1 Beautiful Light,
Holy and true,
Shining for me,
Shining for you;
Star of the morn,
Brighter than Day.—
“I am the Light,
I am the Way.”
I am the Light,
I am the Way,
He that hath me
Never will stray,
I am the Life,
I am the Door,
Enter and live
2 Beautiful Way,
Holy and free,
Cast up for you,
Cast up for me;
Walk in the Way
Narrow and straight,
You it will lead
To the bright gate. [Refrain]
3 Beautiful Life,
Holy is he,
Living for you,
Living for me;
Dwelling in him
Mortals are blest,
Perfect in love,
Peaceful in rest. [Refrain]
Source: The Ark of Praise #85