All radiant in sunshine, and fair as life's morning

All radiant in sunshine, and fair as life's morning

Author: S. C. Niell
Published in 2 hymnals

Representative Text

1 All radiant in sunshine, and fair as life's morning,
Ere one gloomy shadow has darkened the day;
And flowers yet blooming, our pathway adorning,
Thou comest in gladness, sweet "Queen of the May."
We hail thee, fair sov'reign, fit representation
Of beautiful dreams, with which hope dazzles youth;
With hearts overflowing at thy coronation,
We offer the homage of love and of truth.

2 We'll weave thee a garland of spring's choicest treasures,
Bright tokens from heaven to gladden the earth;
And may their sweet emblems e'er speak of our pleasures,
As beauty and fragrance now tell of our mirth.
As subjects, we tender our loyal devotion,
And loud may our chorus resound o'er the green;
Our young hearts, though buoyant, are touched with emotion,
We hail thee! our sovereign, our lovely May Queen.

3 Old Time, with his scepter, will touch our bright flowers,
And cause them to wither and fade as a dream;
And beautiful visions in hope's sunny bowers,
Are pictures of life as appearances seem;
But all will not fail us, sweet memories linger,
And circle with glory such pictures as this;
And hope will cast anchor while faith points her finger
To that coronation in regions of bliss.

4 Thy garland, fair sovereign, of that crown immortal,
Reserved in the heavens, an emblem shall be;
And may we who greet thee at this happy portal,
There join the glad chorus, the song of the free;
Then, sorrows all banished, and safe home in glory,
Through unending ages we'll swell the glad strain;
And loud may the universe echo the story
Of Him who shall crown me--THE LAMB THAT WAS SLAIN.

Source: Kind Words: a new collection of hymns and tunes for sunday schools and the social circle #44

Author: S. C. Niell

(no biographical information available about S. C. Niell.) Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: All radiant in sunshine, and fair as life's morning
Author: S. C. Niell
Copyright: Public Domain



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