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Hymnal, Number:nvpd1754

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How blest is he who ne'er consents

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #3 (1754) Lyrics: 1 How blest is he, who ne'er consents by ill Advice to walk; Nor stands in Sinners Ways; nor sits where Men profanely talk! 2 But makes the perfect Law of God his Bus'ness and Delight; Devoutly reads therein by Day, and meditates by Night. 3 Like some fair Tree, which, fed by Streams, with timely Fruit does bend, He still shall flourish, and Success all his Designs attend. 4 Ungodly Men, and their Attempts, no lasting Root shall find; Untimely blasted, and dispers'd, like Chaff before the Wind. 5 Their Guilt shall strike the Wicked dumb before the Judge's Face: No formal Hypocrite shall then among the Saints have Place. 6 For God approves the just Man's Ways; to Happiness they tend: But Sinners, and the Paths they tread, shall both in Ruin end. Scripture: Psalm 1 Languages: English
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With restless and ungoverned rage

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #4 (1754) Lyrics: 1 With restless and ungover'd Rage why do the Heathen storm? Why in such rash Attempts engage, as they can ne’er perform? 2 The great in Counsel, and in Might their various Forces bring; Against the Lord they all unite, and His anointed King. 3 "Must we submit to their commands? presumptuously they say: "No, let us break Their slavish Bands, "and cast their Chains away." 4 But God, who sits enthron'd on High, and sees how they combine, Does their conspiring Strength defy, And mocks their vain Design. 5 Thick Clouds of Wrath divine shall break on his rebellious Foes; And thus will he in Thunder speak to all that dare oppose: 6 "Though madly you dispute my Will, "the King that I ordain, "Whose Throne is fix'd on Sion’s Hill, "shall there securely reign." 7 Attend, O Earth, whilst I declare God’s uncontroul'd Decree: “Thou art my Son, this Day, my Heir, "have I begotten thee. 8 “Ask, and receive thy full Demands; "thine shall the Heathen be; "The utmost Limits of the Lands, shall be posses'd by thee. 9 "Thy threat’ning Sceptte thou shalt shake, "and crush them ev'ry-where; "As massy Bars of Iron break "the Potter’s brittle Ware. 10 Learn then, ye Princes; and give Ear, ye Judges of the Earth; Worship the Lord with holy fear; rejoice with awful Mirth. 11 Appease the Son with due Respect, your timely Homage pay; Lest he revenge the bold Neglect, incens'd by your Delay. 12 If but in Part his Anger rise, who can endure the Flame? Then blest are they whose Hope relies On his most holy Name. Scripture: Psalm 2 Languages: English
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How many, Lord, of late are grown

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #5 (1754) Lyrics: 1 How many, Lord, of late are grown the Troublers of my Peace! And as their Numbers hourly rise, so does their Rage increase. 2 Insulting, they my Soul upbraid, and him whom I adore: The God in whom he trusts, say they, shall rescue him no more. 3 But thou, O Lord, art my Defence; on thee my Hopes rely: Thou art my Glory, and shalt yet, lift up my Head on High. 4 Since whensoe'er in like Distres, to God I made my Pray'r, He heard me from his holy Hill; Why should I now despair? 5 Guarded by him, I laid me down, my sweet Repose to take; For I through him securely sleep, through him in Safety wake. 6 No Force nor Fury of my Foes, my Courage shall confound; Were there as many Hosts as Men, that have beset me round. 7 Arise, and save me, O my God, who oft hast own'd my Cause; And scatter'd oft these Foes to me, and to thy righteous Laws. 8 Salvation to the Lord belongs; He only can defend; His Blessing he extends to all, that on his Pow'r depend. Scripture: Psalm 3 Languages: English
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O Lord, that art my righteous Judge

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #7 (1754) Lyrics: 1 O Lord, that art my righteous Judge, to my Complaint give Ear. Thou still redeem'st me from Distress: Have Mercy, Lord, and hear. 2 How long will ye, O Sons of Men, to blot my Fame devise? How long your vain Designs pursue, and spread malicious Lies? 3 Consider that the righteous Man is God's peculiar Choice; And when to him I make my Pray'r, he always hears my Voice. 4 Then stand in Awe of his Commands, flee ev'ry Thing that's ill; Commune in private with your Hearts, and bind them to his Will. 5 The Place of other Sacrifice let Righteousness supply; And let your Hope, securely fix'd, on God alone rely. 6 While worldly Minds impatient grow, more prosp'rous Times to see; Still let the Glories of thy Face shine brightly, Lord, on me. 7 So shall my Heart o'er flow with Joy more lasting, and more true, Than theirs, who Stores of corn and Wine successively renew. 8 Then down in Peace I'll lay my Head, and take my needful Rest: No other Guard, O Lord, I crave, of thy Defence possest. Scripture: Psalm 4 Languages: English
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Lord, hear the voice of my complaint

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #8 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Lord, hear the Voice of my Complaint; accept my secret Pray'r; 2 To Thee alone, my King, my God, will I for Help repair. 3 Thou in the Morn my Voice shalt hear, and with the dawning Day, To thee devoutly I'll look up, to thee devoutly pray. 4 For thou, the Wrongs that I sustain, canst never, Lord, approve; Who from thy sacred Dwelling-place all Evil dost remove. 5 Not long shall stubborn Fools remain unpunish'd in thy View: All such as act unrighteous Things, thy Vengeance shall pursue. 6 The sland'ring Tongue, O God of Truth, by thee shall be destroy'd; Who hat' st alike the Man in Blood, and in Deceit employ'd. 7 But when thy boundless Grace shall me to thy lov'd Courts restore, On thee I'll fix my longing Eyes, and humbly there adore. 8 Conduct me by thy righteous Laws; for watchful is my Foe: Therefore, O Lord, make plain the Way, wherein I ought to go. 9 Their Mouth vents nothing but Deceit, their Heart is set on Wrong; Their Throat is a devouring Grave; they flatter with their Tongue. 10 By their own Counsels let them fall, oppress'd with Loads of Sin; For they against thy righteous Laws have harden'd Rebels been. 11 But let all those who trust in thee, with Shouts their Joy proclaim; Let them rejoice, whom thou preserv'st, and all that love thy Name. 12 To righteous Men the righteous Lord, his Blessing will extend; And with his Favour all his Saints, as with a Shield, defend. Scripture: Psalm 5 Languages: English
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Thy dreadful Anger, Lord, restrain

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #9 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Thy dreadful Anger, Lord, restrain, and spare a Wretch forlorn: Correct me not in thy fierce Wrath, too heavy to be borne. 2 Have Mercy, Lord; for I grow faint, unable to endure The Anguish of my aching Bones, which thou alone canst cure. 3 My tortur'd Flesh distracts my Mind, and fills my Soul with Grief: But, Lord, how long wilt thou delay to grant me thy Relief? 4 Thy wonted Goodness, Lord, repeat, and ease my troubled Soul: Lord, for thy wond'rous Mercies sake, vouchsafe to make me whole. 5 For after Death no more can I thy glorious Acts proclaim; No Pris'ner of the silent Grave can magnify thy Name. 6 Quite tir'd with Pain, with Groaning faint, no hope of Ease I see; The Night, that quiets common Griefs, is spent in Tears by me. 7 My Beauty fades, my Sight grows dim, my Eyes with Weakness close; Old Age o'ertakes me, whilst I think on my insulting Foes. 8 Depart, ye Wicked; in my Wrongs ye shall no more rejoice; for God, I find, accepts my Tears, and listens to my Voice. 9, 10 He hears, and grants my humble Pray'r, and they that wish my Fall, Shall blush and rage, to see that God protects me from them all. Scripture: Psalm 6 Languages: English
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O Lord my God, since I have plac'd

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #11 (1754) Lyrics: 1 O Lord, my God, since I have plac'd my Trust alone in thee, From all my Persecutors Rage, do thou deliver me. 2 To save me from my threat'ning Foe, Lord, interpose thy Pow'r; Lest, like a savage Lion, he my helpless Soul devour. 3, 4 If I am guilty, or did e'er against his Peace combine; Nay, if I have not spar'd his Life, who fought unjustly mine; 5 Let then to persecuting Foes, my Soul become a Prey; Let them to Earth tread down my Life, in Dust my Honour lay. 6 Arise, and let thine Anger, Lord, in my Defence engage; Exalt thyself above my Foes, and their insulting Rage: Awake, awake, in my Behalf the Judgment to dispense, Which thou hast righteously ordain'd for injur'd Innocence. 7 So to thy Throne adoring Crowds shall still for Justice fly: Oh! therefore for their Sakes, resume, thy Judgment-Seat on high. 8 Impartial Judge of all the World, I trust my Cause to thee; According to my just Deserts so let thy Sentence be. 9 Let wicked Arts and wicked Men, together be o'erthrown; But guard the Just, thou God, to whom the Hearts of both are known. 10, 11 God me protects; not only me, but all of upright Heart; And daily lays up Wrath for those who from his Laws depart. 12 If they persist, he whets his Sword, his Bow stands ready bent; 13 Ev'n now, with swift Destruction wing'd, his pointed Shafts are sent. 14 The Plots are fruitless, which my Foe unjustly did conceive: 15 The Pit he digg'd for me, has prov'd his own untimely Grave. 16 On his own Head his Spite returns, whilst I from Harm am free: On him the Violence is fall'n, which he design'd for me. 17 Therefore will I the righteous Ways of Providence proclaim; I'll sing the Praise of God most High, and celebrate his Name. Scripture: Psalm 7 Languages: English
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O thou to whom all creatures bow

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #13 (1754) Lyrics: 1 O Thou, to whom all Creatures bow, within this earthly Frame, Thro' all the World how great art Thou! how glorious is thy Name! In Heav'n thy wond'rous Acts are sung, nor fully reckon'd there; 2 And yet Thou mak'st the Infant-Tongue thy boundless Praise declare. Thro' thee the Weak confound the Strong, and crush their haughty Foes; And so thou quell'st the wicked Throng that Thee and Thine oppose. 3 When Heav'n, thy beauteous Work on high, employs my wond'ring Sight; The Moon, that nightly rules the Sky, with Stars of feebler Light; 4 What's Man, say I, that, Lord, thou lov'st to keep him in thy Mind? Or what his Offspring, that thou prov'st To them so wond'rous kind? 5 Him next in Pow'r thou didst create to thy celestial Train; 6 Ordain'd with Dignity and State, o'er all thy Works to reign. 7 They jointly own his pow'rful Sway; the Beasts that prey or graze; 8 The Bird that wings its airy Way; the Fish that cuts the Seas. 9 O Thou to Whom all Creatures bow within this earthly frame, Thro' all the World how great art Thou! how glorious is Thy Name! Scripture: Psalm 8 Languages: English
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To celebrate thy Praise, O Lord

