1 Be not discouraged, God still is leading,
Stand on the promises found in His Word,
True pray’r prevaileth, God never faileth,
Go and obey the commands you have heard.
Be not discouraged, God still is leading,
Faithful is He if we trust in His name,
His banner o’er us, His cause victorious,
Eternal Sov’reign, forever the same.
2 Be not discouraged, God still is leading,
Not of ourselves can we overcome sin,
By faith prevailing, evil assailing,
Trusting in Jesus for strength we shall win. [Refrain]
3 Be not discouraged, God still is leading,
Ours not to murmur, but ours to obey,
Telling His glory, in song and story,
Following faithfully all of the way. [Refrain]
4 Be not discouraged, God still is leading,
Glorious the crown that we one day shall wear,
Pleasures supernal, riches eternal,
Free from the sorrow of sin and despair. [Refrain]
Source: Great Revival Hymns No. 2 #23