1 Behold, dear Lord, we come again,
To supplicate thy grace;
We feel our leanness and our wants;
We want to see thy face.
2 Thou know’st, dear Lord, for what we’re come;
Each heart is known to thee.
Lord, give our burdened spirits rest,
And bid us all go free.
3 We’ve nothing of our own to plead,
We come just as we are;
And who can tell but God may bless,
And drive away our fear?
4 While one is pleading with our God,
May each one wrestle too;
And may we feel the blessing come,
And cheer us ere we go.
5 Then shall we sing of sovereign grace
And feel its power within;
And glory in our Surety, Christ,
Who bore our curse and sin.
6 For this we come, for this we plead,
In spite of every foe;
Until thou give this blessing, Lord,
We would not let thee go.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #677