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How calm and beautiful the morn

Author: Thomas Hastings Hymnal: Trinity Hymnal #209 (1961) Meter: Lyrics: 1 How calm and beautiful the morn That gilds the sacred tomb, Where Christ the crucified was borne, And veiled in midnight gloom! O weep no more the Saviour slain; The Lord is risen; he lives again. 2 Ye mourning saints, dry ev'ry tear For your departed Lord; Behold the place, he is not here, The tomb is all unbarred; The gates of heath were closed in vain: The Lord is risen; he lives again. 3 Now cheerful to the house of prayer Your early footsteps bend; The Saviour will himself be there, Your Advocate and Friend: Once by the law your hopes were slain, But now in Christ ye live again. 4 How tranquil now the rising day! 'Tis Jesus still appears, A risen Lord to chase away Your unbelieving fears: O weep no more your comforts slain; The Lord is risen; he lives again. 5 And when the shades of evening fall, When life's last hour draws nigh, If Jesus shine upon the soul, How blissful then to die! Since he has risen that once was slain, Ye die in Christ to live again. Amen. Topics: Blessed Hope; Christ, The Lord Jesus; Christ Resurrection; Consolation; Resurrection of Believers Scripture: Matthew 28:6 Languages: English Tune Title: HASTINGS
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The rosy-fingered dawn appears

Author: John Brownlie Hymnal: Hymns of the Russian Church #1 (1920) Meter: Lyrics: The rosy-fingered dawn appears, And lo, the sun uprise; His shafts like golden pointed spears Illume the brightening skies;-- Up, soul of mine, in beauty shine, And praise the Lord of Light divine. Thou hast a task to do this day, Thy God to serve in all; Like morn and noon thy light display, Ere night in darkness fall.-- Up, soul of mine, in beauty shine, And praise the Lord of Light divine. The rosy morn shall fade away, The sun his course complete; Thy task must end with close of day, When light and darkness greet.-- Up, soul of mine, in beauty shine, And praise the Lord of Light divine. 2 Eternal light eternal glows, Beyond the realms of time; Where service still to service grows, As suns to noontide climb.-- Up, soul of mine, in beauty shine, And praise the Lord of Light divine. Languages: English

May I, A Pilgrim, Hope to Tread

Author: Herbert Grieb Hymnal: Ten New Hymns on the Ministry #4 (1966) Meter:

O Thou, Whose Youthful Years Were Spent

Author: William Watkins Reid Hymnal: Thirteen New Marriage and Family Life Hymns #6 (1961) Meter: Tune Title: O JESU

We Have a Dream

Author: C. Stanley Thoburn Hymnal: Nine Hymns for Human Relations Day #9 (1977) Meter: First Line: We have a dream--a multitude Tune Title: O JESU

Thou, Lord, Whose Comely Strength Was Gained

Author: William W. Reid Hymnal: Fifteen New Christian Education Hymns #10 (1959) Meter: Languages: English Tune Title: O JESU
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They brought Him to the hill of death

Author: John Brownlie Hymnal: Hymns from the Morningland #12 (1911) Meter: Lyrics: I They brought Him to the hill of death Where ruthless felons died, And there, upon a cross of shame, The Christ was crucified; By wicked men the nails were driven, And God, in silence, looked from heaven. II They bade Him find His help in God, If He were Christ indeed, And save Himself, as He had saved So many in their need; Such taunting words like venom stung, And God beheld the arrows flung. III They wagged their heads in mocking scorn, And bade the Christ come down,— While from His wounds the blood-drops fell, And from the thorny crown; The spear uplifted pierced His side, And God beheld the crimson tide. IV All dark at noon, the sun refused His wonted light to shed, For sin and death had God defied, And Christ His Son was dead; And God had turned His face away, Nor heard the Christ in anguish pray. V All hail the Resurrection morn! The light returns again, And Christ is throned at God’s right hand Who once for man was slain; And God extends His pardoning grace, Nor hides the brightness of His face. Languages: English

With Trust in God, Our Fathers Framed

Author: C. Stanley Thoburn Hymnal: New Hymns for America #13 (1976) Meter: Languages: English Tune Title: O JESU

