name. Scripture: Luke 4:18-19 Languages: English Tune Title: CHESTERFIELD
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Come, Thou Precious Ransom, Come

Author: Johann Gottfried Olearius, 1635-1711; August Crull, 1845-1923 Hymnal: LSB2006 #350 (2006) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Come, Thou precious Ransom, come, Only hope for sinful mortals! Come, O Savior of the world! Open are to Thee all portals. Come, Thy beauty let us see; Anxiously we wait for Thee. 2 Enter now my waiting heart, Glorious King and Lord most holy. Dwell in me and ne'er depart, Though I am but poor and lowly. Ah, what riches will be mine When Thou art my guest divine! 3 My hosannas and my palms Graciously receive, I pray Thee; Evermore, as best I can, Savior, I will homage pay Thee, And in faith I will embrace, Lord, Thy merit through Thy grace. 4 Hail! Hosanna, David's Son! Jesus, hear our supplication! Let Thy kingdom, scepter, crown, Bring us blessing and salvation, That forever we may sing: Hail! Hosanna to our King. Scripture: Matthew 20:28 Languages: English Tune Title: MEINEN JESUM LASS' ICH NICHT (DARMSTADT)
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Creator of the Stars of Night

Author: John Mason Neale, 1818-66 Hymnal: LSB2006 #351 (2006) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Creator of the stars of night, Thy people's everlasting Light: O Christ, Redeemer, save us all And hear Thy servants when they call. 2 Thou, grieving that the ancient curse Should doom to death a universe, Hast found the healing, full of grace, To cure and save our ruined race. 3 Thou cam'st the Bridegroom of the bride, As drew the world to eventide, The spotless Victim all divine Proceeding from a virgin shrine. 4 At whose dread name, majestic now, All knees must bend, all hearts must bow; All things celestial Thee shall own, And things terrestrial, Lord alone. A-men. 5 O Thou, whose coming is with dread To judge the living and the dead, Preserve us from the ancient foe While still we dwell on earth below. 6 To God the Father and the Son And Holy Spirit, Three in One, Praise, honor, might, and glory be From age to age eternally. Amen. Topics: End Times Scripture: Colossians 1:13-17 Languages: English Tune Title: CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM
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Let the Earth Now Praise the Lord

Author: Heinrich Held, 1620-59; Catherine Winkworth, 1827-78 Hymnal: LSB2006 #352 (2006) Meter: First Line: Let the earth now praise the Lord, Lyrics: 1 Let the earth now praise the Lord, Who has truly kept His word And at last to us did send Christ, the sinner's help and friend. 2 What the fathers most desired, What the prophets' heart inspired, What they longed for many a year, Stands fulfilled in glory here. 3 Abram's promised great reward, Zion's helper, Jacob's Lord-- Him of twofold race behold-- Truly came, as long foretold. 4 As Your coming was in peace, Quiet, full of gentleness, Let the same mind dwell in me Which is Yours eternally. 5 Bruise for me the serpent's head That, set free from doubt and dread, I may cling to You in faith, Safely kept through life and death. 6 Then when You will come again As the glorious king to reign, I with joy will see Your face, Freely ransomed by Your grace. Scripture: Acts 3:24-26 Languages: English Tune Title: NUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILAND
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Jesus Came, the Heavens Adoring

Author: Godfrey Thring, 1823-1903 Hymnal: LSB2006 #353 (2006) Meter: First Line: Jesus came, the heav'ns adoring, Lyrics: 1 Jesus came, the heav'ns adoring, Came with peace from realms on high; Jesus came to win redemption, Lowly came on earth to die; Alleluia! Alleluia! Came in deep humility. 2 Jesus comes again in mercy When our hearts are worn with care; Jesus comes again in answer To an earnest, heart-felt prayer; Alleluia! Alleluia! Comes to save us from despair. 3 Jesus comes to hearts rejoicing, Bringing news of sins forgiv'n; Jesus comes with words of gladness, Leading souls redeemed to heav'n. Alleluia! Alleluia! Hope to all the world is giv'n. 4 Jesus comes in joy and sorrow, Shares alike our hopes and fears; Jesus comes, whate'er befalls us, Cheers our hearts and dries our tears; Alleluia! Alleluia! Comforts us in failing years. Topics: End Times Scripture: Zechariah 9:9 Languages: English Tune Title: SIEH, HIER BIN ICH
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Arise, O Christian People

