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The Lord Our Dwelling-Place

Hymnal: The Psalter #245 (1912) Meter: Topics: Anger of God Deprecated; Anger of God Fearful; Anger of God Righteous First Line: Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling-place Lyrics: 1 Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling place Through all the ages of our race; Before the mountains had their birth, Or ever Thou hadst formed the earth, From everlasting Thou art God, To everlasting our abode. 2 At Thy command man fades and dies And new-born generations rise; A thousand years are passed away, And all to Thee are but a day; Yea, like the watches of the night, With Thee the ages wing their flight. 3 Man soon yields up his fleeting breath Before this swelling tide of death; Like transient sleep his seasons pass, His life is like the tender grass, Luxuriant 'neath the morning sun, And withered ere the day is done. 4 Man in Thy anger is consumed, and unto grief and sorrow doomed; Before Thy clear and searching sight Our secret sins are brought to light; Beneath Thy wrath we pine and die, Our life expiring like a sigh. 5 For threescore years and ten we wait, Or fourscore years if strength be great; But grief and toil attend life's day, And soon our spirits fly away; O who with true and rev'rent though Can fear Thy anger as he ought? Scripture: Psalm 90 Languages: English Tune Title: ST. CATHERINE
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Lessons from the Past

Hymnal: The Psalter #213 (1912) Topics: Anger of God Righteous First Line: My people, give ear, attend to my word Lyrics: 1 My people, give ear, attend to my word, In parables new deep truths shall be heard; The wonderful story our fathers made known To children succeeding by us must be shown. 2 Instructing our sons we gladly record The praises, the works, the might of the Lord, For He hath commanded that what He hath done Be passed in tradition from father to son. 3 Let children thus learn from history's light To hope in our God and walk in His sight, The God of their fathers to fear and obey, And ne'er like their fathers to turn from His way. 4 The story be told, to warn and restrain, Of hearts that were hard, rebellions, and vain, Of soldiers who faltered when battle was near, Who kept not God's covenant nor walked in His fear. 5 God's wonderful works to them He had shown, His marvelous deeds their fathers had known; He made for their pathway the waters divide, His glorious pillar of cloud was their guide. 6 He gave them to drink, relieving their thirst, And forth from the rock caused water to burst; Yet faithless they tempted their God, and they said, Can He Who gave water supply us with bread? 7 Jehovah was wroth because they forgot To hope in their God, and trusted Him not; Yet gracious, He opened the doors of the sky And rained down the manna in richest supply. 8 With bread from on high their need He supplied, And more did He do when thankless they sighed; The strong winds commanding from south and from east, He sent them abundance of quail for their feast. 9 Though well they were filled, their folly they chose, Till God in His wrath o'erwhelmed them with woes; He slew of their strongest and smote their young men, But still unbelieving they sinned even then. 10 Because of their sin He smote with His rod, And then they returned and sought for their God; Their Rock and Redeemer was God the Most High, Yet false were their praises, their promise a lie. 11 Not right with their God in heart and in will, They faithlessly broke His covenant still; But He, in compassion, reluctant to slay, Forgave them and oft turned His anger away. 12 His pity was great, though often they sinned, For they were but flesh, a swift passing wind; Yet thought His compassion and grace they behold, They tempted and grieved Him and often rebelled. 13 They limited God, the Most Holy One, And hindered the work His grace had begun; The hand that was mighty to save they forgot, The day of redemption remembering not. 14 Ungrateful and blind, no longer they thought Of wonders and signs and mighty deeds wrought, Of how all the rivers of Egypt ran red, And plagues in God's anger were heaped on their head. 15 They thought not of how, their freedom to gain, In Egypt's abodes the first-born were slain, And how all God's people were led forth like sheep, The flock He delighted in safety to keep. Scripture: Psalm 78 Languages: English Tune Title: CHIOS
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The Cry of the Mortal

Hymnal: The Psalter #244 (1912) Topics: Anger of God Deprecated; Anger of God Fearful; Anger of God Righteous First Line: Lord, thro' all the generations Lyrics: 1 Lord, thro' all the generations Of the children of our race, In our fears and tribulations, Thou hast been our dwelling-place. Ere the vast and wide creation By Thy word was cased to be, Or the mountains held their station, Thou art God eternally. 2 Each succeeding generation At Thy mighty word appears; Thou dost count in time's duration One day as a thousand years. Death, with swift and sudden warning, Calls us from life's dream away, Like the grass, green in the morning, Withered ere the close of day. 3 In Thy wrath our spirits languish, Sinful 'neath Thy searching eye; All our days are passed in anguish, In Thy wrath we pine and id. Threescore years and ten we tarry, Fourscore years the strong may stay, Long the load of grief to carry, Till at last we fly away. 4 Who can weigh Thy just displeasure, Who can fear Thee as he ought? Teach us now our days to measure And to wisdom turn our thought. Lord, return, regard our sadness; with Thy servants now abide; Fill our days with joy and gladness, With Thy mercy satisfied. 5 Long the clouds of evil lower; Bless us now with gladsome days; Let Thy servants see Thy power, Let their children learn Thy praise. On us let the grace and beauty Of the Lord our God remain, Strengthen us for noble duty That our work be not in vain. Scripture: Psalm 90 Languages: English Tune Title: ARMSTRONG
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Assurance of Blessing

Hymnal: The Psalter #230 (1912) Meter: Topics: Anger of God Deprecated; Anger of God Restrained First Line: Lord, Thou hast greatly blessed our land Lyrics: 1 Lord, Thou hast greatly blessed our land, Thou hast brought back our captive band, Thy pard'ning grace has made us free And covered our iniquity. 2 O Thou, Who in a former day Didst turn Thy dreadful wrath away, In grace Thy people, Lord, return, And let Thy wrath no longer burn. 3 O will Thy anger never cease, Forever shall Thy wrath increase? Revive and quicken us once more, And Thy salvation's joy restore. 4 To us Thy mercy now afford And show us Thy salvation, Lord; Yea, Thou wilt answer us in peace, If from our folly we will cease. 5 The Lord's salvation will appear To men of faith and godly fear, And glory in our land shall dwell When we shall heed God's precepts well. 6 Now truth agrees with mercy mild, Now law and peace are reconciled; Behold the truth from earth arise, With justice shining from the skies. 7 The Lord will send His blessing down, And harvests all our land shall crown; Before Him righteousness abides, And in His steps our feet He guides. Scripture: Psalm 85 Languages: English Tune Title: ROCKINGHAM OLD
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Encouragement in Prayer

Hymnal: The Psalter #231 (1912) Topics: Anger of God Deprecated; Anger of God Restrained First Line: Lord, Thou hast favor shown Thy land Lyrics: 1 Lord, Thou hast favor shown Thy land, Restored again Thy captive band; Thy people's sins Thou pardoned hast, And all their guilt hast covered o'er, Removed from them Thy anger sore, All Thy fierce wrath behind Thee cast. 2 In grace Thy people, Lord, return, Nor longer let Thy anger burn; Wilt Thou forever angry be? Thro' ages shall Thy wrath survive? Wilt Thou not us again revive, That so we may rejoice in Thee? 3 O Lord, to us Thy mercy show, And Thy salvation now bestow; We wait to hear what God will say; Peace to His people He will speak, And to His saints, but let them seek No more in folly's path to stray. Scripture: Psalm 85 Languages: English Tune Title: REDAL
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God's eternity and man's frailty

Hymnal: Bible Songs #181 (1901) Topics: Anger of God Deprecated; Anger of God Fearful; Anger of God Righteous First Line: Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place Scripture: Psalm 90:1-5 Languages: English Tune Title: [Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place]
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The Tender Mercies of God

Hymnal: The Psalter #280 (1912) Topics: Anger of God Restrained First Line: O my soul, bless thou Jehovah Lyrics: 1 O my soul, bless thou Jehovah, All within me, bless His Name; Bless Jehovah and forget not All His mercies to proclaim. He forgives all thy transgressions; Heals thy sicknesses and pains; He redeems thee from destruction, And His love thy life sustains. 2 He with tender mercies crowns thee, Satisfies thy full request, So that like the tireless eagle Thou with youth renewed art blessed. Righteous is the Lord in judgment Unto all that are oppressed; To His people He has ever Made His goodness manifest. 3 Yea, the Lord is full of mercy And compassion for distress, Slow to anger and abundant In His grace and tenderness. He will not be angry alway, Nor will He forever chide; Tho' we oft have sinned against Him Still His love and grace abide. 4 As the heav'ns are high above us, Great his love to us has proved; Far as east from west is distant, He has all our sins removed. As a father loves his children, Feeling pity for their woes, So the Lord to those who fear Him Mercy and compassion shows. Scripture: Psalm 103 Languages: English Tune Title: AUTUMN
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The Greatness and Grace of God

Hymnal: The Psalter #397 (1912) Meter: Topics: Anger of God Restrained First Line: O Lord, Thou art my God and King Lyrics: 1 O Lord, Thou art my God and King, And I will ever bless Thy Name; I will extol Thee ev'ry day, And evermore Thy praise proclaim. 2 The Lord is greatly to be praised, His greatness is beyond our thought; From age to age the sons of men Shall tell the wonders God has wrought. 3 Upon Thy glorious majesty And wondrous works my mind shall dwell; Thy deeds shall fill the world with awe, And of Thy greatness I will tell. 4 Thy matchless goodness and Thy grace Thy people shall commemorate, And all Thy truth and righteousness My joyful song shall celebrate. 5 The Lord our God is rich in grace, Most tender and compassionate; His anger is most slow to rise, His loving-kindness is most great. 6 The Lord is good in all His ways, His creatures know His constant care; To all His works His love extends, All men His tender mercies share. 7 Thy works shall give Thee thanks, O Lord, Thy saints Thy mighty acts shall show, Till o'er the earth the sons of men Thy kingdom, power, and glory know. 8 Eternal is Thy kingdom, Lord, Forever strong and ever sure; while generations rise and die Shall Thy dominion still endure. Scripture: Psalm 145 Languages: English Tune Title: DUKE STREET
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The Excellency of God

Hymnal: The Psalter #399 (1912) Topics: Anger of God Restrained First Line: My God, I will extol Thee Lyrics: 1 My God, I will extol Thee And ever bless Thy Name; Each day will I give thanks to Thee And all Thy praise proclaim. Great is the Lord and mighty, And highly to be praised; His greatness is unsearchable, Above our knowledge raised. 2 To ev'ry generation thy glory shall be told, Thy honor and Thy majesty In mem'ry I will hold; Thy mighty pow'r and greatness Shall all mankind confess, And tell the story of Thy love, And sing Thy righteousness. 3 The Lord is very gracious And most compassionate; His anger is most slow to rise, His mercy is most great; On all His helpless creatures His tender mercies rest; By all His works He shall be praised, By all His saints be blest. 4 The glory of His kingdom Proclaimed abroad shall be, That all may know His mighty deeds And glorious majesty; His kingdom is eternal, His throne shall stand secure, And His dominion without end Thro' ages shall endure. Scripture: Psalm 145 Languages: English Tune Title: ST. LOUIS
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Jesus Crowned and Triumphant

Hymnal: The Psalter #45 (1912) Topics: Anger of God Fearful; Anger of God Righteous First Line: Now the King in Thy strength shall be joyful, O Lord Lyrics: 1 Now the King in Thy strength shall be joyful, O Lord, Thy salvation shall make Him rejoice; For the wish of His heart Thou didst freely accord, The request of His suppliant voice. 2 All the blessings of goodness Thou freely didst give; With the purest of gold he is crowned; When He asked of Thee life Thou hast made Him to live While the ages shall circle around. 3 Thro' salvation from Thee hath His fame spread abroad, Thou didst glory and honor impart; Thou hast made Him most blessed forever, O God, And Thy presence hath gladdened His heart. 4 For the King in the strength of Jehovah Most High Did unwavering confidence place; On the Name of Jehovah He still will rely, And shall stand evermore in His grace. 5 By the hand of Thy might and Thy anger destroyed, All Thy foes and their offspring shall fall; By the evil they planned and the craft they employed They shall never against Thee prevail. 6 Thou wilt speedily make them turn backward in flight, When Thy arrows are aimed to destroy. O Jehovah, be Thou far exalted in might, And Thy pow'r shall our praises employ. Scripture: Psalm 21 Languages: English Tune Title: LATAKIA
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The Church Under Discipline

Hymnal: The Psalter #216 (1912) Topics: Anger of God Fearful; Anger of God Invoked First Line: In Thy heritage the heathen Lyrics: 1 In Thy heritage the heathen Now, O God, triumphant stand; They defile Thy holy temple, They destroy Thy chosen land; Ruthless, they have slain Thy servants, They have caused Thy saints to mourn, In the sight of all about us We endure reproach and scorn. 2 O how long against Thy people Shall Thy anger burn, O Lord? On Thy enemies, the heathen, Be Thy indignation poured; Smite the kingdoms that defy Thee, Calling not upon Thy Name. They have long devoured Thy people And have swept Thy land with flame. 3 O remember not against us Evil by our fathers wrought; Haste to help us in Thy mercy, Near to ruin we are brought; Help us, God of our salvation, For the glory of Thy Name; For Thy Name's sake come and save us, Take away our sin and shame. 4 Let Thy foes no longer scorn Thee, Now avenge Thy servants slain; Loose the pris'ner, save the dying, All Thy enemies restrain; Then Thy flock, Thy chosen people, Unto Thee Thy thanks shall raise, And to ev'ry generation, We will sing Thy glorious praise. Scripture: Psalm 79 Languages: English Tune Title: SALONICA
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Motives to Gratitude

Hymnal: The Psalter #283 (1912) Topics: Anger of God Restrained First Line: O come, my soul, bless thou the Lord thy Maker Refrain First Line: Bless Him, ye angels, wondrous in might Lyrics: 1 O come, my soul, bless thou the Lord thy Maker, And all within me, bless His holy Name; Bless thou the Lord, forget not all His mercies, His pard'ning grace and saving love proclaim. Refrain: Bless Him, ye angels, wondrous in might, Bless Him, His servants that in His will delight. 2 Good is the Lord and full of kind compassion, Most slow to anger, plenteous in love; Rich is His grace to all that humbly seek Him, Boundless and endless as the heav'ns above. [Refrain] 3 His love is like a father's to his children, Tender and kind to all who fear His Name; For well He knows our weakness and our frailty, He knows that we are dust, He knows our frame. [Refrain] 4 We fade and die like flow'rs that grow in beauty, Like tender grass that soon will disappear; But evermore the love of God is changeless, Still shown to those who look to Him in fear. [Refrain] 5 High in the heav'ns His throne is fixed forever, His kingdom rules o'er all from pole to pole; Bless ye the Lord through all His wide dominion, Bless His most holy Name, O thou my soul. [Refrain] Scripture: Psalm 103 Languages: English Tune Title: TUNBRIDGE
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The Wonders of Divine Grace

Hymnal: The Psalter #284 (1912) Topics: Anger of God Restrained First Line: O come, my soul, bless the Lord our Maker Refrain First Line: Bless Him, ye angels, wondrous in might Lyrics: 1 O come, my soul, bless thou the Lord thy Maker, And all within me, bless His holy Name; Bless thou the Lord, forget not all His mercies, His pard'ning grace and saving love proclaim. Refrain: Bless Him, ye angels, wondrous in might, Bless Him, His servants that in His will delight. 2 Good is the Lord and full of kind compassion, Most slow to anger, plenteous in love; Rich is His grace to all that humbly seek Him, Boundless and endless as the heav'ns above. [Refrain] 3 His love is like a father's to his children, Tender and kind to all who fear His Name; For well He knows our weakness and our frailty, He knows that we are dust, He knows our frame. [Refrain] 4 We fade and die like flow'rs that grow in beauty, Like tender grass that soon will disappear; But evermore the love of God is changeless, Still shown to those who look to Him in fear. [Refrain] 5 High in the heav'ns His throne is fixed forever, His kingdom rules o'er all from pole to pole; Bless ye the Lord thro' all His wide dominion, Bless His most holy Name, O thou my soul. [Refrain] Scripture: Psalm 103 Languages: English Tune Title: PILGRIMS
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The cry of the chastened

