1 As a tree beside the water,
Has the Savior planted me;
All my fruit shall be in season,
I shall live eternally.
I shall not be moved,
I shall not be moved;
Anchored to the Rock of Ages,
I shall not be moved.
2 Tho' the tempest rage around me,
Thro' the storm my Lord I see,
Pointing upward to that haven,
Where my loved ones wait for me. [Chorus]
3 When by grief my heart is broken,
And the sunshine steals away,
Then His grace, in mercy given,
Changes darkness into day. [Chorus]
4 When at last I stand before Him,
Oh, what joy it will afford,
Just to see the sinner ransomed,
And behold my sov'reign Lord. [Chorus]
Source: Victory Songs: For the Church, Sunday School and Evangelistic Services. #28