Author: Valentin Thilo, 1607-62; Arthur T. Russell, 1806-74 Hymnal: LSB2006 #354 (2006) Meter: First Line: Arise, O Christian people! Lyrics: 1 Arise, O Christian people! Prepare yourselves today; Prepare to greet the Savior, Who takes you sins away. To us by grace alone The truth and light were given; The promised Lord from heaven To all the world is shown. 2 Prepare the way before Him; Prepare for Him the best. Cast out what would offend Him, This great, this heav'nly guest. Make straight, make plain the way: The lowly valleys raising, The heights of pride abasing, His path, all even lay. 3 The humble heart and lowly God raises up on high; Beneath His feet in terror The haughty soul shall lie. The heart sincere and right, That heeds God's invitation And makes true preparation-- It is the Lord's delight. 4 Prepare my heart, Lord Jesus; Turn not from me aside, And help me to receive You This blessed Advent-tide. From stall and manger low Come now to dwell within me; I'll sing Your praises gladly And forth Your glory show. Scripture: Luke 3:4-5 Languages: English Tune Title: AUS MEINES HERZENS GRUNDE

O Savior, Rend the Heavens Wide

Author: Friedrich von Spee, 1591-1635; Martin L. Seltz, 1909-1967 Hymnal: LSB2006 #355 (2006) First Line: O Savior, rend the heavens wide; Topics: End Times Scripture: Isaiah 64:1 Languages: English Tune Title: O HEILAND, REISS DIE HIMMEL AUF

The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came

Author: Sabine Baring-Gould, 1834-1924 Hymnal: LSB2006 #356 (2006) Meter: First Line: The angel Gabriel from heaven came, Lyrics: 1 The angel Gabriel from heaven came, With wings as drifted snow, with eyes as flame: "All hail to thee, O lowly maiden Mary, Most highly favored lady." Gloria! 2 "For know a blessed mother thou shalt be, All generations laud and honor thee; Thy son shall be Emmanuel, by seers foretold, Most highly favored lady." Gloria! 3 Then gentle Mary meekly bowed her head; "To me be as it pleaseth God," she said. "My soul shall laud and magnify God's holy name." Most highly favored lady, Gloria! 4 Of her, Emmanuel, the Christ, was born In Bethlehem all on a Christmas morn, And Christian folk throughout the world will ever say: "Most highly favored lady." Gloria! Topics: Feasts and Festivals Scripture: Luke 1:26-38 Languages: English Tune Title: GABRIEL'S MESSAGE
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O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

Author: John Mason Neale, 1818-66 Hymnal: LSB2006 #357 (2006) Meter: with refrain First Line: O come, O come, Emmanuel, Refrain First Line: Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Lyrics: 1 O come, O come, Emmanuel, And ransom captive Israel, That mourns in lonely exile here Until the Son of God appear. Refrain: Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel! 2 O come, Thou Wisdom from on high, Who ord'rest all things mightily; To us the path of knowledge show, And teach us in her ways to go. [Refrain] 3 O come, O come, Thou Lord of might, Who to Thy tribes on Sinai's height In ancient times didst give the Law In cloud and majesty and awe. [Refrain] 4 O come, Thou Branch of Jesse's tree, Free them from Satan's tyranny That trust Thy mighty pow'r to save, And give them vict'ry o'er the grave. [Refrain] 5 O come, Thou Key of David, come, And open wide our heav'nly home; Make safe the way that leads on high, And close the path to misery. [Refrain] 6 O come, Thou Dayspring from on high, And cheer us by Thy drawing nigh; Disperse the gloomy clouds of night, And death's dark shadows put to flight. [Refrain] 7 O come, Desire of nations, bind In one the hearts of all mankind; Bid Thou our sad divisions cease, And be Thyself our King of Peace. [Refrain] Scripture: Isaiah 7:10-14 Languages: English Tune Title: VENI EMMANUEL
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From Heaven Above to Earth I Come

Author: Martin Luther, 1483-1546; Catherine Winkworth, 1827-78 Hymnal: LSB2006 #358 (2006) Meter: First Line: "From heav'n above to earth I come Lyrics: 1 "From heav'n above to earth I come to bear good news to ev'ry home: Glad tidings of great joy I bring, Whereof I now will say and sing: 2 "To you this night is born a child Of Mary chosen virgin mild; This little child of lowly birth Shall be the joy of all the earth. 3 "This is the Christ, our God Most High, Who hears your sad and bitter cry; He will Himself your Savior be From all your sins to set you free. 4 "He will on you the gifts bestow Prepared by God for all below, That in His kingdom, bright and fair, You may with us His glory share. 5 "These are the signs that you shall mark: The swaddling clothes and manger dark. There you will find the infant laid By whom the heav'ns and earth were made." 6 How glad we'll be to find it so! Then with the shepherds let us go To see what God for us has done In sending us His own dear Son. 7 Come here, my friends, lift up your eyes, And see what in the manger lies. Who is this child, so young and fair? It is the Christ Child lying there. 8 Welcome to earth, O noble Guest, Through whom the sinful world is blest! You came to share my misery That You might share Your joy with me. 9 Ah, Lord, thou You created all, How weak You are, so poor and small, That You should choose to lay Your head Where lowly cattle lately fed! 10 Were earth a thousand times as fair And set with gold and jewels rare, It would be far too poor and small A cradle for the Lord of all. 11 Instead of soft and silken stuff You have but hay and straw so rough On which as King, so rich and great, To be enthroned in royal state. 12 And so it pleases You to see this simple truth revealed to me: That worldly honor, wealth, and might Are weak and worthless in Your sight. 13 Ah, dearest Jesus, holy Child, Prepare a bed, soft, undefiled, A quiet chamber set apart For You to dwell within my heart. 14 My heart for very joy must leap; My lips no more can silence keep. I, too must sing with joyful tongue That sweetest ancient cradlesong: 15 Glory to God in highest heav'n, Who unto us His Son has giv'n! While angels sing with pious mirth A glad new year to all the earth. Scripture: Luke 2:10-20 Languages: English Tune Title: VOM HIMMEL HOCH
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Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming

Author: Friedrich L. C. Layriz, 1808-59; Theodore Baker, 1851-1934; Harriet R. K. Spaeth, 1845-1925; John C. Mattes, 1876-1948 Hymnal: LSB2006 #359 (2006) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Lo, how a rose e'er blooming From tender stem hath sprung! Of Jesse's lineage coming As prophets long have sung, It came, a flow'ret bright, Amid the cold of winter, When half-spent was the night. 2 Isaiah 'twas foretold it, The rose I have in mind; With Mary we behold it, The virgin mother kind. To show God's love aright, She bore to us a Savior, When half-spent was the night. 3 This flow'r, whose fragrance tender With sweetness fills the air, Dispels with glorious splendor The darkness ev'rywhere. True man, yet very God, From sin and death he saves us And lightens ev'ry load. 4 O Savior, child of Mary, Who felt our human woe; O Savior, King of glory, Who dost our weakness know: Bring us at length we pray To the bright courts of heaven, And to the endless day. Scripture: Isaiah 11:1-2 Languages: English Tune Title: ES IST EIN ROS (Rhythmic)
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All My Heart Again Rejoices

Author: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-76; Catherine Winkworth, 1827-78 Hymnal: LSB2006 #360 (2006) Meter: D Lyrics: 1 All my heart again rejoices As I hear Far and near Sweetest angel voices. "Christ is born!" their choirs are singing Till the air Ev'rywhere Now with joy is ringing. 2 Hear! The Conqueror has spoken: "Now the foe, Sin and woe, Death and hell are broken!" God is man, man to deliver, And the Son Now is one With our blood forever. 3 Should we fear our God's displeasure, Who, to save, Freely gave His most precious treasure? To redeem us He has given His own Son From the throne Of His might in heaven. 4 See the lamb, our sin once taking To the cross, Suff'ring loss, Full atonement making. For our life His own He tenders, And His grace All our race Fit for glory renders. 5 Softly from His lowly manger Jesus calls One and all, "You are safe from danger. Children, from the sins that grieve you You are freed; All you need I will surely give you." 6 Come, then, banish all your sadness! One and all, Great and small, Come with songs of gladness. We shall live with Him forever There on high In that joy Which will vanish never. Scripture: Luke 2:8-14 Languages: English Tune Title: FRÖHLICH SOLL MIEN HERZE SPRINGEN
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O Little Town of Bethlehem