Hymnal: Bible Songs #10 (1901) Topics: Anger of God Deprecated First Line: Lord, in anger do not chasten Scripture: Psalm 6 Languages: English Tune Title: [Lord, in anger do not chasten]
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Desires and Aspirations

Hymnal: The Psalter #236 (1912) Topics: Anger of God Restrained First Line: By all whom Thou hast made Lyrics: 1 By all whom Thou hast made Be praise and worship paid Thro' earth abroad; Thy Name be glorified, There is none great beside, Matchless Thy works abide, For Thou art God. 2 Help me Thy will to do, Thy truth I will pursue, Teach me to fear; Give me the single eye Thy Name to glorify, O Lord, my God Most High, With heart sincere. 3 How great Thy love appears That bade death's gloomy fears No more dismay; O God, to anger slow, Save me from ev'ry foe, Thy loving-kindness show, Thy truth display. 4 Show me Thy mercy true, Thy servant's strength renew, Deliv'rance send; To me Thy goodness show, Thy comfort, Lord bestow; Let those that hate me know Thou art my friend. Scripture: Psalm 86 Languages: English Tune Title: DONORA
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Sin and Divine Patience

Hymnal: The Psalter #291 (1912) Meter: Topics: Anger of God Righteous First Line: Their God and Saviour they forgot Lyrics: 1 Their God and Saviour they forgot, Their helper and their stay, But Moses plead the promised grace And turned God's wrath away. 2 Yea, they despised the pleasant land, The promised land of God, And tempted Him to make them fall And scatter them abroad. 3 They sacrificed to heathen gods, And God their sin repaid; Then holy wrath avenged the wrong, And so the plague was stayed. 4 The Lord approved the righteous act Of him who sin abhorred, And honored him for evermore With just and great reward. 5 By wicked strife they angered God, His wrath they did provoke; And, stirred by their rebellious cries, Their leader rashly spoke. 6 Ensnared, they served the heathen gods, And by them were beguiled; The blood of children sacrificed The very land defiled. 7 Against His own inheritance Jehovah's wrath arose, His chosen people He condemned To serve their heathen foes. 8 Though from their harsh oppressors' hand Ofttimes He set them free, Rebellious still, they were brought low In their iniquity. 9 When unto God they cried, he heard And turned again His face, In boundless love remembering The covenant of His grace. 10 He even touched their captors' hearts, And made their very foes Compassionate and pitiful To feel his people's woes. 11 Save us, O Lord, our gracious God, From alien lands reclaim That we may triumph in Thy praise And bless Thy holy Name. 12 Blessed be the Lord our covenant God, All praise to Him accord; Let all the people say, Amen. Praise ye, praise ye the Lord. Scripture: Psalm 106 Languages: English Tune Title: NOTTINGHAM
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Divine Chastisement

Hymnal: The Psalter #12 (1912) Topics: Anger of God Deprecated First Line: Lord, rebuke me not in anger Lyrics: 1 Lord, rebuke me not in anger; Chastened sore I waste away; Pity my distress and hear me; Lord, how long wilt Thou delay? 2 Come, O Lord, my soul deliver, In Thy loving-kindness save. Shall the dead Thy Name remember? Who shall praise Thee in the grave? 3 Pity, Lord, my sad condition; I am weary and distressed; Many adversaries vex me, Weeping, I can find no rest. 4 Now the foes that seek to harm me, Quickly put to shame, shall flee, For the Lord hath heard my weeping, And He will regard my plea. Scripture: Psalm 6 Languages: English Tune Title: ZENO
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God's mercies celebrated and sought

Hymnal: Bible Songs #171 (1901) Topics: Anger of God Deprecated; Anger of God Slow First Line: O Lord, thou hast thy favor shown Scripture: Psalm 85 Languages: English Tune Title: [O Lord, thou hast thy favor shown]
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The Church in Trial

Hymnal: The Psalter #205 (1912) Meter: Topics: Anger of God Deprecated; Anger of God Fearful First Line: O wherefore hast Thou cast us off Lyrics: 1 O wherefore hast Thou cast us off, O God, our God of old? Why art Thou angry with Thy sheep, The sheep of Thy own fold, The sheep of Thy own fold? 2 Remember Thy inheritance, Thy Church, redeemed by grace; Remember Zion's mount profaned, Thy ancient dwelling-place, Thy ancient dwelling-place. 3 In ruin long Thy temple lies; Arise, O God of grace; And see the ruin foes have wrought Within Thy holy place, Within Thy holy place. 4 Amid Thy courts are lifted high The standards of the foe, And impious hands with axe and fire Have laid Thy temple low, Have laid Thy temple low. 5 They have profaned the holy place Where Thou hast set thy Name, The sanctuaries of our God Are given to the flame, Are given to the flame. 6 We see no signs of power divine, No prophet speaks for Thee, And none can tell, and none can know, How long these woes shall be, How long these woes shall be. 7 How long, O God, shall blasphemy And shame reproach our land? Why dost Thou not destroy Thy foes With Thy almighty hand, With Thy almighty hand? 8 O God, Thou art our King of old, Salvation Thou hast wrought; In safety through the mighty sea Our fathers Thou hast brought, Our fathers Thou hast brought. 9 With mighty arm Thou didst destroy The pride of boastful man, And for Thy people made a path Where mighty waters ran, Where mighty waters ran. 10 The day is Thine, and Thine the night, And Thine the shining sun; At Thy command earth's bounds are set And changing seasons run, And changing seasons run. 11 Mark how Thy enemies, O Lord, Against Thee proudly speak; Preserve Thy saints from wicked men, Be mindful of the meek, Be mindful of the meek. 12 Fulfill, o Lord, Thy covenant, Our strong protector be, For in the earth are dark abodes Of crime and cruelty, Of crime and cruelty. 13 Let not Thy saints be put to shame, No longer in Thy sight Permit Thy foes to vaunt themselves; Lord, vindicate the right, Lord, vindicate the right. Scripture: Psalm 74 Languages: English Tune Title: COWPER
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Devout Prayers and Pleas

