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I say to all men, far and near

Author: Catherine Winkworth; Friedrich von Hardenberg Hymnal: Elmhurst Hymnal #111 (1921) Meter: Topics: Easter; Our Resurrection; The Risen Christ Languages: English Tune Title: SPAZIER
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All Hail, Thou Day Of Wondrous Grace

Author: H. Brueckner Hymnal: American Lutheran Hymnal #544 (1930) Meter: Lyrics: 1 All hail, thou day of wondrous grace, My confirmation day, When I the steps of God retrace, Imprinted on my way. 2 When I was but an infant small, He pledged His love to me; He called me with a holy call His child and heir to be. 3 The sacred washing I received, That cleansed me well from sin; Of ev'ry guilty stain relieved, I now have peace within. 4 From parents kind and teachers true, By Thee, my God, ordained, I learned Thy holy will to do, By faith in Christ sustained. 5 So now I come before Thy throne, Thy precious name to bless, Resolved to serve Thee as Thine own In truth and holiness. 6 I consecrate myself to Thee In body, soul and mind; Do Thou but help and strengthen me, Thou Hope of all mankind. 7 While in this world of sin and strife, Vouchsafe to me Thy grace Till I have reached the end of life And see Thee face to face. Topics: Confirmation Languages: English Tune Title: SPAZIER

I Say to All Men Far and Near

Author: Friedrich von Hardenberg; Catherine Winkworth Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #3044 Meter: Lyrics: 1. I say to all men far and near That He is risen again; That He is with us now and here, And ever shall remain. 2. And what I say, let each this morn, Go tell it to his friend, That soon in every place shall dawn His kingdom without end. 3. The fears of death and of the grave Are whelmed beneath the sea; And every heart now light and brave May face the things to be. 4. The way of darkness that He trod To heaven at last shall come, And he who hearkens to His Word Shall reach His Father’s home. 5. Now let the mourner grieve no more Though his belovèd sleep: A happier meeting shall restore Their light to eyes that weep. 6. He lives! His presence hath not ceased, Though foes and fears be rife; And thus we hail in Easter’s feast A world renewed to life! Languages: English Tune Title: FAR AND NEAR (Spazier)

Who Shall Inhabit in Thy Hill?

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #7659 Meter: First Line: Who shall inhabit in Thy hill Lyrics: 1. Who shall inhabit in Thy hill, O God of holiness? Whom will the Lord admit to dwell So near His throne of grace? 2. The man that walks in pious ways, And works with righteous hands; That trusts his maker’s promises, And follows His commands. 3. He speaks the meaning of his heart, Nor slanders with his tongue; Will scarce believe an ill report, Nor do his neighbor wrong. 4. The wealthy sinner he contemns, Loves all that fear the Lord; And though to his own hurt he swears, Still he performs his word. 5. His hands disdain a golden bribe, And never gripe the poor: This man shall dwell with God on earth, And find his Heav’n secure. Languages: English Tune Title: FAR AND NEAR (SPazier)
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Joy to the world, the Lord is come!

Author: Rev. Isaac Watts Hymnal: Sunday-School Book #87b (1896) Languages: English Tune Title: ICH SAG ES JEDEM DAS ER LEBT
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Ich sag es jedem, daß Er lebt

Author: Novalis Hymnal: Unser Liederbuch #112 (1893) Languages: German Tune Title: [Ich sag es jedem, daß Er lebt]
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I say to all men far and near

Author: Catherine Winkworth; Friedrcih von Hardenberg Hymnal: The Evangelical Hymnal #119 (1917) Languages: English Tune Title: FAR AND NEAR
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Gen Himmel stieg der Herr hinauf

Hymnal: Sonntagschulbuch #128 (1896) Languages: German Tune Title: [Gen Himmel stieg der Herr hinauf]
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Er lebt

Author: Novalis Hymnal: 349 Lieder #170 (1876) First Line: Ich sag es jedem, daß er lebt Languages: German Tune Title: [Ich sag es jedem, daß er lebt]
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O sagt es jedem

Hymnal: Frohe Lieder und Brüder-Harfe #177 (1898) First Line: O sagt es jedem, daß Er lebt Languages: German Tune Title: [O sagt es jedem, daß Er lebt]
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Ich sag es jedem, daß er lebt

Author: Novalis (F. von Hardenberg) Hymnal: Deutsches Liederbuch #198 (1895) Languages: German Tune Title: [Ich sag es jedem, daß er lebt]

I Must Be Strong

Author: Frederick J. Gielow, Jr. Hymnal: Favorite Hymns No. 2 #253 (1942) First Line: I must be strong if I would serve Languages: English Tune Title: [I must be strong if I would serve]

When Hagar Found the Bottle Spent

Author: William Cowper Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #7392 Meter: Lyrics: 1. When Hagar found the bottle spent, And wept o’er Ishmael, A message from the Lord was sent To guide her to a well. 2. Should not Elijah’s cake and cruse Convince us at this day, A gracious God will not refuse Provisions by the way? 3. His saints and servants shall be fed, The promise is secure; Bread shall be given them, He has said, Their water shall be sure. 4. Repasts far richer they shall prove Than all earth’s dainties are; ’Tis sweet to taste a Savior’s love, Though in the meanest fare. 5. To Jesus then your trouble bring, Nor murmur at your lot; While you art poor, and He is king, You shall not be forgot. Languages: English Tune Title: FAR AND NEAR (Spazier)

Oh, Charge The Waves to Bear Our Friends

Author: William Ward, 1769-1823 Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8590 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Oh, charge the waves to bear our friends In safety o’er the deep; Let the rough tempest speed their way, Or bid its fury sleep. 2 Where’er thy sons proclaim good news Beneath the banyan’s shade, Let the poor Hindu feel its power, And grace his soul pervade. 3 O let the heavenly Shaster spread; Bid Brahmans preach the word; And may all India’s tribes become One caste to serve the Lord! Languages: English Tune Title: FAR AND NEAR

"Proclaim," Saith Christ, "My Wondrous Grace"

Author: James Newton Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8849 Meter: First Line: Proclaim, saith Christ, My wondrous grace Lyrics: 1 "Proclaim," saith Christ, "My wondrous grace To all the sons of men; He that believes, and is baptized, Salvation shall obtain." 2 Let plenteous grace descend on those Who, hoping in Thy Word, This day have publicly declared That Jesus is their Lord. 3 With cheerful feet, may they advance And run the Christian race; And thro’ the troubles of the way, Find all sufficient grace. Languages: English Tune Title: FAR AND NEAR

'Tis Nature's Voice Which Reason Speaks

Author: John Needham Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #9506 Meter: First Line: ’Tis nature’s voice which reason speaks Lyrics: 1 ’Tis nature’s voice which reason speaks, Know, man, there is a God; That great first cause who made the world, And rules it by His nod. 2 The mighty truth unshaken stands, And scorns the atheist’s school; His boasted sense and wit but prove He is the learnèd fool. 3 Far as with backward steps we trace Great nature’s wondrous clue, We must at length stop at some cause Which no beginning knew. 4 This cause eternal we maintain, And this the God we name; Of all perfection full possessed, Invariably the same. 5 A God, the wiser nations own, Barbarians too consent; Convinced by nature’s wondrous frame, That mighty argument. 6 The God, the present God we see, Where’er we turn our eyes; In fairest lines His name is wrote On earth, and seas, and skies. 7 Almighty God! I Thee adore, Great author of my frame; Long as I live my tongue shall sing The glories of Thy name. Languages: English Tune Title: FAR AND NEAR

Go, And The Savior's Grace Proclaim

Author: Thomas Morell Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #12235 First Line: Go, and the Savior’s grace proclaim Lyrics: 1 Go, and the Savior’s grace proclaim, Ye messengers of God; Go, publish, thro’ Immanuel’s name, Salvation bought with blood. 2 What tho’ your arduous track may lie Thro’ regions dark as death; What tho’ your faith and zeal to try, Grim perils stalk your path: 3 Yet, with determined courage, go, And, armed with power divine, Your God will needful aid bestow, And on your labors shine. 4 He who has called you to the war Will recompense your pains; Before Messiah’s conquering car, The mountains sink to plains. 5 Shrink not tho’ earth and hell oppose, But plead your Master’s cause; Nor doubt that e’en your mighty foes Shall bow before His cross. Languages: English Tune Title: FAR AND NEAR

Hosanna To The Prince Of Grace

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #12824 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Hosanna to the Prince of Grace: Sion, behold thy King; Proclaim the Son of David’s race, And teach the babes to sing. 2 Hosanna to th’incarnate Word, Who from the Father came; Ascribe salvation to the Lord, With blessings on His name. Languages: English Tune Title: FAR AND NEAR

Bleak Winter Is Subdued At Length

Author: John Newton Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #13341 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Bleak winter is subdued at length, And forced to yield the day; The sun has wasted all his strength, And driven him away. 2 And now long wished for spring is come, How altered is the scene! The trees and shrubs are dressed in bloom, The earth arrayed in green. 3 Where’er we tread, beneath our feet The clustering flowers spring; The artless birds, in concert sweet, Invite our hearts to sing. 4 But ah! in vain I strive to join Oppressed with sin and doubt; I feel ’tis winter still, within, Tho’ all is spring without. 5 Oh! would my Savior from on high, Break thro’ these clouds and shine! No creature, then, more blest than I, No song more loud than mine. 6 Till then—no softly warbling thrush, Nor cowslip’s sweet perfume; Nor beauties of each painted bush, Can dissipate my gloom. 7 To Adam, soon as he transgressed, Thus Eden bloomed in vain; Not paradise could give him rest, Or soothe his heartfelt pain. 8 Yet here an emblem I perceive Of what the Lord can do; Dear Savior, help me to believe That I may flourish, too. 9 Thy word can soon my hopes revive, Can overcome my foes; And make my languid graces thrive, And blossom like the rose. Languages: English Tune Title: FAR AND NEAR