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #14 (1754) Lyrics: 1 To celebrate thy Praise, O Lord, I will my Heart prepare; To all the list'ning World thy Works, thy wond'rous Works, declare. 2 The Thought of them shall to my Soul exalted Pleasure bring; Whilst to thy Name, O thou most High, triumphant Praise I sing. 3 Thou mad'st my haughty Foes to turn their Backs in shameful Flight: Struck with thy Presence, down they fell; they perish'd at thy Sight. 4 Against insulting Foes advanc'd, thou didst my Cause maintain; My Right asserting from thy Throne, where Truth and Justice reign. 5 The Insolence of Heathen pride thou hast reduc'd to Shame; Their wicked offspring quite destroy'd, and blotted out their Name. 6 Mistaken Foes, your haughty Threats are to a period come: Our City stands, which you design'd to make our common Tomb. 7, 8 The Lord for ever lives, who has his righteous Throne prepar'd; Impartial Justice to dispense, to punish or reward. 9 God is a constant sure Defence against oppressing Rage; As Troubles rise, his needful Aids in our Behalf engage. 10 All those who have his Goodness prov'd, will in his Truth confide; Whose Mercy ne'er forsook the Man that on his Help rely'd. 11 Sing Praises therefore to the Lord, from Sion his Abode; Proclaim his Deeds, till all the world confess no other God. Part II 12 When he Inquiry makes for Blood, he calls the poor to Mind; The injur'd humble Man's Complaint, redress from him shall find. 13 Take Pity on my Troubles, Lord, which spiteful Foes create, Thou that hast rescu'd me so oft from Death's devouring Gate. 14 In Sion then I'll sing thy Praise, to all that love thy Name; And with loud Shouts of grateful Joy thy saving Pow'r proclaim. 15 Deep in the Pit they digg'd for me the Heathen Pride is laid; Their guilty Feet to their own Snare insensibly betray'd. 16 Thus, by the just Returns he makes, the mighty Lord is known; While wicked Men by their own Plots are shamefully o'erthrown. 17 No single Sinner shall escape by Privacy obscur'd; Nor Nation, from his just Revenge, by Numbers be secru'd. 18 His suff'ring Saints, when most distress'd, he ne'er forgets to aid; Their Expectations shall be crown'd, tho' for a time delay'd. 19 Arise, O Lord, assert thy Pow'r, and let not man o'ercome; Descend to Judgment, and pronounce the guilty Heathens Doom. 20 Strike Terror thro' the Nations round, till, by consenting Fear, They to each other, and themselves, but mortal Men appear. Scripture: Psalm 9 Languages: English
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Thy Presence why withdraw'st thou, Lord

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #16 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Thy Presence why withdraw'st thou Lord? why hid'st thou now thy Face, When dismal Times of deep Distress call for thy wonted Grace? 2 The Wicked, swell'd with lawless Pride, have made the Poor their Prey; O let them fall by those Designs which they for others lay. 3 For strait they triumph, if Success their thriving Crimes attend; And sordid Wretches, whom God hates, perversly they commend. 4 To own a Pow'r aove themselves their haughty Pride disdains; And therefore in their stubborn Mind no Thought of God remains. 5 Oppressive Methods they pursue, and all their Foes they slight; Because thy Judgments unobserv'd are far above their Sight. 6 They fondly think their prosp'rous State shall unmolested be; they think their vain Designs shall thrive, from all Misfortune free. 7 Vain and deceitful is their Speech, with Curses fill'd, and Lies; By which the Mischief of their Heart they study to disguise. 8 Near public roads they lie conceal'd, and all their Art employ, The Innocent and Poor at once to rifle, and destroy. 9 Not Lions, couching in their Dens, surprise their heedless Prey With greater Cunning, or express more savage Rage, than they. 10 Sometimes they act the harmless Man, and modest Looks they wear; That, so deciev'd, the Poor may less their sudden Onset fear. Part II 11 For God, they think, no Notice takes of their unrighteous Deeds; He never minds the suff'ring Poor, nor their Oppression heeds. 12 But thou, O Lord, at length arise; stretch forth thy mighty Arm; And, by the Greatness of thy Pow'r, defend the Poor from Harm. 13 No longer let the Wicked vaunt, and proudly boasting, say, "Tush, God regards not what we do, "he never will repay." 14 But sure, thou seest, and all their Deeds impartially dost try: The Orphan, therefore, and the Poor, on thee for Aid rely. 15 Defenceless let the wicked fall, of all their Strength bereft; Confound, o God, their dark Designs, till no Remains are left. 15 Assert thy just Dominion, Lord, which shall for ever stand: Thou who the Heathen did'st expel from this thy chosen Land. 17 Thou dost the humble Suppliants hear, that to thy Throne repair; Thou first prepar'st their Hearts to pray, and then accept'st their Pray'r. 18 Thou, in thy righteous Judgment, weight'st the Fatherless and Poor; That so the Tyrants of the Earth may persecute no more. Scripture: Psalm 10 Languages: English
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Since I have placed my trust in God

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #19 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Since I have plac'd my Trust in God, a Refuge always nigh, Why should I, like a tim'rous Bird, to distant Mountains fly? 2 Behold, the Wicked bend their Bow, and ready fix their Dart; Lurking in Ambush to destroy the Man of upright Heart. 3 When once the firm Assurance fails, which publick Faith imparts, 'Tis time for Innocence to fly from such deceitful Arts. 4 The Lord hath both a Temple here, and righteous Throne above; Where he surveys the Sons of Men, and how their Counsels move. 5 If God, the Righteous, whom he loves, for Trial, does correct; What must the sons of Violence, whom he abhors, expect? 6 Snares, Fire, and Brimstone, on their Heads, shall in one Tempest show'r; This dreadful Mixture his Revenge into their cup shall pour. 7 The righteous Lord will righteous Deeds, with signal Favour grace; And to the upright Man disclose the Brightness of his Face. Scripture: Psalm 11 Languages: English
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Since godly Men decay, O Lord

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #20 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Since godly Men decay, O Lord, do thou my Cause defend; For scarce these wretched Times afford one just and faithful Friend. 2 One Neighbour now can scarce believe, what t'other does impart; With flatt'ring Lips they all deceive, and with a double Heart. 3 But Lips that with Deciet abound, can never prosper long; God's righteous Vengeance will confound the proud blaspheming tongue. 4 In vain those foolish Boasters say, "Our Tongues are, sure, our own; "With doubtful Words we'll still betray, "and be controul'd by none 5 For God, who hears the suff'ring Poor, and their Oppression knows, Will soon arise, and give them Rest, in spite of all their Foes. 6 The Word of God shall still abide, and void of Falshood be, As is the Silver, sev'n times try'd, from drossy Mixture free. 7 The Promise of his aiding Grace shall reach its purpos'd End; His Servants from this faithless Race he ever shall defend. 8 Then shall the Wicked be perplex'd, nor know which Way to fly; When those whom they despis'd and vex'd, shall be advanc'd on high. Scripture: Psalm 12 Languages: English
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How long wilt thou forget me, Lord?

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #21 (1754) Lyrics: 1 How long wilt thou forget me, Lord? must I forever mourn? How long wilt thou withdraw from me, Oh, never to return? 2 How long shall anxious Thoughts my Soul, and Grief my Heart oppress? How long my Enemies insult, and I have no Redress? 3 O, hear! and to my longing Eyes restore thy wonted Light; And suddenly, or I shall sleep in everlasting Night. 4 Restore me, lest they proudly boast 'twas their own Strength o'ercame; Permit not them that vex my soul, to triumph in my shame. 5 Since I have always plac'd my Trust beneath thy mercy's Wing, Thy saving health will come, and then my Heart with Joy shall spring; 6 Then shall my song, with praise inspir'd, to thee, my God, ascend, Who, to thy Servant in Distress, such Bounty didst extend. Scripture: Psalm 13 Languages: English
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Sure, wicked fools must needs suppose

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #22 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Sure, wicked Fools must needs suppose, That God is nothing but a Name: Corrupt and lewd their Practice grows, No Breast is warm'd with holy Flame. 2 The Lord look'd down from Heav'n's high Tow'r And all the sons of Men did view, To see if any own'd his Pow'r'; If any Truth or Justice knew. 3 But all, he saw, were gone aside, All were degen'rate grown, and base: None took Religion for their Guide, Not one of all the sinful Race. But can these workers of Deceit Be all so dull and senseless grown, That they, like Bread, my People eat, And God's Almighty Pow'r disown? 5 How will they tremble then for Fear, When his just Wrath shall them o'ertake! For, to the righteous, God is near, And never will their Cause forsake. 6 Ill Men, in vain, with Scorn expose the Methods which the Good pursue; Since God a Refuge is for those Whom his just eyes with Favour view. 7 Would he his saving Pow'r employ, To break his People's servile Band; Then Shouts of universal Joy Shall loudly eccho through the Land. Scripture: Psalm 14 Languages: English
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Lord, who's the happy Man, that may

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #23 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Lord, who's the happy Man, that may to thy blest Courts repair; Not, Stranger-like, to visit them, but to inhabit there? 2 'Tis he, whose ev'ry Thought, and Deed by Rules of Virtue moves; Whose gen'rous Tongue disdains to speak the Thing his Heart disproves. 3 Who never did a Slander forge, his Neighbour's Fame to wound; Nor hearken to a false Report, by malice whisper'd round. 4 Who vice, in all its Pomp and Pow'r, can treat with just Neglect; And Piety, tho' cloath'd in Rags, religiously respect. Who to his plighted vows and Trust has ever firmly stood; And tho' he promise to his Loss, he makes his Promise good. 5 Whose Soul in Usury disdains his Treasure to employ; Whom no Rewards can ever bribe, the Guiltless to destroy. The Man, who by this steady Course has Happiness ensur'd, When Earth's Foundation shakes, shall stand, by Providence secur'd. Scripture: Psalm 15 Languages: English
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Protect me from my cruel Foes

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #24 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Protect me from my cruel Foes, and shield me, Lord, from Harm; Because my Trust I still repose on thy Almighty Arm. 2 My Soul all Help but thine does slight, all Gods but Thee disown; Yet can no Deeds of mine requite, the Goodness thou hast shown. 3 But those that strictly virtuous are, and love the Thing that's right, To favour always, and prefer, shall be my chief Delight. 4 How shall their Sorrows be increas'd, who other gods adore! Their bloody Off'rings I detest, their very Names abhor. 5 My Lot is fall'n in that blest Land, where God is truly known; He fills my cup with lib'ral Hand; 'tis He supports my Throne. 6 In Nature's most delightful Scene my happy Portion lies; The Place of my appointed Reign all other Lands outvies. 7 Therefore my Soul shall bless the Lord, whose Precepts give me Light, And private Counsel still afford, in sorrow's dismal Night. 8 I strive each Action to approve to His all-seeing Eye; No Danger shall my Hopes remove, because He still is nigh. 9 Therefore my Heart all Grief defies, my Glory does rejoice; My Flesh shall rest, in Hopes to rise, wak'd by His pow'rful voice. 10 Thou, Lord, when I resign my Breath, my Soul from Hell shalt free; Nor let thy Holy One in Death the least Corruption see. 11 Thou shalt the Paths of Life display, that to thy Presence lead; Where Pleasures dwell without Allay, and Joys that never fade. Scripture: Psalm 16 Languages: English
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To my just Plea, and sad Complaint

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #26 (1754) Lyrics: 1 To my just Plea, and sad Complaint, attend, O righteous Lord, And to my Pray'r, as 'tis unfeign'd, a gracious Ear afford. 2 As in thy Sight I am approv'd, so let my Sentence be; And with impartial Eyes, O Lord, my upright Dealing see. 3 For thou hast search'd my Heart by Day, and visited by Night; And, on the strictest Trial, found its secret Motions right. Nor shall thy Justice, Lord, alone my Heart's Designs acquit; For I have purpos'd, that my tongue shall no Offence commit. 4 I know what wicked Men would do, their Safety to maintain; But me thy just and mild Commands from bloody Paths restrain. 5 That I may still, in spite of Wrongs, my Innocence secure, O, guide me in thy righteous Ways, and make my Footsteps sure. 6 Since heretofore I ne'er in vain to Thee my Pray'r address'd; O! now, my God, incline thine Ear to this my just Request. The Wonders of thy Truth and Love in my Defence engage, Thou whose Right-hand preserves thy Saints from their Oppressors Rage. Part II 8.9 O! keep me in thy tend'rest Care; Thy sheltring wings stretch out, To guard me safe from savage Foes, that compass me about; 10 O'ergrown with Luxury, inclos'd in their own Fat they lie; And with a proud blaspheming Mouth both God and Man defie. 11 Well may they boast; for they have now my Paths encompass'd round; their Eyes at watch, their Bodies bow'd and couching on the Ground. 12 In Posture of a Lion set, when greedy of his Prey; Or a young Lion, when he lurks within a covert Way. 13 Arise, O Lord, defeat their Plots, their swelling Rage controul: From wicked Men, who are thy Sword, deliver thou my soul: 14 From worldly Men, thy sharpest Scourge, whose Portion's here below; who, fill'd with earthly Stores, aspire no other Bliss to know. 15 Their Race is num'rous, that partake their Substance while they live; Their Heirs survive, to whom they may the vast Remainder give. 16 But I, in Uprightness, thy Face shall view without Controul; And, waking, shall its Image find reflected in my Soul. Scripture: Psalm 17 Languages: English
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No Change of Times shall ever shock

