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Topics:ancient hymns and canticles

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Hail, Gladdening Light

Author: Rev. John Keble (1792-1866) Hymnal: The Hymnal #A83 (1950) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles Ancient Hymns First Line: Hail, gladdening Light, of His pure glory poured Lyrics: Hail gladdening Light, of His pure glory poured Who is the immortal Father, heavenly, blest, Holiest of holies, Jesus Christ, our Lord! Now we are come to the sun's hour of rest, The lights of evening round us shine, We hymn the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit divine. Worthiest art Thou at all times to be sung With undefiled tongue, Son of our God, Giver of life, alone: Therefore in all the world Thy glories, Lord, they own. Amen. Tune Title: SEBASTE
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O gladsome Light, O Grace

Author: Robert Bridges Hymnal: The Hymnal #A82 (1950) Meter: Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles Ancient Hymns Lyrics: 1 O gladsome light, O Grace Of God the Father's face, Th' eternal splendor wearing; Celestial, holy, blest, Our Saviour Jesus Christ, Joyful in Thine appearing! 2 Now, ere day fadeth quite, We see the evening light, Our wonted hymn outpouring; Father of might unknown, Thee, His incarnate Son, And Holy Ghost adoring. 3 To Thee of right belongs All praise of holy songs, O Son of God, Life Giver; Thee, therefore, O Most High, The world doth glorify, And shall exalt forever. Amen. Tune Title: NUNC DIMITTIS

Venite, Exultemus Domino

Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #C1c (1933) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: O come let us sing unto the Lord Scripture: Psalm 95 Tune Title: [O come, let us sing unto the Lord]
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Nunc Dimittis (The Song of Simeon)

Hymnal: Methodist Hymn and Tune Book #672d (1917) Topics: Doxologies, Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace Lyrics: 1 LORD, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace: according to Thy word. 2 For mine eyes have seen: Thy salvation. 3 Which Thou hast prepared: before the face of all people; 4 To be a light to lighten the Gentiles: and to be the glory of Thy people Israel. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son: and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be: world without end. Amen. Languages: English Tune Title: NUNC DIMITTIS (THE SONG OF SIMEON)
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Gloria In Excelsis

Hymnal: Methodist Hymn and Tune Book #674 (1917) Topics: Doxologies, Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace, good will towards men Lyrics: 1 Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace, good will towards men. 2 We praise Thee, we bless Thee, we worship Thee: we glorify Thee, we give thanks to Thee for Thy great glory, 3 O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. 4 O Lord, the only begotten Son Jesus Christ; O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, 5 That takest away the sins of the world: have mercy upon us. 6 Thou that takest away the sins of the world: have mercy upon us. 7 Thou that takest away the sins of the world: receive our prayer. 8 Thou that sittest at the right hand of God the Father; have mercy upon us. 9 For Thou only art holy: Thou only art the Lord; 10 Thou, only, O Christ, with the Holy Ghost: art most high in the glory of God the Father. Languages: English Tune Title: GLORIA IN EXCELSIS

Sursom Corda

Hymnal: The Book of Praise #827 (1918) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: Lift up your hearts Languages: English Tune Title: [Lift up your hearts] (Plainsong)
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Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law

Hymnal: The Hymnal #A67 (1950) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles Lyrics: Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law. Lord, have mercy upon us, and write all these Thy laws in our hearts, we beseech Thee. Tune Title: [Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law]
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Lord, keep us safe this night

Author: John Leland, 1754-1841 Hymnal: Methodist Hymn and Tune Book #662 (1917) Topics: Doxologies, Ancient Hymns, and Canticles Lyrics: Lord, keep us safe this night, Secure from all our fears; May angels guard us while we sleep, Till morning light appears. Languages: English Tune Title: VESPER

Of the Father's love begotten

Author: Rev. John Mason Neale; Aurelius Clemens Prudentius (348-413); Rev. Henry W. Baker Hymnal: The Hymnal #A85 (1950) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles Plain Songs Lyrics: 1 Of the Father's love begotten, Ere the worlds began to be, He is Alpha and Omega, He the Source, the Ending He, Of the things that are, that have been, And that future years shall see, Evermore and evermore! 2 O ye heights of heaven, adore Him; Angel hosts, His praises sing; Powers, dominions, bow before Him, And extol our God and King; Let no tongue on earth be silent, Every voice in concert ring, Evermore and evermore! 3 Christ, to Thee with God the Father, And, O Holy Ghost, to Thee, Hymn and chant and high thanksgiving And unwearied praises be: Honor, glory, and dominion, And eternal victory, Evermore and evermore! Amen. Tune Title: DIVINUM MYSTERIUM
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Lift Up Your Hearts

Hymnal: The Hymnal #A62 (1950) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles Lyrics: Lift up your hearts. We lift them up unto the Lord. Tune Title: SURSUM CORDA
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Lift Up Your Hearts

Hymnal: The Hymnal #A63 (1950) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles Lyrics: Lift up your hearts. We lift them up unto the Lord. Tune Title: [Lift up your hearts]
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Lord, Have Mercy Upon Us

Hymnal: The Hymnal #A64 (1950) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles Lyrics: Lord, have mercy upon us; Christ, have mercy upon us; Lord, have mercy upon us. Tune Title: KYRIE
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Lord, Have Mercy Upon Us

Hymnal: The Hymnal #A65 (1950) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles Lyrics: Lord, have mercy upon us; Christ, have mercy upon us; Lord, have mercy upon us. Tune Title: KYRIE
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Lord, Have Mercy Upon Us

Hymnal: The Hymnal #A66 (1950) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles Lyrics: Lord, have mercy upon us; Christ, have mercy upon us; Lord, have mercy upon us. Tune Title: KYRIE

O Lamb of God

Hymnal: The Hymnal #A75 (1950) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world Lyrics: O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, grant us Thy peace. Tune Title: AGNUS DEI

O Christ, Thou Lamb of God

Hymnal: The Hymnal #A76 (1950) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles Lyrics: O Christ, Thou Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. O Christ, Thou Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. O Christ, Thou Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, grant us Thy peace. Amen. Tune Title: [O Christ, Thou Lamb of God]
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O Lamb of God

Hymnal: The Hymnal #A77 (1950) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world Lyrics: O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy upon us. O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy upon us. O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, Grant us Thy peace. Tune Title: AGNUS DEI
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Glory be to Thee, O Lord

Hymnal: The Hymnal #A78 (1950) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles Lyrics: Glory be to Thee, O Lord. Tune Title: GLORIA TIBI
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Glory be to Thee, O Lord

Hymnal: The Hymnal #A79 (1950) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles Lyrics: Glory be to Thee, O Lord. Tune Title: GLORI TIBI
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Glory be to Thee, O Lord

Hymnal: The Hymnal #A80 (1950) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles Lyrics: Glory be to Thee, O Lord. Tune Title: GLORIA TIBI
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Thanks be to Thee, O Christ

Hymnal: The Hymnal #A81 (1950) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles Lyrics: Thanks be to Thee, O Christ, for this Thy holy gospel. Tune Title: GRATIA TIBI
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Amen, Amen

Hymnal: The Hymnal #A87 (1950) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles Plain Songs Lyrics: Amen, Amen. Tune Title: TWOFOLD AMEN
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Amen, Amen, Amen

Hymnal: The Hymnal #A88 (1950) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles Plain Songs Lyrics: Amen, Amen, Amen. Tune Title: THREEFOLD AMEN
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Amen, Amen, Amen

Hymnal: The Hymnal #A89 (1950) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles Plain Songs Lyrics: Amen, Amen, Amen. Tune Title: THREEFOLD AMEN
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Amen, Amen

