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Tune Identifier:"^no_change_of_times_shall_ever_move$"

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No Change of Times shall ever move

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #XVIII (1767) Lyrics: 1 No Change of Times shall ever move My firm Affection, LORD, to thee; For thou dost my Protection prove, A Fortress and Defence to me; My Trust is in thy Might and Pow'r; Thou art my Safeguard and my Tow'r. 2 To thee I will address my Pray'r, To whom all Praise we justly owe: So shall I by thy watchful Care, Be guarded from my treach'rous Foe; Nor will I all his Malice fear, If thou art with Assistance near. 3 By Floods of wicked Men distress'd; With deadly Sorrows compass'd round; With dire infernal Pangs oppress'd; In Death's unweildy Fetters bound; I made to GOD my humble Moan, Who heard me from his lofty Throne. Part II 4 When GOD arose, my Part to take, The conscious Earth was struck with Fear; The Hills did at his Presence shake; Nor could his dreadful Fury bear; Thick Smoke and Fire before him came, That Coals were kindled by the Flame. 5 He left the beauteous Realms of Light, Whilst Heav'n bow'd down its awful Head; Beneath his Feet substantial Night Was like a sable Carpet spread: His Chariot, Troops of Angels drew, Which on the winged Tempest flew. 6 Black wat'ry Mists and Clouds conspir'd With thickest Shades, his Face to veil; But at his Brightness soon retir'd, And fell in Show'rs of Fire and Hail: Thro' Heav'n his thund'ring Voice did roar, And Earth's with Coals was cover'd o'er. 7 His sharpen'd Arrows round he threw, Which made his scatter'd Foes retreat; Like Darts his nimble Lightnings flew, And quickly finish'd their Defeat; The Deep her secret Stores disclos'd, The World's Foundations lay expos'd. 8 The LORD did on my Side engage; From Heav'n, his Throne, my Cause upheld; And snatch'd me from the furious Rage Of threat'ning Waves that proudly swell'd; His Pow'r against my Foes employ'd, Or else my Soul had been destroy'd. 9 Their subtle Rage had nigh prevail'd, When I distress'd and friendless lay; But still, when other Succours fail'd, GOD was my firm Support and Stay; And did from Danger set me free, Because he took Delight in me. 10 Because in me no Guilt remains, GOD does his gracious Help extend; My Hands are free from bloody Stains, The LORD is therefore still my Friend: In his just Paths I always trod, Nor loosely wander'd from my GOD. 11 His Judgments I have kept in Sight; Did ev'n from darling Sins refrain; I never did his Statutes slight, And both my Heart and Hands are clean; His Favours therefore still endure, Because my Soul's sincere and pure. Part III 12 Thou suit'st, O LORD, thy righteous Ways, To various Paths of human kind; They who, for Mercy, merit Praise, With thee shall wond'rous Mercy find. The Just thy Purity shall see; The Perverse meet Returns from thee. 13 That he the humble Soul will save, And crush the Haughty's boasted Might; In me, the LORD, an Instance gave, Whose Darkness he hath chang'd to Light. 29 On his firm Succour I rely'd, Thro' him I did o'er Hosts prevail, Nor fear'd the highest Walls to scale. 14 For GOD's Designs shall still succeed; His Word will bear the utmost Test: He's a strong Shield to all that need, And on his sure Protection rest. Who then, but GOD, should be ador'd, Or who is mighty, like the LORD? 15 'Tis GOD that girds my Armour on, And all my just Designs fulfils; Thro' him, my Feet can swiftly run, And nimbly climb the steepest Hllls; Lessons of War from Him I take, Mine Arms a Bow of Steel can break, 16 The Buckler of his saving Health Protects me from assaulting Foes: His Hand sustains me still; my Wealth And Greatness from His Bounty flows: My Steps, no narrow Paths confin'd; He freed, and all my Ways design'd. 17 Thro' him, I num'rous Hosts defeat, And flying Squadrons captive take; Nor from my fierce Pursuit retreat, 'Till I a final Conquest make: To rear their Heads in vain they try, For at my Feet they vanquish'd lie. Part IV 18 GOD, when fresh Armies take the Field, Recruits my Strength, my Courage warms; He makes my strong Opposers yield, Subdu'd by my prevailing Arms; Thro' him my Feet my Foes shall press, Who hate and envy my Success. 19 With loud Complaints all Friends they try'd, But none was able to defend; At length to GOD, for Help, they cry'd; But GOD would no Assistance lend; Like Dust, their Troops I scatter'd round, And with their Bodies strew'd the Ground. 20 Our factious Tribes, at Strife till now, By GOD's Appointment, me obey; The Heathen to my Sceptre bow, And foreign Nations own my Sway; Remotest Realms their Homage send, And Strangers my Commands attend. 21 All to my Summons tamely yield, Or soon in Battle are dismay'd; For stronger Holds they quit the Field, And still in strongest Holds afraid. Then prais'd be GOD, in whom I rest; Who me with his Salvation bless'd. 22 'Tis GOD that still supports my Right, His just Revenge my Foes pursues; 'Tis he that with resistless Might, Fierce Nations to my Yoke subdues; From whom my lasting Honours flow; Who freed me from the bloody Foe. 23 Therefore, to celebrate his Fame, My grateful Voice to Heav'n I'll raise; And Nations, Strangers to his Name, Shall thus be taught to sing his Praise: "GOD to his King extends his Grace, "And crowns with Mercy David's Race. Topics: Description of Storms and Stress of Weather; Thanksgivings For Victories Scripture: Psalm 18 Languages: English Tune Title: [No change of times shall ever mover]
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For ever bless'd be GOD, the LORD

