1 Arise, arise, ye Christians,
The King is drawing nigh;
Arise and hail with gladness
The Ruler from on high.
Come forth and sound the peal,
To Him your praises bringing
And glad hosannas singing
With holy festive zeal.
2 Look up, desponding mourners,
The King is very near;
Away with grief and sadness,
Your helper now is here.
We find Him in His Word,
The source of our salvation;
And sweetest consolation
His presence doth afford.
3 Be faithful, all ye subjects,
Your King is just and true;
Prepare for Him a highway,
Make all things straight and new.
He hath in mind our good,
So let us bear our crosses
And suffer all our losses
In calm and fearless mood.
4 Rejoice, ye heavy-hearted,
The King appears in might;
He evermore hath loved us
And brings us pure delight.
Now let us fear no more,
No evil shall befall us,
His children God doth call us;
We may His help implore.
5 How richly Thou dost bless us,
Thyself made poor and weak!
What love beyond expression
That sinners thus can seek!
O Lord, for this shall we,
To Thee our tribute bringing
And glad hosannas singing,
Thy grateful people be.
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #329