1 Are you heavy hearted, are you sore distress’d?
Christ is all you need, He’s a friend indeed;
Are you over-burden’d, and with care distress’d?
Christ is all the friend you need.
Christ is all you need,
He’s a friend, He is a friend indeed;
Christ is all you need,
Christ is all the friend you need.
2 Have you broken vows and promises unkept?
Christ is all you need, He’s a friend indeed;
Once deserted and alone thy Saviour wept!
Christ is all the friend you need. [Chorus]
3 Have you been neglected for the cause you love?
Christ is all you need, He’s a friend indeed;
You shall be rewarded in the home above;
Christ is all the friend you need. [Chorus]
4 Let the world despise and scorn you as it may,
Christ is all you need, He’s a friend indeed;
You will shout His praises in the judgment day;
Christ is all the friend you need. [Chorus]
Source: Melodies of Salvation: a collection of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs #168