Nasif al-Yaziji (March 25, 1800 – February 8, 1871) was a Lebanese author at the times of the Ottoman Empire and father of Ibrahim al-Yaziji. He was one of the leading figures in the Nahda movement. We was a poet, wrote and translated many hymns, and helped in translating the complete Bible into Arabic.
ناصيف بن عبد الله بن جنبلاط بن سعد اليازجي (25 مارس 1800 - 8 فبراير 1871)، أديب وشاعر لبناني ولد في قرية كفر شيما، من قرى الساحل اللبناني في 25 آذار سنة 1800 م في أسرة اليازجي التي نبغ كثير من أفرادها في الفكر والأدب، وأصله من حمص.
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This story is associated with the writing of RATHBUN: One Sunday in 1849 Ithamar Conkey (b. Shutesbury, MA, 1815; d. Elizabeth, NJ, 1867) walked out of the morning service at Central Baptist Church, Norwich, Connecticut, where he was choir director and organist, frustrated because only one soprano f…
SICILIAN MARINERS is traditionally used for the Roman Catholic Marian hymn "O Sanctissima." According to tradition, Sicilian seamen ended each day on their ships by singing this hymn in unison. The tune probably traveled from Italy to Germany to England, where The European Magazine and London Review…