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The Holy Scriptures

Hymnal: The Worshiping Church #308 (1990) Topics: Holy Scriptures First Line: First of all you must understand this Scripture: Psalm 119:18-105 Languages: English
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Holy Bible, Book Divine

Author: John Burton, 1773-1822 Hymnal: African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal #205 (2011) Meter: Topics: The Holy Scriptures; Holy Scripture; Holy Scripture Lyrics: 1 Holy Bible, book divine, Precious treasure, thou art mine; Mine to tell me whence I came, Mine to teach me what I am: 2 Mine to chide me when I rove; Mine to show a Savior's love; Mine thou art to guide and guard; Mine to punish or reward; 3 Mine to comfort in distress, Suffering in this wilderness; Mine to show by living faith, Man can triumph over death; 4 Mine to tell of joys to come, And the rebel sinner's doom; O thou holy book divine, Precious treasure, thou art mine. Scripture: Psalm 23 Languages: English Tune Title: ALETTA
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Let everlasting glories crown

Author: Dr. Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 Hymnal: Methodist Hymn and Tune Book #184 (1917) Topics: The Godhead Holy Scripture Lyrics: 1 Let everlasting glories crown Thy head, my Saviour and my Lord; Thy hands have brought salvation down, And writ the blessing in Thy Word. 2 In vain our trembling conscience seeks Some solid ground to rest upon; With long despair our spirit breaks, Till we apply to Thee alone. 3 How well Thy blessed truths agree! How wise and holy Thy commands! Thy promises, how firm they be! How firm our hope and comfort stands! 4 Should all the forms that men devise Assault my faith with treacherous art, I'd call them vanity and lies, And bind Thy Gospel to my heart. Languages: English Tune Title: MENDON
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O Word of God incarnate

Author: W. Walsham How Hymnal: The Hymnal #289 (1921) Meter: D Topics: Holy Scriptures; Scriptures, The Holy Languages: English Tune Title: MUNICH
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Instruction from Scripture

Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #CXI (1791) Topics: Holy Scriptures First Line: How shall the young secure their hearts Lyrics: Verse 9: 1 How shall the Young secure their Hearts, And guard their Lives from Sin? Thy Word the choicest Rules imparts To keep the Conscience clean. Verse 130: 1 When once it enters to the Mind, It spreads such Light abroad, The meanest Souls Instruction find, And raise their thoughts to GOD. Verse 105: 3 'Tis like the Sun, a heav'nly Light, That guides us all the Day; And thro' the Dangers of the Night, A Lamp to lead our Way. Verses 99, 100: 4 The Men that keep thy Law with Care, And meditate thy Word, Grow wiser than their Teachers are, And better know the LORD. Verses 104,113: 5 Thy Precepts make me truly wise; I hate the Sinner's Road; I hate my own vain Thoughts that rise, But love thy Law, my GOD. Verses 89, 90, 91 6 [The starry Heav'ns thy Rule obey, The Earth maintains her Place; And these thy Servants Night and Day Thy Skill and Powe' express. 7 But still thy Law and Gospel, LORD, Have Lessons more divine; Not Earth stands firmer than thy Word, Nor Stars so nobly shine.] Verses 160, 140, 9, 116 8 Thy Word is everlasting truth, How pure is ev'ry Page! That holy Book shall guide our Youth, And well support our Age. Scripture: Psalm 119 Languages: English
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The Spirit breathes upon the Word

Author: William Cowper, 1731-1800 Hymnal: Methodist Hymn and Tune Book #183 (1917) Topics: The Godhead Holy Scripture Lyrics: 1 The Spirit breathes upon the Word, And brings the truth to sight; Precepts and promises afford A sanctifying light. 2 A glory gilds the sacred page, Majestic like the sun; It gives a light to every age, It gives, but borrows none. 3 The hand that gave it still supplies The gracious light and heat; His truths upon the nations rise-- They rise, but never set. 4 Let everlasting thanks be Thine For such a bright display As makes a world of darkness shine With beams of heavenly day. 5 My soul rejoices to pursue The steps of Him I love, Till glory breaks upon my view In brighter worlds above. Languages: English Tune Title: HOLY TRINITY
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How precious is the book divine

Author: John Fawcett Hymnal: The Hymnal #290a (1921) Meter: Topics: Holy Scriptures; Scriptures, The Holy Languages: English Tune Title: SABBATA
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O Word of God incarnate