Hymnal: The Hymnal #A90 (1950) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles Plain Songs Lyrics: Amen, Amen. Tune Title: DRESDEN AMEN
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Amen, Amen, Amen

Hymnal: The Hymnal #A91 (1950) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles Plain Songs Lyrics: Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen. Tune Title: SEVENFOLD AMEN
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Amen, Amen

Hymnal: The Hymnal #A92 (1950) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles Plain Songs Lyrics: Amen, Amen. Tune Title: WYKAGYL AMEN

Venite, Exultemus Domino

Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #C1a (1933) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: O come let us sing unto the Lord Scripture: Psalm 95 Languages: English Tune Title: [O come, let us sing unto the Lord]

Venite, Exultemus Domino

Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #C1b (1933) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: O come let us sing unto the Lord Scripture: Psalm 95 Tune Title: [O come, let us sing unto the Lord]

Venite, Exultemus Domino

Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #C1d (1933) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: O come let us sing unto the Lord Scripture: Psalm 95 Tune Title: [O come, let us sing unto the Lord]

Venite, Exultemus Domino

Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #C1e (1933) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: O come let us sing unto the Lord Scripture: Psalm 95 Tune Title: [O come, let us sing unto the Lord]

Te Deum Laudamus

Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #C2a (1933) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: We praise Thee, O God Languages: English Tune Title: [We praise Thee, O God]

Te Deum Laudamus

Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #C2b (1933) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: We praise Thee, O God Tune Title: [We praise Thee, O God]

Te Deum Laudamus

Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #C2c (1933) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: We praise Thee, O God Tune Title: [We praise Thee, O God]

Te Deum Laudamus

Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #C2d (1933) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: We praise Thee, O God Tune Title: [We praise Thee, O God]

Te Deum Laudamus

Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #C2e (1933) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: We praise Thee, O God Tune Title: [We praise Thee, O God]

Te Deum Laudamus

Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #C2f (1933) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: We praise Thee, O God Tune Title: [We praise Thee, O God]

Te Deum Laudamus

Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #C2g (1933) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: We praise Thee, O God Tune Title: [We praise Thee, O God]

Te Deum Laudamus

Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #C2h (1933) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: We praise Thee, O God Tune Title: [We praise Thee, O God]

Te Deum Laudamus

Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #C2i (1933) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: We praise Thee, O God Tune Title: [We praise Thee, O God]

Te Deum Laudamus

Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #C2j (1933) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: We praise Thee, O God Tune Title: [We praise Thee, O God]

Te Deum Laudamus

Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #C2k (1933) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: We praise Thee, O God Tune Title: [We praise Thee, O God]

Te Deum Laudamus

Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #C2l (1933) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: We praise Thee, O God Tune Title: [We praise Thee, O God]

Cantemus Cuncti

Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #C4 (1933) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: The strain upraise of joy and praise Tune Title: TROYTE


Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #C5a (1933) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: Blessed be the Lord God of Israel Scripture: Luke 1:68-79 Languages: English Tune Title: [Blessed be the Lord God of Israel]


Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #C5b (1933) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: Blessed be the Lord God of Israel Scripture: Luke 1:68-79 Tune Title: [Blessed be the Lord God of Israel]


Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #C5c (1933) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: Blessed be the Lord God of Israel Scripture: Luke 1:68-79 Tune Title: [Blessed be the Lord God of Israel]


Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #C5d (1933) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: Blessed be the Lord God of Israel Scripture: Luke 1:68-79 Tune Title: [Blessed be the Lord God of Israel]


Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #C5e (1933) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: Blessed be the Lord God of Israel Scripture: Luke 1:68-79 Tune Title: [Blessed be the Lord God of Israel]

Jubilate Deo

Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #C6a (1933) Topics: Ancient Hymns and Canticles First Line: O be joyful in the Lord all ye lands Scripture: Psalm 100 Languages: English Tune Title: [O be joyful in the Lord all ye lands]


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