Hymnal: The Psalter #234a (1912) Meter: Topics: Anger of God Restrained First Line: O Lord, my God, my joyful heart Lyrics: 1 O Lord, my God, my joyful heart Will give Thee praise for evermore, For rich in grace to me Thou art, My soul from death Thou didst restore. 2 O God, the proud against me rise, The wicked who delight in strife; They set not Thee before their eyes, They seek to take away my life. 3 In Thee, O Lord, all grace is found, Thy people shall thy mercy know; Thy truth and goodness still abound, To wrath and anger Thou art slow. 4 In mercy turn and look on me, Thy servant true, Thy chosen one; Let me Thy great salvation see, And strengthen me my course to run. 5 Some token of Thy love bestow, Which they who hate me now may see; Let all, O Lord, be brought to know That Thou dost help and comfort me. Scripture: Psalm 86 Languages: English Tune Title: CALM
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Devout Prayers and Pleas

Hymnal: The Psalter #234b (1912) Meter: Topics: Anger of God Restrained First Line: O Lord, my God, my joyful heart Lyrics: 1 O Lord, my God, my joyful heart Will give Thee praise for evermore, For rich in grace to me Thou art, My soul from death Thou didst restore. 2 O God, the proud against me rise, The wicked who delight in strife; They set not Thee before their eyes, They seek to take away my life. 3 In Thee, O Lord, all grace is found, Thy people shall thy mercy know; Thy truth and goodness still abound, To wrath and anger Thou art slow. 4 In mercy turn and look on me, Thy servant true, Thy chosen one; Let me Thy great salvation see, And strengthen me my course to run. 5 Some token of Thy love bestow, Which they who hate me now may see; Let all, O Lord, be brought to know That Thou dost help and comfort me. Scripture: Psalm 86 Languages: English Tune Title: ANGELUS
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Christ's Present Joy and Future Victory

Hymnal: Bible Songs #38 (1901) Topics: Anger of God Fearful; Anger of God Righteous First Line: Now the king in thy strength shall be joyful Scripture: Psalm 21 Languages: English Tune Title: [Now the king in thy strength shall be joyful]
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The Church Under Divine Discipline

Hymnal: Bible Songs #152 (1901) Topics: Anger of God Deprecated; Anger of God Fearful First Line: O God, why hast thou cast us off Scripture: Psalm 74:1-12 Languages: English Tune Title: [O God, why hast thou cast us off]
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Zion's Glory and Safety

Hymnal: The Psalter #207 (1912) Topics: Anger of God Fearful First Line: God is know among His people Lyrics: 1 God is known among His people; Ev'ry mouth His praises fill From of old he has established His abode on Zion's hill. There He broke the sword and arrow, Bade the noise of war be still. 2 Excellent and glorious art Thou, With Thy trophies from the fray; Thou hast slain the the valiant-hearted Wrapt in sleep of death are they; When Thy anger once is risen, Who can stand in that dread day? 3 When from heav'n Thy sentence sounded, All the earth in fear was still, While to save the meek and lowly God in judgement wrought His will; E'en the wrath of man shall praise Thee, Thy design it shall fulfill. 4 Vow and pay ye to Jehovah, Him your God forever own; All men, bring your gifts before him; Worship Him and Him alone; Mighty kings obey and fear Him, Princes bow before His throne. Scripture: Psalm 76 Languages: English Tune Title: TEMPLE BORO
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Reminders from Israel's History

Hymnal: The Psalter #214 (1912) Topics: Anger of God Righteous First Line: My people, give ear, attend to my word Lyrics: 1 My people, give ear, attend to my word, In parables new deep truths shall be heard; The wonderful story our fathers made known To children succeeding by us must be shown. 2 Unharmed thro' the sea, where perished their foe, He caused them with ease and safety to go; His holy land gaining, in peace they were brought To dwell in the mountain the Lord's hand had bought. 3 He gave them the land, a heritage fair; The nations that dwelt in wickedness there He drove out before them with great overthrow, And gave to His people the tents of the foe. 4 Again they rebelled and tempted the Lord, Unfaithful they turned to idols abhorred, And God in His anger withdrew from them then, No longer delighting to dwell among men. 5 He gave them to death in battle, although His glory and strength were scorned by the foe; Their young men were fallen, their maidens unwed, Their priests slain in battle, none wept for the dead. 6 Then mercy awoke, the Lord in His might Returned, and his foes were scattered in flight; Again to His people His favor He showed, And chose in Mount Zion to fix His abode. 7 His servant he called, a shepherd of sheep, From tending his flock, the people to keep; So David, their shepherd, with wisdom and might Protected and fed them and led them aright. Scripture: Psalm 78 Languages: English Tune Title: STELLA
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Commemoration and Praise