The Christian’s path shines more and more

Hymnal: Anglican Hymn Book #14 (1868) Meter: Languages: English

Thou, Lord, Whose Comely Strength Was Gained

Hymnal: My God Is There, Controlling, and Other Hymns and Poems #22 (1965) Meter: Languages: English

Lord, Hear the Right

Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Blue) #24 (1976) Meter: First Line: Lord, hear the right, regard my cry Topics: Character, Good; Deliverance From Trouble; Hearer Of Prayer, God The; Protection, Divine; Righteous And Wicked Contrasted; Vanity Of Riches; Stedfastness Scripture: Psalm 17 Languages: English Tune Title: LONGFELLOW
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Lord of My Life, Whose Tender Care

Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnal #24 (1941) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Lord of my life, whose tender care Hath led me on till now, Here lowly, at the hour of prayer Before Thy throne I bow. I bless Thy gracious hand and pray Forgiveness for another day. 2 Oh, may I daily, hourly, strive In heav'nly grace to grow, To Thee and to Thy glory live, Dead to all else below! Tread in the path my Savior trod, Tho' thorny, yet the path of God. 3 With prayer my humble praise I bring For mercies day by day. Lord, teach my heart Thy love to sing; Lord, teach me how to pray. All that I have and am, to Thee I offer thro' eternity. Amen. Topics: Adoration Worship and Praise Scripture: Psalm 95:6 Languages: English Tune Title: O JESU

O Thou, Whose Youthful Years Were Spent

Hymnal: My God Is There, Controlling, and Other Hymns and Poems #24 (1965) Meter: Languages: English Tune Title: O JESU
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To-day a wonder we behold

Author: John Brownlie Hymnal: Hymns of the Russian Church #25 (1920) Meter: Lyrics: To-day a wonder we behold, A Mystery profound,-- The Great Invisible of old Before our eyes is bound: And He Who came to set us free, Is held in base captivity. 26 The judge of all, to Whose assize The race of man shall wend, When He to judgement shall arise, And forth the summons send,-- Behold Him, faultless and alone, Before an earthly judgement throne. And cruel hands are on Him laid, And smite Him on the face, 'Though by Himself the hands were made, Thus sullied with disgrace; Creation, view the awful sight, The creature his Creator smite. He, Who Immortal Life bestows, And hades' might defies, Is hurried by relentless hands, To Calvary, where He dies;-- And all is borne,--the scorn, the Cross, In love to save our souls from loss. Languages: English
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Lord, Hear the Right, Regard My Cry

Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Red) #25 (1934) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Lord, hear the right, regard my cry, My prayer from lips sincere; Send Thy approval from on high, My righteousness make clear. Thou in the night my heart hast tried, Nor found it turned from Thee aside. 2 With steadfast courage I design No wrong to speak or do; Thy path of life I choose for mine And walk with purpose true. For help, O God, I cry to Thee, Assured that Thou wilt answer me. 3 O Thou that ever savest those Whose trust on Thee is stayed, Preserving them from all their foes By Thy almighty aid, Let me Thy loving-kindness see, Thy wondrous mercy, full and free. 4 O guard me well as one would guard The apple of the eye; While deadly foes are pressing hard, To Thee, to Thee I cry. Do Thou my rest and refuge be, O let Thy wings o'er shadow me. 5 My enemy, grown strong in pride, Would take my life away, A lion lurking by my side, Most greedy for his prey. Confront and cast him down, O Lord, From evil save me by Thy sword. 6 Defend me from the men of pride, Whose portion is below, Who, with life's treasures satisfied, No better portion know; They, with earth's joys and wealth content, Must leave them all when life is spent. 7 When I in righteousness at last Thy glorious face shall see, When all the weary night is past, And I awake with Thee To view the glories that abide, Then, then I shall be satisfied. Topics: Good Character; Deliverance From Trouble; Eternal Life; Immortality; Protection; Righteous And Wicked Contrasted; Stedfastness; Vanity Of Riches Scripture: Psalm 17 Languages: English Tune Title: LONGFELLOW


Author: Mary Baker Eddy Hymnal: Christian Science Hymnal (Rev. and enl.) #31 (1937) Meter: First Line: Brood o'er us with Thy shelt'ring wing Languages: English Tune Title: VITA


Author: Mary Baker Eddy Hymnal: Christian Science Hymnal (Rev. and enl.) #32 (1937) Meter: First Line: Brood o'er us with Thy shelt'ring wing Languages: English Tune Title: GOTTLOB

Lord of my life, whose tender care

Hymnal: A Church of England Hymn Book #35 (1880) Meter: Languages: English
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The man who erring counsel shuns

Author: John Brownlie Hymnal: Hymns from the Morningland #39 (1911) Meter: Lyrics: I The man who erring counsel shuns, Nor strays where sinners meet, But in the law of God delights In meditation sweet, Shall reap the happiness of those To whom the Lord His favour shews. II As tree beside the water brooks Whose leaf unfading lives, And when the time appointed comes, A bounteous fruitage gives;— So shall he prosper all his days, Whose hope is in God’s law always. III Not so the wicked,—they are chaff Before the wind that flies, Nor could they stand His searching glance, Should God in judgment rise; For known to God are all the right, But wicked men shall perish quite. Scripture: Psalm 1 Languages: English
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The wily Judas watches near

Author: John Brownlie Hymnal: Hymns of the Greek Church #42 (1900) Meter: Lyrics: The wily Judas watches near The Master’s path to-day, That he may into wicked hands The Eternal Lord betray, Who in the desert lone and dread Supplied the multitudes with bread. To-day the wicked one denies His Teacher and his Friend— Once a disciple, he betrays His Master in the end. For silver, see the Lord is sold, Who manna gave in days of old. To-day the Jews on Calvary A cruel Cross have raised, And nailed upon that Cross, their Lord Have wickedly abased, Who made a pathway through the sea And led them from captivity. To-day the spear is lifted high And thrust into His side, Who for His people raised His hand And wounded Egypt’s pride; They give Him vinegar and gall, Who showered down manna on them all. Languages: English
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O Jesus, when my guilty fears

Author: John Brownlie Hymnal: Hymns from the Morningland #60 (1911) Meter: Lyrics: I O Jesus, when my guilty fears My wakened soul distress, And Judgment for the past appears In all its awfulness,— Bid gathering clouds asunder roll, And shed Thy sunshine in my soul. II When from their long-forgotten grave My guilty deeds arise, And terror proves me yet the slave My soul would fain despise,— From stings of memory heal my soul, And free me from sin’s dire control. III O Lord, in Whom my hope is set, I look in faith to Thee; From sin, and guilt, and sad regret, My soul in mercy free;— For, in that mercy, Lord, I trust, And lie, repenting, in the dust. Topics: Penitence and Love Languages: English
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My heart was sad because of sin

Author: John Brownlie Hymnal: Hymns of the Russian Church #65a (1920) Meter: Lyrics: My heart was sad because of sin, And lo, the night came down, And dark without, and dark within I shrank before Thy frown; Now pity, Lord, my woeful state, And save me in Thy mercy great. I lift mine eyes to where the Christ My awful burden bore, And see the offering that sufficed,-- His stripes and anguish sore; The riven side, the thorny crown, The wounds from which His blood flowed down. O Love no loving heart e'er gave! Like light from heaven it flows; And now for Him Who died to save, My love responsive glows; And joy resounds my heart within, That once was sad because of sin. Languages: English

Itancan Zion okiya (The Lord His help to Zion gives)

Author: William T. Selwyn Hymnal: Wakan Cekiye Odowan #68 (1946) Meter: Topics: The Church Languages: Dakota
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To depths of earth Thou didst descend

Author: St. John of Damascus; John Brownlie Hymnal: Hymns of the Greek Church #72 (1900) Meter: Lyrics: To depths of earth Thou didst descend, O Christ, to break the chain That held the sons of men enslaved, And lead them forth again; As Jonah left the living grave, So cam’st Thou forth, O Christ, to save. Unbroken were the seals when Thou Didst leave the dismal tomb, Even as the virgin bars remained When Thou didst leave the womb; And Thou hast ope’d the gates of heaven, And entrance free to all is given. O Thou, my Saviour and my God, Who camest from above, And gav’st Thyself for sinful men An offering of love! Now, rising from the grave, we see Our human race arise with Thee. Languages: English
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Shine forth, O new Jerusalem