Author: W. Walsham How Hymnal: The Hymnal #290b (1921) Meter: D Topics: Holy Scriptures; Scriptures, The Holy Languages: English Tune Title: BERNO
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Lamp of our feet, whereby we trace

Author: Bernard Barton Hymnal: The Hymnal #291a (1921) Meter: Topics: Holy Scriptures; Scriptures, The Holy Languages: English Tune Title: NOX PRÆCESSIT
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Father of mercies, in thy word

Author: Anne Steele Hymnal: The Hymnal #291b (1921) Meter: Topics: Holy Scriptures; The Holy Scriptures Languages: English Tune Title: BEATITUDO
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Break Thou the bread of life

Author: Mary A. Lathbury Hymnal: The Hymnal #292 (1921) Meter: D Topics: Holy Scriptures; The Holy Scriptures Languages: English Tune Title: BREAD OF LIFE
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Father of mercies, in thy word

Author: Anne Steele Hymnal: The Hymnal #293 (1921) Meter: Topics: Holy Scriptures; Scriptures, The Holy Languages: English Tune Title: [BEATITUDO]
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The heavens declare thy glory, Lord

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Hymnal #294a (1921) Meter: Topics: Holy Scriptures; Scriptures, The Holy Scripture: Psalm 19 Languages: English Tune Title: UXBRIDGE
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God, in the gospel of His son

Author: Benjamin Beddome; Thomas Cotterill Hymnal: The Hymnal #294b (1921) Meter: Topics: Holy Scriptures; The Holy Scriptures Languages: English Tune Title: ROCKINGHAM NEW
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Christ in His word draws near

Author: Thomas T. Lynch Hymnal: The Hymnal #295 (1921) Meter: Topics: Holy Scriptures; Scriptures, The Holy Languages: English Tune Title: KIRBY BEDON
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God, in the gospel of His Son

Author: Banjamin Beddome; Thomas Cotterill Hymnal: The Hymnal #296 (1921) Meter: Topics: Holy Scriptures; The Holy Scriptures Languages: English Tune Title: [ROCKINGHAM NEW]
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Lord, Thy word abideth

Author: Henry W. Baker Hymnal: The Hymnal #297 (1921) Meter: Topics: Holy Scriptures; Scriptures, The Holy Languages: English Tune Title: ST. CYPRIAN
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The Spirit breathes upon the word

Author: William Cowper Hymnal: The Hymnal #298 (1921) Meter: Topics: Holy Scriptures; The Holy Scriptures Languages: English Tune Title: [ORTONVILLE]

How Sure the Scriptures Are!

Author: Christopher Idle Hymnal: The Worshiping Church #312 (1990) Meter: Topics: Holy Scriptures First Line: How sure the Scriptures are Lyrics: 1 How sure the Scriptures are! God's vital, urgent word, as true as steel, and far more sharp than any sword: so deep and fine, at his control they pierce where soul and spirit join. 2 They test each human thought, refining like a fire; they measure what we ought to do and to desire: For God know all--exposed it lies before his eyes to whom we call. 3 Let those who hear his voice confronting them today, reject the tempting choice of doubting or delay: For God speaks still--his word is clear, so let us hear and do his will! Scripture: Psalm 119:89 Languages: English Tune Title: DARWALL
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Come, Holy Ghost, Our Hearts Inspire

Author: Charles Wesley Hymnal: The United Methodist Hymnal #603 (1989) Meter: Topics: The Book of the Church : Holy Scripture First Line: Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire (Wesley) Lyrics: 1. Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire, let us thine influence prove; source of the old prophetic fire, fountain of life and love. 2. Come, Holy Ghost (for moved by thee the prophets wrote and spoke), unlock the truth, thyself the key, unseal the sacred book. 3. Expand thy wings, celestial Dove, brood o'er our nature's night; on our disordered spirits move, and let there now be light. 4. God, through the Spirit we shall know if thou within us shine, and sound, with all thy saints below, the depths of love divine. Languages: English Tune Title: WINCHESTER OLD

Holy Are the Bible's Many Books (Kam pra sird sak sti phra khrit kum pii)

Author: Songsan Prasopsin; Rolando S. Tinio Hymnal: Sound the Bamboo #219 (2000) Topics: Holy Scripture First Line: Kam pra sird sak sit phra khrit kam pii (Holy are the Bible's may books) Scripture: 1 Timothy 3:16 Languages: English; Thai Tune Title: HOLY WORD
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Holy Bible, book divine