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #28 (1754) Lyrics: 1 No Change of Times shall ever shock 2 My firm Affection, Lord, to Thee; For Thou hast always been my Rock, A Fortress and Defence to me. Thou my Deliv'rer art, my God; My Trust is in thy mighty Pow'r; Thou art my Shield from Foes abroad, At home my Safeguard and my Tow'r. 3 To Thee I will address my Pray'r, (To whom all Praise we justly owe:) So shall I, by thy watchful Care, Be guarded from my treach'rous foe. 4, 5 By Floods of wickedd Men distress'd, With deadly Sorrows compass'd round, With dire infernal Pangs oppress'd, In Death's unweildy Fetters bound. 6 To Heaven I made my mournful Pray'r, To God address'd my humble Moan; Who graciously inclin'd his Ear, and heard me from his lofty Throne. Part II 7 When God arose, to take my Part, The conscious Earth did quake for Fear; From their firm Posts the Hills did start, Nor could his dreadful Fury bear. 8 Thick Clouds of Smoke dispers'd abroad, Ensigns of Wrath, before Him came; Devouring Fire around hi glow'd, That Coals were kindled at its Flame. 9 He left the beauteous Realms of Light, Whilst Heav'n bow'd down its awful Head: Beneath his Feet substantial Night Was, like a sable Carpet, spread. 10 The Chariot of the King of Kings, Which active Troops of Angels drew, On a strong Tempest's rapid Wings, With most amazing Swiftness, flew. 11, 12 Black watry mists and Clouds conspir'd With thickest Shades, His Face to veil; But at His Brightness soon retir'd, And fell in Show'rs of Fire and Hail. 13 Thro' Heav'n's wide Arch a thund'ring Peal, God's angry Voice, did loudly roar; While Earth's sad Face with Heaps of Hail, And Flakes of Fire, was cover'd o'er. 14 His sharpen'd Arrows round He threw, Which made his scatter'd Foes retreat; Like Darts his nimble Light'nings flew, And quickly finish'd their Defeat. 15 The Deep it's secret Stores disclos'd, The World's Foundations naked lay; By his avenging Wrath expos'd, Which fiercely rag'd that dreadful Day. Part III 16 The Lord did on my side engage; From Heav'n, his Throne, my Cause upheld; And snatch'd me from the furious Rage Of threat'ning Waves, that proudly swell'd. 17 God His resistless Pow'r employ'd. My strongest Foes Attempts to break; Who else with Ease had soon destroy'd The weak Defence that I could make. 18 Their subtle Rage had near prevail'd, When I distress'd and friendless lay; But still when other succours fail'd, God was my firm Support and Stay. 19 From Dangers that enclos'd me round, He brought me forth, and set me free; From some just Cause His Goodness found, That mov'd him to delight in me. 20 Because in me no Guilt remains, God does His gracious help extend: My Hands are free from bloody Stains; Therefore the Lord is still my Friend. 21, 22 For I His Judgments kept in Sight, In His just Paths have always trod; I never did his Statutes slight, Nor loosely wander'd from my God. Part IV 25, 26 Thou suit'st, O Lord, thy righteous Ways To various Paths of human Kind; They who for Mercy merit Praise, With Thee shall wond'rous Mercy find. Thou to the Just shalt Justice show; The Pure thy Purity shall see; Such as perversly chuse to go, Shall meet with due Returns from Thee. 27, 28 That He the humble Soul will save, And crush the Haughty's boasted Might, In me the Lord an Instance gave, Whose Darkness he has turn'd to Light. 29 On his firm Succour I rely'd, And did o'er num'rous Foes prevail; Nor fear'd, whilst He was on my side, The best defended Walls to scale. 30 For God's Designs shall still succeed; His word will bear the utmost Test: He's a strong Shield to all that need, And on his sure Protection rest. 31 Who then deserves to be ador'd, But God, on whom my Hopes depend? Or who, except the mighty Lord, Can with resistless Pow'r defend? Part V 32, 33 'Tis God that girds my Armour on, And all my just Designs fulfils; Through Him, my Feet can swiftly run, And nimbly climb the steepest Hills. 34 Lessons of War from Him I take, And manly Weapons learn to wield; Strong Bows of Steel with Ease I break, Forc'd by my stronger Arms to yield. 35 The Buckler of His saving Health Protects me from insulting Foes: His Hand sustains me still; my Wealth And Greatness from His Bounty flows. 36 My Goings He enlarg'd abroad, Till then to narrow Paths confin'd; And, when in slipp'ry Ways I trod, The Method of my Steps design'd. 37 Through Him I num'rous Hosts defeat, And flying Squadrons captive take; Nor from my fierce Pursuit retreat, Till I a final Conquest make. 38 Cover'd with Wounds, in vain they try Their vanquish'd Heads again to rear: Spite of their boasted Strength, they lie Beneath my Feet, and grovel there. 39 God, when fresh Armies take the Field, Recruits my Strength, my Courage warms: He makes my strong Opposers yield, Subdu'd by my prevailing Arms. 40 Thro' Him, the Necks of prostrate Foes My conqu'ring Feet in Triumph press: Aided by Him, I root out those Who hate and envy my Success. 41 With loud complaints all Friends they try'd; But none was able to defend: At length to God for Help they cry'd; But God would no Assistance lend. 42 Like flying Dust, which Winds pursue, Their broken Troops I scatter'd round: Their slaughter'd Bodies forth I threw, Like loathsome Dirt, that clogs the Ground. Part VI 43 Our factious Tribes, at Strife till now, By God's Appointment, me obey; The Heathen to my Sceptre bow, And foreign Nations own my Sway. 44 Remotest Realms their Homage send, When my successful name they hear; Strangers for my commands attend, Charm'd with Respect, or aw'd by Fear. 45 All to my summons tamely yield, Or soon in Battle are dismay'd; For stronger Holds they quit the Field, And still in strongest Holds afraid. 46 Let the eternal Lord be prais'd, The Rock on whose Defence I rest! O'er highest Heav'ns His Name be rais'd, Who me with His Salvation bless'd! 47 'Tis God that still supports my Right; His just Revenge my Foes pursues; 'Tis He, that, with resistless Might, Fierce Nations to my Yoke subdues. 48 My universal Safeguard He! From whom my lasting Honours flow; He made me great, and set me free From my remorseless bloody Foe. 49 Therefore, to celebrate his Fame, My grateful Voice to Heav'n I'll raise; And Nations, Strangers to his Name, Shall thus be taught to sing his Praise: 50 "God to his King Deliv'rance sends, "Shews his Anointed signal Grace: "His Mercy evermore extends "To David, and his promis'd Race." Scripture: Psalm 18 Languages: English
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The Heav'ns declare thy Glory, Lord

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #34 (1754) Lyrics: 1 The Heav'ns declare thy Glory, Lord, which that alone can fill; The Firmament and Stars express their great Creator's Skill. 2 The Dawn of each returning Day, fresh Beams of Knowledge brings; From darkest Night's successive rounds divine Instruction springs. 3 Their pow'rful language to no Realm or Region is confin'd; 'Tis Nature's Voice, and understood alike by all Mankind. 4 Their Doctrine does its sacred Sense through Earth's Extent display; Whose bright contents the circling Sun does round the World convey. 5 No Bridegroom for his Nuptials dress'd, has such a chearful Face: No Giant does like him rejoice, to run his glorious Race. 6 From East to West, from West to East, his restless Course he goes; And, through his Progress, chearful Light, and vital Warmth bestows. Part II 7 God's perfect Law converts the Soul, reclaims from false Desires; With sacred wisdom His sure Word the Ignorant inspires. 8 The Statutes of the Lord are just, and bring sincere Delight; His pure commands in search of Truth assist the feeblest Sight. 9 His perfect Worship here is fix'd, on sure Foundations laid: His equal Laws are in the Scales of Truth and Justice weigh'd: 10 Of more Esteem than golden Mines, or Gold refin'd with Skill; More sweet than Honey, or the Drops that from the Comb distil. 11 My trusty Counsellors they are, and friendly Warnings give: Divine Rewards attend on those who by thy Precepts live. 12 But what frail Man observes how oft he does from Virtue fall! O, cleanse me from my secret Faults, thou God that know'st them all. 13 Let no presumptuous Sin, O Lord, Dominion have o'er me; That, by thy Grace preserv'd, I may the great Transgression flee. 14 So shall my Pray'r and Praises be with thy Acceptance blest; And I secure, on thy Defence, my Strength and Saviour, rest. Scripture: Psalm 19 Languages: English
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The Lord to thy request attend

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #36 (1754) Lyrics: 1 The Lord to thy Request attend, and hear thee in distress; the Name of Jacob's God defend, and grant thy arms success. 2 To aid thee from on High repair, and Strength from Sion give; 3 Remember all thy Off'rings there; thy Sacrifice receive. 4 To compass thy own Heart's Desire thy counsels still direct; May kindly all Events conspire to bring them to Effect. 5 To thy Salvation, Lord, for Aid, we chearfully repair, With Banners in thy Name display'd; "The Lord accept thy Pray'r." 6 Our Hopes are fix'd, that now the Lord our Sov'reign will defend; From Heav'n resistless Aid afford, and to his Pray'r attend. 7 Some trust in Steeds for War design'd, on Chariots some rely; Against them all, we'll call to mind the Pow'r of God most High. 8 But, from their Steeds and Chariots thrown, behold them, thro' the Plain, Disorder'd, broke, and trampled down, whilst firm our Troops remain. 9 Still save us, Lord, and still proceed our rightful Cause to bless; Hear, King of Heav'n, in Times of Need, the Pray'rs that we address. Scripture: Psalm 20 Languages: English
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The King, O Lord, with Songs of Praise

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #37 (1754) Lyrics: 1 The King, O Lord, with Songs of Praise, shall in thy Strength rejoice; With thy salvation crown'd shall raise to Heav'n his cheerful Voice. 2 For thou, whate'er his Lips request, not only dost impart, But hast with thy Acceptance blest, the Wishes of his Heart. 3 Thy Goodness, and thy tender Care. have all his Hopes out-gone; A Crown of Gold thou mad'st him wear, and sett'dst it firmly on. 4 He pray'd for Life; and thou, O Lord, did'st his short Span extend, And graciously to him afford a Life that ne'er shall end. 5 Thy sure Defence through Nations round Has spread his glorious Name; And his successful Actions crown'd With Majesty and Fame. 6 Eternal Blessings thou bestow'st, and mak'st his Joys increase; Whilst thou to him, unclouded, show'st the Brightness of thy Face. Part II 7 Because the King on God alone for timely Aid relies; His Mercy still supports his Throne, and all his Wants supplies. 8 But, righteous Lord, thy stubborn Foe shall feel thy heavy Hand; Thy vengeful Arm shall find out those that hate thy mild Command. 9 When Thou against them dost engage, thy just, but dreadful Doom Shall, like a glowing Oven's Rage, their Hopes and them consume. 10 Nor shall thy furious Anger cease, or with their Ruin end; But root out all their guilty Race, and to their Seed extend. 11 For all their Thoughts were set on Ill, Their Hearts on Malice bent; But thou with watchful Care did'st still the ill Effects prevent. 12 In vain by shameful Flight they'll try to 'scape thy dreadful Might; While thy swift Darts shall faster fly, and gall them in their Flight. 13 Thus, Lord, thy wond'rous Strength disclose, and thus exalt thy Fame; Whilst we glad Songs of Praise compose to thy Almighty Name. Scripture: Psalm 21 Languages: English
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My God, my God, why leav'st thou me