Author: St. John of Damascus; John Brownlie Hymnal: Hymns of the Greek Church #78 (1900) Meter: Lyrics: Shine forth, O new Jerusalem! O Zion, shout with glee! For now the glory of the Lord Is risen upon thee; O mother pure of God’s own Son, Rejoice—His victory is won! O dear and sweetest voice divine, O Christ, Thou wilt befriend, And lead Thy people safely on E’en to their journey’s end; Thy faithful people hear Thy voice, And in that steadfast hope rejoice. O Christ, our sacred Paschal feast, The Word, the might of God,— His wisdom most ineffable By Thee is shed abroad; O may we feast on Thee for aye In Thy blest realm of endless day. Languages: English
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I look to Thee in every need

Author: Rev. Samuel Longfellow Hymnal: The Hymnal #79 (1950) Meter: Lyrics: 1 I look to Thee in every need, And never look in vain; I feel Thy strong and tender love, And all is well again: The thought of Thee is mightier far Than sin and pain and sorrow are. 2 Discouraged in the work of life, Disheartened by its load, Shamed by its failures or its fears, I sink beside the road; But let me only think of Thee And then new heart springs up in me. 3 Thy calmness bends serene above, My restlessness to still; Around me flows Thy quickening life, To nerve my faltering will: Thy presence fills my solitude; Thy providence turns all to good. 4 Embosomed deep in Thy dear love, Held in Thy law, I stand; Thy hand in all things I behold, And all things in Thy hand; Thou leadest me by unsought ways, And turn'st my mourning into praise. Amen. Topics: God the Father His Love and Fatherhood; Aspiration; Calmness; Christ Presence, His Living; Comfort; God Guidance, His; God Love and Fatherhood, His; God Presence, His Abiding; Hope; Inner Life, The; Love and Communion; Meditation; Rest; Trust and Confidence Tune Title: O JESU

Thou art the Everlasting Word

Author: Josiah Conder, 1789-1855 Hymnal: The Hymnary for use in Baptist churches #80 (1936) Meter: Topics: God The Lord Jesus Christ - His Advent and Nativity; God The Lord Jesus Christ - His Life Among Men Languages: English Tune Title: PALMYRA

Ateunyanpi, Adam he (O North, with all thy vales of green)

Author: William Cullen Bryant; William J. Cleveland Hymnal: Wakan Cekiye Odowan #86 (1946) Meter: Topics: Children's Hymns Languages: Dakota

Have We Not Known? Have We Not Heard

Author: Timothy Dudley-Smith Hymnal: New Hymns of Hope #95 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Have we not known? Have we not heard how from that throne on high there sprang, at God's creative word, our earth and sea and sky? Beneath his heaven stands displayed this firmly-founded world he made. 2 Our days on earth are in his hand, our thread of life, how frail! Before his greatness none can stand, no mortal strength prevail. All human pride and power must fall: his kingdom stands and orders all. 3 The starry host he holds in place and they his power proclaim; beyond the darkest depths of space he knows them all by name. No hand but his could set them there, no mind in majesty compare. 4 Have we not heard? Have we not known how God shall still sustain the heart that looks to him alone and his eternal reign? where borne aloft on eagles' wings we share the song creation sings. Topics: Creation; God Father; Providence; Trust Scripture: Isaiah 40:21-31 Languages: English

The cross, upraised on Calvary’s height

Hymnal: Anglican Hymn Book #97 (1868) Meter: Languages: English
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O North, with all thy vales of green

Author: William Cullen Bryant Hymnal: The Hymnal #107 (1916) Meter: Lyrics: O North, with all thy vales of green, O South, with all thy palms! From peopled towns and vales between, Uplift the voice of psalms; Raise, ancient East, the anthem high, And let the youthful West reply. Lo, in the clouds of heaven appears God's well-beloved Son; He brings a train of brighter years; His kingdom is begun. He comes, a guilty world to bless With mercy, truth, and righteousness. O Father, haste the promised hour, When at his feet shall lie All rule, authority, and power, Beneath the ample sky; When he shall reign from pole to pole, The Lord of every human soul: When all shall heed the words he said Amid their daily cares, And by the loving life he led Shall seek to pattern theirs; And he who conquered death shall win The mightier conquest over sin. Amen. Languages: English Tune Title: BRYANT

Tydi, a roddaist liwi'r wawr (O Thou that gave the magic dawn)

Author: T. Rowland Hughes; Aneirin Talfan Davies Hymnal: Welsh and English Hymns and Anthems #109 (1979) Meter: Languages: English; Welsh Tune Title: TYDI A RODDAIST