Author: J. Burton, Sr., 1773-1822 Hymnal: Methodist Hymn and Tune Book #189 (1917) Topics: The Godhead Holy Scripture Lyrics: 1 Holy Bible, book divine, Precious treasure, thou art mine; Mine, to tell me whence I came, Mine, to teach me what I am; 2 Mine, to chide me when I rove, Mine, to show a Saviour's love; Mine art thou, to guide my feet, Mine, to judge, condemn, acquit; 3 Mine, to comfort in distress, If the Holy Spirit bless; Mine, to show by living faith Man can triumph over death; 4 Mine, to tell of joys to come, And the rebel sinner's doom; Holy Bible, book divine, Precious treasure, thou art mine! Languages: English Tune Title: INNOCENTS

Come, Holy Spirit, God and Lord!

Author: Martin Luther; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: Great Songs of the Church (Revised) #292 (1986) Topics: Holy Scriptures Scripture: Romans 8:26 Languages: English Tune Title: DAS NEUGEBORNE KINDELEIN

Holy Spirit, Light Divine

Author: Andrew Reed Hymnal: Great Songs of the Church (Revised) #293 (1986) Topics: Holy Scriptures Scripture: Romans 8:11 Languages: English Tune Title: MERCY
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Instruction from Scripture

Hymnal: The Christian's Duty #CXI (1801) Topics: On the holy Scriptures First Line: How shall the Young secure their Hearts Scripture: Psalm 119 Languages: English
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Father of mercies, in Thy word

Author: Anne Steele, 1716-1778 Hymnal: Methodist Hymn and Tune Book #180 (1917) Topics: The Godhead Holy Scripture Lyrics: 1 Father of mercies, in Thy word What endless glory shines! For ever be Thy name adored For these celestial lines. 2 Here may the wretched sons of want Exhaustless riches find; Riches above what earth can grant, And lasting as the mind. 3 Here the fair Tree of Knowledge grows, And yields a free repast; Sublimer sweets than nature knows Invite the longing taste. 4 Here the Redeemer's welcome voice Spreads heavenly peace around; And life and everlasting joys Attend the blissful sound. 5 Divine Instructor, gracious Lord, Be Thou for ever near; Teach me to love Thy sacred word, And view my Saviour there. Languages: English Tune Title: ARNOLD
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O Word of God incarnate

Author: Bishop William Walsham How Hymnal: The Hymnal #215 (1950) Meter: D Topics: The Holy Scriptures; Holy Scriptures Lyrics: 1 O Word of God Incarnate, O Wisdom from on high, O Truth unchanged, unchanging, O Light of our dark sky, We praise Thee for the radiance That from the hallowed page, A lantern to our footsteps, Shines on from age to age. 2 The Church from her dear Master Received the gift divine. And still that light she lifteth O'er all the earth to shine. It is the golden casket, Where gems of truth are stored; It is the heaven-drawn picture Of Christ, the living Word. 3 It floateth like a banner Before God's host unfurled; It shineth like a beacon Above the darkling world. It is the chart and compass That o'er life's surging sea, 'Mid mists and rocks and quicksands, Still guides, O Christ, to Thee. 4 O make Thy Church, dear Saviour, A lamp of purest gold, To bear before the nations Thy true light, as of old. O teach Thy wandering pilgrims By this their path to trace, Till, clouds and darkness ended, They see Thee face to face. Amen. Tune Title: MUNICH
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Break Thou the bread of life

Author: Mary A. Lathbury Hymnal: The Hymnal #216 (1950) Meter: D Topics: The Holy Scriptures; Holy Scriptures Lyrics: 1 Break Thou the bread of life, Dear Lord, to me, As Thou didst break the loaves Beside the sea; Beyond the sacred page I seek Thee, Lord; My spirit pants for Thee, O living Word! 2 Bless Thou the truth, dear Lord, To me— to me, As Thou didst bless the bread By Galilee; Then shall all bondage cease, All fetters fall; And I shall find my peace, My All in all. Amen. Tune Title: BREAD OF LIFE
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The heavens declare Thy glory, Lord

Author: Rev. Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Hymnal #217 (1950) Meter: Topics: The Holy Scriptures; Holy Scriptures Lyrics: 1 The heavens declare Thy glory, Lord; In every star Thy wisdom shines; But when our eyes behold Thy Word, We read Thy name in fairer lines. 2 The rolling sun, the changing light, And nights and days, Thy power confess; But the blest Volume Thou hast writ Reveals Thy justice and Thy grace. 3 Sun, moon, and stars convey Thy praise Round the whole earth, and never stand; So when Thy truth began its race, It touched and glanced on every land. 4 Nor shall Thy spreading gospel rest Till through the world Thy truth has run; Till Christ has all the nations blest That see the light, or feel the sun. Amen. Scripture: Psalm 19 Tune Title: UXBRIDGE
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Father of mercies, in Thy Word