Kéréseink Az Úr Előtt

Author: Andrew Kippis; Anna Piroska Williams Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #14353 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Kéréseink az Úr előtt Sűrűn feltárjuk itt, De látjuk-e a sok nyomort, Félárvák könnyeit? 2 Ne várja balgán, könnyelműn Az ég áldásait, Ki látja társa nyomorát, De rá se hederít. 3 Megindul szívünk másokon, Vagy jéghideg marad? Segítségért ki könyörög, Szíve, keze mit ad? 4 A Mindenható joggal vár, Hogy utain járjunk, Mit Véle tennénk szívesen, Mással is úgy bánjunk. 5 Az Úr Jézus e földön járt, Mindenkit fogadott, Ha hittel bárki hozzá jött, Hiába az nem volt. 6 Csodát úgy tenni nem tudunk, Mint egykor Jézusunk, De példát hagyott minekünk, Szeressünk, mint Urunk. 7 De legfőbb dolgunk ez legyen: Vessük a jó magot, Tanítsuk, óvjuk, vezessük, Kit Isten ránk bízott. 8 És áldja Ő meg gazdagon, Mit másokért teszünk, Hogy dicsőítsék szent nevét, Dicsérjék Istenünk. Languages: Hungarian Tune Title: FAR AND NEAR
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Gen Himmel stieg der Herr hinauf

Hymnal: Lieder-Perlen #a15 (1894) Languages: German Tune Title: [Gen Himmel stieg der Herr hinauf]
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Awake, awake the tuneful voice!

Hymnal: The Morning Stars Sang Together #14 (1897) First Line: Awake, awake the tuneful voice Lyrics: 1 Awake, awake the tuneful voice, And strike the joyful strings; We'll pour the mellow notes along, And raise a pealing, glad'ning song, 'Till heaven with music rings. 2 'Tis not the cold and formal strain, That wakes the inward flame, But 'tis the song that glows like fire, The songs that feeling hearts inspire, A music worth the name. 3 But hark! those sweet concordant notes That breathed a magic spell, That seem like sounds which angels sing, Like sounds which have in heaven their spring, Where holy beings dwell; 4 'Tis these that glow from friendship's soul, 'Tis these that speak the heart; 'Tis these that show the peaceful mind, The spirit meek, and pure, and kind, Unstained by vicious art. 5 O yet, 'tis here that music dwells, In friendship's sweet abode; 'Tis here that notes concordant sound, 'Tis here that harmony is found, Like that which dwells with God. Tune Title: [Awake, awake the tuneful voice]
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Jesus lebt

Hymnal: Kleiner Liederschatz #38 (1901) First Line: Ich sag' es jedem, dass er lebt Languages: German Tune Title: [Ich sag' es jedem, dass er lebt]
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Hymn of Spring

Hymnal: The Carol #54c (1886) First Line: When warmer suns and bluer skies Languages: English Tune Title: [When warmer suns and bluer skies]
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Gen Himmel stieg der Hirr hinauf des Gottesthrones wert

Hymnal: Liederlust #58 (1886) Languages: German Tune Title: [Gen Himmel stieg der Hirr hinauf des Gottesthrones wert]
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Hymn of Spring

Hymnal: The Sabbath School Hymnal, a collection of songs, services and responses for Jewish Sabbath schools, and homes 4th rev. ed. #76 (1897) First Line: When warmer suns and bluer skies Tune Title: [When warmer suns and bluer skies]
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Ich sag' es Jedem, daß Er lebt

Hymnal: Gesangbuch mit Noten #89 (1890) Languages: German Tune Title: [Ich sag' es Jedem, daß Er lebt]
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Ich sag' es Jedem, daß Er lebt

Hymnal: Gesangbuch mit Noten #89 (1893) Languages: German Tune Title: [Ich sag' es Jedem, daß Er lebt]

Ich sag' es Jedem, daß er lebt

Hymnal: Liederbuch für Sonntagsschulen #112 (1882) Languages: German Tune Title: [Ich sag' es Jedem, daß er lebt]
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Hymn of Spring

Hymnal: Heart and Voice #187 (1910) First Line: When warmer suns and bluer skies Languages: English Tune Title: [When warmer suns and bluer skies]
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Die Ernt' ist da, es winkt der Halm

Author: Joh. Ludw. Huber Hymnal: Gesangbuch mit Noten #475 (1890) Languages: German Tune Title: [Die Ernt' ist da, es winkt der Halm]
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Die Ernt' ist da, es winkt der Halm

Author: Joh. Ludw. Huber Hymnal: Gesangbuch mit Noten #475 (1893) Languages: German Tune Title: [Die Ernt' ist da, es winkt der Halm]
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I say to all men, far and near

Hymnal: The Selah Song Book (Das Sela Gesangbuch) (2nd ed) #480a (1926) Languages: English Tune Title: [I say to all men, far and near]
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Ich sag es jedem, daß er lebt

Hymnal: The Selah Song Book (Das Sela Gesangbuch) (2nd ed) #480b (1926) Languages: German Tune Title: [Ich sag es jedem, daß er lebt]

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