How Wickedly They Spread Their Lies

Author: Christopher Idle Hymnal: Christian Worship #109A (2021) Meter: Lyrics: 1 How wickedly they spread their lies and speak with vicious tongue! My prayer, my friendship they despise and do me groundless wrong. I praise my God, but I implore: do not stay silent any more. 2 How terribly will they be shamed when they are justly tried! Their days are shortened, prayers condemned, th'accuser at their side. The traitor dies in deep disgrace, so let another take his place. 3 How fearfully we hear the doom on all their kith and kin! Their work, their wealth, their name, their home all suffer for their sin. They did not bless and reaped the blame; they loved to curse and curses came. 4 How tenderly the LORD will deal with us, when stalked by death! The wounded he will lift and heal, the fainting, fill with breath. I plead your love, your name alone: save me, my God; your pow'r make known! 5 How graciously your hand will bless when my accusers curse! Dishonor is their chosen dress; their slanders you reverse. I praise the LORD who judges them; when God defends, who shall condemn? Topics: Bitterness; Enemies; Injustice; Justice; Lies; Slander; Ten Commandments 8th Commandment (You shall not give false witness) Scripture: Psalm 109 Languages: English Tune Title: TYDI A RODDAIST
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A Fount of mercy, Lord, Thou art

Hymnal: Hymns of the Early Church #114 (1913) Meter: Lyrics: A Fount of mercy, Lord, Thou art, Perennial and Divine; Thou Source of every lasting good, All needed grace is Thine; Now to the sufferer healing give, And touch the sick, that he may live. O Saviour, Who alone art God, Thy hand is quick to heal, For Thou didst wear our feeble flesh, And all its ailments feel; And Thou canst make the sufferer whole, And save the sin-afflicted soul. 115 O Christ, the great Physician Thou, Tender and full of power; Now with the oil of grace anoint The sufferer at this hour; Bid Thou the pain and weakness cease, And give the sore afflicted peace. Languages: English
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I Look to Thee in Every Need

Author: Samuel Longfellow Hymnal: The Hymnbook #114 (1955) Meter: Lyrics: 1 I look to Thee in every need, And never look in vain; I feel Thy strong and tender love, And all is well again: The thought of Thee is mightier far Than sin and pain and sorrow are. 2 Discouraged in the work of life, Disheartened by its load, Shamed by its failures or its fears, I sink beside the road; But let me only think of Thee And then new heart springs up in me. 3 Thy calmness bends serene above, My restlessness to still; Around me flows Thy quickening life, To nerve my faltering will: Thy presence fills my solitude; Thy providence turns all to good. 4 Enfolded deep in Thy dear love, Held in Thy law, I stand; Thy hand in all things I behold, And all things in Thy hand; Thou leadest me by unsought ways, And turnest my mourning into praise. Amen. Topics: God Guide; God Presence; God Strength and Refuge; Trust; God the Father His Presence Scripture: Psalm 30:5 Tune Title: O JESU
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I look to thee in every need

Author: Samuel Longfellow Hymnal: The Hymnal #128 (1921) Meter: Topics: God Nearness of; God Omniscient; Praise to God the Father in His Fatherhood; Thought of God, The Languages: English Tune Title: PALMYRA
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I look to thee in every need

Author: Rev. Samuel Longfellow Hymnal: The Hymnal #128 (1912) Meter: Topics: The Father His Fatherhood and Love
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How Calm and Beautiful the Morn

Author: Thomas Hastings Hymnal: Church Hymnal, Mennonite #130 (1927) Meter: Topics: Christ Resurrection Scripture: Matthew 28:6 Languages: English Tune Title: HASTINGS

How Calm and Beautiful the Morn

Author: Thomas Hastings Hymnal: Church Hymnal, Mennonite #130 (2017) Meter: Topics: Christ Resurrection Scripture: Matthew 28:6 Languages: English Tune Title: HASTINGS
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Let songs of praises fill the sky