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #CXLIV (1767) Lyrics: 1 For ever bless'd be GOD, the LORD, Who does his needful Aid impart, At once both Strength and Skill afford To wield my Arms with warlike Art; He is my Fort, my Tow'r and shield, And makes fierce Nations to me yield. 2 LORD, what's in Man that thou should'st love, Of him such tender Care to take? What in his Offspring could thee move, Such great Account of him to make? Man's Thoughts are vain, his Life doth fade, And passeth like a flying Shade. 3 In solemn State, O GOD, descend, Whilst Heav'n it's lofty Head inclines; The smoking Hills in sunder rend, Of thy Approach the awful Signs, With Lightnings fierce thy foes defeat, With Arrows make their Fall compleat. 4 Do thou, O LORD, from Heav'n engage Thy boundless Pow'r my Foes to quell; And snatch me from the stormy Rage Of threat'ning Waves that proudly swell; From Foes, whose Speeches all are vain, Whose right Hand Wickedness maintain. 5 So I to thee, O King of Kings, In new-made Hymns my Voice shall raise, And Instruments of various Strings Shall help me thus to sing thy Praise, "GOD does to Kings his Succour send, "His Servant David he'll defend." 6 Fight thou against my foreign Foes, Who utter Speeches false and vain; Who, though in solemn Leagues they close, Their sworn Engagements ne'er maintain; Our Sons shall then like Fruit-Trees grow, Our Daughters like fair Pillars show. 7 Our Garners fill'd with various Store, Shall us and ours with Plenty feed; Our Sheep, encreasing more and more, Shall Thousands and Ten thousands breed; Strong shall our lab'ring Oxen grow, Whilst we no War or Slav'ry know. 8 Our Wealth shall never feel Decay, No Sorrow in our Streets be found; Our Days in Peace shall glide away, Whilst we in ev'ry Good abound; Thrice happy is that Peoples Case, Whose various Blessing thus abound: Who GOD's true Worship still embrace. Topics: Description of Happiness of Man; Description of Misery and Vanity of human Life; Prayers When percecuted; Thanksgivings For Victories Scripture: Psalm 144 Languages: English Tune Title: [For ever bless'd be God, the Lord]
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Hear, O my People, to my Law

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #LXXVIII (1767) Lyrics: 1 Hear, O my People, to my Law, Your most devout Attention lend; Let the Instructions of my Mouth, Deep in your faithful Hearts descend, My Tongue shall Parables unfold, And bring to light dark Things of old. 2 Which our Fore-fathers pious Care, From ancient Times has handed down; Nor will we hide them from our Sons, But to our Offspring make them known, That they the Praises may be taught. Of GOD, who hat such Wonders wrought. 3 For Jacob he this Law ordain'd, This solemn League with Israel made, With Charge to be from Age to Age, From Race to Race with Care convey'd; To be transmitted to their Heirs, Which they again might give to their's. 4 That they might GOD's Commands obey, And in his Strength their Safety place; And not like their Forefathers prove A stubborn and rebellious Race, Who still the Paths of Error trod, Nor put their stedfast Hope in GOD. 6 Such were revolting Ephraim's Sons, Who from the Field ingnobly fled; Tho' skilful Archers arm'd with Bows, And to a constant Warfare bred; Tho' GOD to them his Works display'd, Yet they his Orders disobey'd, 7 The Wonders which their Fathers saw, They in their Minds did not retain; Prodigious Things in Egypt done, And Miracles in Zoan's Plain: For them he did the Sea divide, And pil'd in Heaps the pressing Tide. 7 A wond'rous Pillar led them on, Compos'd of Shade and radiant Light; A shelt'ring Cloud it prov'd by Day, And was a leading Fire by Night. Thus went they thro' a desart Land, Conducted by his powerful Hand. 8 When Drought oppress'd them, where no Streams The parched Wilderness supply'd, He cleft the Rock, whose flinty Breast Dissolv'd into a cooling Tide, Which down in plenteous Rivers fell, And prov'd a constant Miracle. 9 Yet there they sinn'd against him more, Provoking still the LORD most high, In that same Desart, where he did Their fainting Souls with Strength supply; His Pow'r supreme, they did distrust And long'd for Meat to feed their Lust. 10 Then utter'd their blaspheming Doubts, "Can God, say they, for us prepare "A Table in the Wilderness, "And set it out with various Fare? "'Tis true he did the Rock divide, "But can he Corn and Flesh provide" 11 The Lord with Indignation heard, And from the Heav'ns, avenging Flame On Jacob fell; consuming Wrath On most ungrateful Israel came: For they would not in GOD confide, Who had so oft their Wants supply'd. 12 Tho' GOD had from the fruitful Clouds, Around their Camp his Manna spread, And had the Angels sacred Food, Ungrateful Man in Plenty fed; Which from his own celestial Stores, Was rained down in frequent Show'rs. 13 From Heav'n he made an East Wind blow, And likewise did the South Command To rain down Flesh, like Dust, and Fowls Like the Sea Shore's unnumber'd Sands. Around their Tents an easy Prey, The flutt'ring, feather'd Booty lay. 14 Thus gave he them their Heart's Desire, And they luxurious eat the same; But whilst the Meat was in their Mouths, GOD's heavy Wrath upon them came; He slew the WEalthiest of them all, And Isreal's Chiefs were made to fall. Part II 15 Yet still they sinn'd, nor would afford His wond'rous Miracles Belief; Therefore thro' fruitless Travels he Consum'd their Lives in wasting Grief; When some were slain, with early Cry, They turn'd and sought the LORD most high. 16 But this was feign'd Submission all, Their treach'rous Hearts their Tongues bely'd, They still remain'd perverse, nor would Firm in his Covenant abide; And yet his Anger did not rise, Nor would with Death their Sins chastise. 17 For he remember'd they were Flesh, And could not long on Earth remain; A murm'ring wind that's quickly past, And never more return's again; His Mercy knew they were but frail, And would not let his Wrath prevail. 18 How oft did they provoke him there? How oft did they his Patience grieve! In that same Desart, where he did Their fainting Souls with Food relieve, They turned back, and faithless prov'd, And Isreal's GOD to Anger move'd. 19 Nor did they call to Mind the Day When GOD, with his Almighty Hand, Deliver'd them from all their Foes, And show'd them Signs in Egypt's Land, When he the Tribes from Bondage broguth, And wond'rous Things in Zoan wrought. 20 Their Rivers, that they might not drink, Were turn'd to Blood at his Command; Devouring Flies in thickest Swarms; And Frogs were sent to plague the Land; Locust and Worms o'erspread their Soul, And reap'd the Harvest of their Toil. 21 Their Vines with batt'ring Hail were broke, With pinching Frost the Fig-tree dies; Lightning and Hail makes Flocks and Herds, To fall one gen'ral Sacrifice. His Rage that had not Time to cease, Sent Sprirts of destroy their Peace. 22 He clear'd a Passage for his Wrath, Now would that Wrath severe controul; But gave their Life to Pestilence, Nor spar'd from Death the fainting Soul. Upon their Heirs Destruction came, The first born in the Tents of Ham. 23 But his own Tribe, like folded Sheep, He brought in Safety from Distress, And like a Flock, conducted them Thro' a long barren Wilderness. Their Foes were in the Ocean drown'd, But they no Cause of Terror found. 24 Nor ceas'd his Care, 'till them he brought In Safety to the promis'd Land; And to his holy Mount, the Prize Obtain'd, by his victorious Hand; For them he did his Arm extend. And from the foe their Host's defend. 25 To them, the outcast Heathen's Land, He did in equal Lot divide; And in their Foes abandon'd Tents, Made Israel's Tribes secure abide: For them he quell'd the Nations round, And plac'd them on the promis'd Ground. Part III 26 But still they tempted, still provok'd The Anger of the LORD most high; Nor would, to practise his Commands Their most rebellious Hearts apply: But turn'd like a deceitful Bow, And in their Father's Steps would go. 27 For GOD to Fury they provok'd With Idol Altars set on high, And with their graven Images, Inflam'd to Wrath his Jealousy; On Israel then his Hatred fell, And Shiloh, where he lov'd to dwell. 28 To vile Captivity, his Ark, His Strength and Glory to disdain, His People to the Sword he gave, Nor would his awful Wrath restrain: Amongst their Youth his Anger spread, Nor were their Maids to Marriage led. 29 In Fight the Sacrificer fell, The Priest himself a Victim bled; No were there any Widows left, Who should with Tears lament the Dead. Then like a Giant strong with Wine, The LORD awak'd in Wrath divine. 30 He smote his Foes, that from the Field Their vanquish'd, scatter'd Remnants came, With Wounds imprinted on their Backs, The Marks of everlasting Shame: The Tents of Joseph he forsook Nor Ephraim for his Dwelling took. 31 But Judah's favour'd Tribe he chose, And made his own peculiar Care; On Sion's Mount his Temple built, And fix'd its strong foundations there. From Sheep-Folds he did David bring, And over Judah made him King. 32 From tending on the teeming Ewes, He brought his Servant forth to feed His People, and Inheritance, The Tribes of Israel's chosen Seed: And he a faithful Shepherd still, Fed and conducted them with Skill. Topics: Description of Unthankfulness and Rebellion of the Israelites; Thanksgivings For Delerances and Wonders, General Scripture: Psalm 78 Languages: English Tune Title: [Hear, O my People, to my Law]
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Our Fathers, LORD, repeatedly

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #XLIV (1767) Lyrics: 1 Our Fathers, LORD, repeatedly Have told in our attentive Ears, The mighty Wonders, thou hast done In Times more ancient far than theirs: How thou didst plant them by thy Hand, And drove the Heathen from the Land. 2 For not their Courage, nor their Sword, To them this great Possession gave; Nor Strength that from unequal Force, Their fainting Troops could ever save; But thy right Hand, which they implor'd, Thy Presence which they still ador'd. 3 As thee their GOD our Fathers own'd, So thou art now our sov'reign King; Oh therefore, as thou didst to them, To us thy kind Deliv'rance bring; For thro' thy Name, our Foes we quell, Whene'er against us they rebel. 4 I'll neither trust my Bow, nor Sword, When I in Battles fierce engage; But thee, who hast our Foes subdu'd, And put to shame their spiteful Rage: In GOD, from whom the Conquest came, We will rejoice and bless his Name. 5 But thou hast cast us off, and now Most shamefully we're forc'd to yield; For Thou no more vouchsaf'st to lead, Our vanquish'd Armies to the Field; To ev'ry Foe we turn in Fight, And with our Spoil they feast their Spite. 6 To Slaughter doom'd, we fall like Sheep Into their butch'ring Hands; Or what's more wretched yet, survive Dispers'd throughout the Heathen Lands; Thy People thou valu'd low, That their Disgrace may greater grow. 7 Reproach'd by all the Neighbours round, The Heathen's By-word we are grown, Whose Scorn of us, is both in Speech, And in provoking Gestures shewn: My Face in conscious Shame I hide, Whilst they blaspheme in haughty Pride. 8 On us this Heap of Woes is fall'n, All this Disgrace we have endur'd, Yet have not, LORD, renounc'd thy Name, Or Faith to thee, out GOD abjur'd; But in thy Paths have kept with Care; Tho' brought to Danger and Despair. 9 Could we, forgetting thy great Name, Oh LORD, on other GODs rely, And not the Searcher of all Hearts, The treach'rous Crime at once descry? For thee we daily Wrongs sustain, And are like Sheep doom'd to be slain. 10 Awake, arise, let seeming Sleep No longer thee, our GOD, detain; Nor let us, LORD, who sue for Aid, Forever sue to thee in vain; But hasten thou to our Relief, And let thy Presence banish Grief. 11 Oh wherefore hidest thou thy Face, From our afflicted ruin'd State? Whose Souls and Bodies sink to Earth, Beneath our Grief's oppressive WeightL Up, LORD, and us in Safety take! Oh help us for thy Mercie's Sake! Topics: Description of Confidence of Believers in Dangers; Prayers Of the Church for her Deliverance in Persecution Scripture: Psalm 44 Languages: English Tune Title: [Our Fathers, Lord, repeatedly]
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The LORD, the only GOD is great