Author: Anne Steele Hymnal: The Hymnal #218 (1950) Meter: Topics: The Holy Scriptures; Holy Scriptures Lyrics: 1 Father of mercies, in Thy Word What endless glory shines; Forever be Thy Name adored For these celestial lines. 2 Here the Redeemer's welcome voice Spreads heavenly peace around; And life and everlasting joys Attend the blissful sound. 3 O may these heavenly pages be My ever dear delight; And sti11 new beauties may I see, And still increasing light. 4 Divine Instructor, gracious Lord, Be Thou forever near; Teach me to love Thy sacred Word, And view my Saviour there. Amen. Tune Title: BEATITUDO
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Thy Word is like a garden, Lord

Author: Edwin Hodder Hymnal: The Hymnal #219 (1950) Meter: D Topics: The Holy Scriptures; Holy Scriptures Lyrics: 1 Thy Word is like a garden, Lord, With flowers bright and fair; And everyone who seeks may pluck A lovely cluster there. Thy Word is like a glorious choir, And loud its anthems ring; Though many tongues and parts unite, It is one song they sing. 2 Thy Word is like an armory, Where soldiers may repair, And find for life’s long battle day All needful weapons there. O may I find my armor there; Thy Word my trusty sword, I’ll learn to fight with every foe The battle of the Lord. Amen. Tune Title: PETERSHAM
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"Search the Scriptures"

Author: S. Stennett Hymnal: The Hymn Book of the African Methodist Episcopal Church #952 (1877) Meter: Topics: On Reading the Holy Scriptures First Line: The counsels of redeeming grace Scripture: John 5:39 Languages: English
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The Excellence of the Scriptures

Author: Watts Hymnal: The Hymn Book of the African Methodist Episcopal Church #958 (1877) Meter: Topics: On Reading the Holy Scriptures First Line: Laden with guilt, and full of fears Languages: English
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God, in the Gospel of His Son

Author: Benjamin Beddome; Thomas Cotterill Hymnal: Trinity Hymnal (Rev. ed.) #141 (1990) Meter: Topics: God's Word The Holy Scriptures; Holy Scriptures Sufficiency of Lyrics: 1 God, in the gospel of his Son, makes his eternal counsels known; where love in all its glory shines, and truth is drawn in fairest lines. 2 Here sinners of a humble frame may taste his grace, and learn his name; may read, in characters of blood, the wisdom, pow'r, and grace of God. 3 The pris'ner here may break his chains; the weary rest from all his pains; the captive feel his bondage cease; the mourner find the way of peace. 4 Here faith reveals to mortal eyes a brighter world beyond the skies; here shines the light which guides our way from earth to realms of endless day. 5 O grant us grace, almighty Lord, to read and mark your holy Word; its truths with meekness to receive, and by its holy precepts live. Scripture: Acts 20:24 Languages: English Tune Title: GERMANY
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God, in the gospel of his Son

Author: Benjamin Beddome; Thomas Cotterill Hymnal: Trinity Hymnal #262 (1961) Meter: Topics: Holy Scriptures; Holy Scriptures Sufficiency of Lyrics: 1 God, in the gospel of his Son, Makes his eternal counsels known; Where love in all its glory shines, And truth is drawn in fairest lines. 2 Here sinners of a humble frame May taste his grace, and learn his Name; May read, in characters of blood, The wisdom, pow'r, and grace of God. 3 The pris'ner here may break his chains; The weary rest from all his pains; The captive feel his bondage cease; The mourner find the way of peace. 4 Here faith reveals to mortal eyes A brighter world beyond the skies; Here shines the light which guides our way From earth to realms of endless day. 5 O grant us grace, Almighty Lord, To read and mark thy holy Word; Its truths with meekness to receive, And by its holy precepts live. Amen. Scripture: Acts 20:24 Languages: English Tune Title: GERMANY

Give Me the Bible

Author: Pricilla J. Owens, d. 1907 Hymnal: Great Songs of the Church (Revised) #299 (1986) Topics: Holy Scriptures First Line: Give me the Bible, star of gladness gleaming Refrain First Line: Give me the Bible, Holy message shining Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:14-15 Languages: English Tune Title: GRAMMATA
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When quiet in my house I sit