Hymnal: The Psalter #77 (1912) Topics: Anger of God Restrained First Line: O Lord, by Thee delivered Lyrics: 1 O Lord, by Thee delivered, I Thee with songs extol; My foes Thou hast not suffered To glory o'er my fall. O Lord, my God, I sought Thee, And Thou didst heal and save; Thou, Lord, from death didst ransom, And keep me from the grave. 2 His holy Name remember, Ye saints, Jehovah praise; His anger lasts a moment, His favor all our days; For sorrow, like a pilgrim, May tarry for a night, But joy the heart will gladden When dawns the morning light. 3 In prosp'rous days I boasted, Unmoved I shall remain, For, Lord, by Thy good favor My cause Thou didst maintain; I soon was sorely troubled, For Thou didst hide Thy face; I cried to Thee, Jehovah, I sought Jehovah's grace. 4 What profit if I perish, If life Thou dost not spare? Shall dust repeat Thy praises, Shall it Thy truth declare? O Lord, on me have mercy, And my petition hear; That Thou mayst be my helper, In mercy, Lord, appear. 5 My grief is turned to gladness, To Thee my thanks I raise, Who hast removed my sorrow And girded me with praise; And now, no longer silent, My heart Thy praise will sing; O Lord, my God, for ever My thanks to Thee I bring. Scripture: Psalm 30 Languages: English Tune Title: CRUCIFIX
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The Church's Appeal in Tribulation

Hymnal: Bible Songs #162 (1901) Topics: Anger of God Fearful; Anger of God Invoked First Line: O God, the heathen hosts Scripture: Psalm 79 Languages: English Tune Title: [O God, the heathen hosts]
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A Suppliant Church

Hymnal: The Psalter #218 (1912) Meter: Topics: Anger of God Deprecated First Line: O Thou great Shephed of Thy chosen race Lyrics: 1 O Thou great Shepherd of Thy chosen race, Who leadest like a flock Thy Israel dear, From out the cherubim reveal Thy face, Before our host now let Thy might appear. Come Thou, O God, to save us and restore; We shall be saved when shines Thy face once more. 2 How long, O Lord, wilt Thou disdain our prayer? For Thou hast fed us with the bread of tears, And bitter sorrow Thou hast made us share; The nations round us mock with scornful jeers. O God of Hosts, Thy people now restore; We shall be saved when shines Thy face once more. 3 A vine Thou broughtest forth from Egypt's land; The nations were thrust out to give it room; It took deep root, it spread on ev'ry hand, The hills were covered with its shade and bloom; Its boughs were like great cedars spreading wide; They reached the sea, its roots the riverside. 4 Why hast Thou broken down its circling wall That they may pluck who pass along the way? Wild beasts from out the wood destroy it all And feed upon Thy vine by night and day. O God of Hosts, we pray Thee now, restore; We shall be saved when shines Thy face once more. 5 Look down, behold and visit this Thy vine Which Thou hast planted with Thy own right hand, The branch Thou madest strong and owned it Thine, For it is burned with fire, no more to stand; Thy people perish in Thy anger sore Because Thy face now shines on them no more. 6 O let Thy hand Thy chosen one sustain, The son of man Thou madest strong to be; So we shall faithful to Thy cause remain; Revive Thou us, and we will call on Thee. Jehovah, God of Hosts, again restore; We shall be saved when shines Thy face once more. Scripture: Psalm 80 Languages: English Tune Title: LANGRAN
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The Equity of God's Providence

Hymnal: Bible Songs #189 (1901) Topics: Anger of God Righteous First Line: O God the Lord, to Whom alone Scripture: Psalm 94 Languages: English Tune Title: [O God the Lord, to Whom alone]
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God the Righteous Judge

Hymnal: The Psalter #253 (1912) Meter: Topics: Anger of God Righteous First Line: O Lord, Thou Judge of all the earth Lyrics: 1 O Lord, Thou Judge of all the earth, To Whom all vengeance doth belong, Arise and show Thy glory forth, Requite the proud, condemn the wrong. 2 How long, O Lord, in boastful pride Shall wicked men triumphant stand? How long shall they afflict Thy saints And devastate Thy chosen land? 3 The widow and the fatherless They slay, and helpless strangers smith; The faithful God they do not fear, They say the Lord will not requite. 4 Be wise, ye fools and brutish men; Shall not He see Who formed the eye? Shall not He hear Who formed the ear, And judge, Who reigneth, God Most High? 5 The Lord will judge in righteousness, From Him all truth and knowledge flow; The foolish thoughts of wicked men, How vain they are the Lord doth know. 6 That man is blest whom Thou, O Lord, With chastening hand dost teach Thy will, For in the day when sinners fall That man in peace abideth still. 7 The Lord will not cast off His own, Nor His inheritance forsake; Just judgment shall at length prevail, And upright hearts shall courage take. 8 Who will arise for my defense Against the wicked in the land? Against iniquity and wrong What man for me will valiant stand? 9 Unless the Lord had been my help, My life had quickly passed away; But when my foot had almost slipped, O Lord, Thy mercy was my stay. 10 Amid the doubts that fill my mind Thy comforts, Lord, bring joy to me; Can wickedness, though throned in might, Have fellowship, O Lord, with Thee? 11 The wicked, in their might arrayed, Against the righteous join their power, But to the Lord I flee for help, He is my refuge and my tower. 12 Our God, the refuge of His saints, Will fight against iniquity; Avenger of the innocent The Lord omnipotent will be. Scripture: Psalm 94 Languages: English Tune Title: LYTHAM
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Our Glorious King

Hymnal: The Psalter #394 (1912) Meter: Topics: Anger of God Restrained First Line: I will extol Thee, O my God Lyrics: 1 I will extol Thee, O my God, And praise Thee, O my King; Yes, ev'ry day and evermore Thy praises I will sing. Great is the Lord, our mighty God, And greatly to be praised; His greatness is unsearchable, Above all glory raised. 2 Each generation to the next Shall testimony bear, And to your praise, from age to age, Thy wondrous acts declare. Upon Thy glorious majesty And honor I will dwell, And all Thy grand and glorious works And all Thy greatness tell. 3 Thy mighty acts and terrible Shall men with awe confess; Of Thy great goodness they shall sing, And perfect righteousness. Most gracious and compassionate Is God Who reigns above; His wrath is ever slow to rise, Unbounded is His love. Scripture: Psalm 145 Languages: English Tune Title: GERARD
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Desire After God

Hymnal: The Psalter #74 (1912) Meter: Topics: Anger of God Deprecated First Line: O Lord, give ear when with my voice Lyrics: 1 O Lord, give ear when with my voice I cry aloud to Thee; Have mercy also, I entreat, Give answer unto me. 2 When Thou didst say, Seek ye My face, My answering heart replied, Thy face, Jehovah, will I seek Above all else beside. 3 Hide not Thy face, nor in Thy wrath Thy servant put away; Thou hast a helper been to me In ev'ry troublous day. 4 O God, my Saviour, leave me not; Tho' parents should forsake, The Lord, within His arms of love, His child will surely take. Scripture: Psalm 27 Languages: English Tune Title: NAOMI
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The Righteous Judgment of God

Hymnal: The Psalter #206 (1912) Meter: Topics: Anger of God Fearful First Line: To Thee, o God, we render thanks Lyrics: 1 To Thee, O God, we render thanks, To Thee give thanks sincere, Because Thy wondrous works declare That Thou art ever near. 2 Thy righteous judgment, Thou hast said, Shall in due time appear, And thou Who didst establish it Wilt fill the earth with fear. 3 Thou teachest meekness to the proud, And makest sinners know That none is judge but God alone, To honor or bring low. 4 Jehovah holds a cup of wrath, And holds it not in vain, For all the wicked of the earth Its bitter dregs shall drain. 5 The God of Israel I will praise And all His glory show; The righteous He will high exalt And bring the wicked low. Scripture: Psalm 75 Languages: English Tune Title: BOSTON
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Divine Sovereignty

Hymnal: The Psalter #260a (1912) Meter: Topics: Anger of God Fearful First Line: Jehovah reigns; let earth be glad Lyrics: 1 Jehovah reigns; let earth be glad, And all the isles their joy make known; With clouds and darkness He is clad, On truth and justice rests His throne. 2 Consuming fire destroys His foes, Around the world His lightnings blaze; The trembling earth His presence knows, The mountains melt before His gaze. 3 The heav'ns His righteousness proclaim, Thro' earth His glory shines abroad; From idol worship turn with shame And bow before the living God. 4 Thy church rejoices to behold Thy judgments in the earth, O Lord; Thy glory to the world unfold, Supreme o'er all be Thou adored. 5 All ye that truly love the Lord, Hate sin, for He is just and pure; To saints His help He will accord And keep them in His love secure. 6 For good men light and joy are sown To bless them in the harvest-time; Ye saints, your joy in God make known And ever praise His Name sublime. Scripture: Psalm 97 Languages: English Tune Title: NOCTURN
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Divine Sovereignty

Hymnal: The Psalter #260b (1912) Meter: Topics: Anger of God Fearful First Line: Jehovah reigns; let earth be glad Lyrics: 1 Jehovah reigns; let earth be glad, And all the isles their joy make known; With clouds and darkness He is clad, On truth and justice rests His throne. 2 Consuming fire destroys His foes, Around the world His lightnings blaze; The trembling earth His presence knows, The mountains melt before His gaze. 3 The heav'ns His righteousness proclaim, Thro' earth His glory shines abroad; From idol worship turn with shame And bow before the living God. 4 Thy church rejoices to behold Thy judgments in the earth, O Lord; Thy glory to the world unfold, Supreme o'er all be Thou adored. 5 All ye that truly love the Lord, Hate sin, for He is just and pure; To saints His help He will accord And keep them in His love secure. 6 For good men light and joy are sown To bless them in the harvest-time; Ye saints, your joy in God make known And ever praise His Name sublime. Scripture: Psalm 97 Languages: English Tune Title: ELY
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Praise and Confession

Hymnal: The Psalter #290 (1912) Meter: Topics: Anger of God Righteous First Line: Praise ye the Lord, for He is good Lyrics: 1 Praise ye the Lord, for He is good; Give thanks and bless His Name; His loving-kindness changes not, From age to age the same. 2 What tongue can tell His mighty deeds, His wondrous works and ways? O who can show His glory forth, Or utter all His praise? 3 The Lord will bless and prosper those, Yea, blest indeed are they, Whose ways are just, who constantly His righteous law obey. 4 O Lord, remember me in grace, Let me salvation see; The grace Thou showest to Thy saints, That grace reveal to me. 5 Let me behold Thy people's good And in their joy rejoice; With Thy triumphant heritage Let me lift up my voice. 6 In evil we have gone astray, And sinful is our race; Rebelliously our fathers walked, Forgetful of Thy grace. 7 Though they rebelled, yet for their help In saving strength he came To make His power almighty known And glorify His Name. 8 He brought them safely through the sea And overwhelmed their foes; Their faith was stirred, and for the time Their songs of praise arose. 9 Forgetful soon, they tempted God, Nor for His counsel cared; He sent them leanness in their souls, Whilst they earth's bounties shared. 10 With envy they regarded those Whom God to them had sent; The opening earth, the kindling flame, Brought awful punishment. 11 A golden image they adored, And worshiped at its shrine; Thus they despised the living God And scorned His love divine. Scripture: Psalm 106 Languages: English Tune Title: BARKE
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God's grace and kingdom of grace

Hymnal: Bible Songs #311 (1901) Topics: Anger of God Slow First Line: The Lord Jehovah gracious is Refrain First Line: All Thy works shall praise Thee Scripture: Psalm 145:6-12 Languages: English Tune Title: [The Lord Jehovah gracious is]
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Our glorious king

Hymnal: Bible Songs #313 (1901) Topics: Anger of God Slow First Line: O Lord, Thou art my God and King Refrain First Line: O Lord, Thou art my God and King Scripture: Psalm 145:1-10 Languages: English Tune Title: [O Lord, Thou art my God and King]
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Divine Love

Hymnal: The Psalter #377 (1912) Meter: Topics: Anger of God Restrained First Line: O thank the Lord, the Lord of love Lyrics: 1 O thank the Lord, the Lord of love, O thank the God, all gods above; His tender mercies ever sure To all eternity endure. 2 O thank the mighty King of kings, Whose arm has done such wondrous things. His tender mercies ever sure To all eternity endure. 3 His wisdom gave the heav'ns their birth, And on the waters spread the earth; His tender mercies ever sure To all eternity endure. 4 He taught yon glorious lights their way, He made the sun to rule the day. His tender mercies ever sure To all eternity endure. 5 He set the moon, with milder light, And shining stars to rule the night; His tender mercies ever sure To all eternity endure. 6 He thought on us amid our woes, And rescued us from all our foes; His tender mercies ever sure To all eternity endure. 7 Give thanks to heaven's Almighty King, Who daily feeds each living thing. His tender mercies ever sure To all eternity endure. Scripture: Psalm 136 Languages: English Tune Title: BELOIT
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Entreaty and Hopeful Trust

Hymnal: The Psalter #72 (1912) Topics: Anger of God Deprecated First Line: Lord, hear me when I pray Lyrics: 1 Lord, hear me when I pray, And answer me in grace; Oft as I hear Thee say, Come ye and seek My face, My heart and lips their answer speak, Thy face, Jehovah, will I seek. 2 Hide no thy face from me, In wrath turn not away, My help and Saviour be, Forsake me not, I pray; Should father, mother, both forsake, The Lord on me will pity take. 3 Teach me, O Lord, Thy way, Make plain tome my path; Because my foes, I pray, Protect me from their wrath; To false accusers, cruel foes, O Lord, do not my soul expose. 4 Faint-hearted would I be, Didst Thou not promise, Lord, I shall Thy goodness see While Thou dost life accord. Wait on the Lord, nor faint, nor fear, Yea, trust and wait, the Lord is near. Scripture: Psalm 27 Languages: English Tune Title: SAMUEL
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Lessons from the past

Hymnal: Bible Songs #158 (1901) Topics: Anger of God Righteous First Line: Attend my people to my law Scripture: Psalm 78:1-22 Languages: English Tune Title: [Attend my people to my law]
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Lessons from the Church's history

Hymnal: Bible Songs #159 (1901) Topics: Anger of God Righteous First Line: At his command, amid their camp Scripture: Psalm 78:23-44 Languages: English Tune Title: [At his command, amid their camp]
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Reminders from Israel's History

Hymnal: Bible Songs #160 (1901) Topics: Anger of God Righteous First Line: But forth from thence like sheep Scripture: Psalm 78:45-63 Languages: English Tune Title: [But forth from thence like sheep]
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Seeking God in Faith

Hymnal: Bible Songs #173 (1901) Topics: Anger of God Slow First Line: O Lord, do Thou bow down Thy ear Scripture: Psalm 86 Languages: English Tune Title: [O Lord, do Thou bow down Thy ear]
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Thoughts on God's Loving Kindness

Hymnal: Bible Songs #62 (1901) Topics: Anger of God Slow First Line: Lord, I will praise thy name Scripture: Psalm 30 Languages: English Tune Title: [Lord, I will praise thy name]
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Zion's glory and Zion's safety

Hymnal: Bible Songs #155 (1901) Topics: Anger of God Fearful First Line: In Judah God is known and feared Scripture: Psalm 76 Languages: English Tune Title: [In Judah God is known and feared]
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A call to joyous worship

Hymnal: Bible Songs #190 (1901) Topics: Anger of God Righteous First Line: O come, let us in songs to God Refrain First Line: O come, let us in songs to God Scripture: Psalm 95 Languages: English Tune Title: [O come, let us in songs to God]
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Sin and the Divine Patience

Hymnal: Bible Songs #218 (1901) Topics: Anger of God Righteous First Line: We with our fathers have transgressed Scripture: Psalm 106:5-38 Languages: English Tune Title: [We with our fathers have transgressed]
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The Slandered Saint's Refuge

Hymnal: Bible Songs #11 (1901) Topics: Anger of God Invoked First Line: O Lord my God, in thee Scripture: Psalm 7 Languages: English Tune Title: [O Lord my God, in thee do I]
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Entreaty and hopeful trust

Hymnal: Bible Songs #56 (1901) Topics: Anger of God Deprecated First Line: Lord, hear me when I pray Scripture: Psalm 27:5-8 Languages: English Tune Title: [Lord, hear me when I pray]


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