Author: Phillips Brooks, 1835-93 Hymnal: LSB2006 #361 (2006) Meter: Lyrics: 1 O little town of Bethlehem, How still we see thee lie! Above thy deep and dreamless sleep The silent stars go by; Yet in thy dark streets shineth The everlasting light. The hopes and fears of all the years Are met in thee tonight. 2 For Christ is born of Mary, And gathered all above While mortals sleep, the angels keep Their watch of wond'ring love. O morning stars, together Proclaim the holy birth, And praises sing to God the king And peace to all the earth! 3 How silently, how silently The wondrous gift is giv'n! So God imparts to human hearts The blessings of His heav'n. No ear may hear His coming; But in this world of sin, Where meek souls will receive Him, still The dear Christ enters in. 4 O holy Child of Bethlehem, Descend to us, we pray; Cast out our sin, and enter in, Be born in us today. We hear the Christmas angels The great glad tidings tell; O come to us, abide with us, Our Lord Immanuel! Scripture: Luke 2:1-15 Languages: English Tune Title: ST. LOUIS

O Sing of Christ

Author: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955 Hymnal: LSB2006 #362 (2006) Meter: D First Line: O sing of Christ, whose birth made known Scripture: John 1:1-14 Languages: English Tune Title: FOREST GREEN
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Silent Night, Holy Night

Author: Franz Joseph Mohr, 1792-1848; John F. Young, 1820-85; Federico Fliedner, 1845-1901 Hymnal: LSB2006 #363 (2006) Meter: First Line: Silent night, holy night! Lyrics: 1 Silent night, holy night! All is calm, all is bright Round yon virgin mother and child. Holy Infant, so tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace. 2 Silent night, holy night! Shepherds quake at the sight; Glories stream from heaven afar, Heav'nly hosts sing, Alleluia! Christ, the Savior is born! Christ, the Savior is born! 3 Silent night, holy night! Son of God, love's pure light Radiant beams from Thy holy face With the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth. German: 1 Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht! Alles schläft, einsam wacht Nur das traute, hochheilige Paar: Holder Knabe im lockigen Haar, Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh, Schlaf in himmlishcer Ruh. 2 Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht! Hirten erst kundgemacht, Durch der Engel Halleluja Tönt es laut von fern und nah: Christ, der Retter, ist da, Christ, der Retter, ist da! 3 Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht! Gottes Sohn, o wie lacth Lieb aus deinem göttlichen Mund, Da uns schlägt die rettende Stund, Christ, in deiner Geburt, Christ, in deiner Geburt. Alternate first verse: Stille nacht, heilige nacht! Alles schläft, einsam wacht Nur das heilige Elternpaar, Das in Stalle zu Bethlehem war, Bei dem himmlischen Kind, Bei dem himmlischen Kind. Spanish: 1 ¡Noche de paz, noche de amor! Todo duerme en derredor, Entre los astros que esparcen su luz, bella anunciando al niñito Jesús, brilla la estrella de paz, brilla la estrella de paz. 2 ¡Noche de paz, noche de amor! Oye humilde el fiel pastor coros celestes que anuncian salud, gracias y glorias en gran plenitud, por nuestro buen Redentor, por nuestro buen Redentor. 3 ¡Noche de paz, noche de amor! Ved qué bello resplandor luce en el rostro del niño Jesús en el pesebre, del mundo la luz, astro de eterno fulgor, astro de eterno fulgor. Scripture: Luke 2:7-16 Languages: English; German; Spanish Tune Title: STILLE NACHT

Away in a Manger

Hymnal: LSB2006 #364 (2006) Meter: First Line: Away in a manger, no crib for a bed Lyrics: 1 Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, The little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head. The stars in the sky--looked down where He lay, The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay. 2 The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes, But little Lord Jesus, no crying He makes. I love Thee, Lord Jesus! Look down from the sky, And stay by my cradle till morning is nigh. 3 Be near me, Lord Jesus; I ask Thee to stay Close by me forever and love me, I pray. Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care, And take us to heaven to live with Thee there. Scripture: Luke 2:7 Languages: English Tune Title: AWAY IN A MANGER

Away in a Manger

Hymnal: LSB2006 #365 (2006) Meter: First Line: Away in a manger, no crib for a bed Lyrics: 1 Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, The little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head. The stars in the bright sky looked down where He lay, The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay. 2 The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes, But little Lord Jesus, no crying He makes. I love Thee, Lord Jesus! Look down from the sky, And stay by my cradle till morning is nigh. 3 Be near me, Lord Jesus; I ask Thee to stay Close by me forever and love me, I pray. Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care, And take us to heaven to live with Thee there. Scripture: Luke 2:7 Languages: English Tune Title: CRADLE SONG
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It Came upon the Midnight Clear