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #39 (1754) Lyrics: 1 My God, my God, why leav'st thou me, when I with Anguish faint? O, why so far from me remov'd, and from my loud Complaint? 2 All Day, but all the day unheard, to Thee do I complain; With Cries implore Relief all Night, but cry all Night in vain. 3 Yet Thou are still the righteous Judge of Innocence oppress'd; And therefore Israel's Praises are of Right to Thee address'd. 4, 5 On Thee our Ancestors rely'd, and thy Deliv'rance found; With pious Confidence they pray'd, and with Success were crown'd. 6 But I am treated like a Worm, like none of human Birth: Not only by the Great revil'd, but made the Rabble's Mirth. 7 With Laughter all the gazing Crowd my Agonies survey; They shoot the Lip, they shake the Head, and thus, deriding say: 8 "In God he trusted, boasting oft, "that he was Heav'n's Delight; "Let God come down to save him now, "and own his Favourite." Part II 9 Thou mad'st my teeming Mother's Womb a living Offspring bear; When but a Suckling at the Breast, I was thy early Care. 10 Thou, Guardian-like, didst shield from Wrongs my helpless Infant Days; And since hast been my God, and Guide, through Life's bewilder'd Ways. 11 Withdraw not then so far from me, when Trouble is so nigh; O, send me Help! thy Help, on which I only can rely. 12 High-pamper'd Bulls, a frowning Herd, from Basan's Forest met, With Strength proporion'd to their Rage, have me around beset. 13 They gape on me, and ev'ry Mouth a yawning Grave appears; The desert Lion's savage Roar less dreadful is than theirs. Part III 14 My Blood, like Water's spill'd, my Joints are rack'd, and out of Frame; My Heart dissolves within my Breast, like Wax before the Flame. 15 My Strength, like Potters Earth, is parch'd'; my Tongue cleaves to my Jaws; And to the silent Shades of Death my fainting soul withdraws. 16 Like Blood-hounds, to surround me, they in pack'd Assemblies meet; They pierc'd my inoffensive Hands, they pierc'd my harmless Feet. 17 My Body's rack'd, till all my bones distinctly may be told: Yet such a Spectacle of Woe, as Pastime they behold. 18 As Spoil, my Garments they divide, Lots for my Vesture cast: 19 Therefore approach, o Lord, my Strength; and to my Succour haste. 20 From their sharp Sword protect thou me, of all but Life bereft! Nor let my Darling in the Pow'r of cruel Dogs be left. 21 To save me from the Lion's Jaws, thy perfect Succour send; As once, from goring Unicorns, thou didst my Life defend. 22 Then to my Brethren I'll declare the Triumphs of thy name; In Presence of assembled Saints, thy Glory thus proclaim: 23 "Ye Worshippers of Jacob's God, "all you of Israel's Line, "O praise the Lord, and to your Praise sincere Obedience join. 24 "He ne'er disdain'd on low Distress "to cast a gracious Eye; "Nor turn'd from Poverty His Face, "but hears its humble Cry." Part IV 25 Thus in thy sacred Courts, will I my chearful Thanks express; In Presence of thy Saints perform the Vows of my Distress. 26 The meek Companions of my Grief shall find my Table spread; And all that seek the Lord, shall be with Joys immortal fed. 27 Then shall the glad converted World to God their Homage pay; And scatter'd Nations of the Earth one Sov'reign Lord obey. 28 'Tis His supreme Prerogative o'er subject Kings to reign: 'Tis just that he should rule the World, who does the World sustain. 29 The Rich, who are with plenty fed, His Bounty must confess: The Sons of Want, by Him relieve'd, their gen'rous Patron bless. With humble Worship to his Throne they all for Aid resort; That Pow'r which first their Beings gave, can only them support. 30, 31 Then shall a chosen spotless Race, devoted to His Name, To their admiring Heirs, His Truth and glorious Acts proclaim. Scripture: Psalm 22 Languages: English
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The Lord himself, the mighty Lord

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #43 (1754) Lyrics: 1 The Lord himself, the mighty Lord, vouchsafes to be my Guide; The Shepherd, by whose constant Care My wants are all suppy'd. 2 In tender Grass He makes me feed, And gently there repose; Then leads me to cool Shades, and where refreshing Water flows. 3 He does my wandring Soul reclaim, and, to his endless Praise, Instruct with humble Zeal to walk In His most righteous Ways. 4 I pass the gloomy Vale of Death, from Fear and danger free; For there his aiding Rod and Staff defend and comfort me. 5 In Presence of my spiteful Foes he does My Table spread; He crowns my Cup with chearful Wine, with Oil anoints my Head. 6 Since God doth thus His wond'rous love through all my Life extend, That Life to Him I will devote, and in his Temple spend. Scripture: Psalm 23 Languages: English
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This spacious Earth is all the Lord's

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #44 (1754) Lyrics: 1 The spacious Earth is all the Lord's; the Lord's her Fulness is, The World, and they that dwell therein, by sov'reign Right are His. 2 He fram'd and fix'd it on the Seas; and His Almighty Hand Upon inconstant Floods has made the stable Fabrick stand. 3 But for Himself this Lord of All one chosen Seat design'd; O! who shall to that sacred Hill desir'd Admittance find? 4 The Man whose Hands and Heart are pure, whose Thoughts from Pride are free; Who honest Poverty prefers, to gainful Perjury. 5 This, this is he, on whom the Lord shall show'r His Blessings down; Whom God his Saviour shall vouchsafe with Righteousness to crown. 6 Such is the Race of Saints, by whom the sacred Courts are trod; And such the Proselytes, that seek the Face of Jacob's God. 7 Erect your Heads, eternal Gates; unfold, to entertain The King of Glory; See! He comes with His Celestial Train. 8 Who is this King of Glory? Who? The Lord for Strength renown'd; In Battle mighty; o'er His Foes, eternal Victor crown'd. 9 Erect your Heads, ye Gates; unfold in State, to entertain The King of Glory; See! He comes with all His shining Train. 10 Who is this King of Glory? Who? The Lord of Hosts, renown'd; Of Glory He alone is King, who is with Glory crown'd. Scripture: Psalm 24 Languages: English
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To God, in whom I trust

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #46 (1754) Lyrics: 1 To God, in whom I trust, I lift my Heart and Voice; O! let me not be put to Shame, nor let my Foes rejoice. 3 Those who on Thee rely, let no Disgrace attend: Be that the shameful Lot of such as wilfully offend. 4, 5 To me thy Truth impart, and lead me in thy Way: For thou art He that brings me help; on Thee I wait all Day. 6 Thy Mercies, and thy Love, O Lord, recall to Mind; And graciously continue still, as thou wert ever, kind. 7 Let all my youthful Crimes be blotted out by thee; And for thy wond'rous Goodness' sake, in Mercy think on me. 8 His Mercy, and his Truth, the righteous Lord displays, In bringing wand'ring Sinners home, and teaching them his Ways. 9 He those in Justice guides, who his Direction seek; And in his sacred Path shall lead the Humble and the Meek. 10 Through all the Ways of God both Truth and Mercy shine, To such as with religious Hearts to his blest Will incline. Part II 11 Since Mercy is the Grace that most exalts thy Fame; Forgive my heinous sin, O Lord, and so advance thy Name. 12 Whoe'er with humble Fear to God his Duty pays, Shall find the Lord a faithful Guide in all his righteous Ways. 13 His quiet Soul with Peace shall be for ever blest, And by his num'rous Race the Land successively possess'd. 14 For God to all his Saints his secret will imparts, And does his gracious Cov'nant write in their obedient Hearts. 15 To Him I lift my Eyes, and wait His timely Aid, Who breaks the strong and treach'rous Snare which for my Feet was laid. 16 O! turn, and all my Griefs, in mercy, Lord, redress; For I am compass'd round with woes, and plung'd in deep Distress. 17 The Sorrows of my Heart to mighty Sums increase; O! from this dark and dismal State my troubled Soul release! 18 Do Thou, with tender Eyes, my sad Affliction see; Acquit me, Lord, and from my Guilt intirely set me free. 19 Consider, Lord, my Foes, how vast their Numbers grow! What lawless Force and Rage thy use, what boundless Hate they show! 20 Protect, and set my soul, from their fierce Malice free; Nor let me be asham'd, who place my stedfast Trust in Thee. 21 Let all my righteous Acts to full perfection rise; Because my firm and constant Hope on Thee alone relies. 22 To Israel's chosen Race continue ever kind; And, in the midst of all their Wants, let them thy Succour find. Scripture: Psalm 25 Languages: English
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Judge me, O Lord, for I the Paths

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #48 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Judge me, O Lord; for I the Paths of Righteousness have trod: I cannot fail, who all my Trust repose on Thee, my God. 2,3 Search, prove my Heart, whose Innocence will shine, the more 'tis try'd; For I have kept thy Grace in View, and made thy Truth my Guide. 4 I never for companions took the Idle or Prophane; No Hypocrite, with all his Arts, could e'er my Friendship gain. 5 I hate the busy, plotting Crew, who make distracted Times; And shun their wicked Company, as I avoid their Crimes. 6 I'll wash my Hands in Innocence, and bring a Heart so pure, That when thy Altar I approach, my Welcome shall secure. 7,8 My Thanks I'll publish there, and tell how thy Renown excels: That Seat affords me most Delight, in which thy Honour dwells. 9 Pass not on me the Sinners Doom, who Murder make their Trade; 10 Who others Rights, by secret Bribes, or open Force, invade. 11 But I will walk in Paths of Truth, and Innocence pursue; Protect me therefore, and to me thy Mercies, Lord, renew. 12 In spite of all assaulting Foes, I still maintain my Ground; And shall survive amongst thy Saints, thy Praises to resound. Scripture: Psalm 26 Languages: English
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Whom should I fear, since God to me

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #50 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Whom should I fear, since God to me is saving Health and Light? Since strongly he my Life supports, what can my Soul affright? 2 With fierce Intent my Flesh to tear, when Foes beset me round, They stumbled, and their haughty Crests were made to strike the Ground. 3 Thro' him, my Heart, undaunted, dares with num'rous Hosts to cope; Thro' him in doubtful Streights of War for good Success I hope. 4 Henceforth within his house to dwell I earnestly desire; His wond'rous Beauty there to view, and His blest Will inquire. 5 For there may I with comfort rest, in Times of deep distress; And safe as on a Rock abide in that secure Recess: 6 Whilst God o'er all my haughty Foes my lofty Head shall raise; And I my joyful Off'ring bring, and sing glad Songs of Praise. Part II 7 Continue, Lord, to hear my Voice, whene'er to Thee I cry; In Mercy all my Pray'rs receive, nor my Request deny. 8 When us to seek thy glorious Face Thou kindly dost advise; "Thy glorious Face I'll always seek," my grateful Heart replies. 9 Then hide not Thou thy Face, O Lord, nor me in Wrath reject: My God and Saviour, leave not him thou didst so oft protect. 10 Tho' all my Friends, and nearest Kin, their helpless Charge forsake; Yet Thou, whose Love excels them all, wilt Care and Pity take. 11 Instruct me in thy Paths, O Lord; my Ways directly guide; Lest envious Men, who watch my Steps, should see me tread aside. 12 Lord, disappoint my cruel Foes; defeat their ill Desire, Whose lying Lips, and bloody Hands, against my Peace conspire. 13 I trusted that my future Life should with thy Love be crown'd; Or else my fainting soul had sunk, with Sorrow compass'd round. 14 God's Time with patient Faith expect, and He'll inspire thy Breast With inward Strength: Do thou thy Part, and leave to Him the rest. Scripture: Psalm 27 Languages: English
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O Lord, my Rock, to Thee I cry

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #52 (1754) Lyrics: 1 O Lord, my Rock, to Thee I cry, in Sighs consume my Breath. O! answer; or I shall become like those that sleep in Death. 2 Regard my Supplication, Lord, the Cries that I repeat, With weeping Eyes, and lifted Hands, before thy Mercy-seat. 3 Let me escape the Sinners Doom, who make a Trade of Ill; And ever speak the Person fair, whose Blood they mean to spill. 4 According to their Crimes Extent, let Justice have its Course: Relentless be to them, as they have sinn'd without Remorse. 5 Since they the Works of God despise, nor will His Grace adore; His Wrath shall utterly destroy, and build them up no more. 6 But I, with due Acknowlegement, His Praises will resound, From whom the Cries of my Distress a gracious Answer found. 7 My Heart its Confidence repos'd in God, my Strength and Shield; In Him I trusted, and return'd triumphant from the field: As He has made my Joys complete, 'tis just that i should raise The chearful Tribute of my Thanks, and thus resound His Praise: 8 "His aiding Pow'r supports the Troops "that my just Cause maintain: "'Twas He advanc'd me to the Throne, "'tis He secures my Reign." 9 Preserve thy Chosen, and proceed thine Heritage to bless: With Plenty prosper them, in Peace; in Battle, with Success. Scripture: Psalm 28 Languages: English
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Ye Princes that in Might excel

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #53 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Ye Princes that in Might excel, Your grateful Sacrifice prepare; God's glorious Actions loudly tell, His wond'rous Pow'r to all declare. 2 To His great Name fresh Altars raise; Devoutly due Respect afford; Him in His holy Temple praise, Where He's with solemn State ador'd. 3 'Tis He that with amazing Noise The watry Clouds in sunder breaks: The Ocean trembles at His Voice, When He from Heav'n in thunder speaks. 4,5 How full of Pow'r His Voice appears! With what majestic Terror crown'd! Which from the Roots tall Cedars tears, And strews their scatter'd Branches round. 6 They, and the Hills on which they grow, Are sometimes hurried far away; And leap, like Hinds that bounding go, Or Unicorns in youthful Play. 7.8 When God in Thunder loudly speaks, And scatter'd Flames of Lightning sends, The Forest nods, the Desart quakes, And stubborn Kadesh lowly bends. 9 He makes the Hinds to cast their Young, And lays the Beasts dark coverts bare; While those that to His Courts belong, Securely sing His Praises there. 10,11 God rules the angry Floods on high His boundless Sway shall never cease: His People He'll with Strength supply, And bless His own with constant Peace. Languages: English
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I'll celebrate thy Praises, Lord

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #54 (1754) Lyrics: 1 I'll celebrate thy Praises, Lord, who didst thy Pow'r employ To raise my drooping Head, and check my Foes insulting Joy. 2,3 In my Distress I cry'd to Thee, who kindly dist relieve, And from the Grave's expecting Jaws my hopeless Life retrieve. 4 Thus to his Courts, ye Saints of His, with Songs of Praise repair; With me commemorate his Truth, and providential Care. 5 His Wrath has but a Moment's Reign; His Favour no Decay: Your Night of Grief is recompens'd with Joy's returning Day. 6 But I, in prosp'rous Days, presum'd; no suddent Change I fear'd: Whilst in my sun-shine of Success no low'ring Cloud appeard. 7 But soon I found thy Favour, Lord, my Empire's only Trust; For when thou hidd'st thy Face, I saw my Honour laid in Dust. 8 Then, as I vainly had presum'd, my Error I confess'd; And thus with supplicating Voice, thy Mercy's Throne address'd: 9 "What Profit is there in my blood, "congeal'd by Death's cold Night? "Can silent Ashes speak thy praise, "thy wond'rous Truth recite? 10 "Hear me, O Lord; in mercy hear; "thy wonted Aid extend: "Do Thou send Help, on whom alone "I can for Help depend." 11 'Tis done! Thou hast my mournful Scene to Songs and Dances turn'd; Invested me in Robes of State, who late in Sack-cloth mourn'd. 12 Exalted thus, I'll gladly sing thy Praise in grateful Verse; And, as thy Favours endless are, thy endless Praise rehearse. Scripture: Psalm 30 Languages: English
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Defend me, Lord, from Shame

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #56 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Defend me, Lord, from Shame, for still I trust in Thee: As Just and Righteous is thy Name, from Danger set me free. 2 Bow down thy gracious Ear, and speedy Succour send: Do Thou my stedfast Rock appear, to shelter and defend. 3 Since Thou, when Foes oppress, my Rock and Fortress art, To guide me forth from this Distress, thy wonted Help impart. 4 Release me from the Snare which they have closely laid; Since I, O God my Strength repair to Thee alone for Aid. 5 To Thee, the God of Truth, my Life, and all that's mine (For Thou preserv'dst me from my Youth,) I willingly resign. 6 All vain Designs I hate, of those that trust in Lies: And still my soul, in ev'ry State, to God for Succour flies. Part II 7 Those Mercies Thou hast shown, I'll chearfully express; For Thou hast seen my Streights, and know my Soul in deep Distress. 8 When Keilah's treach'rous Race did all my Strength inclose, Thou gav'st my Feet a larger Space, to shun my watchful Foes. 9 Thy Mercy, Lord, display, and hear my just Complaint; For both my Soul and flesh decay, with Grief and Hunger faint. 10 Sad Thoughts my Life oppress; my Years are spent in Groans; My Sins have made my Strength decrease, and ev'n consum'd my Bones. 11 My Foes my Suff'rings mock'd; my Neighbours did upbraid; My Friends, at Sight of me, were shock'd, and fled, as Men dismay'd. 12 Forsook by all am I, as dead, and out of Mind; And like a shatter'd Vessel lie, whose Parts can ne'er be join'd. 13 Yet sland'rous Words they speak, and seem my Pow'r to dread; Whilst they together counsel take my guiltless Blood to shed. 14 But still my stedfast Trust, I on thy Help repose: That Thou, my God, art good and just, my Soul with Comfort knows. Part III 15 Whate'er Events betide, thy Wisdom times them all: Then, Lord, thy Servant safely hide from those that seek his Fall. 16 The Brightness of thy Face, to me, O Lord, disclose; And, as thy mercies still increase, preserve me from my Foes. 17 Me from Dishonour save, who still have call'd on Thee; Let That, and Silence in the Grave, the Sinner's Portion be. 18 Do Thou their Tongues restrain; whose Breath in Lies is spent; Who false Reports, with proud Disdain, against the Righteous vent. 19 How great thy Mercies are to such as fear thy Name; Which Thou, for those that trust thy Care, dost to the World proclaim! 29 Thou keep'st them in thy sight, from proud Oppressors free: From Tongues that do in Strife delight, they are preserv'd by Thee. 21 With Glory and Renown God's Name be ever bless'd; Whose Love is Keilab's well-fenc'd Town was wond'rously express'd! 22 I said, in hasty Flight, "I'm banish'd from thine eyes:" Yet still Thou keptst me in thy Sight, and heardst my earnest Cries. 23 O! all ye Saints, the Lord with eager Love pursue; Who to the Just will Help afford, and give the Proud their Due. 24 Ye that on God rely, courageously proceed; For He will still your Hearts supply with Strength, in Time of Need. Scripture: Psalm 31 Languages: English
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He's blest, whose Sins have Pardon gained

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #59 (1754) Lyrics: 1 He's blest, whose Sins have Pardon gain'd. No more in Judgment to appear; 2 Whose Guilt Remission has obtain'd And whose Repentance is sincere. 3 While I concel'd the fretting Sore, My Bones consum'd without Relief; All Day did I with Anguish roar; But no Complaints asswag'd my Grief. 4 Heavy on me thy Hand remain'd, By Day and Night alike distress'd; Till quite of vital Moisture drain'd, Like Land with Summer's Drought oppress'd. 5 No sooner I my Wound disclos'd, The Guilt that tortur'd me within, But thy Forgiveness interpos'd, And Mercy's healing Balm pour'd in. 6 True Penitents shall thus succeed, Who seek Thee whilst Thou mayst be found; And, from the common Deluge freed, Shall see remorseless Sinners drown'd. 7 Thy Favour, Lord, in all Distress, My Tow'r of Refuge I must own: Thou shalt my haughty Foes suppress, And me with songs of Triumph crown. 8 In my Instruction then confide, You that would Truth's safe Path descry: Your Progress I'll securely guide, And keep you in my watchful Eye. 9 Submit yourselves to Wisdom's Rule, Like Men that Reason have attain'd; Not like th' ungovern'd Horse and Mule, Whose Fury must be curb'd and rein'd. 10 Sorrows, on Sorrows multiply'd, The harden'd Sinner shall confound; But them who in his Truth confide, Blessings of Mercy shall surround. 11 His Saints, that have perform'd his Laws, Their Life in Triumphs shall employ: Let them (as they alone have Cause) In grateful Raptures shout for Joy. Scripture: Psalm 32 Languages: English
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Let all the Just to God with Joy

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #61 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Let all the Just to God with Joy their chearful Voices raise; For well the Righteous it becomes to sing glad Songs of Praise. 2,3 Let Harps, and Psalteries, and Lutes in joyful Concert meet; And new-made Songs of loud Applause the Harmony complete. 4,5 For faithful is the Word of God His Works with Truth abound: He Justice loves; and all the Earth is with His Goodness crown'd. 6 By his Almighty Word, at first Heav'n's glorious Arch was rear'd; And all the beauteous Hosts of light at his Command appear'd. 7 The swelling Floods, together roll'd, He makes in Heaps to lie; And lays, as in a Store-house, safe, the watry Treasures by. 8,9 Let Earth and all that dwell therein, before Him trembling stand; For, when he spake the Word, 'twas made: 'twas fix'd at his Command. 10 He, when the Heathen closely plot, their counsels undermines; His Wisdom ineffectual makes the Peoples rash Designs. 11 Whate'er the mighty Lord decrees, shall stand for ever sure; The settled Purpose of his Heart to Ages shall endure. Part II 12 How happy then are they to whom the Lord for God is known! Whom He, from all the World besides, has chosen for his own. 13,14,15 He all the Nations of the Earth from Heav'n, his Throne, survey'd: He saw their Works, and view'd their Thoughts; by him their Hearts were made. 16,17 No King is safe by num'rous Hosts; their Strength the Strong deceives; No manag'd horse, by Force or Speed, his Warlike Rider saves. 18, 19 'Tis God, who those that trust in Him, beholds with gracious Eyes: He frees their Soul from Death; their Want, in time of Dearth, supplies. 20,21 Our Soul, our God with Patience waits; our Help and Shield is He! Then, Lord, let still our Hearts rejoice, because we trust in Thee. 22 The Riches of thy Mercy, Lord, do Thou to us extend; Since we, for all we want or wish, on Thee alone depend. Scripture: Psalm 33 Languages: English
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Thro' all the changing Scenes of Life

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #63 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Thro' all the changing scenes of Life, in Trouble, and in Joy, The Praises of my God shall still my Heart and Tongue employ. 2 Of his Deliv'rance I will boast, till all that are distrest, From my Example Comfort take, and charm their Griefs to Rest. 3 O! magnify the Lord with me, with me exalt His Name, 4 When in Distress to Him I call'd, He to my Rescue came. 5 Their dropping Hearts were soon refresh'd, Who look'd to Him for Aid: Desir'd Success in ev'ry face a chearful Air display'd: 6 "Behold (say they) behold the Man "whom Providence reliev'd; "So dang'rously with Woes beset, "so wond'rously retriev'd!" 7 The Hosts of God encamp around The Dwellings of the Just; Deliv'rance He affords to all who on his Succour trust. 8 O! make but Trial of His Love, Experience will decide, How blest they are, and only they, who in His Truth confide. 9 Fear Him, ye Saints, and you will then have nothing else to fear: Make you His Service your Delight; He'll make your Wants his Care. 10 While hungry Lions lack their Prey, the Lord will Food provide For such as put their Trust in Him, and see their needs supplyd. Part II 11 Approach, ye proudly dispos'd, and my Instruction hear; I'll teach you the true Discipline of His religious Fear. 12 Let him who Length of life desires, and prosp'rous Days would see, 13 From sland'ring Language keep his tongue, his Lips from Falshood free: 14 The crooked Paths of vice decline, and Virtue's Ways pursue; Establish Peace where 'tis begun; and where 'tis lost, renew. 15 The Lord from Heav'n beholds the Just with favourable Eyes; And, when distress'd, His gracious Ear is open to their Cries. 16 But turns His wrathful Look on those whom Mercy can't reclaim, To cut them off, and from the Earth blot out their hated Name. 17 Deliv'rance to His Saints he gives, when His Relief they crave: 18 He's nigh to heal the broken Heart, and contrite Spirit save. 19 The Wicked oft, but still in vain, against the Just conspire; 20 For, under their Affliction's Weight, He keeps their Bones intire. 21 The Wicked, from their wicked Arts, their Ruin shall derive; Whilst righteous Men, whom they detest, shall them and theirs survive. 22 For God preserves the Souls of those who on His Truth depend: To them, and their Posterity, His Blessings shall descend. Scripture: Psalm 34 Languages: English
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Against all those that strive with me

