1 Blessed Jesus I cry from the depths of my woe,
Oh, list to the voice of my sorrow,
Take me up in Thine arms, and oh, let me not go,
Give me hope for the joy of the morrow.
Tho’ bitter my sin I can cry unto Thee,
And know that Thou wilt receive me;
While repentant I bow, Lord Thou hearest me,
I know that Thou wilt relieve me.
While repentant I bow, Lord Thou hearest me,
I know that Thou wilt relieve me.
2 Unto Thee, blessed Christ, from all peril and fear;
With heart that is trembling and weary,
I can fly and have rest; for I know Thou art near,
Though dark is the world and dreary.
Thou wilt never forsake those who seek Thy dear face;
Dear Saviour, I’m calling, O hear me;
Send down from above Thy full saving grace,
Send love from thy throne to cheer me.
Send down from above Thy full saving grace,
Send love from thy throne to cheer me.
3 Although bitter this world, and so filled with grief;
My life, so sinful and cheerless,
I can fly unto Thee and secure that relief,
Which will make me pure and fearless.
To the shade of Thy sheltering wing I will fly,
Seek refuge from all life’s distresses;
There abide in Thy love without shadow or sigh,
Find joy in Thy loving caresses.
There abide in Thy love without shadow or sigh,
Find joy in Thy loving caresses.
Source: Boundless Love: for Sunday Schools and Gospel Meetings #128