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #XLVIII (1767) Lyrics: 1 The LORD, the only GOD is great, And therefore greatly to be prais'd; In Sion, on whose happy Mount His everlasting Throne is rais'd. For Sion is the chosen Place, Where he unveils his glorious Face. 2 Her Tow'rs, the Joy of all the Earth, In strong and beauteous Order rise; On her North Side th' Almighty King's Superb imperial City lies; Combining Pow'rs attempt in vain, Her massy Bulwarks to obtain. 3 God in her Palaces is known: His awful Presence is her Guard: Confed'rate Kings withdrew their Siege, And of Success at once despair'd. Nor could their Armies o'er prevail, Should they with all their Force assail. 4 They view'd her Walls, admit'd and fled, With Sorrow and Terror struck; Like Women, whom the sudden Pangs Of hasty Travail had o'ertook. Thou by the East Wind shalt destroy, The Ships that would her Forts annoy. 5 In Sion we have seen perform'd A Work that was to us foretold; In Pledge that GOD for Times to come, His Holy City will uphold: We on thy loving Kindness stay'd, Which in thy Temple is display'd. 6 According to thy Sov'reign Name, Thy Praise. O LORD! thro' Earth extends; Thy pow'rful Arm, as Justice guides, Chastises Mankind or defends: Thy Hand, almighty Pow'r shall show, And Men thy Righteousness shall know. 7 Let Sion's Mount with Joy resound, And let her Daughters all be taught, In Songs his Judgments to extoll, Who this great Deliv'rance wrought, Your Eyes around her Bulwarks cast, And see if any Stone's displac'd. 8 Count all her Tow'rs, her Forts survey Observe their Strength and Order well, That with Assurance to your Heirs, This Wonder you may justly tell; This GOD, while we in him confide; Thro' Life, till Death, shall be our Guide. Topics: Description of The Church: Glory and Renown Scripture: Psalm 48 Languages: English Tune Title: [The Lord, the only God is great]
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Who place on Sion's GOD their Trust

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #CXXV (1767) Lyrics: 1 Who place on Sion's God their Trust, Like Sion's lofty Rock shall stand; Like her, immoveable be fix'd, Establish'd by his mighty Hand: Whose strong Foundations stand secure, And shall for evermore endure. 2 Look how the Hills on ev'ry Side The fair Jerusalem inclose; So stands the LORD around his Saints, To guard them from their Foes: He shall their strong Protector be, And from all Danger set them free. 3 The Wicked may afflict the Just, But they shall not too long oppress, Or force him by Despair to seek Unrighteous Means for his Redress; For GOD, who still remains his Friend, From Heav'n shall speedy Succour send. 4 Do good, O righteous GOD, to those, Who do in Goodness take Delight; The Heart that Innocence retains, To those thy choicest Blessings give, Whose Hearts before thee are upright: The LORD the Wicked shall destroy, But crown his Saints with Peace and Joy. Topics: Description of The Church: Establishment and Steadfastness; Description of Confidence of Believers in Dangers; Prophecies Predictions of God's Judgment upon the Ungodly and Wicked Scripture: Psalm 125 Languages: English Tune Title: [Who place on Sion's God their Trust]
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GOD's Temple crowns the holy Mount

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #LXXXVII (1767) Lyrics: 1 GOD's Temple crowns the holy Mount, The LORD there condescends to dwell; His Sion's Gates, in his Account, Our Israel's fairest Tents excell. Fame, glorious Things of thee shall sing, O City of th' Almighty King! 2 I'll mention Rahab with due Praise, In Babylon's Applauses join, The Fame of Ethiopia raise, With that of Tyre and Palestine; And grant that some, amongst them born, Their Age and Country did adorn. 3 But still of Sion I'll aver, That many such from her proceed; Th' Almighty shall establish her; His gen'ral Lift shall shew when read, That such a person there was born, And such did such an Age adorn. 7 He'll Sion find with Numbers fill'd Of such as merit high Renown, For Hand and Voice Musicians skill'd, And (her transcending Fames to crown) Of such she shall Successions bring, Like Waters from a living Spring. Topics: Description of The Church: Glory and Renown; Prophecies Of the Calling of the Gentiles Scripture: Psalm 87 Languages: English Tune Title: [God's Temple crowns the holy Mount]
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In Judah the Almighty's known