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #65 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Against all those that strive with me, O Lord, assert my Right: With such as War unjustly wage, do Thou my Battles fight. 2 Thy Buckler take, and bind thy Shield upon thy warlike Arm: Stand up, my God, in my Defence; and keep me safe from Harm. 3 Bring forth thy Spear; and stop their Course, that haste my Blood to spill; Say to my Soul, "I am thy Health, "and will preserve thee still." 4 Let them with Shame be cover'd o'er, who my Destruction sought; And such as did my Harm devise, be to Confusion brought. 5 Then shall they fly, dispers'd like Chaff before the driving Wind: God's vengeful Minister of Wrath shall follow close behind. 6 And, when thro' dark and slipp'ry Ways they strive his Rage to shun, His vengeful Ministers of Wrath shall goad them as they run. 7 Since, unprovok'd by any Wrong, they hid their treach'rous Snare; And for my harmless Soul a Pit, did without Cause prepare; 8 Surpris'd by Mischiefs unforeseen, by their own Arts betray'd, Their Feet shall fall into the Net, which they for me have laid; 9 Whilst my glad Soul shall God's great Name for this Deliv'rance bless; And, by His saving Health secur'd, its grateful Joy express. 10 My very Bones shall say, "O Lord, "who can compare with Thee? "Who sett'st the poor and helpless Man "from strong Oppressors free. Part II 11 False Witnesses, with forg'd Complaints, against my Truth combin'd; And to my Charge such Things they laid as I had ne'er design'd. 12 The Goods which I to them had done, with Evil they repaid; And did, by Malice undeserv'd, my harmless life invade. 13 But as for me, when they were sick, I still in Sackcloth mourn'd; I pray'd and fasted, and my Pray'r to my own Breast return'd. 14 Had they my Friends or Brethren been, I could have done no more; Nor with more decent Signs of Grief a Mother's Loss deplore. 15 How diff'rent did their Carriage prove, in Times of my Distress: When they, in Crouds together met, did savage Joy express. The Rabble too, in num'rous Throngs, by their Example, came; And ceas'd not with reviling Words to wound my spotless Fame. 16 Scoffers, that noble Tables haunt, and earn their Bread with Lyes, Did gnash their Teeth, and sland'rous Jests maliciously devise. 17 But, Lord, how long wilt Thou look on? On my Behalf appear; And save my guiltless Soul, which they, like rav'ning Beasts, would tear. Part III 18 So I, before the list'ning World, shall grateful Thanks express; And where the great Assembly meets, thy name with Praises bless. 19 Lord, suffer not my causeless Foes, who me unjustly hate, With open Joy,or secret Signs, to mock my sad Estate. 20 For they, with Hearts averse from Peace, industriously devise Against the Men of quiet Minds to forge malicious Lyes. 21 Nor with these private Arts content, aloud they vent their Spite; And say, "At last we found him out; "he did it in our Sight." 22 But Thou, who dost both them and me with righteous Eyes survey, Assert my Innocence, O Lord, and keep not far away. 23 Stir up Thyself; in my Behalf, to Judgment, Lord, awake: Thy righteous Servant's Cause, O God, to thy Decision take. 24 Lord, as my Heart has upright been, let me thy Justice find; Nor let my cruel Foes obtain the Triumph they design'd. 25 O! let them not, amongst themselves, in boasting Language, say. "At length our Wishes are complete; "at last he's made our Prey." 26 Let such as in my Harm rejoic'd, For Shame their Faces hide; And foul Dishonour wait on those that prouldy me defy'd: 27 Whilst they with chearful Voices shout, who my just Cause befriend; And bless the Lord, who loves to make Success his Saints attend. 28 So shall my Tongue thy Judgments sing, inspir'd with grateful Joy; And chearful Hymns, in Praise of Thee, shall all my Days employ. Scripture: Psalm 35 Languages: English
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My crafty foe, with flattering art

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #69 (1754) Lyrics: 1 My crafty Foe, with flatt'ring Art, His wicked Purpose would disguise; But Reason whispers to my Heart, No Fear of God's before his Eyes. 2 He sooths himself, retir'd from Sight; Secure he thinks his treach'rous Game; Till his dark Plots, expos'd to Light, Their false Contriver brand with Shame. 3 In Deeds he is my Foe confess'd, Whilst with his Tongue he speaks me fair: True Wisdom's banish'd from his Brest, And Vice has sole Dominion there. 4 His wakeful Malice spends the Night In forging his accurs'd Designs; His obstinate, ungen'rous Spite No execrable Means declines. 5 But, Lord, thy Mercy, my sure Hope, The highest Orb of Heav'n transcends; Thy sacred Truth's unmeasur'd Scope Beyond the sparkling Skies extends. 6 Thy Justice like the Hills remains; Unfathom'd Depths thy Judgments are; Thy Providence the world sustains; The whole Creation is thy Care. 7 Since of thy Goodness All partake, With what Assurance should the Just Thy shelt'ring Wings their Refuge make, And Saints to thy Protection trust! 8 Such Guests shall to thy Courts be led, To banquet on thy Love's Repast: And drink, as from a fountain's Head, Of Joys that shall forever last. 9 With Thee the Springs of Life remain; Thy Presence is eternal Day: 10 O! let thy Saints thy Favour gain; To upright Hearts thy Truth display. 11 Whilst Pride's insulting Foot would spurn, And wicked Hand my Life surprise; 12 Their Mischiefs on themselves return; Down, down, they're fall'n, no more to rise. Scripture: Psalm 36 Languages: English
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Tho' wicked Men grow rich or great

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #71 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Tho' wicked Men grow rich or great, Yet let not their successful State Thy Anger, or thy Envy, raise; 2 For they, cut down, like tender Grass, Or like young Flow'rs, away shall pass, Whose blooming Beauty soon decays. 3 Depend on God, and Him obey; So thou within the Land shalt stay, Secure from Danger, and from Want; 4 Make His Commands thy chief Delight; And He, thy Duty to requite, Shall all thy earnest Wishes grant. 5 In all thy Ways trust thou the Lord, And He will needful Help afford, To perfect ev'ry just Design; 6 He'll make, like Light, serene and clear, Thy clouded Innocence appear, And as a mid-day Sun to shine. 7 With quiet Mind on God depend, And patiently for Him attend; Nor let thy Anger fondly rise, Tho' wicked men with Wealth abound, And with Success the Plots are crown'd, Which they maliciously devise. 8 From Anger cease, and Wrath forsake; Let no ungovern'd Passion make Thy wav'ring Heart espous their Crime: 9 For God shall sinful Men destroy; Whilst only they the Land enjoy, Who trust on Him, and wait His Time. 10 How soon shall wicked Men decay! Their Place shall vanish quite away, Nor by the strictest Search be found; 11 Whilst humble Souls possess the Earth, Rejoicing still with godly Mirth, With Peace and Plenty always crown'd. Part II 12 While sinful Crouds, with false Design, Against the righteous Few combine, And gnash their Teeth, and threat'ning stand; 13 God shall their empty Plots deride, And laugh at their defeated Pride: He sees their Ruin near at hand. 14 They draw the Sword, and bend the Bow, The Poor and Needy to o'erthrow, And Men of upright Lives to slay: 15 But their strong Bows shall soon be broke Their sharpen'd Weapon's mortal Stroke Thro' their own Hearts shall force its Way. 16 A Little, with God's Favour blest, That's by one righteous Men possess'd, The Wealth of many Bad excels: 17 For God supports the just Man's Cause; But, as for those that break his Laws, Their unsuccessful Pow'r He quells. 18 His constant Care the Upright guides, And over all their Life presides; Their Portion shall for ever last: 19 They, when Distress o'erwhelms the Earth, Shall be unmov'd, and ev'n in Dearth The happy Fruits of Plenty taste. 20 Not so the wicked Men, and those Who proudly dare God's Will oppose: Destruction is their hapless Share: Like Fat of Lambs, their Hopes, and they, Shall in an Instant melt away, And vanish into Smoke and Air. Part III 21 While Sinners, brought to sad Decay, Still borrow on, and never pay, The Just have Will and Pow'r to give; 22 For such as God vouchsafes to bless, Shall peaceably the Earth possess; And those He curses, shall not live. 23 The good Man's Way is God's Delight; He orders all the Steps aright, Of him that moves by his Command; 24 Though he sometimes may be distress'd; Yet shall he ne'er be quite oppress'd; For God upholds him with his Hand. 25 From my first youth, till Age prevail'd, I never saw the Righteous fail'd, Or Want o'ertake his num'rous Race, 26 Because Compassion fill'd his Heart, And he did chearfully impart, God made his offspring's Wealth increase. 27 With Caution shun each wicked Deed, In Virtue's Ways with Zeal proceed, And so prolong your happy Days: 28 For God, who Judgment loves, does still Preserve his Saints secure from Ill, While soon the wicked Race decays. 29,30,31 The Upright shall possess the land: His Portion shall for Ages stand; His Mouth with Wisdom is supply'd; His Tongue by Rules of Judgment moves; His Heart the Law of God approves; Therefore his Footsteps never slide. Part IV 32 In wait the watchful Sinner lies, In vain, his righteous to surprize, In vain, his Ruin does decree: 33 God will not him defenceless leave, To his Revenge expos'd, but save, And, when he's sentenc'd, set him free. 34 Wait still on God; keep his Commands; And thou, exalted in the land, Thy blest Possession ne'er shalt quit: The Wicked soon destroy'd shall be, And at his dismal Tragedy Thou shalt a safe Spectator sit. 35 The Wicked I in Pow'r have seen, And, like a Bay-tree, fresh and green, That spreads its pleasant Branches round; 36 But he was gone as swift as Thought; And tho' in ev'ry Place I sought, No Sign or Track of him I found. 37 Observe the perfect Man with Care, And mark all such as upright are; Their roughest Days in Peace shall end: 38 While on the latter End of those, Who dare God's sacred Will oppose. A common Ruin shall attend. 39 God to the Just will Aid afford; Their only Safeguard is the Lord; Their Strength, in time of Need, is He: 40 Because on Him they still depend, The Lord will timely Succour send, And from the Wicked set them free. Scripture: Psalm 37 Languages: English
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Thy chast'ning Wrath, O Lord, restrain

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #75 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Thy chast'ning Wrath, O Lord, restrain, tho' I deserve it all; Nor let at once on me the Storm of thy Displeasure fall. 2 In ev'ry wretched Part of me thy Arrows deep remain; Thy heavy Hand's afflicting Weight I can no more sustain. 3 My Flesh is one continu'd Wound, Thy Wrath so fiercely glows; Betwixt my Punishment and Guilt, my Bones have no Repose. 4 My Sins, which to a Deluge swell, my sinking Head o'erflow; And, for my feeble Strength to bear, too vast a Burden grow. 5 Stench and Corruption fill my Wounds, my Folly's just Return: 6 With Trouble I am warp'd and bow'd, and all Day long I mourn. 7 A loath'd Disease afflicts my Loins, infecting ev'ry Part; 8 With Sickness worn, I groan and roar, thro' Anguish of my Heart. Part II 9 But, Lord, before thy searching Eyes all my Desires appear; And, sure, my Groans have been too loud, not to have reach'd thine Ear. 10 My Heart oppress'd, my Strength decay'd, my Eyes depriv'd of Light: 11 Friends, Lovers, Kinsmen, gaze aloof on such a dismal Sight. 12 Mean while, the Foes that seek my Life, their Snares to take me set; Vent Slanders,and contrive all Day to forge some new Deceit. 13 But I, as if both deaf and dumb, nor heard, nor once reply'd; 14 Quite deaf and dumb, like one whose tongue with conscious Guilt is ty'd. 15 For Lord, to Thee, I do appeal, my Innocence to clear; Assur'd that Thou, the righteous God, my injur'd Cause wilt hear. 16 "Hear me," said I, "lest my proud Foes "a spiteful Joy display; "Insulting, if they see my foot "but once to go astray." 17 And, with continual Grief oppress'd, to sink I now begin. 18 To Thee, O Lord, I will confess, to Thee bewail my sin. 19 But whilst I languish, my proud Foes their Strength and Vigour boast; And they who hate me without Cause, are grown a dreadful Host. 20 Ev'n they whom I oblig'd, return my Kindness with Despite; And are my Enemies, because, I chuse the Path that's right. 21 Forsake me not, O Lord my God, nor far from me depart; 22 Make haste to my Relief, O Thou who my Salvation art. Scripture: Psalm 38 Languages: English
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Resolved to watch o'er all my ways

