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Tune Identifier:"^bangor_tansur$"

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Deepen the wound Thy hands have made

Author: Charles Wesley, 1707-88 Hymnal: The Methodist Hymn-Book with Tunes #556 (1933) Meter: Topics: The Christian Life Christian Holiness Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

Alas! By Nature How Depraved

Author: John Newton Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #14 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Alas! by nature how depraved, How prone to every ill! Our lives, to Satan, how enslaved, How obstinate our will! 2. And can such sinners be restored, Such rebels reconciled? Can grace itself the means afford To make a foe a child? 3. Yes, grace has found the wondrous means Which shall effectual prove; To cleanse us from our countless sins, And teach our hearts to love. 4. Jesus for sinners undertakes, And died that we may live; His blood a full atonement makes, And cries aloud, Forgive. 5. Yet one thing more must grace provide, To bring us home to God; Or we shall slight the Lord, who died, And trample on His blood. 6. The Holy Spirit must reveal The Savior’s work and worth; Then the hard heart begins to feel A new and heavenly birth. 7. Thus bought with blood, and born again, Redeemed, and saved, by grace Rebels, in God’s own house obtain A son’s and daughter’s place. Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

Alone thou goest forth, O Lord

Author: F. Bland Tucker; Peter Abelard, 1079-1142 Hymnal: The Hymnal of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America 1940 #68 (1940) Meter: Topics: Passiontide; Palm Sunday Evening Prayer Closing Tune Title: BANGOR
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O thou whose feet have climbed life's hill

Author: Louis F. Benson Hymnal: At Worship #70 (1951) Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

O for a heart to praise my God

Author: C. Wesley Hymnal: Mirfield Mission Hymn Book #91a (1948) Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR
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O very God of very God

Author: John Mason Neale Hymnal: The Hymnal #102 (1916) Meter: Lyrics: O very God of very God And very Light of Light, Whose feet this earth's dark valley trod, That so it might be bright; Our hopes are weak, our fears are strong, Thick darkness blinds our eyes; Cold is the night; thy people long That thou, their Sun, wouldst rise. And even now, though dull and gray, The east is brightening fast, And kindling to the perfect day, That never shall be past. O guide us till our path is done, And we have reached the shore Where thou, our everlasting Sun, Art shining evermore! We wait in faith, and turn our face To where the daylight springs, Till thou shalt come our gloom to chase, With healing in thy wings. Amen. Topics: Sundays after Epiphany Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

Alone Thou Goest Forth, O God

Author: F. Bland Tucker; Peter Abelard Hymnal: Hymns for the Living Church #133 (1974) Meter: First Line: Alone Thou goest forth, O Lord Topics: Christ Passion; Christ Sacrifice; Christ Suffering; Christ Triumphal Entry Scripture: Lamentations 1:12 Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

I Know Not How That Bethlehem's Babe

Author: Harry W. Farrington Hymnal: Pilgrim Hymnal #149 (1958) Topics: Life and Ministry Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

I am not worthy, holy Lord

Author: Henry Williams Baker Hymnal: Christian Praise #156 (1957) Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

Alone Thou Goest Forth, O Lord

Author: F. Bland Tucker, 1895-; Peter Abelard, 1079-1142 Hymnal: Pilgrim Hymnal #159 (1958) Topics: Passion and Cross Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

Alone Thou Goest Forth, O Lord

Author: F. Bland Tucker, 1895-; Peter Abelard, 1079-1142 Hymnal: Hymnbook for Christian Worship #169 (1970) Topics: Passion Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

Alone Thou Goest Forth, O Lord

Author: Peter Abelard (1079-1142); F. Bland Tucker (1895-1984) Hymnal: Common Praise (1998) #189 (1998) Meter: Topics: Holy Week (Good Friday) Scripture: Psalm 31 Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR
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O Lord and Master of us all

Author: J. G. Whittier (1807-92) Hymnal: A Missionary Hymn Book #205 (1922) Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

Alone you once went forth, O Lord

Author: Peter Abelard, 1079-1142; F. Bland Tucker, 1895-1984 Hymnal: The Book of Praise #232 (1997) Topics: Church Year Good Friday; Sin / Sinner Scripture: Matthew 27:45 Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR
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Prepared the trumpet's call to greet

Author: Thomas Gisborne (born c. 1760) Hymnal: The Oxford Hymn Book #280 (1920) Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

According to Thy Gracious Word

Author: James Mongtomery, 1771-1854 Hymnal: Pilgrim Hymnal #284 (1958) Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

Cast Out, O Christ

Author: Mary Louise Bringle Hymnal: Voices Together #285 (2020) Meter: First Line: Cast out, O Christ, cast far away Topics: Addiction; Praying For Healing; Addiction; Healing; Mental Health; Praying For Healing Scripture: Matthew 8:28-34 Tune Title: BANGOR

Alone You Journey Forth, O Lord

Author: F. Bland Tucker; Peter Abelard (1079-1142) Hymnal: The Worshipbook #294 (1972) Meter: Topics: Sacraments Lord's Supper; Christian Year Lent; Christian Year Good Friday; Other Observances World Communion Scripture: Lamentations 1:12 Tune Title: BANGOR
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According to Thy Gracious Word

Author: James Montgomery Hymnal: Psalter Hymnal (Gray) #298 (1987) Meter: Lyrics: 1 According to thy gracious word, in meek humility this will I do, my loving Lord: I will remember thee. 2 Thy body, given for my sake, my bread from heaven shall be; thy testamental cup I take, and thus remember thee. 3 Gethsemane can I forget, or there thy conflict see, thine agony and bloody sweat, and not remember thee? 4 When to the cross I turn mine eyes and rest on Calvary, O Lamb of God, my sacrifice, I must remember thee. 5 And when these failing lips grow dumb, and mind and memory flee, when thou shalt in thy kingdom come, then, Lord, remember me. Topics: Biblical Names & Places Calvary; Biblical Names & Places Gethsemane; Lord's Supper; Biblical Names & Places Calvary; Biblical Names & Places Gethsemane; Lord's Supper Scripture: Luke 22:19-20 Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR
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According to thy gracious word

Author: J. Montgomery, 1771-1854 Hymnal: The English Hymnal #300 (1906) Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

God, you have given us power to sound

Author: George W. Briggs Hymnal: Hymns and Psalms #345 (1983) Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

Though mountains may depart from thee

Author: U. R. L. Hymnal: Christian Science Hymnal (Rev. and enl.) #348 (1937) Meter: Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR
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O very God of very God

Author: John Mason Neale Hymnal: The Hymnal of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America 1940 #442 (1940) Meter: Topics: Advent; Advent II Morning Prayer General; Advent IV Evening Prayer Closing; Christ Guide and Leader; Epiphany IV Evening Prayer Opening; Personal Religion Hope Tune Title: BANGOR

Eternal God, We Look to Thee

Author: James Merrick Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #1330 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Eternal God, we look to Thee, To Thee for help we fly; Thine eye alone our wants can see, Thy hand alone supply. 2. Lord, let Thy fear within us dwell, Thy love our footsteps guide; That love will all vain love expel; That fear, all fear betide. 3. Not what we wish, but what we want, O let Thy grace supply; The good, unmasked, in mercy grant; The ill, though asked, deny. Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

The Foes of Zion Quake for Fright

Author: Charles H. Spurgeon Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #1569 Meter: Lyrics: 1. The foes of Zion quake for fright, Where no fear was they quail; For well they know that sword of might Which cuts through coats of mail. 2. The Lord of old defiled their shields, And laughed their spears to scorn, Their bones lay scattered o’er the field, By dogs and vultures torn. 3. Let Zion’s foes be filled with shame; Her sons are blessed of God; Though scoffers now despise their name The Lord shall break their rod. 4. Oh, would our God to Zion turn, God with salvation clad; Then Judah’s harps should music learn, And Israel be glad. Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

Hark! from the Tombs a Doleful Sound

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #2363 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Hark! from the tombs a doleful sound; My ears, attend the cry; “Ye living men, come view the ground Where you must shortly lie. 2. Princes, this clay must be your bed, In spite of all your towers; The tall, the wise, the reverend head Must lie as low as ours! 3. Great God! is this our certain doom? And are we still secure? Still walking downward to our tomb, And yet prepare no more? 4. Grant us the powers of quickening grace, To fit our souls to fly, Then, when we drop this dying flesh, We’ll rise above the sky. Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

How David, When by Sin Deceived

Author: John Newton Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #2569 Meter: Lyrics: 1. How David, when by sin deceived, From bad to worse went on! For when the Holy Spirit’s grieved, Our strength and guard are gone. 2. His eye on Bathsheba once fixed, With poison filled his soul; He ventured on adultery next, And murder crowned the whole. 3. So from a spark of fire at first, That has not been descried; A dreadful flame has often burst, And ravaged far and wide. 4. When sin deceives it hardens too, For though he vainly fought To hide his crimes from public view, Of God he little thought. 5. He neither would, or could repent, No true compunction felt; ’Till God in mercy Nathan sent, His stubborn heart to melt. 6. The parable held forth a fact, Designed his case to show; But though the picture was exact, Himself he did not know. 7. Thou art the man, the prophet said, That word his slumber broke; And when he owned his sin, and prayed, The Lord forgiveness spoke. 8. Let those who think they stand, beware, For David stood before; Nor let the fallen soul despair, For mercy can restore. Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

O God of Mercy, Hear My Call

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #4899 Meter: Lyrics: 1. O God of mercy, hear my call, My loads of guilt remove; Break down this separating wall, That bars me from my love. 2. Give me the presence of Thy grace, Then my rejoicing tongue Shall speak aloud Thy righteousness, And make Thy praise my song. 3. No blood of goats nor heifers slain, For sin could e’er atone; The death of Christ shall still remain Sufficient and alone. 4. A soul oppressed with sin’s desert, My God will ne’er despise; A humble groan, a broken heart, Is our best sacrifice. Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

O Zion, Open Wide Thy Gates

Author: Jean B. Santeuil; Edward Caswall Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #5553 Meter: Lyrics: 1. O Zion, open wide thy gates, Let priest and victim, both in one, The truth Himself, is here. 2. No more the simple flock shall bleed; Behold, the Father’s Son Himself to His own altar comes For sinners to atone. 3. Conscious of hidden deity, The lowly virgin brings Her newborn babe, with two young doves, Her humble offerings. 4. The agèd Simeon sees at last His Lord, so long desired, And Anna welcomes Israel’s hope, With holy rapture fired. 5. But silent knelt the mother blest Of the yet silent Word, And pondering all things in her heart, With speechless praise adored. 6. All glory to the Father be, All glory to the Son, All glory, Holy Ghost, to Thee, While endless ages run. Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

Terrible Thought! Shall I Alone

Author: Charles Wesley Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #6946 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Terrible thought! shall I alone— Who may be saved—Shall I Of all, alas! whom I have known, Through sin for ever die? 2. While all my old companions dear, With whom I once did live, Joyful at God’s right hand appear, A blessing to receive. 3. Shall I, amidst a ghastly band, Dragged to the judgment seat, Far on the left with horror stand, My fearful doom to meet? 4. Ah, no! I still may turn and live, For still His wrath delays; He now vouchsafes a kind reprieve, And offers me His grace. 5. I will accept His offers now, From every sin depart, Perform my oft-repeated vow And render Him my heart. 6. I will improve what I receive, The grace through Jesus giv’n; Sure, if with God on earth I live, To live with Him in Heav’n. Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

Why Doth the Lord Stand Off So Far?

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #7161 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Why doth the Lord stand off so far? And why conceal His face, When great calamities appear, And times of deep distress? 2. Lord, shall the wicked still deride Thy justice and Thy power? Shall they advance their heads in pride, And still Thy saints devour? 3. They put Thy judgments from their sight, And then insult the poor; They boast in their exalted height, That they shall fall no more. 4. Arise, O God, lift up Thine hand, Attend our humble cry; No enemy shall dare to stand When God ascends on high. 5. Why do the men of malice rage, And say, with foolish pride, The God of Heav’n will ne’er engage To fight on Zion’s side? 6. But Thou forever art our Lord; And powerful is Thine hand, As when the heathens felt Thy sword, And perished from Thy land. 7. Thou wilt prepare our hearts to pray, And cause Thine ear to hear; He hearkens what His children say, And puts the world in fear. 8. Proud tyrants shall no more oppress, No more despise the just; And mighty sinners shall confess They are but earth and dust. Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

Alas, My Aching Heart

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #7921 Meter: First Line: Alas, my aching heart! Lyrics: 1 Alas, my aching heart! Here the keen torment lies; It racks my waking hours with smart, And frights my slumbering eyes. 2 Guilt will be hid no more, My griefs take vent apace, The crimes that blot my conscience o’er Flush crimson in my face. 3 My sorrows like a flood Impatient of restraint Into Thy bosom, O my God, Pour out a long complaint. 4 This impious heart of mine Could once defy the Lord, Could rush with violence on to sin In presence of Thy sword. 5 As often have I stood A rebel to the skies, The calls, the tenders of a God, And mercy’s loudest cries. 6 He offers all His grace, And all His heaven to me; Offers! But ’tis to senseless brass That can nor feel nor see. 7 Jesus the Savior stands To court me from above, And looks and spreads His wounded hands, And shows the prints of love. 8 But I, a stupid fool, How long have I withstood The blessings purchased with His soul, And paid for all in blood? 9 The heav’nly Dove came down And tendered me His wings, To mount me upward to a crown And bright immortal things. 10 Lord, I’m ashamed to say That I refused Thy Dove, And sent Thy Spirit grieved away To His own realms of love. 11 Nor all Thine heav’nly charms, Nor Thy revenging hand Could force me to lay down my arms, And bow to Thy command. 12 Lord, ’tis against Thy face My sins like arrows rise, And yet, and yet, O matchless grace Thy thunder silent lies. 13 O shall I never feel The meltings of Thy love? Am I of such hell-hardened steel That mercy cannot move? 14 Now for one powerful glance Dear Savior, from Thy face! This rebel heart no more withstands, But sinks beneath Thy grace. 15 O’ercome by dying love I fall, And at Thy cross I lie; I throw my flesh, my soul, my all, And weep, and love, and die. 16 Rise, says the Prince of mercy, rise; With joy and pity in His eyes: “Rise and behold My wounded veins; Here flows the blood to wash thy stains. 17 See, My great Father’s reconciled: He said, and lo, the Father smiled; The joyful cherubs clapped their wings, And sounded grace on all their strings. Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

Father And Canst Thou Me Receive?

Author: Christian H. Bateman, 1813-1889 Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8568 Meter: First Line: Father and canst Thou me receive Lyrics: 1 Father and canst Thou me receive, So deep by sin defiled? And canst Thou let the rebel live And own Thy wandering child? 2 All sin, all rags, just as I am, My Father, will I come, All over guilt, I blush with shame, And yet through Christ I come. 3 Thy choicest robe shall deck me well Thy smile, my spirit cheer, Bright angels loud my welcome tell, Thy voice disperse my fear. 4 Oh wondrous grace! Oh love divine! That lets the sinner live, Father, receive me now as Thine, And now Thy welcome give! Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

Yonder Amazing Sight I See

Author: Samuel Stennett Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8698 Meter: First Line: Yonder—amazing sight!—I see Lyrics: 1 Yonder—amazing sight!—I see Th’incarnate Son of God, Expiring on the accursèd tree, And weltering in His blood. 2 Behold a purple torrent run Down from His hands and head: The crimson tide puts out the sun; His groans awake the dead. 3 The trembling earth, the darkened sky, Proclaim the truth aloud; And with th’amazed centurion cry, "This is the Son of God." 4 So great, so vast a sacrifice, May well my hope revive: If God’s own Son thus bleeds and dies, The sinner sure may live. 5 O that these cords of love divine, Might draw me, Lord to Thee, Thou hast my heart, it shall be Thine— Thine it shall ever be! Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