Author: Edmund H. Sears, 1810-76 Hymnal: LSB2006 #366 (2006) Meter: D Lyrics: 1 It came upon the midnight clear, That glorious song of old, From angels bending near the earth To touch their harps of gold: "Peace on the earth, goodwill to all, From heav'n's all-gracious king." The world in solemn stillness lay To hear the angels sing. 2 Still through the cloven skies they come With peaceful wings unfurled, And still their heav'nly music floats O'er all the weary world. Above its sad and lowly plains They bend on hov'ring wing, And ever o'er its babel sounds The blessed angels sing. 3 All you, beneath your heavy load, By care and guilt bent low, Who toil along a dreary way With painful steps and slow: Look up, for golden is the hour, Come swiftly on the wing, The Prince was born to bring you peace; Of Him the angels sing. 4 For lo, the days have come to pass By prophets seen of old, When down into the circling years Came Christ as was foretold. His word of peace shall to the earth God's ancient promise bring, And all who take this gift will hear The song the angels sing. Topics: Society Scripture: Luke 2:13-14 Languages: English Tune Title: CAROL
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Angels from the Realms of Glory

Author: James Montgomery, 1771-8154 Hymnal: LSB2006 #367 (2006) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Angels from the realms of glory, Wing your flight o'er all the earth: Ye who sang creation's story, Now proclaim Messiah's birth. Refrain: Come and worship, come and worship; Worship Christ, the newborn King. 2 Shepherds in the field abiding, Watching o'er your flocks by night, God with us is now residing, Yonder shines His Infant Light. [Refrain] 3 Sages, leave your contemplations, Brighter visions beam afar; Seek the great Desire of nations, Ye have seen His natal star. [Refrain] 4 Saints before the altar bending, Watching long in hope and fear, Suddenly the Lord, descending, In His temple shall appear. [Refrain] 5 All creation, join in praising God the Father, Spirit, Son. Evermore your voices raising To the eternal Three in One. [Refrain] Scripture: Luke 2:8-17 Languages: English Tune Title: REGENT SQUARE

Angels We Have Heard on High

Hymnal: LSB2006 #368 (2006) Meter: with refrain Lyrics: 1 Angels we have heard on high, Sweetly singing o'er the plains, And the mountains in reply, Echoing their joyous strains. Refrain: Gloria in excelsis Deo. Gloria in excelsis Deo. 2 Shepherds, why this jubilee? Why your joyous strains prolong? What the gladsome tidings be Which inspire your heav'nly song? [Refrain] 3 Come to Bethlehem and see Him whose birth the angels sing; Come, adore on bended knee Christ the Lord, the newborn King. [Refrain] Scripture: Luke 2:7-20 Languages: English Tune Title: GLORIA

Where Shepherds Lately Knelt

Author: Jaroslav J. Vajda, b. 1919 Hymnal: LSB2006 #369 (2006) Meter: First Line: Where shepherds lately knelt and kept the angel's word Scripture: Luke 2:1-16 Languages: English Tune Title: MANGER SONG

What Child Is This

Author: William C. Dix, 1837-98 Hymnal: LSB2006 #370 (2006) Meter: First Line: What child is this, who, laid to rest Lyrics: 1 What child is this, who, laid to rest, On Mary's lap is sleeping? Whom angels greet with anthems sweet While shepherds watch are keeping? This, this is Christ the king, Whom shepherds guard and angels sing; Haste, haste to bring Him laud, The babe, the son of Mary! 2 Why lies He in such mean estate Where ox and ass are feeding? Good Christian, fear; for sinners here The silent Word is pleading. Nails, spear shall pierce Him through, The cross be borne for me, for you; Hail, hail the Word made flesh, The babe, the son of Mary! 3 So bring Him incense, gold, and myrrh; Come, peasant, king, to own Him. The King of kings salvation brings; Let loving hearts enthrone Him. Raise, raise the song on high, The virgin sings her lullaby; Joy, joy, for Christ is born, The babe, the son of Mary! Scripture: Luke 2:1-20 Languages: English Tune Title: GREENSLEEVES

Let Our Gladness Banish Sadness

Author: Juraj Tranovský, 1591-1637; Jaroslav J. Vajda, b. 1919 Hymnal: LSB2006 #371 (2006) Meter: Scripture: Luke 2:1-16 Languages: English Tune Title: ČAS RADOSTI