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #78 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Resolv'd to watch o'er all my Ways, I kept my Tongue in Awe; I curb'd my hasty Words, when I the prosp'rous Wicked saw. 2 Like one that's dumb, I silent stood, and did my Tongue refrain From good Discourse; but that Restraint increas'd my inward Pain. 3 My Heart did glow, which working Tho'ts did hot and restless make; And warm Reflections fann'd the Fire, till thus at length I spake: 4 Lord, let me know my Term of Days, how soon my Life will end; The num'rous Train of Ills disclose, which this frail State attend. 5 My Life, Thou know'st, is but a Span; a Cypher sums my Years; And ev'ry Man, in best Estate, but Vanity appears. 6 Man, like a Shadow, vainly walks, with fruitless Cares oppress'd: He heaps up Wealth, but cannot tell by whom 'twill be possess'd. 7 Why then should I on worthless Toys, with anxious Care, attend? On Thee alone my stedfast Hope shall ever, Lord, depend. 8,9 Forgive my Sins; nor let me scorn'd by foolish Sinners be; For I was dumb, and murmur'd not, because 'twas done by Thee. 10 The dreadful Burden of thy Wrath in Mercy soon remove; Lest my frail Flesh too weak to bear the heavy Load should prove. 11 For when thou chast'nest Man for Sin, Thou mak'st his Beauty fade (So vain a Thing is he!) like Cloth by fretting Moths decay'd. 12 Lord, hear my Cry, accept my Tears, and listen to my Pray'r, Who sojourn like a Stranger here, as all my Fathers were. 13 O! spare me yet a little time; my wasted Strength restore, Before I vanish quite from hence, and shall be seen no more. Scripture: Psalm 39 Languages: English
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I waited meekly for the Lord

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #79 (1754) Lyrics: 1 I waited meekly for the Lord, Till He vouchsaf'd a kind Reply; Who did His gracious Ear afford, And heard from Heav'n my humble Cry. 2 He took me from the dismal Pit, When founder'd deep in miry Clay; On solid Ground He plac'd my Feet, And suffer'd not my Steps to stray. 3 The Wonders He for me has wrought, Shall fill my Mouth with Songs of Praise; And others, to his Worship brought, To Hopes of like Deliv'rance raise. 4 For Blessings shall that Man reward, Who on th' Almighty Lord relies; Who treats the Proud with Disregard, And hates the Hypocrite's Disguise. 5 Who can the wond'rous works recount, Which Thou, O God, for us hast wrought? The Treasues of thy Love surmount The Pow'r of Numbers, Speech and Thought. 6 I've learnt, that Thou hast not desir'd Off'rings and Sacrifice alone; Nor Blood of guiltless Beasts requir'd, For Man's Transgression to atone. 7 I therefor come - come to fulfil The Oracles thy Book impart: 8 'Tis my Delight to do thy Will; Thy Law is written in my Heart. Part II 9 In full Assemblies I have told Thy Truth and righteousness at large; Nor did, Thou know'st, my Lips with-hold From uttering what Thou gav'st in Charge; 10 Nor kept within my Breast confin'd Thy Faithfulness, and saving Grace; But preach'd thy Love, for All design'd, That All might That, and Truth, embrace. 11 Then let those Mercies I declar'd To others, Lord, extend to me: Thy loving Kindness my Reward, Thy Truth my safe Protection be. 12 For I with Troubles am distress'd, Too vast and numberless to bear; Nor less with Loads of Guilt oppress'd, That plunge and sink me to Despair. As soon, alas! I may recount The Hairs on this afflicted Head; My vanquish'd Courage they surmount, And fill my drooping Soul with Dread. Part III 13 But, Lord, to my Relief draw near; For never was more pressing Need: In my Deliv'rance, Lord, appear, And add to that Deliv'rance Speed. 14 Confusion on their Heads return, Who to destroy my soul combine; Let them, defeated, blush and mourn, Ensnar'd in their own vile Design. 15 Their Doom let Desolation be, With Shame their Malice be repaid, Who mock'd my Confidence in thee, And Sport of my Affliction made: 16 While those who humbly seek thy Face, To joyful Triumphs shall be rais'd; And all who prize thy saving Grace, With me resound, the lord be prais'd. 17 Thus, wretched tho' I am, and poor, Of me th' Almighty Lord takes care: Thou, God, who only canst restore, To my Relief with Speed repair. Scripture: Psalm 40 Languages: English
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Happy the Man whose tender Care

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #82 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Happy the Man, whose tender Care relieves the Poor distress'd! When he's by Troubles compaas'd round, the Lord shall give him Rest. 2 The Lord his Life, with Blessings crown'd, in Safety shall prolong; And disappoint the Will of those that seek to do him Wrong. 3 If he in languishing Estate, oppress'd with Sickness, lie; The Lord will easy make his Bed, and inward Strength supply. 4 Secure of this, to Thee, my God, I thus my pray'r address'd: "Lord, for thy Mercy, heal my Soul, "tho' I have much trasgress'd." 5 My cruel Foes, with sland'ring Words, attempt to wound my Fame: "When shall he die (say they,) and Men "Forget his very Name?" 6 Suppose they formal Visits make, 'tis all but empty Show: They gather Mischief in their Hearts, and vent it where they go. 7,8 With private Whispers, such as these, to hurt me they devise: "A sore Disease afflicts him now; "he's fall'n, no more to rise." 9 My own familiar Bosom-friend, on whom I most rely'd, Has me, whose daily Guest he was, with open Scorn defy'd. 10 But thou my sad and wretched State, in Mercy, Lord, regard; And raise me up, that all their Crimes may meet their just Reward. 11 By this I know, thy gracious Ear is open when I call; Because Thou suffer'st not my Foes to triumph in my Fall. 12 Thy tender Care secures my Life from Danger and Disgrace; And Thou vouchsaf'st to set me still before thy glorious Face. 13 Let therefore Israel's Lord and God from Ages to Age be blest; And all the People's glad Applause with loud Amens express'd. Scripture: Psalm 41 Languages: English
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As pants the Hart for cooling Streams

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #84 (1754) Lyrics: 1 As pants the Hart for cooling streams, when heated in the Chace; So longs my Soul, O God, for Thee, and thy refreshing grace. 2 For Thee, my God, the living God, my thirsty Soul doth pine: O! when shall I behold thy Face, Thou Majesty Divine? 3 Tears are my constant Food, while thus insulting Foes upbraid: "Deluded Wretch! where's now thy God? "And where his promis'd Aid?" 4 I sigh whene'er my musing thoughts those happy Days present, When I with Troops of pious Friends thy Temple did frequent; When I advanc'd with Songs of Praise, my solemn Vows to pay; And led the joyful sacred Throng, and kept the Festal Day. 5 Why restless, why cast down, my Soul? Trust God; and He'll employ His Aid for thee, and change these Sighs to thankful Hymns of Joy. 6 My Soul's cast down, o God; but thinks on Thee, and Sion, still; From Jordan's Bank, from Hermon's Heights, And Missar's humbler Hill. 7 One Trouble calls another on; and, bursting o'er my Head, Fall spouting down, till round my Soul, a roaring Sea is spread. 8 But when thy Presence, Lord of Life, has once dispell'd this Storm, To Thee I'll midnight Anthems sing, and all my Vows perform. 9 God of my Strength, how long shall I, like one forgotten, mourn, Forlorn, forsaken, and expos'd to my Oppressor's Scorn? 10 My Heart is pierc'd, as with a Sword, whilst thus my Foes upbraid; "Vain Boaster, where is now thy God? "and where His promis'd Aid?" 11 Why restless, why cast down, my Soul? Hope still; and thou shalt sing The Praise of Him who is thy God, thy Health's eternal Spring. Scripture: Psalm 42 Languages: English
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Just Judge of Heav'n, against my Foes

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #85 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Just Judge of Heav'n, against my Foes Do Thou assert my injur'd Right: O! set me free, my God, from those That in Deceit and Wrong delight. 2 Since Thou art still my only Stay, Why leav'st Thou me in deep Distress? Why go I mourning all the Day, Whilst me insulting Foes oppress? 3 Let me with Light and Truth be blest; Be these my Guides, and lead the Way, Till on thy Holy Hill I rest, And in thy sacred Temple pray. 4 Then will I there fresh Altars raise To God, who is my only Joy; And well-tun'd Harps, with Songs of Praise, Shall all my grateful Hours employ. 5 Why then cast down, my Soul? and why So much oppress'd with anxious Care? On God, thy God, for Aid rely; Who will thy ruin'd State repair. Scripture: Psalm 43 Languages: English
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O Lord, our Fathers oft have told

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #86 (1754) Lyrics: 1 O Lord, our Fathers oft have told, in our attentive Ears, Thy Wonders in their Days perform'd, and elder Times than theirs: 2 How Thou, to plant them here, didst drive the Heathen from the Land, Dispeopled by repeated Strokes of thy avenging Hand. 3 For not their Courage, nor their Sword, to them Possession gave; Nor Strength, that, from unequal Force, their fainting Troops could save; But thy Right-hand, thy po'rful Arm, whose succour they implor'd; Thy Presence with the chosen Race, who thy great Name ador'd. 4 As Thee their God our Fathers own'd; Thou art our Sov'reign King; O! therefore, as thou didst to them, to us Deliv'rance bring! 5 Thro' thy victorious Name, our Arms the proudest Foe shall quell; And crush them with repeated Strokes, as oft as they rebel. 6 I'll neither trust my Bow nor Sword, when I in Fight engage; 7 But Thee, who hast our Foes subdu'd, and sham'd their spiteful Rage. 8 To Thee the Triumph we ascribe, from whom the Conquest came: In God we will rejoice all Day, and ever bless His Name. Part II 9 But Thou hast cast us off; and now most shamefully we yield; for Thou no more vouchsaf'st to lead Our Armies to the Field. 10 Since when, to ev'ry upstart Foe we turn our Backs in Fight; And with our Spoil their Malice feast, who bear us antient Spite. 11 To Slaughter doom'd, we fall, like Sheep, into their butch'ring Hands; Or (what's more wretched yet) survive, dispers'd thro' Heathen Lands. 12 Thy People Thou hast sold for Slaves; and set their Price so low, That not thy Treasure, by the Sale, but their Disgrace, may grow; 13,14 Reproach'd by all the Nations round, the Heathens Bye-word grown; Whose Scorn of us is both in speech, and mocking Gestures, shown. 15 Confusion strikes me blind; my Face in conscious Shame I hide; 16 While we are scoff'd, and God blasphem'd, by their licentious Pride. Part III 17 On us this Heap of Woes is fall'n; all this we have endur'd; Yet have not, Lord, renounc'd thy Name, or Faith to Thee abjur'd: 18 But in thy righteous Paths have kept our Hearts and Steps with Care; 19 Tho' Thou hast broken all our Strength, and we almost despair. 20 Could we, forgetting thy great Name, on other Gods rely, 21 And not the Searcher of all Hearts the treach'rous Crime descry? 22 Thou seest what Suff'rings for thy sake we ev'ry Day sustain. All slaughter'd,or reserv'd like Sheep appointed to be slain. 23 Awake, arise; let seeming sleep no longer Thee detain; Nor let us, Lord, who sue to Thee, forever sue in vain. 24 O! wherefore hidest thou thy Face from our afflicted State, 25 Whose Souls and Bodies sink to Earth with Grief's oppressive Weight? 26 Arise, O Lord, and timely Haste to our Deliv'rance make: Redeem us, Lord, if not for ours, yet for they Mercies sake. Scripture: Psalm 44 Languages: English
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While I the King's loud praise rehearse

