Are you worn and weary, burdened and oppressed?
Do you sigh in vain for comfort, peace and rest?
Lo! ‘tis freely offered—freely then receive,
Only trust, obey, and on the Lord believe!
I am coming, Lord, to Thee;
Thou canst fully pardon me;
All I am, and have, I freely give to Thee,
Knowing Thou hast mercy, grace, and love for me.
For the yoke is easy and the burden light;
Soul, no longer thy Redeemer’s mercy slight;
Canst thou not remember what He bore for thee
All the way from Bethlehem to Calvary?
“Whosoever will,” the invitation reads;
“Whosoever!” still the Spirit intercedes;
“Whosoever will,” O grace so full and free!
“Whosoever!” praise the Lord, includeth me!
Source: Twentieth (20th) Century Songs Part One #71