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #LXXVI (1767) Lyrics: 1 In Judah the Almighty's known (Almighty, there, by Wonders shown,) His Name is Jacob does excell, His Sanctuary in Salem stands: The Majesty that Heav'n commands, In Sion condescends to dwell. 2 He brake the Bow and Arrows there, The Shield, the temper'd Sword, and Spear; There slain the mighty Army lay: Whence Sion's Fame thro' Earth is spread, Of greater Glory, greater Dread, than Hills where Robbers lodge their Prey. 3 Their valiant Chiefs, who came for Spoil, Themselves met there a shameful Foil: Securely down to sleep they lay; But wak'd no more; their stoutest Band Ne'er lifted on resisting Hand, Against his, who their Hosts did slay. 4 When Jacob's GOD began to frown, Both Horse and Charioteers, o'erthrown, Together slept in endless Night. When thou, whom Earth and Heaven revere, Dost once with wrathful Look appear, What mortal Pow'r can stand thy Sight? 5 Pronounc'd from Heav'n, Earth heard its Doom; Grew hush'd with Fear when Thou didst come, The Meek with Justice to restore. The Wrath of Man shall yield thee Praise; Its last Attempts but serve to raise, The Triumphs of Almighty Pow'r. 6 Now to the LORD, ye Nations, bring Vow'd Presents to th'eternal King: Thus to His Name due Rev'rence pay, Who proudest Potentates can quell, To earthly Kings more terrible, Than to their trembling Subjects they. Topics: Soul's Desire Of Believers; Thanksgivings For Victories Scripture: Psalm 76 Languages: English Tune Title: [In Judah, the Almighty's known]
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Ye Saints and Servants of the LORD

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #CXIII (1767) Lyrics: 1 Ye Saints and Servants of the LORD, The Triumphs of his Name record; His sacred Name for ever bless; Where e'er the circling Sun displays His rising Beams, or setting Rays, Due Praise to his great Name address. 2 GOD through the World extends his Sway, The Regions of eternal Day But Shadows of his Glory are: With him, whose Majesty excells, Who made the Heav'n, in which he dwells, Let no created Pow'r compare. 3 Though 'tis beneath his State to view, In highest Heav'n what Angels do, Yet he to Earth vouchsafes his Care: He takes the Needy from his Cell, Advancing him in Courts to dwell, Companion to the Greatest there. 4 When childless Families despair, He sends the Blessing of an Heir, To rescue their expiring Name: Makes her, that barren was, to bear, And joyfully her Fruit to rear. Oh then extol his matchless Fame! Topics: Songs of Praise to God the Creation and Providence Scripture: Psalm 113 Languages: English Tune Title: [Ye Saints and Servants of the Lord]
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When Sion's God her mournful Sons

Hymnal: The Psalms of David #CXXVI (1767) Lyrics: 1 When Sion's GOD her mournful Sons Recall'd from long Captivity, It seem'd at first a pleasing Dream Of what we wish'd to see; But soon our Tongues we did employ In thankful Hymns and Songs of Joy. 2 Our Heathen Foes repining stood; Yet they were all compell'd to own, That great and wond'rous was indeed The Work our GOD for us had done: His Goodness we with Joy confess, Who thus hath crown'd us with Success. 3 To us bring back the Remnant, LORD, Of Israel's long enclaved Bands; More wellcome than refreshing Show'rs That fall on parch'd and thirsty Lands: That we, who did our Days employ In Sorrow, now may reap in Joy. 4 Though he desponds, that sows his Grain, Yet, doubtless, he at last shall come To bind his ripen'd full-ear'd Sheaves, And bring the plenteous Harvest home: Then former Griefs shall pass away, And glad Success his Toil repay. Topics: Thanksgivings For Delerances and Wonders, General Scripture: Psalm 126 Languages: English Tune Title: [When Sion's God her mournful sons]
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Father of men, in whom are one

Author: Henry Cary Shuttleworth Hymnal: Hymnal for Colleges and Schools #262 (1956) Languages: English Tune Title: GENEVA 113

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