1 Be ye glad in the Lord, all ye people,
The glory of His triumphs sing;
Great and awful the name of Jehovah,
Who over all the earth is King.
Sing, sing His praise, sing His praise with gladness,
Sing the triumphs of your King;
In His justice and His mercy He reigneth;
Forever His praises sing.
2 He shall rule in His strength all the nations,
Our heritage for us shall choose;
With a shout and a song now exalt Him,
Who all the hostile world subdues. [Refrain]
3 Sing with joy to the praise of Jehovah,
Sing praises to our glorious King;
O’er the nations in justice He reigneth;
His praise with understanding sing. [Refrain]
4 Lo, the nations afar are His people,
In holiness His throne doth stand;
Unto Him all the kingdoms are bending,
His rule is over ev’ry land. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of the Kingdom: prepared for the use of young people's societies and adapter for prayer meetings, Sunday schools and the home #97