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #89 (1754) Lyrics: 1 While I the King's loud Praise rehearse, indited by my Heart, My Tongue is like the Pen of him that writes with ready Art. 2 How matchless is thy Form, O King! thy Mouth with Grace o'erflows; Because fresh Blessings God on thee eternally bestows. 3 Gird on thy Sword, most mighty Prince; and, clad in rich Array, With glorious Ornaments of Pow'r, majestic Pomp display. 4 Ride on in State, and still protect the Meek, the Just, and True; Whilst thy Right-hand with swift Revenge does all thy Foes pursue. 5 How sharp thy Weapons are to them that dare thy Pow'r oppose! Down, down they fall, while thro' their Heart the feather'd Arrow goes. 6 But thy firm Throne, O God, is fix'd for ever to endure; Thy Sceptre's Sway shall always last, by righteous Laws secure. 7 Because thy Heart, by Justice led, did upright Ways approve, And hated still the crooked Paths where wand'ring Sinners rove; Therefore did God, thy God, on thee the Oil of Gladness shed; And has above thy Fellows round, advanc'd thy lofty Head. 8 With Cassia, Aloes, and Myrrh, thy Royal Robes abound; Which, from the stately Wardrobe brought, spread grateful Odours round. 9 Among the honourable Train did princely Virgins wait; The Queen was plac'd at thy Right-hand, in golden Robes of State. Part II 10 But thou, O Royal Bride, give Ear, and to my Words attend: Forget thy native Country now, and ev'ry former Friend. 11 So shall thy Beauty charm the King, nor shall his Love decay: For he is now become thy Lord; to him due Rev'rence pay. 12 The Tyrian Matrons, rich and proud, shall humble Presents make; And all the wealthy Nations sue, thy Favour to partake. 13 The King's fair Daughter's beauteous Soul all inward Graces fill; Her Raiment is of purest Gold, adorn'd with costly Skill. 14 She in her nuptial Garments dress'd, with Needles richly wrought, Attended by her Virgin Train, shall to the King be brought. 15 With all the State of solemn Joy the Triumph moves along; Till, with wide Gates, the Royal Court receives the pompous Throng. 16 Thou, in thy Royal Father's room, must princely Sons expect: Whom thou to diff'rent Realms may'st send, to govern and protect: 17 Whilst this my Song to future Times transmits thy glorious Name; And makes the world with one Consent thy lasting Praise proclaim. Scripture: Psalm 45 Languages: English
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God is our Refuge in Distress

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #92 (1754) Lyrics: 1 God is our Refuge in Distress, A present Help, when Dangers press; In Him, undaunted, we'll confide; 2,3 Tho' Earth were from her Centre toss'd, And Mountains in the Ocean lost, Torn piece-meal by the roaring Tide. 4 A gentler Stream with Gladness still The City of our Lord shall fill, The Royal Seat of God most High; 5 God dwells in Sion, whose fair Tow'rs Shall mock th' Assaults of earthly Pow'rs, While His Almighty Aid is nigh. 6 In Tumults when the Heathen rag'd, And Kingdoms War against us wag'd, He thunder'd, and dispers'd their Pow'rs: 7 The Lord of Hosts conducts our Arms, Our Tow'r of Refuge in Alarms, Our Fathers Guardian God, and ours. 8 Come see the Wonders He has wrought, On Earth what Desolation brought; 9 How He has calm'd the jarring World: He broke the warlike Spear and Bow; With them their thund'ring Chariots too Into devouring Flames when hurl'd. 10 Submit to God's Almighty Sway, For Him the Heathen shall obey, And Earth her Sov'reign Lord confess: 11 The God of Hosts conducts our Arms, Our Tow'r of Refuge in Alarms, As to our Fathers in Distress. Scripture: Psalm 46 Languages: English
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O all ye People, clap your Hands

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #93a (1754) Lyrics: 1 O all ye People, clap your Hands, 2 And with triumphant Voices sing; No Force the mighty Pow'r withstands Of God, the Universal King. 3,4 He shall opposing Nations quell And with Success our Battles fight; Shall fix the Place where we must dwell, The Pride of Jacob, his Delight. 5,6 God is gone up, our Lord and King, With Shouts of Joy, and Trumpets Sound: To Him repeated Praises sing, And let the chearful Song go round. 7,8 Your utmost Skill in Praise be shown, For Him, who all the World commands; Who sits upon His righteous Throne, And spreads his Sway o'er Heathen Lands. 9 Our Chiefs, and Tribes, that far from hence T' adore the God of Abr'am came; Found Him their constant sure Defence. How great the glorious is his Name! Scripture: Psalm 47 Languages: English
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The Lord, the only God, is great

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #93b (1754) Lyrics: 1 The Lord, the only God, is great, and greatly to be prais'd In Sion, on whose happy Mount his sacred Throne is rais'd. 2 Her Tow'rs, the Joy of all the Earth with beauteous Prospect rise; On her North-Side th' Almighty King's Imperial City lies. 3 God in her Palaces is known: His Presence is her guard: 4 Confed'rate Kings withdrew their Siege, and of Success despair'd. 5 They view'd her Walls, admir'd, and fled, with Grief and Terror struck; 6 Like Women whom the sudden Pangs of Travail had o'ertook. 7 No wretched Crew of Mariners appear like them forlorn, When Fleets from Tarshish' wealthy Coasts by Eastern Winds are torn. 8 In Sion we have seen perform'd a Work that was foretold, In Pledge that God, for Times to come, His City will uphold. 9 Not in our Fortresses and Walls did we, O God, confide; But on the Temple fix'd our Hopes, in which thou dost reside. 10 According to thy Sov'reign Name, thy Praise thro' Earth extends; Thy pow'rful Arm, as Justice guides, chastises, or defends. 11 Let Sion's Mount with Joy resound, her Daughters all be taught, In Songs his Judgments to extol, who this Deliv'rance wrought. 12 Compass her Walls in solemn Pomp; your Eyes quite round her cast; Count all her Tow'rs, and see if there you find one Stone displac'd. 13 Her Forts and Palaces survey; observe their Order well; That, with Assurance, to your Heirs this Wonder you may tell. 14 This God is ours, and will be ours, whilst we in Him confide; Who, as He has preserv'd us now, till Death will be our Guide. Scripture: Psalm 48 Languages: English
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Let all the list'ning World attend

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #95 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Let all the list'ning World attend, 2 and my Instructions hear: Let High and Low, and Rich and Poor, with joint consent give Ear: 3 My Mouth, with sacred wisdom fill'd, shall good Advice impart; The sound Result of prudent thoughts, digested in my Heart. 4 To Parables of weighty Sense I will my Ear incline; While to my tuneful Harp I sing, dark Words of deep Design. 5 Why should my courage fail in times of Danger, and of Doubt; When Sinners, that would me supplant, have compass'd me about? 6 Those Men, that all their Hope and Trust in Heaps of Treasure place; And boasting, triumph, when they see their ill-got Wealth increase; 7 Are yet unable from the Grave their dearest Friend to free; Nor can, by Force of costly Bribes, reverse God's firm Decree. 8,9 Their vain Endeavours they must quit; the Price is held too high: No sums can purchase such a Grant, that Man should never die. 10 Not Wisdom can the Wise exempt, nor Fools their Folly save; But both must perish, and, in Death, their Wealth to others leave. 11 For tho' they think their stately Seats shall ne'er to Ruin fall; But their Remembrance last in lands which by their Names they call; 12 Yet shall their Fame be soon forgot, how great soe'er their State: With Beasts their Memory, and they, shall share one common Fate. Part II 13 How great their Folly is, who thus absurd Conclusions make! And yet their children, unreclaim'd, repeat the gross Mistake. 14 They all, like Sheep to Slaughter led, the Prey of Death are made; Their Beauty, while the Just rejoice, within the Grave shall fade. 15 But God will yet redeem my Soul; and from the greedy Grave His greater Pow'r shall set me free, and to himself receive. 16 Then fear not thou, when worldly Men in envy'd Wealth abound; Nor thou, their prosp'rous House increase, with State and Honour crown'd. 17 For, when they're summon'd hence by Death; they leave all this behind; No Shadow of their former Pomp within the Grave they find: 18 And yet they tho't their State was blest, caught in the Flatt'rer's Snare; Who praises those that slight all else, and of themselves take care. 19 In their Forefathers Steps they tread; and when, like them, they die, Their wretched Ancestors, and they, in endless Darkness lie. 20 For Man, how great soe'er his State; unless he's truly wise, As like a sensual Beast he lives, so, like a Beast, he dies. Scripture: Psalm 49 Languages: English
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The Lord hath spoke, the mighty God

Hymnal: NVPD1754 #98 (1754) Lyrics: 1 The Lord hath spoke, the mighty God 2 Hath sent his Summons all abroad, From dawning Light, till Day declines: The list'ning Earth his Voice hath heard, And he from Sion hath appear'd, Where Beauty in Perfection shines. 3,4 Our God shall come, and keep no more Misconstru'd Silence, as before; But wasting Flames before Him send; Around shall Tempests fiercely rage, While He does Heav'n and Earth engage His just Tribunal to attend. 5,6 Assemble all my Saints to me (Thus runs the great divine Decree), That in my lasting Cov'nant live; And Off'rings bring with constant Care: (The Heav'n's His Justice shall declare; For God himself shall Sentence give). 7 Attend, my People; Israel, hear; Thy strong Accuser I'll appear; Thy God, thy only God, am I; 8 'Tis not of Off'rings I complain, Which, daily in my Temple slain, My sacred Altar did supply. 9 Will this alone Atonement make? No Bullock from thy Stall I'll take, Nor He-goat from thy Fold accept: 10 The Forest Beasts, that range alone, The Cattle too, are all my own, That on a thousand Hills are kept, 11 I know the Fowls, that build their nests In craggy Rocks; and savage Beasts, That loosely haunt the open Fields: 12 If seiz'd with Hunger I could be, I need not seek Relief from thee, Since the World's mine, and all it yields. 13 Think'st thou that I have any Need On slaughter'd Bulls and Goats to feed, To eat their Flesh, and drink their Blood? 14 The Sacrifices I require, Are Hearts which Love and Zeal inspire, And Vows with strictest Care made good. 15 In Time of Trouble call on me, And I will set thee safe and free; And thou Returns of Praise shalt make. 16 But to the Wicked thus saith God: How dar'st thou teach my Laws abroad, Or in thy Mouth my cov'nant take? 17 For stubborn thou, confirm'd in sin, Hast Proof against Instruction been, And of my word didst lightly speak: 18 When thou a subtle Thief didst see, Thou gladly didst with him agree, And with Adult'rers didst partake. 19 Vile Slander is thy chief Delight; Thy Tongue, by Envy mov'd, and spite, Deceitful Tales does hourly spread. 20 Thou dost with hateful Scandals wound Thy Brother, and with Lyes confound The Offspring of thy Mother's Bed. 21 These Things didst thou, whom still I strove To gain with Silence, and with Love; Till thou didst wickedly surmise, That I was such a one as thou: But I'll reprove and shame thee now, And set thy Sins before thine Eyes. 22 Mark this, ye wicked Fools, lest I Let all my Bolts of Vengeance fly, While none shall dare your Cause to own: 23 Who praises me, due Honour gives; And to the Man that justly lives, My strong Salvation shall be shown. Scripture: Psalm 50 Languages: English


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