Author: C. Wesley, 1707-1788 Hymnal: Methodist Hymn and Tune Book #187 (1917) Topics: The Godhead Holy Scripture Lyrics: 1 When quiet in my house I sit, Thy book be my companion still; My joy Thy sayings to repeat, Talk o'er the records of Thy will, And search the oracles divine, Till every heart-felt word be mine. 2 O may the gracious words divine Subject of all my converse be! So will the Lord His follower join, And walk and talk Himself with me; So shall my heart His presence prove, And burn with everlasting love. 3 Oft as I lay me down to rest, O may the reconciling word Sweetly compose my weary breast! While, on the bosom of my Lord, I sink in blissful dreams away, And visions of eternal day. 4 Rising to sing my Saviour's praise, Thee may I publish all day long; And let Thy precious word of grace Flow from my heart, and fill my tongue; Fill all my life with purest love, And join me to the church above. Languages: English Tune Title: COMPANION
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O Word of God Incarnate

Author: Bp. W. Walsham How, 1823-1897 Hymnal: Methodist Hymn and Tune Book #188 (1917) Topics: The Godhead Holy Scripture Lyrics: 1 O Word of God Incarnate, O wisdom from on high, O Truth unchanged, unchanging, O Light of our dark sky; We praise Thee for the radiance That from the hallowed page, A lantern to our footsteps, Shines on from age to age. 2 The Church from her dear Master Received the gift divine, And still that light she lifteth O'er all the earth to shine. It is the golden casket, Where gems of truth are stored; It is the heaven-drawn picture Of Christ the living Word. 3 It floateth like a banner Before God's host unfurled; It shineth like a beacon Above the darkling world; It is the chart and compass That o'er life's surging sea, 'Mid mists and rocks and quicksands, Still guide, O Christ, to Thee. 4 O make Thy Church, dear Saviour, A lamp of burnished gold To bear before the nations Thy sure light as of old; O teach Thy wandering pilgrims By this their path to trace, Till, clouds and darkness ended, They see Thee face to face. Languages: English Tune Title: LANCASHIRE
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Sing Them Over Again to Me (Wonderful Words of Life)

Author: Philip P. Bliss, 1838-1876 Hymnal: African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal #207 (2011) Meter: with refrain Topics: The Holy Scriptures; Holy Scripture First Line: Sing them over again to me Refrain First Line: Beautiful words, wonderful words Lyrics: 1 Sing them over again to me, Wonderful words of life; Let me more of their beauty see, Wonderful words of life; Words of life and beauty Teach me faith and duty. Refrain: Beautiful words, wonderful words, Wonderful words of life; Beautiful words, wonderful words, Wonderful words of life. 2 Christ the blessed one, gives to all Wonderful words of life; Sinner, list to the loving call, Wonderful words of life; All so freely given, Wooing us to heaven. [Refrain] 3 Sweetly echo the gospel call, Wonderful words of life; Offer pardon and peace to all, Wonderful words of life; Jesus only Savior, Sanctify for ever. [Refrain] Scripture: John 6:68 Languages: English Tune Title: WORDS OF LIFE
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Break Thou the Bread of Life

Author: Mary A. Lathbury, 1841-1913 Hymnal: African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal #209 (2011) Meter: D Topics: The Holy Scriptures; Holy Scripture Lyrics: 1 Break Thou the bread of life, Dear Lord, to me, As Thou didst break the loaves Beside the sea; Beyond the sacred page I seek Thee, Lord; My spirit pants for Thee, O living Word! 2 Bless Thou the truth, dear Lord, To me, to me, As Thou didst bless the bread By Galilee; Then shall all bondage cease, All fetters fall; And I shall find my peace, My all in all. 3 Thou art the bread of life, O Lord, to me, Thy holy Word the truth That saveth me; Give me to eat and live With Thee above; Teach me to love Thy truth, For Thou art love. 4 O send Thy Spirit, Lord, Now unto me, That He may touch my eyes, And make me see; Show me the truth concealed Within Thy Word, And in Thy Book revealed I see the Lord. Amen. Scripture: John 6:33 Languages: English Tune Title: BREAD OF LIFE

Break Thou the bread of life

Author: Mary Ann Lathbury, 1841-1913 Hymnal: The Book of Praise #291a (1918) Meter: D Topics: God: His Attributes, Works and Word The Holy Scriptures; Hymns for the Young The Holy Scriptures Languages: English Tune Title: WORD OF LIFE (GOTTLIEB)