O Jesus Christ, Thy Manger Is

Author: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-76 Hymnal: LSB2006 #372 (2006) Meter: 4.4.11 D Scripture: Luke 2:4-16 Languages: English Tune Title: IN PARADISIUM
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See amid the Winter's Snow

Author: Edward Caswall, 1814-78 Hymnal: LSB2006 #373 (2006) Meter: with refrain Refrain First Line: Hail, O ever-blessed morn! Lyrics: 1 See amid the winter's snow, Born for us on earth below, See, the gentle Lamb appears, Promised from eternal years. Refrain: Hail, O ever-blessed morn! Hail, redemption's happy dawn! Sing through all Jerusalem: "Christ is born in Bethlehem!" 2 Lo, within a stable lies He who built the starry skies, He who, throned in height sublime, Sits amid the cherubim. [Refrain] 3 Sacred Infant, all divine, What a tender love was Thine, Thus to come from highest bliss Down to such a world as this! [Refrain] 4 Teach, O teach us, holy child, By Thy face so meek and mild, Teach us to resemble Thee In Thy sweet humility. [Refrain] Scripture: Luke 2:1-20 Languages: English Tune Title: HUMILITY
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Gentle Mary Laid Her Child

Author: Joseph Simpson Cook, 1859-1933 Hymnal: LSB2006 #374 (2006) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Gentle Mary laid her child Lowly in a manger; There He lay, the Undefiled, To the world a stranger. Such a babe in such a place, Can He be the Savior? Ask the saved of all the race Who have found His favor. 2 Angels sang about His birth, Wise Men sought and found Him; Heaven's star shone brightly forth Glory all around Him. Shepherds saw the wondrous sight, Heard the angels singing; All the plains were lit that night, All the hills were ringing. 3 Gentle Mary laid her child Lowly in a manger; He is still the Undefiled But no more a stranger. Son of God of humble birth, Beautiful the story; Praise His name in all the earth; Hail the King of glory! Scripture: Luke 2:1-20 Languages: English Tune Title: TEMPUS ADEST FLORIDUM

Come, Your Hearts and Voices Raising

Author: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-76 Hymnal: LSB2006 #375 (2006) Meter: Scripture: Luke 1:68-71 Languages: English Tune Title: QUEM PASTORES
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Once in Royal David's City

Author: Cecil F. Alexander, 1818-95 Hymnal: LSB2006 #376 (2006) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Once in royal David's city Stood a lowly cattle shed, Where a mother laid her baby In a manger for His bed: Mary was that mother mild, Jesus Christ her little child. 2 He came down to earth from heaven, Who is God and Lord of all, And His shelter was a stable, And His cradle was a stall; With the poor and mean and lowly Lived on earth our Savior holy. 3 For He is our childhood's pattern, Day by day like us He grew; He was little, weak, and helpless, Tears and smiles like us He knew; And He feels for all our sadness, And He shares in all our gladness. 4 And our eyes at last shall see Him, Through His own redeeming love; For that child so dear and gentle Is the Lord in heav'n above; And He leads His children on To the place where He is gone. 5 Not in that poor, lowly stable With the oxen standing by Shall we see Him, but in heaven, Set at God's right hand on high. Then like stars His children, crowned, All in white, His praise will sound! Scripture: Luke 2:4-7 Languages: English Tune Title: IRBY
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On Christmas Night All Christians Sing

Hymnal: LSB2006 #377 (2006) Meter: Lyrics: 1 On Christmas night all Christians sing To hear the news the angels bring, On Christmas night all Christians sing To hear the news the angels bring, News of great joy, news of great mirth, News of our merciful King's birth. 2 Then why should men on earth be so sad, Since our Redeemer made us glad, Then why should men on earth be so sad, Since our Redeemer made us glad, When from our sin He set us free, All for to gain our liberty? 3 When sin departs before His grace, Then life and health come in its place, When sin departs before His grace, Then life and health come in its place; Angels and men with joy may sing, All for to see the newborn King. 4 All out of darkness we have light, Which made the angels sing this night, All out of darkness we have light, Which made the angels sing this night: "Glory to God and peace to men Now and forevermore. Amen." Scripture: Luke 2:10-20 Languages: English Tune Title: SUSSEX CAROL


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