Leanabh an Aigh (Child in the manger)

Representative Text

1. Beb' de Maria en stala trogo —
Kreinto nia, Estro kaj Di'
Lin anĝelaro laŭdas ĉiele —
Nia pekaro restas sur li.

2. Ame li portis homan malforton;
Vivis kaj mortis sur nia ter'
Li, la Savinto de la homaro,
Forta venkinto kontraŭ infer'.

3. Jam profetita homa infano,
Surtronigita supre en glor'.
Estro reganta la universon —
Sed nin gardanta en sia kor'.

Source: TTT-Himnaro Cigneta #47

Text Information

First Line: Beb' de Maria en stala trogo
Title: Leanabh an Aigh (Child in the manger)
Publication Date: 1971
Copyright: This text may still be under copyright because it was published in 1971.



BUNESSAN is a Gaelic tune that was first published (melody only) in Lachlan Macbean's Songs and Hymns of the Gael (1888) as a setting for Mary Macdonald's carol "Child in the Manger." The tune is named after Macdonald's birthplace on the Isle of Mull, Scotland. BUNESSAN is also well known as the set…

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Instances (1 - 1 of 1)

TTT-Himnaro Cigneta #47

Include 2 pre-1979 instances
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