1 A little while of toil and turmoil,
A little while His cross to bear;
A little while to witness for Him,
Then rest, sweet rest from all our care.
A little while, a little while;
Then we shall rest in heav’n so fair;
A little while, a little while;
Then we shall rest from all our care.
2 A little while to lift some burden,
A little while some load to share;
A little while some life to brighten,
Then rest, sweet rest from all our care. [Refrain]
3 A little while with sin to grapple,
A little while to do and dare,
A little while to learn to conquer,
Then rest, sweet rest from all our care. [Refrain]
4 A little while upon the journey,
A little while for courage rare,
A little while for cloud and sorrow,
Then rest, sweet rest from all our care. [Refrain]
Source: Victorious Life Hymns #206