Author: Thomas Cotterill Hymnal: Common Service Book of the Lutheran Church #139 (1917) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Let songs of praises fill the sky: Christ, our ascended Lord, Sends down His Spirit from on high, According to His word. All hail the day of Pentecost, The coming of the Holy Ghost! 2 The Spirit by His heavenly breath Creates new life within; He quickens sinners from the death Of trespasses and sin. All hail the day of Pentecost, The coming of the Holy Ghost! 3 The things of Christ the Spirit takes, And to our hearts reveals; Our body He His temple makes, And our redemption seals. All hail the day of Pentecost, The coming of the Holy Ghost! 4 Come, Holy Spirit, from above, With Thy celestial fire; Come, and with flames of zeal and love Our hearts and tongues inspire. All hail the day of Pentecost, The coming of the Holy Ghost! Amen. Topics: The Church Year Whitsunday- The Holy Spirit Languages: English Tune Title: MEIRINGEN

All hail, the pageant of the years

Author: John Haynes Holmes Hymnal: The Beacon Song and Service book #155 (1935) Meter: First Line: All hail the pageant of the years Topics: World Peace Languages: English Tune Title: O JESU

Lord, when before thy throne we meet

Hymnal: Anglican Hymn Book #156 (1868) Meter: Languages: English

Within a chamber, calm and still

Hymnal: Anglican Hymn Book #159 (1868) Meter: Languages: English

Alone With None But Thee

Author: St. Columba, 521-595; Unknown Hymnal: The Hymn Book of the Anglican Church of Canada and the United Church of Canada #193 (1971) Meter: First Line: Alone with none but thee, my God Tune Title: SOWBY

The wind that brake the rocks, and rent

Author: James Montgomery Hymnal: Sacred Poems and Hymns #198 (1854) Meter: Lyrics: The wind that brake the rocks, and rent The mountains in its path; The earthquake and the fire that went Before the Lord in wrath, Came not as spoilers to the prey, But heralds to prepare His way. 201 Himself the still small voice made known, In all His power and grace; So be to me his mercy shown, Terror to love give place: Than will I hide my face, and stay To hear what God the Lord will say. Topics: Still small voice, the Scripture: 2 Kings 19:11-12 Languages: English
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Let Songs of Praises Fill the Sky

Author: Thomas Cotterill Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnal #232 (1941) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Let songs of praises fill the sky: Christ, our ascended Lord, Sends down His Spirit from on high According to His Word. All hail the day of Pentecost, The coming of the Holy Ghost! 2 The Spirit by His heav’nly breath Creates new life within; He quickens sinners from the death Of trespasses and sin. All hail the day of Pentecost, The coming of the Holy Ghost! 3 The things of Christ the Spirit takes And shows them unto men; The fallen soul His temple makes, God’s image stamps again. All hail the day of Pentecost, The coming of the Holy Ghost! 4 Come, Holy Spirit, from above With Thy celestial fire; Come and with flames of zeal and love Our hearts and tongues inspire. Be this our day of Pentecost, The coming of the Holy Ghost! Amen. Topics: The Church Year Pentecost Scripture: Romans 5:5 Languages: English Tune Title: ERFURT
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Lord of My Life, Whose Tender Care

Hymnal: Christian Worship (1993) #232 (1993) Meter: First Line: Lord of mylife, whose tender care Lyrics: 1 Lord of my life, whose tender care Has led me on till now, Here lowly, at the hour of prayer, Before your throne I bow. I bless your gracious hand and pray Forgiveness for another day. 2 Oh, may I daily, hourly, strive In heav'nly grace to grow, To you and to your glory live, Dead to all else below! Tread in the path my Savior trod, Though thorny, yet the path of God. 3 To you my humble praise I bring For mercies day by day. Lord, teach my heart your love to sing; Lord, teach me how to pray. All that I have and e'er can do I'll use to serve and honor you. Topics: Opening of Service; Opening of Service Languages: English Tune Title: O JESU, WARUM LEGST DU MIR
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How calm and beautiful the morn

Author: Thomas Hastings Hymnal: The Hymnal #240 (1921) Meter: Topics: Christ Resurrection of; Resurrection Of Christ Languages: English Tune Title: HASTINGS
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How calm and beautiful the morn

Author: Thomas Hastings Hymnal: The Hymnal #240 (1912) Meter: Topics: Jesus Christ Our Lord Resurrection
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Author: Cotterhill Hymnal: The Hymn Book of the African Methodist Episcopal Church #245 (1877) Meter: First Line: Let songs of praises fill the sky! Topics: The Holy Spirit Languages: English


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