1 Behold! behold! the fields already white,
Behold! behold! the fields already white,
The harvest great! the harvest great!
On every side the fields are white.
Come, O, come, now speaks the blessed Master,
Come, O, come, He calleth you and me;
Go ye forth today, Ye reapers, reapers,
Go ye forth today,
And gather in the golden grain.
And gather in the golden grain.
Go ye forth today, Ye reapers, reapers,
Go ye forth today,
And gather in the golden grain.
And gather in the golden grain.
2 Behold! behold! the fields already white,
Behold! behold! the fields already white,
The land we love, the land we love,
The glorious harvest field of God.
List, a call comes from the distant hamlet;
List whisper from the prairie wide; [Refrain]
Source: Hymns for Today: for Sunday Schools, Young People's Societies, The Church, The Home, Community Welfare Associations, and Patriotic Meetings #292