1 Another day of holy service,
Of service for the glorious King,
Another day of pray'rful wrestling,
Another day of suffering,
Another day of testimony,
Another day of saving men,
By gentle words and holy conduct,
To righteousness them to constrain.
2 Another day of strength and vic'try,
Another day of holy joy,
Another day of sweet assurance,
While in my Master's blest employ,
Another day of rest so tranquil,
Leaning upon the promises,
Another day of hope transcendent,
Another day of Christ and grace.
3 Another day of deep heart-burnings;
Of blessed fellowship divine,
Another day of growth in knowledge,
Still more assured that Christ is mine,
Another day lived in the Spirit,
Another day in grace renewed,
Another day in love increasing,
Another day of faith in God.
4 Roll on, ye days of glad redemption,
Your happiness and suff'ring bring,
I soon will see the consummation,
I soon will stand before the King;
I hope to hear the welcome plaudit,
"Servant of God, well done, well done."
So, soul of mine, tho' others linger,
Toward the prize press on, press on!
Source: His Fullness Songs #133