1 “Be filled with the Spirit,” O have ye not heard it,
Our hearts for his blessed indwelling were made?
The Comforter promised within us abiding,
Whose mind and whose soul upon Jesus are stay’d.
“Be filled with the Spirit,”
The Savior’s commandment obey,
“Be filled with the Spirit,”
Receive ye the blessing today.
2 “Be filled with the Spirit,” the Savior demands it,
“Be strong in the Lord and the pow’r of his might,”
Receive ye the holy anointing for service,
That you may win others from darkness to light. [Refrain]
3 “Be filled with the Spirit,” the promise inherit,
Let each one his Pentecost fully receive,
The wonderful blessing in all of its fulness
For all who on Jesus the Son will believe. [Refrain]
4 “Be filled with the Spirit,” be filled to o’erflowing
That others thro’ you this salvation may know;
The beautiful Christ-life that dwelleth within you
His power revealing wherever you go. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Matchless Love: for evangelistic services, devotional meetings and Sunday schools #37