1 Awake! for the Master is calling,
Arise, and to labor away;
Already the morning is breaking.
Go work in the vineyard today;
No time to be idle or slumber;
Go forth, for the workers are few;
O Christian, the Master is calling,
The Master is calling for you.
2 Go train up the vines that are lying
Where weeds of deep sorrow have grown;
Go scatter the dew of affection
Where discord and strife have been sown;
No time to be idle or slumber;
Go forth, for the workers are few;
Back-slider, return to your duty,
The Master is calling for you.
3 Hark, hear ye the song of the reapers?
Go join in the soul cheering strain;
Make haste, for the summer is waning,
Go work in the vineyard again;
No time to be idle or slumber;
Go forth, for the workers are few;
O sinner there’s room in the vineyard,
The Master is calling for you.
Source: Joyful Lays: a new collection of songs, prepared and adapted for the Sunday School #59