1 All things whatsoever your heart shall desire,
God promises ye shall receive them;
If when ye of Him shall steadfastly inquire,
Ye steadfastly too will believe Him.
Believe when ye pray, believe when ye pray,
And steadfastly keep on believing;
Believe when ye pray, for this is God’s way,
And steadfastly keep on believing.
2 Come just as you are, whatsoever you need,
Your poverty to Him confessing;
Come just as you are and His promises plead,
Receiving His fullness of blessing. [Refrain]
3 For all things are possible, still He doth say
To him who on Jesus believeth;
Then ask what ye will and believe when ye pray,
For whoso thus asketh, receiveth. [Refrain]
Source: Great Gospel Songs #100