Behold a Sower! from afar

Author: Washington Gladden Hymnal: The Hymnal of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America 1940 #401 (1940) Meter: D Topics: Holy Scripture, the Church's gift; Holy Scriptures Tune Title: WEYMOUTH

God's law is perfect, and converts

Hymnal: The Book of Praise #15 (1918) Meter: Topics: God: His Attributes, Works and Word The Holy Scriptures; Hymns for the Young The Holy Scriptures Scripture: Psalm 19:7-11 Languages: English Tune Title: ST. ANDREW

Blessed are they that undefiled

Hymnal: The Book of Praise #107a (1918) Meter: Topics: God: His Attributes, Works and Word The Holy Scriptures; Hymns for the Young The Holy Scriptures Scripture: Psalm 119:1-6 Languages: English Tune Title: TALLIS'S ORDINAL

Blessed are they that undefiled

Hymnal: The Book of Praise #107b (1918) Meter: Topics: God: His Attributes, Works and Word The Holy Scriptures; Hymns for the Young The Holy Scriptures Scripture: Psalm 119:1-6 Languages: English Tune Title: DURHAM

Blessed are they that undefiled

Hymnal: The Book of Praise #107c (1918) Meter: Topics: God: His Attributes, Works and Word The Holy Scriptures; Hymns for the Young The Holy Scriptures Scripture: Psalm 119:1-6 Languages: English Tune Title: PALESTRINA

Blessed are they that undefiled

Hymnal: The Book of Praise #107d (1918) Meter: Topics: God: His Attributes, Works and Word The Holy Scriptures; Hymns for the Young The Holy Scriptures Scripture: Psalm 119:1-6 Languages: English Tune Title: CHANT (Dupuis)
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Your Word Is like a Garden, Lord

Author: Edwin Hodder Hymnal: Trinity Hymnal (Rev. ed.) #139 (1990) Meter: D Topics: God's Word The Holy Scriptures; Holy Scriptures Illumination of Lyrics: 1 Your Word is like a garden, Lord, with flowers bright and fair; and everyone who seeks may pluck a lovely cluster there. Your Word is like a deep, deep mine; and jewels rich and rare are hidden in its mighty depths for every searcher there. 2 Your Word is like a starry host; a thousand rays of light are seen to guide the traveler, and make his pathway bright. Your Word is like an armory, where soldiers may repair, and find, for life's long battle day, all needful weapons there. 3 O may I love your precious Word, may I explore the mine, may I its fragrant flowers glean, may light upon me shine. O may I find my armor there, your Word my trusty sword; I'll learn to fight with every foe the battle of the Lord. Scripture: Deuteronomy 8:3 Languages: English Tune Title: SERAPH
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Father of all, in whom alone

Author: C. Wesley, 1707-1788 Hymnal: Methodist Hymn and Tune Book #182 (1917) Topics: The Godhead Holy Scripture Lyrics: 1 Father of all, in whom alone We live, and move, and breathe, One bright, celestial ray dart down, And cheer Thy sons beneath. 2 While in Thy Word we search for Thee, We search with trembling awe! Open our eyes, and let us see The wonders of Thy law. 3 Now let our darkness comprehend The light that shines so clear; Now the revealing Spirit send, And give us ears to hear. 4 Before us make Thy goodness pass, Which here by faith we know; Let us in Jesus see Thy face, And die to all below. Languages: English Tune Title: BEDFORD
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Thou source of being, from whose heart

Author: Dr. A. D. Watson, 1859- Hymnal: Methodist Hymn and Tune Book #186 (1917) Topics: The Godhead Holy Scripture Lyrics: 1 Thou source of being, from whose heart Each mighty star with music rolls, Be sacred truth our only chart, The guiding compass of our souls. Oh, may we love Thy will to do, And learn the truth by being true. 2 We thank Thee for the sacred page By men of faith and wisdom penned; Thou dost not cease in any age To us Thy truth inspired to send. Oh, may we love Thy will to do, And learn the truth by being true. 3 Not only would we in our song, But in our lives Thy name confess, Whose love is infinite and strong, Whose noblest praise is righteousness. Oh, may we love Thy will to do, And learn the truth by being true. 4 Here may our spirits, grown more wise, Be lifted earthly cares above; Here may we in communion rise To visions of celestial love; Oh, may we love Thy will to do, And learn the truth by being true. Languages: English Tune Title: EULALIE


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