68. Blessed be the Lord, e'en Israel's God,
Praise be our constant theme;
Who came to visit his poor flock,
And them with price redeem.
69. He our salvation's horn hath raised.
His servant David's heir:
70. As, by his holy prophets mouth,
He did from first declare.
71. That we should, from our enemies,
Complete salvation gain;
And from the hand of all us hate
Deliverance obtain.
72. The mercy promised to perform,
And hiss holy covenant mind;
73. The oath, by which, himself, he did,
To Father Abraham, bind.
74. That us, from foes hands freed, he would,
Fearless, to serve him, give;
75. In holiness, and righteousness,
Before him, whilst we live.
76. Thou child, the prophet of the Lord,
Shalt go before his face,
The herald of the highest styled,
Sent to prepare his ways.
77. By pardon of his people's sins,
To make salvation known.
78. The rising sun, through boundless grace,
From high hath on us shone:
79. To enlighten those in darkness sit,
And in death's shade abide;
The way to peace, and happiness,
Our wandering feet to guide.
A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752