1 A picture bright in tints of gold
Oft in my vision I behold;
That picture is my dear homeland
With mansions bright that e’er shall stand.
O home, sweet home, in yon blest clime
Safe from the crumbling hand of time,
The home a gift from God so free
Yes, mine unworthy tho’ I be.
2 Faith holds before my vanished sight
My home in yonder land of light;
Dear ones methinks I there can see
Whose mem’ry precious is to me. [Refrain]
3 The vision of those mansions fair
Helps lighten all my grief and care;
Yes, makes my heart with rapture swell
Yes, gives me joy no tongue can tell. [Refrain]
4 When closes here the book of life
And I shall leave earth’s din and strife,
With faith and hop all lost in sight
I dwell at home with saints in light. [Refrain]
Source: New Songs of the Gospel No. 3: for use in religious meetings #85