The Spring, Great God, At Thy Command

Author: Thomas Gibbons Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #8876 Meter: Lyrics: 1 The spring, great God, at Thy command, Leads forth the smiling year; Gay verdure, foliage, blooms and flowers, T’adorn her reign, appear. 2 But soon canst Thou in righteous wrath Blast all the promised joy, The elements await Thy nod To bless, or to destroy. 3 The sun, Thy minister of love, That from the naked ground Calls forth the hidden seeds to birth, And spreads their beauties round; 4 But now, at God’s dread order sends Destructive darts and fires; Hills, plains, and vales are parched with drought, And blooming life expires. 5 Like burnished brass, the heav’n around In angry terror burns; Our earth becomes a joyless waste, And into iron turns. 6 O pity, Lord, in our distress, Nor with our land contend; Bid the avenging skies relent, And showers of mercy send. Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

Long Has Divine Compassion Strove

Author: Anne Steele Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #9474 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Long has divine compassion strove With this rebellious land; O justice, long has pleading love Withheld thy dreadful hand. 2 At lengths, ye people, lift your eyes, Your crimes no more pursue; Behold the gathering tempest rise, And tremble at the view! 3 See, fraught with vengeance, how it spreads! To mercy instant fly; E’er yet it burst upon your heads, Repent, repent—or die. 4 Late raging storm, ’twas mercy stayed, Her voice destruction heard, Th’impetuous winds her voice obeyed, And awful justice spared. 5 Shall every warning be in vain Your ruin to prevent? Indulgent mercy calls again, Return, repent! repent! 6 The voice, ye people, hear with awe, O hear, and turn to God; Lest mercy, long abused, withdraw, And leave you to the rod. 7 Almighty God, Thy powerful grace Can change us, and forgive; Can save a guilty rebel race, And say, Repent, and live. 8 O let Thy powerful grace appear, And justice sheath her sword; Then shall a rescued nation fear And love and praise the Lord. Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

See, Gracious God, Before Thy Throne

Author: Anne Steele Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #9516 Meter: Lyrics: 1 See, gracious God, before Thy throne Thy mourning people bend! ’Tis on Thy sovereign grace alone, Our humble hopes depend. 2 Tremendous judgments from Thy hand, Thy dreadful power display: Yet mercy spares this guilty land, And yet we live to pray. 3 Great God, and why this nation spare, Ungrateful as we are? O be these awful warnings heard, While mercy cries, Forebear. 4 What numerous crimes increasing rise, Where Satan shows his smile? What land so favored of the skies, And yet what land so vile? 5 How changed, alas! are truths divine, For error, guilt and shame! What impious numbers, bold in sin, Disgrace the Christian name! 6 O bid us turn, almighty Lord, By Thy resistless grace; Then shall our hearts obey Thy word, And humble seek Thy face. 7 Then should insulting foes invade, We shall not sink in fear; Secure of never failing aid, If God, our God, is near. Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

Dear Lord! Behold Our Sore Distress

Author: Isaac Watts Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #9795 Meter: Lyrics: 1 Dear Lord! behold our sore distress; Our sins attempt to reign; Stretch out Thine arm of conquering grace, And let Thy foes be slain. 2 The lion with his dreadful roar Affrights Thy feeble sheep: Reveal the glory of Thy power, And chain him to the deep. 3 Must we indulge a long despair? Shall our petitions die? Our mournings never reach Thine ear, Nor tears affect Thine eye? 4 If Thou despise a mortal groan, Yet hear a Savior’s blood; An advocate so near the throne Pleads and prevails with God. 5 He brought the Spirit’s powerful sword To slay our deadly foes; Our sins shall die beneath Thy Word, And hell in vain oppose. 6 How boundless is our Father’s grace, In height, and depth, and length! He makes his Son our righteousness, His Spirit is our strength. Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

Awake, My Drowsy Soul

Author: Philip Doddridge, 1702-1751 Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #12576 Meter: First Line: Awake, my drowsy soul, awake Lyrics: 1 Awake, my drowsy soul, awake And view the threatening scene: The foes in legion camp around, And treachery lurks within. 2 ’Tis not this mortal life alone These enemies assail; All thine eternal hopes are lost, If their attempts prevail. 3 Now to the work of God awake; Behold thy Maker near; The various, arduous task pursue With vigor and with fear. 4 The awful register goes on, Th’account will surely come, And opening day, or closing night May bear me to my doom. 5 Tremendous thought! How deep it strikes! Yet like a dream it flies, Till God’s own voice the slumbers chase From these deluded eyes. Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

When Wild Confusion Wrecks The Air

Author: Mather Byles Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #14441 Meter: Lyrics: 1 When wild confusion wrecks the air And tempests rend the skies, Whilst blended ruin, clouds and fire In harsh disorder rise; 2 Safe in my Savior’s love I’ll stand And strike a tuneful song, My harp all trembling in my hand, And all inspired my tongue. 3 I’ll shout aloud, Ye thunders, roll, And shake the sullen sky; Your sounding voices, pole to pole In angry murmurs cry. 4 The earth, she totters on her base, And clouds the heav’n deform; Blow, all ye winds from every place, And rush the final storm. 5 Come quickly, blessèd hope, appear, Bid swift thy chariot fly, Let angels tell thy coming near, And snatch me to the sky. 6 Around thy wheels in gladdest throng I’d bear a joyful part; All hallelujah on my tongue, All rapture in my heart. Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

Great God, The Terrors Of Thy Wrath

Author: Benjamin Beddome, 1717-1795 Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #16118 Meter: First Line: Great God, the ter­rors of Thy wrath Lyrics: 1 Great God, the ter­rors of Thy wrath, What mor­tal tongue can tell? A fie­ry stream comes is­su­ing forth, And lights the flames of hell. 2 No mi­ti­ga­tion can it know, Nor ev­er have an end; Its great­ness and du­ra­tion, too, All finite thought tran­scend. 3 But Thou, oh Lord, hast formed a plan, Replete with won­drous grace. To raise the fall­en crea­ture, man, To per­fect hap­pi­ness. 4 Through the atone­ment of my Lord, All sin may be for­giv’n; ‘Tis He rem­oves the flam­ing sword, Which barred the way to Heaven. 5 Should all the pow’rs of earth and hell Their force against me join, His cross will all my fears di­spel, And fill with peace di­vine. Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR
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How sweet and awful is the place

Hymnal: Book of Hymns and Tunes, comprising the psalms and hymns for the worship of God, approved by the general assembly of 1866, arranged with appropriate tunes... by authority of the assembly of 1873 #168a (1874) Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR


Hymnal: The Social Harp #218b (1973) First Line: That awful day will surely come Tune Title: BANGOR

How long, O Lord, will You forget

Author: Eric Schumacher Hymnal: Songs for Suffering Saints #2 (2004) Tune Title: Bangor

How long will your forget me, Lord

Author: Christopher Idle, 1938- Hymnal: The Book of Praise #6 (1997) First Line: How long will you forget me, Lord Lyrics: 1 How long will you forget me, Lord, and hide your face away? How long shall evils tear my heart and troubles fill my day? 2 Look on my need, O Lord my God who grants my every breath; give light that I may see your light, nor sleep the sleep of death. 3 Look on their threats and hear my cry, and answer when I call, or they will claim the victory who long to see me fall. 4 But since I trust your constant love, my heart is glad and free to sing the praises of the lord whose grace has rescued me. Topics: Discouragement / Despair; Doubt; God Love and Grace of; Lament; Light; Metrical Psalms; Music / Singing / Song; Trust Scripture: Psalm 13 Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

O love divine, of all that is

Author: John White Chadwick Hymnal: Hymns of the Spirit for Use in the Free Churches of America #51 (1937) Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR
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Return, O God of love return

Hymnal: The American Vocalist #53a (1849) Tune Title: BANGOR

How lovely are Thy dwellings fair!

Author: John Milton, 1608-1674 Hymnal: The Book of Praise #68b (1918) Meter: Topics: The Church The Sanctuary Scripture: Psalm 84:1 Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR
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God of my life, look gently down

Author: Watts Hymnal: Church Chorals and Choir Studies #68 (1850) Languages: English Tune Title: BANGOR

O, anfon Di yr Ysbryd Glân

Author: J. H. (1775-1854); Dl. J. (?-1848) Hymnal: Welsh and English Hymns and Anthems #85a (1979) Languages: Welsh Tune Title: BANGOR


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