1. All hail, Thou resurrection!
All hail, Thou life and light!
All hail, Thou self perfection,
Sole source of grace and might!
Thy Church, O Christ, now greets Thee,
Uprising from the grave;
And every eye that meets Thee
Beholds Thee strong to save.
2. All hail, belovèd Jesus!
For Thou, indeed, art He
Whose death from sin can free us,
Whose life brings liberty.
Hence, let our faith embrace Thee
With warmest hand and eye,
And then delight to trace Thee
Ascending up on high.
3. O Savior, come in glory,
To raise Thy holy dead,
And end redemption’s story,
With crowns upon Thy head.
Then robed in white before Thee,
Without one stain or tear,
Shall all Thy saints adore Thee,
Midst wonder, love and fear!