Al Dios de Abraham, loor

Representative Text

1 ¡Al Dios de Abraham, loor!
Su nombre celebrad;
¡Al que era, es y aún será,
El solo, eterno Dios,
de todo es Creador;
al único Supremo
Ser cantad loor.

2 ¡Cuán libre y sabio es
su Espíritu al obrar!
Su voz por el profeta aún
nos quiere hablar.
En todo corazón
su ley escrita está;
es inmutable y siempre fiel
en tierra y mar.

3 La vida infundió
en cada humano ser;
su amor, amparo nos será
sin fenecer.
¡Al vivo Dios, loor!
Su nombre celebrad.
¡Al que era, es y aún será,

Source: El Himnario Presbiteriano #17

Author: Daniel ben Judah

Born in Italy, a Jewish liturgical poet who lived in Rome. One of his hymns, “Yigdal Elohim Hai” contains the 13 articles of belief of Maimonides. The poem forms part of the morning prayer of Ashkenazims, sung by the Sephardim on Sabbath eves and holy days, included in the Romaniot fritual for Saturday evenings. John Perry Go to person page >

Paraphraser: Thomas Olivers

Thomas Olivers was born in Tregonan, Montgomeryshire, in 1725. His youth was one of profligacy, but under the ministry of Whitefield, he was led to a change of life. He was for a time apprenticed to a shoemaker, and followed his trade in several places. In 1763, John Wesley engaged him as an assistant; and for twenty-five years he performed the duties of an itinerant ministry. During the latter portion of his life he was dependent on a pension granted him by the Wesleyan Conference. He died in 1799. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A., 1872.… Go to person page >

Translator: George Paul Simmonds

Used pseudonyms G Paul S., J. Paul Simon, and J. Pablo Símon  Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: ¡Al Dios de Abraham, loor!
Title: Al Dios de Abraham, loor
English Title: The God of Abraham praise
Author: Daniel ben Judah
Paraphraser: Thomas Olivers
Translator: George Paul Simmonds
Meter: D
Source: Yigdal Elohim Hoi
Language: Spanish
Copyright: Public Domain



Instances (1 - 9 of 9)

¡Cantad al Señor! #66

Cáliz de Bendiciones #28

Celebremos Su Gloria #15

Page Scan

El Himnario #17

El Himnario Bautista de la Gracia #19

TextPage Scan

El Himnario Presbiteriano #17

Himnos de Vida y Luz #105

Page Scan

Mil Voces para Celebrar #28

Page Scan

Toda La Iglesia Canta #8

Include 4 pre-1979 instances
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